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Fantasy A Tale of Knights and Steel (IC)

He turned to gaze upon Minariel from up on his steed, and sighed. "My dear Commander, you may have age on me, but I'm not an inept fighter! I am mortal, yes. But merely because two centuries have passed since you were born, does not offer you some lording over me. Wisdom, quite often, is not correlated to age. Neither is common sense." Wulfe fervently defended himself. Of course, he was touched by her concern, quite honestly it was the most concern someone had for him. Nevertheless, she did make him feel like some naughty child. "Look at me. Am I some fresh-faced Knight in his shining armour? I have fought bigger things than this. In battles bigger than this! I may be cocky, but I am certainly not attempting to show off nor charge to my death. You can care for me, Minariel. But I should not need a mother on the battlefield following my every move because she thinks I'm incapable!" Law displayed his irritation clearly, again turning away from the elf only to make rapid hand movements toward the other knights. "Keep on! This is my war party. His jaw became taut, shaking his head whilst pushing the horse forward. "And no woman who thinks herself more intelligent than me, is going to stay by my side in battle." Wulfe's scowl became more prominent to the point he curled his lip marginally.

He was angered, annoyed, to large extent conflicted between rage and thanks. Yet, for some reason Minariel thought him to be a boy. A boy. Thus, the stallion was pushed into a gallop. Leaving the elf behind. "HEY!" Lawrence shouted again, slowing down a few metres from the demonic creature. Tugging the horse into a heel. Creating a perimeter around the crocodile to assess the enemy. He was practically spitting flames after the useless scolding of Minariel. Ferdinand had taught him everything he should be concerned with. Was she mocking him? Behind his back or otherwise with her words? 'Think a little more next time'. Oh he'd thought this through, he was a Lieutenant! How did she think he got that title? And it didn't take him two centuries either.

"Who is it that passes Caer Omior? Speak demon! If you can." Lawrence demanded, throwing his aggression into the question, his blade pointed outright at the beast. Posture immaculate as ever.

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Uasal Uasal VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

Magnus watched the two, his large head tilting. The knight was right to be angry, a woman clearly challenged his fighting skill on the battlefield. And nobody challenged a man's fighting skill on the battlefield, especially a woman. He probably would have turned and bit the female's head right off, and not in a verbal way like the knight did. It was entertaining to watch the human and elf at least. He did enjoy seeing a warrior taking on the challenge of the fight alone.

Pitiful creatures, pack animals who worry for one another. Hmph, Magnus needed nobody to worry for him. He could handle himself, and if he couldnt he'd rather die then have some 'companion' or, like what he just witnessed, a female worry over him like he was some kind of idiot. He already had eaten the last person who tried showing compassion towards him, he still didnt understand why they thought a starving predator would turn the other cheek.

Magnus eyed the horse, his thick tongue sliding across his long snout and his black teeth shining with the new coating of saliva. That horse would make a meal and a half. He snapped out of it when he was spoken to once more, now eyeing the knight. He could almost hear the blood pumping through his neck, his heart beating with the same lingering anger he had spit at Magnus when he spoke to him.

"Demon? Hmph, make an effort and call me something I wont expect" He snarled. His voice alone held his anger, his vocal cords vibrating with the deep, snarling voice that belonged to the Crocomorph. "It would be wise to keep that weapon out of my face before I bite it in half" He snapped, his heavy tail swinging to the right. "To answer your question, I was just roaming. From where I was, I could smell some... Delicious scents coming from this stronghold" He said.

"Or to better put it, I was just following my gut and it lead me here. What is this place, what is Caer Omior?"
Duke, carrying an injured Scarlett had been walking for days to get to the great walled fortress. He was exhausted and hardly able to stand despite trudging on the path that lay before him. He had managed to bandage the wound on scarletts’s back to stop the bleeding but due to the lack of medicine and supplies he had at the time was unable to truly treat the wound. As the walls of the fortress came into so did what appeared to be many knights on a wall as well as some outside of the wall with some sort of creature. Continuing his path he stopped roughly thirty feet behind the beast, his hand resting idly on the large heavy blade that lay strapped to his back. In truth he hoped he wouldn’t have to fight the beast to get past it. Being tired and having to carry a injured Scarlett would have slowed even him down at this point. His gold and black armor shimmering in the glints of light that managed to reach him. A small amount of blood trickling down the chest plate of his armor from scarlett’s wound. Waiting and keeping on guard he watched and listened.

