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Fantasy A Twins Dream: World as We Once Knew [Closed/Editing]


그녀 는 여왕 폐하
This RP does not have a set amount of characters! Jump in's are allowed but all must still send a character profile to me for information and organization purposes.

Not interested in a set role? Skip to character skelly below

I will need one detailed and active person to play a male role:

Alice's boyfriend: [open]

Please note that this is a character specific role.

Brief back story:

The two have been together for a year and a half; one of Alice's longest relationships and are still going strong. Alice was known to have many 'boy toys' but never took any guy to seriously..until he showed up..

Character specifics:

The character must either somewhat mirror or compliment Alice's personality(I prefer for this role to be filled by someone that is skilled in playing a semi serious, strong and intellectual role.). Because of Alice's personality, this role also requires a more...physically appealing character. Other than human(Alice hates humans), you may choose species specifics. Any other information is your own. If interested in the role, please PM me and title it Lollipop.
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Skeleton key

Appearance: [Anime only]
Hi, my name is...[insert full name]
But feel free to call me...[Nickname(s)?]
What am I? Well I am a...[Race]
I am...[Age]
I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...[Hetero, Bi, Pan, etc]
It's a long story, but i guess I can shorten it...[brief bio]
I have special ability's...[3 max]
It's what is said about me...[Personality, traits, etc]
Well if you must know...
❤ Crush-
❤ Likes-
✖ Dislikes-
Say hello to my puppet master...[username]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.3c5baf3106a444ccddca0149e84aac1e.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.3c5baf3106a444ccddca0149e84aac1e.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hi, our name's are... Alice Merie[white hair] & Alissa Sherie[black hair] Hail

But feel free to call me... Alice.. Ali, Lissa, Lissy

What are we? Well, we are... Neko

We are...20 (Alice is the eldest twin)


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Bisexual . Heterosexual

It's a long story, but i guess I can shorten it... TBE


I have special ability's...

Alice] Alice is venomous. From her teeth to her razor sharp claw's, Alice can poison her victim with a single bite/scratch. The antidote? Aside from one other cure that only her sister and herself know of, a couple licks from her to the wounded area will do the trick. Alice is also very in tune with magic and can draw from her feline ancestors powers dating all the way back to ancient Egypt, when needed. The twins also have the obvious enhanced senses, flexibility and agility

Alissa] Unlike her sisters deadly teeth and claws, Alissa's are not lethal but are almost just as painful. A single bite or scratch from her and the wound will burn like an inextinguishable fire and will last for a couple of hours before finally fading away. In addition to her impossibly painful teeth and claws, Alissa also has the power to be in two places at once. Feline senses, flexibility and agility.

It's what is said about us...

Alice] The bad ass. The bitch. The flirt. Alice is layed back and has a more 'I don't give a fuck' kind of attitude. She does what she wants and nothing she doesn't. She's blunt, but honest. Harsh at time's but trust worthy. You'll only ever see her softer side with her sister and her boyfriend but even then she try's to keep up that mean facade.

Alissa] Alissa's the more cheerful, happy-go-lucky twin. She's care free and happy and you can bet you'll almost always see a smile on her face. She's not necessarily as strong as her sister but she is pretty strong. Honesty , kindness and loyalty are her best quality's. A bit on the goofy side and she likes to make people feel good.

Well if you must know...

❤ Crush
- Her boyfriend

No one atm

❤ Likes- Alice BoysVideo gamesSleepingMilk

Alissa SocializingRomantic novelsCherry'sBoys

✖ Dislikes- Alice -Dogs-Humans-Annoying people-Being called weak

Alissa -Mean people-Angry Alice-Bugs-Rain

Extra: The twins are telepathic but only with each other. They also can not harm one another with their powers.


Say hello to my puppet master...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.c3c01eb824d94a7fb5fcb52d1bae3416.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.c3c01eb824d94a7fb5fcb52d1bae3416.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.0ee04d3f86c9c6bd332549b3d3f27895.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/nkil.jpe.0ee04d3f86c9c6bd332549b3d3f27895.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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