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A thing called Love

Crimson Lionheart

Demon of Razgriz
@Melody Frazier

I'm just going to allow the both of us to have any sort of beginning that we want. When your ready, we can begin.
(Might as well be a guy)

Christopher Woods was walking home from school. He wasn't the most social person, nor did he personally feel like he had the responsibility to be. He was about 5ft 8 and was fairly skinny. Chris had bright orange hair that went down his head to his neck and had brown eyes. If he wasn't currently in his school uniform, he always tend to wear a short sleeved T-shirt. He has been in multiple relationships before, but he was always cheated upon and always treated like garbage.

He was a social outcast of his school. People did know him to be a friendly person to just about everybody, but nobody but some of his friends liked to know who he was. He was rarely mentioned at all, like he never really existed. Chris didn't seem to mind however, but he sometimes wished that he never spent so much time in the dark
Emily Jackson was also on her way home from school. Along with a group of friends that always seemed to tag along. "So, who do you think is going to be homecoming king and queen?" Her friend asked her. Emily merely shrugged and readjusted her back pack. "I don't know. I just want to go and hang out. I'm not worried about that.

Emily saw Chris across the street from them, but, she was already home and Chris still seemed to be going. "Hey." She caught up to him, her dark hair in her face. "I have something that I think you've been looking for." She reached into her backpack and pulled out Chris' student id card. Everyone thought this guy was a bad dude, but Emily didn't care. "Here."
"Oh! Um....thank you" Chris replied happily back. "Must have dropped that back at my locker, thanks for doing that for me."

Chris did know of Emily and plenty of other girls in the year level, but the two of them never really knew each other. Chris wasn't that good when it comes to social interactions, he was trying his best as it was.
"Yeah, no problem." Emily nodded. "I just...I tried to catch up to you, but, you know, crowded hallways." She felt like a true idiot. "Anyway, I just wanted to return that. I'll see you 'round." Taking a deep breath, the girl sauntered back to her house.
Once Emily left, Chris didn't exactly know what to do. She seemed to feel just as nervous as he was, but still had the courage to go up to him. Whatever the reason, Chris just blinked in confusion before getting himself back to his senses. He was about halfway home before the girl came up to him and returned his ID to him. He took a deep breath and sighed deeply before deciding to march onwards to his home.
Emily sat on the couch, thinking about what just happened. "That was pretty scary, I'll admit." Luckily, the only one home was Emily's dog, Butch. "I wonder why everyone hates him, pretty much." She grabbed a sandwich and ate slowly. "I don't know what to do now. I'm so bored."
Chris made it home after a long walk, and found that none of his parents had arrived back yet. It was swimming lessons for his younger brother and sister, and his parents wouldn't be home for a couple of hours. The long walk had basically drenched his clothes in sweat, and he felt exhausted. He only had to walk one day a week, being fortunate enough that his parents picked him up every other day of the week.

He took his school bag off from his shoulders and immediately collapsed onto the bed, giving him a feeling of relief that gave him goosebumps. Still, he wondered about the girl from before. He didn't understand why people hated him, he doesn't even do anything to them. He didn't even know why he was a target for so many people at school. He just rested on his bed and looked at the ceiling above, not knowing what to do.
Emily decided that, after the sandwich, she'd take Butch for a walk and stop by Chris' house just for the hell of it. "Come on, buddy." She watched Butch almost have a heart attack while Emily wrestled him into a harness. "Hold on." She grabbed her phone, wrapped the leash around her hand, and walked outside, stopping occasionally to let the dog do his thing. He started barking at a cat as they stopped at Chris' yard.
Chris had gotten changed out of his school clothes and just sat in the lounge room just after turning on the TV. About five minutes after he sat down, he swore he heard a dog barking outside. Opening the curtain to find Emily and Butch on his lawn, he opened the door and went outside
Emily jumped at the sound of Chris' voice. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know this was your place." That was a lie. She knew just about the entire neighborhood. "You know what, maybe I should go. I've got a long walk ahead of me." She actually lost control of the dog and he darted toward Chris, jumping on him and licking his face. "Butch, sit!" She grabbed his collar and pulled him off. "I'm sorry."
"Sure." Emily nodded. "That sounds good." The sun was beating down already, but Emily would still remain outside until she was let in. "I'm sorry about him jumping. We're trying to break that habit."
"Oh, that's alright" Chris said before opening the door for Emily and Butch, allowing her to enter first. From what he could gather, Emily was walking Butch. It was hot outside, and he hasn't returned the favour that occurred before. It was the least he could do

"Come on in" Chris replied with a smile
"It's a nice place." Emily was looking up at the walls and furniture. "Where...are your parents?" She held the leash tighter. Everything inside looked so breakable that it made her nervous.
"They took my brother and sister to swimming practice after they picked them up at school." Chris replied back as she helped Emily and Butch navigate the house. "They should be back within the next hour or so."

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