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Uasal Uasal The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
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Minariel was caught off guard by Lawrence's ramble. Soon, she seemed shaken by some apperantly bad memories, before her face got of stone again. "You!", she shouted at a bystanding errant. "Tell Wulfe to see me once he returns. I'll have a word with him about respectful speaking to superiors and obedience." She shook her head. "And you there! Ride out and inform Wulfe about two people, one injured, a woman, human. The other, I can't tell from here. Tell him their behind the beast, the thick head likely didn't notice them." The errant nodded quickly, already one the way to carry out his orders.
"I won't call you anything else apart from what you are. And mind, if you bite this weapon in half I'll drive the remains into your skull." Lawrence replied, in an equally, confident and threatening tone. Eyeing the monster again from head to toe. "Caer Omior is the Unbreakable Wall of the West. To stop degenerates and demons alike. I have to say, they remind me of you in every way. But unless you want men with fire and brimstone coming down upon you, I suggest you begin to roam elsewhere or accept the consequences." Wulfe whipped the blade back and forth as he faced the crocomorph like a lion's tail before it pounces.​

Behind the creatures wide form, he could glimpse the man and wounded girl. Alas, he feared that to bring attention to them would result in getting the two harmed. Although they may've not looked like civilians, he couldn't risk it. As such, when the Knight Errant came to relay the message from Minariel, he rolled his eyes upward till murmuring back in kind that the Errant should firstly - get the pair to the fort whilst he distracted the unsettling crocodile and afterwards, see they make a visit to Bryce after stopping off at the infirmary.

Alas, the Errant also remarked Minariel's initial demand to his partner; in turn causing Lawrence to bite the inside of his cheek. He'd upset her, evidently - not on purpose but enough it seemed to land him in unwanted trouble. As much as he admired the elf, he was convinced she believed him to be an idiot of massive proportions. Nothing like getting scolded by a woman with a pretty face.

"Well, beast, you heard me. Off with you! Or it'll be by necessity I shall dispatch you, till the worms feed on your ugly corpse." Wulfe then insulted, pulling the reins of his horse to back away an inch or so. "Choose quickly. I haven't got all day."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Duke, carrying an injured Scarlett had been walking for days to get to the great walled fortress. He was exhausted and hardly able to stand despite trudging on the path that lay before him. He had managed to bandage the wound on scarletts’s back to stop the bleeding but due to the lack of medicine and supplies he had at the time was unable to truly treat the wound. As the walls of the fortress came into so did what appeared to be many knights on a wall as well as some outside of the wall with some sort of creature. Continuing his path he stopped roughly thirty feet behind the beast, his hand resting idly on the large heavy blade that lay strapped to his back. In truth he hoped he wouldn’t have to fight the beast to get past it. Being tired and having to carry a injured Scarlett would have slowed even him down at this point. His gold and black armor shimmering in the glints of light that managed to reach him. A small amount of blood trickling down the chest plate of his armor from scarlett’s wound. Waiting and keeping on guard he watched and listened.

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED idalie idalie
Uasal Uasal The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

"I won't call you anything else apart from what you are. And mind, if you bite this weapon in half I'll drive the remains into your skull." Lawrence replied, in an equally, confident and threatening tone. Eyeing the monster again from head to toe. "Caer Omior is the Unbreakable Wall of the West. To stop degenerates and demons alike. I have to say, they remind me of you in every way. But unless you want men with fire and brimstone coming down upon you, I suggest you begin to roam elsewhere or accept the consequences." Wulfe whipped the blade back and forth as he faced the crocomorph like a lion's tail before it pounces.
Behind the creatures wide form, he could glimpse the man and wounded girl. Alas, he feared that to bring attention to them would result in getting the two harmed. Although they may've not looked like civilians, he couldn't risk it. As such, when the Knight Errant came to relay the message from Minariel, he rolled his eyes upward till murmuring back in kind that the Errant should firstly - get the pair to the fort whilst he distracted the unsettling crocodile and afterwards, see they make a visit to Bryce after stopping off at the infirmary.

