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One x One A twist of Fate


Daydream Queen
I'd like this to be detailed enough so we can keep this afloat, so follow my character's format.
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Meet Shae

"When I was little girl I didn't want to be anything grand. I just wanted to experience life as how it was presented to me."



Shannon WIlson




23 - Shae hates revealing her age to others though, most don't even know how old she truly is.

Date of Birth:

June 28th

Astrology Sign:


Sexual Orientation:


Relationship Status:

None so far.

Home town:

Originally from Chicago, Illinois


General Manager at a local bookstore called Nanny's Nook.

In the evening she is a hostess at a bar, and usually ends up helping run orders anyway because they are understaffed.


"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation."


Eye Color

Shae's eyes are a very vibrant blue-green.

Hair Style/Color

Long brown hair, naturally wavy. In the sunlight you can see streaks of lighter brown, and some natural red tints. She enjoys straightening her hair at times as well, but usually just lets it fall naturally.

Skin Tone

Being Irish, Shae is very pale. She almost glows in sunlight.

Clothing Style

Shae has a very simple style of fashion. She loves wearing soft t-shirts, leather jackets, and skinny jeans.

Make Up

Shae is very girly and enjoys putting on eyeliner and mascara. She usually spends about twenty minutes of her morning doing her make up.



On her left shoulder blade she has a tribal turtle with a full moon as the shell and on her wrist is a black feather.


She also has seven piercings overall -- regular ears, doubles, two cartilage piercings on her right ear, and three on her left. She also has a nose ring, or a stud, depending on how she's feeling that day.


“Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.”


Highly imaginative ~ Emotional ~ Moody ~ Introverted

About Me:

Highly Imaginative:

"I used to write fantasy stories because my reality sucked.... But then, my fantasy world started sucking too..."

Shae's imagination is usually on over drive. In high school, she was usually the girl with a different 5-7 hundred page book. Being a creative soul in general, she enjoys dipping into all sorts of different art forms. In high school she was into improv groups, slam poetry contests, and theater. However, her main passions are writing and reading. Her love for writing, as well as reading, was the wind beneath her wings throughout high school and into college. She ended up majoring in English with a minor in creative writing and now works for a local bookstore called Nanny's Nook.

Emotional and Moody:

"Emotions are the bane of my existence..."

Shae is extremely emotionally intelligent; she can read people easily and prides herself in that area. However, her emotions often get the best of her, causing her to be extremely reactionary to most situations. Although she puts effort into really trying to be more understanding, she is also very defensive. This causes her to often become aloof if she feels emotionally exposed.


"When I say I need to be alone let me be."

Shae is a pure introvert, she often refers to herself as a phone battery. She starts off the day with her highest amount of potential, and as the day progresses she finds herself feeling depleted by the end of the day. She usually has to 'recharge' and take a break from her daily routine in order to not get moody and over-emotional.

Gender Fluid

"The soul is genderless, why should I have to conform to one or the other?"

Shae is extremely gender fluid. One day she could dress up very girly, and the next day dress like a boy. Her personality is extremely malleable when it comes to associating with different genders, although she prefers hanging out with boys instead of girls.


"I know that yes, we are apart of the universe... We are in this world.. But perhaps more importantly than both of those things is that the universe is in us."

Shae is very big on spiritually, and it will probably be one of the first things people notice about her. She practices meditation, and finds comfort in healing stones, essential oils, and incense. She loves reading up on spiritual practices and exploring new theories of the complex universe.


"Test my loyalty, and I'll test the flexibility of your wrists."

It takes a while for Shae to warm up to others, but once she is friends with someone, she is extremely loyal. She is never quick to love, but when she does it comes with a driving force and shows a softer, more protective, side of her.


Shae has a tendency to be very, very defensive. This is usually more prominent when she is around new people. Her sarcastic side will slide out more so around new faces. She always has her guard up, especially since she moved out to the city.


  • Video Games

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Hanging with her cat

  • Coffee

  • Chocolate

  • Quiet

  • Animals

  • Smoking

  • Healing crystals

  • Tea


  • Cooking

  • Those who push her personal bubble

  • Being stuck in the same place for too long

  • Overly excitable people

  • The concept of One Direction being the "New Beatles." That's such bullshit.

  • People who can't get their shit together

  • Liars

  • Friendships with girls - Shae has had some bad experiences with girls, and growing up as the youngest in a family of all boys she finds herself connecting more with boys than girls

  • Narrow-minded people


"Just because you're sitting between the past and future doesn't mean you're living in the present."

@Faith Blackwood

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