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Realistic or Modern A teen's new life (private w/Naeva Ami)

A long stretch of highway opens up into a beautiful pass, from this long stretch of highway, people travel from one city to another in an attempt to just get from one city to another without having to deal with the long stretches of city road. Here people go about their everyday lives unaware of what was going on the side of the highway. Up the highway a little bit from the entry to the highway was a truck stop, this truck stop was the primary hub in the area for all the truckers to come and take care of their trucks and maybe get some rest while they are at the stop before continuing on. Most of the truckers live and work from their trucks, but there are some truckers who have their own cars waiting for them back home, as well as a house to live in.

Gabriel Woods, a trucker that was halfway through his long trucking journey to deliver some goods to a Canadian store that was a part of a big chain of stores, He had stopped at the truck stop to get some gas, clean his truck and get some stuff for his truck/home away from home. He was in the cafeteria and he thought he saw something out of the ordinary, a girl that didn't look like she was a trucker and certainly didn't belong in the truck stop on her own at least. This girl looked to be about the age of a 10th or 9th grade high school student. If what he thought was true, then he wondered why this girl was inside by herself, she looked like she was a little worried about something and also that she seemed like she was hungry. For a few moments, he watched her and then finally decided to get up and walk over to her. As he walked over, he thought about what he was going to say to her and finally came to a decision once he reached her.

"Hello there, you look lost, are you okay?"

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