Alas, the Errant also remarked Minariel's initial demand to his partner; in turn causing Lawrence to bite the inside of his cheek. He'd upset her, evidently - not on purpose but enough it seemed to land him in unwanted trouble. As much as he admired the elf, he was convinced she believed him to be an idiot of massive proportions. Nothing like getting scolded by a woman with a pretty face.

"Well, beast, you heard me. Off with you! Or it'll be by necessity I shall dispatch you, till the worms feed on your ugly corpse." Wulfe then insulted, pulling the reins of his horse to back away an inch or so. "Choose quickly. I haven't got all day."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Magnus snarled, his head raising as he was talked to. "I have spoken to you just this once, there is no reason for you to believe me a demon besides my appearance." He snarled. "And let us be honest here, if we are judging appearances, I would say I was looking at a boy in armor, a pretend knight." She added, watching the sword closely. His grin widened slightly as he heard what the Errant had to say to Wulfe.

"Off to be scolded by a woman, pathetic" He growled. But what pissed him off the most was the last sentence Wulfe said. He hadnt got all day. He was treating him like he was nothing! "Mind your tongue, human, before you lose your throat!" He snapped, agitated. Then suddenly his snout turned upwards as he took in the scent of the air. Blood. His large head swung to the side, eyeing the newcomers.

He then looked back to Wulfe, "Hmm, I shall leave then" He said simply, turning and lowering his head and body to all fours. A beast of such muscle moved surprisingly fast on all fours, his metal armor smashing against its different pieces as he homed in on his newfound prey. Fast reflexes were going to be able to keep him from delivering a killing bite.
Duke removed his hand from his sword and appeared to relaxe his body. His golden eyes glowing through the slit in his helmet. Looking at Magnus he let out a feeling of murderous intent, the smell of corpses and blood seeping off of his body like a thick fog, making the air around him stifling. Only animals or those with the same instincts as animals could pick up on it. The smell and feeling he was giving off “Don’t make me claim your head....the girl is mine” his voice was gruff and his eyes trained on Magnus’s. “If it’s flesh you desire then I have something you could eat....something you wouldn’t have to fight hard to get....how about twenty eight corpses of men....no.....the corpses of worms not worthy of my blade....” instead of trying to threaten the being more he instead offered him a trade. “In exchange for all the meat you can eat you work for me....and let us pass so my companion can be treated?” He asked Magnus
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Duke removed his hand from his sword and appeared to relaxe his body. His golden eyes glowing through the slit in his helmet. Looking at Magnus he let out a feeling of murderous intent, the smell of corpses and blood seeping off of his body like a thick fog, making the air around him stifling. Only animals or those with the same instincts as animals could pick up on it. The smell and feeling he was giving off “Don’t make me claim your head....the girl is mine” his voice was gruff and his eyes trained on Magnus’s. “If it’s flesh you desire then I have something you could eat....something you wouldn’t have to fight hard to get....how about twenty eight corpses of men....no.....the corpses of worms not worthy of my blade....” instead of trying to threaten the being more he instead offered him a trade. “In exchange for all the meat you can eat you work for me....and let us pass so my companion can be treated?” He asked Magnus
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Magnus stopped, expecting the guy to go into a fighting stance and draw his sword. He stood, towering over Duke, his shadow easily outstretching the smaller male's. Near unlimited food, 28... 28 would go quickly with his hunger. Something on the inside made Magnus feel like he should show dominance, like he needed to show that he was the alpha male. He growled, the sound fearsome and deep.

"Work for you? Who do you think I am? Some sword for hire?" He snapped, his tail swinging to the left. "I would be labeled a dog at that point" His left arm twitched, wanting to kill them both. But he held his composure, which was not really his thing. "My existence is built on working hard, whether that be for food or fighting a battle. You have some nerve to think I would even consider your offer. I dont need a random stranger, I can feed myself"

He looked at who he was holding, a loud scoff leaving his maw. "The weak die, keeping them alive would be a waste of resources if they need someone else to protect them." He growled. "They're just food for bigger, more tougher predators." He really didnt understand these pack animals, they were so reliant on each other. But if there is a weak link, the whole pack could be dragged down with them.

