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Realistic or Modern A Town Called Crystal


New Member
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I have a quick question about the sign-up form. I see how you mention that we can have two characters but they have to be a male and a female... do you mind if my second character was actually a male? It seems as though you're in need of one. (:


~ Trancyhive
@HesitationOblivion also would you care if Xanthe had a crush on Casper? The whole story (obviously) isn't gonna revolve around like, romance but I like stories with a little bit of it in there, ya know? hahah
Hi everyone, I'll only be able to be on sporadically through out the day because of school but I'll try to be on as much as possible.
I've got to go to, unfortunately, but I should be back in an hour or two. Hopefully the other characters can just jump in to, soon, if they happen to come on.
Hey guys! I was just wondering if you were still interested in this? It's cool if you're not, I was just wondering.

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