Its just easier to be alone.
Duke stepped to the side so the knights behind the creature couldn’t make out his figure or see him anymore. Grinning he took off his helmet, holding it in his hand “you could smelled me from earlier if it wasn’t for this stench I can’t get rid of, My name is Duke Rose I’m a dragonkin and this girl is my charge....” putting his helmet back on to hide the horns on his head again. Not giving any ground he stepped closer to Magnus, but not to challenge him yet, having the same feeling as him towards proving who was the alpha “there is nothing wrong with being a dog, we work when we want and if we don’t like something we just leave” tossing the uncontious Scarlett behind him holding She was caught by his own tail.

“They see you as a monster, in a way you are but I know I wouldn’t be able to let my guard down around you, even if we did work together....you would eat me at that very moment...” laughing as he hurled Scarlett to the knights feet to get her out of his way. “I’m curious as to who is stronger, a fallen king turned mercenary or possibly the largest crocomorph I’ve ever come in contact with?” Cracking his knuckles he took his sword off his back and jammed it into the ground next to him, his own tail whipping against the ground. The sword he carried was fourteen feet long, one foot wide and three inches thick. It was forged from a Dragons bomes and teeth. “Ready to go big guy?!?” Duke stepped in closer, growling, waiting for Magnus to make his move. “Before we truly start though, what is your name, Incase you do eat me I’d like to know who got the pleasure of devouring the last dragonkin?” Keeping his voice low enough so that their conversation stayed private.
He dragged a hand over his face and practically screamed inwardly. "I'm thirty-two, how is that the age of a boy!" He yelled. First, it was being called an old man, now a child. The day continued to bear gifts. "Ach, it's no different to marriage. Call me pathetic if you will, but at least I have women in my life. Whether or not they want to verbally abuse me is my business." Although his distraction probably had less the effect he was looking for, considering the crocomorph then continued to hone in on the pair causing Lawrence to suck the air through his teeth with a whistle. The absurd man was - bargaining with it! Well if that ugly thing was to be his new pet, there'd be no way in all seven hells it'd be allowed into the fort. Especially not with Wulfe on duty. He could chain the damn thing up outside like a hound for all it was worth.

Moving around the crocodile's turned back, his attention was turned to the young, wounded girl tossed to his feet. Certainly not etiquette, but he supposed in times of war damsel's didn't seem so quite in distress. Slowly getting down off his horse, avoiding his armour clanking, Law scooped up the unconscious Scarlett, balancing her sleeping form upon the saddle till joining her. Sitting behind thus allowing her to lean against him and not fall. But again his gaze was drawn to the demon and the dragonkin. Talk about unprofessionalism, but Wulfe supposed he'd better get the young woman to safety before fighting should be considered. He could practically hear Minariel criticising him right then and there. Galloping back to the fort, he leant into an Errants ear to send more reinforcements out to the demon and the man spewing what seemed like utter nonsense. In case of any trouble in their own personal battle. Just as he thought there'd be something to do, and it was taken by a stranger no less. Manoeuvring himself and Scarlett off the stallion, he caught the female in his arms. Carrying her into the infirmary for the doctors to do their work.

Nevertheless, taking his seat outside the field hospital, Wulfe took his gauntlets off and threw them down upon the paved, stone slabs of the fort's courtyard. Rough fingertips instead rubbing across his face and eyes. Sighing into them. Alas, the varying stages of anger bubbling beneath his skin set him off toward one of the training dummies. Letting loose his fists on the poor straw man. Beating it back to cloth.​

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
He dragged a hand over his face and practically screamed inwardly. "I'm thirty-two, how is that the age of a boy!" He yelled. First, it was being called an old man, now a child. The day continued to bear gifts. "Ach, it's no different to marriage. Call me pathetic if you will, but at least I have women in my life. Whether or not they want to verbally abuse me is my business." Although his distraction probably had less the effect he was looking for, considering the crocomorph then continued to hone in on the pair causing Lawrence to suck the air through his teeth with a whistle. The absurd man was - bargaining with it! Well if that ugly thing was to be his new pet, there'd be no way in all seven hells it'd be allowed into the fort. Especially not with Wulfe on duty. He could chain the damn thing up outside like a hound for all it was worth.

Moving around the crocodile's turned back, his attention was turned to the young, wounded girl tossed to his feet. Certainly not etiquette, but he supposed in times of war damsel's didn't seem so quite in distress. Slowly getting down off his horse, avoiding his armour clanking, Law scooped up the unconscious Scarlett, balancing her sleeping form upon the saddle till joining her. Sitting behind thus allowing her to lean against him and not fall. But again his gaze was drawn to the demon and the dragonkin. Talk about unprofessionalism, but Wulfe supposed he'd better get the young woman to safety before fighting should be considered. He could practically hear Minariel criticising him right then and there. Galloping back to the fort, he leant into an Errants ear to send more reinforcements out to the demon and the man spewing what seemed like utter nonsense. In case of any trouble in their own personal battle. Just as he thought there'd be something to do, and it was taken by a stranger no less. Manoeuvring himself and Scarlett off the stallion, he caught the female in his arms. Carrying her into the infirmary for the doctors to do their work.

Nevertheless, taking his seat outside the field hospital, Wulfe took his gauntlets off and threw them down upon the paved, stone slabs of the fort's courtyard. Rough fingertips instead rubbing across his face and eyes. Sighing into them. Alas, the varying stages of anger bubbling beneath his skin set him off toward one of the training dummies. Letting loose his fists on the poor straw man. Beating it back to cloth.​

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
"Stupid!" A Swift strike cut through the dummies straw body. "Idiotic!" Another strike, an X was formed on the body. "Men!" The x became underlined. "And their!" She struck another time, seemingly nothing happened. "Pride!" Minariel kicked the dummy and it fell apart in a thousand pieces. She was breathing a bit heavy, this was the seventh dummy that had to feel her rage. Anyone near the training court would surely hear her, but she didn't care. She was dealing with feeling she wasn't used to, feelings she had long suppressed. Old wounds, born in times long before her time at the stronghold, were ripped open again. The images of the burning city still haunted her head. The image of him, telling her not to worry, that he could handle it alone. The image of what they did to him, as she let him go. She threw her one handed blade at the next dummy, as it flew right threw, the straw torn in half cleanly. Seeing Minariel that much out of control was a once in a lifetime experience.
A small cool-down period, clearing up his thoughts, brought his attention to Minariel. Unsure whether he should be happy to see the elf, or fearful of losing his current position. Although, in her frenzied slashing of the training dummies, he could see himself only minutes prior doing the same. Lawrence decided to approach slowly like one does when facing wild unpredictabilities, her passionate rage was quite something and he wasn't sure if getting a blade to the gut for spooking her would be worth it. "Commander." His baritone voice carried across the small space between them. Pleased to see the weapon in her grasp was now neatly seated into the chest of one of the inanimate straw men.

Wulfe, rested his hands upon her upper arms when he'd reached the distance closest. Irises of turquoise clashing with hers. "Minariel. I shouldn't have so rudely rebuffed you on the field. And for that, I apologise, I do. But, to undermine me in front of the enemy?" He tilted his head, strands of hair falling with the motion. Lawrence released her arms from his gentle hold, if not leaving the warmth from his palms - a warmth he always carried with him, even in the coldest winters. Some suggested distant magical bloodlines, others scientific reasoning, few chose merely to say his heart was warmer than most. And thus, more prone to bursting into flames.

"I care for you, Minariel. As much as you care for me. But, my dear commander, I am more than capable. Trust me, as I put my trust in you. I only ask for you to return this." The low tones that escaped his lips were comforting, if not exasperated and fatigued with his own anger. Wulfe was never good at staying angry. It came and went, but was far too energy consuming to keep up. "Forgive me."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Minariel was again surprised. The elf, that would normally notice you 200 meters behind her, had not realized somebody was there. She turned to face the man, the rage soon leaving her face. It became calm, as she shook her head. "I don't doubt your skill. I don't doubt your determination. But I am not a person to do the same mistake twice. Long ago, I fought alongside a man... A... Comrade." Her eyes showed, it had been a lot more than a comrade. Probably a boyfriend or even her husband. The eyes however seemed full of pain as well. "That comrade was the best swordsman I have ever seen. But one day, we got attacked by a powerful foe. I was a royal guard, just as him. I wanted to help him, fighting off the attackers, but he told me he would be fine. He told me he's able to handle it. I trusted him. I went off to extract the royal family. It was the last time I ever saw him. Alive and in one piece, that is." Minariel looked away and the attentive eye could even spot a tear.. "I'm not making this mistake again Wulfe. If I feel like you need my help, never ever again doubt my judgement. This is an order." She looked back into his eyes. "Apology accepted, lieutenant."
His face fell in sympathy of her fallen lover, understanding where the elf was coming from. Nevertheless, he let out a soft chuckle, momentarily holding her head between his hands. "It's a mans nature to doubt." The cryptic message had no real answer to Minariel's demand, nevertheless it would suffice. "Now, I also heard from a little birdie that you think I have a thick skull, so, I'm waiting for my own apology." A smile began to upturn his lips, mischief colouring his expression. "I might be stupid in your eyes, which gives me excellent basis to wrestle you to the ground here and now. After all, I don't quite understand orders because I am a mere, mortal male paling in comparison of your ethereal beauty and knowledge." Melodramatically he clasped a hand above his heart and took a theatrical stumble backwards by a step.

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
His face fell in sympathy of her fallen lover, understanding where the elf was coming from. Nevertheless, he let out a soft chuckle, momentarily holding her head between his hands. "It's a mans nature to doubt." The cryptic message had no real answer to Minariel's demand, nevertheless it would suffice. "Now, I also heard from a little birdie that you think I have a thick skull, so, I'm waiting for my own apology." A smile began to upturn his lips, mischief colouring his expression. "I might be stupid in your eyes, which gives me excellent basis to wrestle you to the ground here and now. After all, I don't quite understand orders because I am a mere, mortal male paling in comparison of your ethereal beauty and knowledge." Melodramatically he clasped a hand above his heart and took a theatrical stumble backwards by a step.

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
MInariel looked at the taller male before her, her face between his hands, her expression almost pouting. Then, when he released her and talked about his stupidity and all that, she puffed her cheeks. "I´m sorry for stating the fact that you sometimes come off as thickheaded in a very harsh way.", she muttered defiantly. Then, when he stepped back, she could not help it. She smiled. "You´re an idiot, Lawrence.", she stated and shook her head. "But if you want to wrestle, please, go ahead, i am very certain that i am superior to you in basically any physical competition, except for rare strength. I must admit you might have that on me."
"Ah-hah!" He pointed at her. "You admit it! At last. Here I was thinking it'd take you another decade or two." Wulfe then bowed his head. "But the apology is wholly accepted and cherished." Wulfe's comedy then dissolved into a stony expression. "I certainly can't believe a woman such as yourself would wrestle upon the floor. That simply cannot be done. Females should remain out of such conditions and rather-" Before there was a chance to react, he ducked and barreled into her, lifting Minariel across his broad shoulders with triumph. "Should've been quicker, elf. Now, I'd like to see you call me an idiot again or I'll dump you in one of the rainwater barrels." Law teased, glancing back to glimpse her expression.

"I entered a challenge to make you laugh, and I shan't be easily dissuaded, my dear commander. Let's not forget you're light as a feather and having you look less sullen is preferred. Everything's nicer with a smile." With a click of his tongue and wink of an eye he chuckled. A rich, hearty thing that reverberated in the depths of his chest. He might've been loyal, a pushover for children and making others smile, but the undoubtedly absurd silliness or humorous manhandling was part of who he was. Never to be lost. It was as charming as his words were witty. Even if he was touchy about people questioning his intelligence. Which even as a child, had been hard enough to coerce him into a classroom.​

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
"Ah-hah!" He pointed at her. "You admit it! At last. Here I was thinking it'd take you another decade or two." Wulfe then bowed his head. "But the apology is wholly accepted and cherished." Wulfe's comedy then dissolved into a stony expression. "I certainly can't believe a woman such as yourself would wrestle upon the floor. That simply cannot be done. Females should remain out of such conditions and rather-" Before there was a chance to react, he ducked and barreled into her, lifting Minariel across his broad shoulders with triumph. "Should've been quicker, elf. Now, I'd like to see you call me an idiot again or I'll dump you in one of the rainwater barrels." Law teased, glancing back to glimpse her expression.

"I entered a challenge to make you laugh, and I shan't be easily dissuaded, my dear commander. Let's not forget you're light as a feather and having you look less sullen is preferred. Everything's nicer with a smile." With a click of his tongue and wink of an eye he chuckled. A rich, hearty thing that reverberated in the depths of his chest. He might've been loyal, a pushover for children and making others smile, but the undoubtedly absurd silliness or humorous manhandling was part of who he was. Never to be lost. It was as charming as his words were witty. Even if he was touchy about people questioning his intelligence. Which even as a child, had been hard enough to coerce him into a classroom.​

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Minariel squeaked lightly as she was suddenly lifted and placed on his shoulders. She had indeed not expected that. She scolded herself mentally, the second time she got caught off guard by this man in one day. How dumb. She could not help but chuckle at his comment. This guy was getting way too full of himself just because he caught her off guard once. Ok, twice. But still, no reason to get cocky. She could not let this happen. Quickly, her legs wrapped around his arm and her arms around the other. With one swift but strong motion, she rolled over. It would easily make the bulky male lose his balance and fall over, Minariel releasing him and rolling over, now free and on her feet again. "You´re an idiot. Here you go, i said it. Try and throw me into a rainwater barrel. I´d like to see you try honey."

The elf then shrugged. "Yeah, you made me smile, because we are alone. I will never admit this ever happened front to anybody, neither that i had a moment of emotional weakness and neither that i have any kind of worry or other emotions for you." Then, she looked to the ground. "I can´t let that happen to my reputation and i cannot let any emotions interefere with my mind. That would distract me from fighting and training and keeping this messy pile of "knights" in check." She turned around and was about to head away, when stopping, turning to Law again and kissing him on the cheek. "You´re an idiot Lawrence Wulfe. But you´re a great knight and leader. So stay as you are." Then, she turned around, intending to leave, except, of course, he tried to stop her. This time, she was on guard.
Lawrence did indeed fall over. In a less than elegant context it was arse over tit, and amusing to watch as he flailed his arms in surprise before collapsing backwards in a clang of steel plates on the stone courtyard. However, he slowly turned his head and pointed like some energetic child. "You laughed! Oh, if only Clair was here." The knight lamented, with a purposefully long sigh. "I'm getting headway at least." Sitting up on his elbows, Wulfe eyed the elf. "Ach, you'd be ready for something like that if I took you out now. Ruins the reaction if you know what I'll do. But the challenge is on." His features, cupped by further strands of dark blonde locks as the leather slip became looser with the tussling about. A hand, rubbed across the course, thick stubble of his chin and jaw.

As he stumbled up to his feet, brushing off his armour, Wulfe turned to face the elf. "Nobody would believe me if I told them either, Minariel. You're a hard one to catch out." Law let out a laugh. "I freely admit, I'm not as good as you. But there are some things I'm just inherently amazing at." But he gave a small frown, before lifting his head up to straighten his posture. "Minariel, this isn't a weakness. I understand you have a reputation, but ... weakness is something else entirely." He fiddled with his hands, tracing the calluses from weapons and hard work. "Emotions, nobody can control them, sweetheart. Not even you. Turning them off and on, it's not how it works. You do your best to ignore them, and they never really leave. I understand, more than you'd realise. Just don't let this - don't let this hurt you." Wulfe glanced down to his feet. However, he was more shocked by the fact she kissed his cheek. Lips pressing against his skin, warmer than he'd thought they'd be.

Stopping her a second time, it wasn't so much of a jest-worthy scheme, Wulfe only reached out to grab her wrist. "You will, be safe. Won't you? You'll tell someone about everything going on in that head of yours before it gets to you, promise me. I'm a hypocrite for asking this from you, but just let me know, you're going to be alright."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Scarlett awoke, bandages and laying in a bed. Her vision still blurred for a few moments until everything cleared up and she could make out where she was. Confused as to where she was she tried to get out of bed to escape. Some of those who had worked on her tried to keep her from moving only to be pushed away by Scarlett as she got to her sword. Unshiething it she held it out ready to strike anyone who moved towards her. Backing away towards the exit one of the ladies screamed for help to try and get someone to put her back in the bed. “Where am I? Where’s duke and my armor?!?” She demanded , the tip of her blade resting against the ladies neck, prepared to kill her if she didn’t get an answer. Scarlett grimacing in pain as her wound reopened, the lady held at sword point only begging for her life.
idalie idalie The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Scarlett awoke, bandages and laying in a bed. Her vision still blurred for a few moments until everything cleared up and she could make out where she was. Confused as to where she was she tried to get out of bed to escape. Some of those who had worked on her tried to keep her from moving only to be pushed away by Scarlett as she got to her sword. Unshiething it she held it out ready to strike anyone who moved towards her. Backing away towards the exit one of the ladies screamed for help to try and get someone to put her back in the bed. “Where am I? Where’s duke and my armor?!?” She demanded , the tip of her blade resting against the ladies neck, prepared to kill her if she didn’t get an answer. Scarlett grimacing in pain as her wound reopened, the lady held at sword point only begging for her life.
idalie idalie The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Lawrence did indeed fall over. In a less than elegant context it was arse over tit, and amusing to watch as he flailed his arms in surprise before collapsing backwards in a clang of steel plates on the stone courtyard. However, he slowly turned his head and pointed like some energetic child. "You laughed! Oh, if only Clair was here." The knight lamented, with a purposefully long sigh. "I'm getting headway at least." Sitting up on his elbows, Wulfe eyed the elf. "Ach, you'd be ready for something like that if I took you out now. Ruins the reaction if you know what I'll do. But the challenge is on." His features, cupped by further strands of dark blonde locks as the leather slip became looser with the tussling about. A hand, rubbed across the course, thick stubble of his chin and jaw.

As he stumbled up to his feet, brushing off his armour, Wulfe turned to face the elf. "Nobody would believe me if I told them either, Minariel. You're a hard one to catch out." Law let out a laugh. "I freely admit, I'm not as good as you. But there are some things I'm just inherently amazing at." But he gave a small frown, before lifting his head up to straighten his posture. "Minariel, this isn't a weakness. I understand you have a reputation, but ... weakness is something else entirely." He fiddled with his hands, tracing the calluses from weapons and hard work. "Emotions, nobody can control them, sweetheart. Not even you. Turning them off and on, it's not how it works. You do your best to ignore them, and they never really leave. I understand, more than you'd realise. Just don't let this - don't let this hurt you." Wulfe glanced down to his feet. However, he was more shocked by the fact she kissed his cheek. Lips pressing against his skin, warmer than he'd thought they'd be.

Stopping her a second time, it wasn't so much of a jest-worthy scheme, Wulfe only reached out to grab her wrist. "You will, be safe. Won't you? You'll tell someone about everything going on in that head of yours before it gets to you, promise me. I'm a hypocrite for asking this from you, but just let me know, you're going to be alright."

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Minariel smiled at Lawrence, but she did not get to reply. A scream for help got in the way and the elf, still wearing her armor, golden and shining as ever. Minariel seemed to have the skill to never get dirty at all. Already running off, she had grabbed her sword, even though she still had the bastard sword on her. But she preferred her one handed blade usually. She had quickly closed the distance to the infirmary, seeing the scene that played out. Her face was out of stone, no expression or emotion what so ever, only cold emptyness. "Take her life and i take yours, a trade i am willing to make if i must.", she stated. The nurse shivered, obviously not expecting her commander to bluff, but believing it immediatly. "Or you can lower your weapon and let the nurse treat your wound. Your companion is outside the fort and will be here soon, but our top priority was to extract the injured one. You are at Caer Omior, the safest fortress there is."
His head whipped away from Minariel, cursing beneath his breath. "She must've woken up." As Minariel set off, Law's eyes practically rolled back into his head before following her at a fast pace. Catching up as the elf burst through into the infirmary. "Please! I think there shall be no loss of life here today. Let's calm this down." Wulfe unsurprisingly walked between the stoic Commander and wounded stranger. "As Minariel explained, you're at Fort Caer Omior. I brought you here, your accomplice decided to ... take on a bigger problem. I thought it best we get you tidied and fixed up. Now, these ladies have done nothing but good for you the moment you were brought over that threshold." He kindly motioned to the bed she'd resided in before the covers were kicked back. "Have a seat. I'm Lieutenant Wulfe, this is Commander Minariel. You're hurt, and no doubt confused. Why don't you tell us your name, and put down the blade." Lawrence gave a good-natured smile. "It's quite alright. How about we fix that nasty wound you've opened. Try this whole thing again."

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Scarlett’s face turned bright red at the mention of her traveling companion. Shoe thing her sword but not setting it down she went back over and sat down on the bed. “Duke thought his home was the safest too....high in the mountains and well fortified...” she said as she finally released her sword after setting it down. “Our former band of mercenaries tried to have there way with me....duke killed them all....” offing the question about her name for a moment “thank you for helping me, I’m the second in command for the fallen dragon mercenaries, my Name is Scarlett Rose and the big man that brought me here was our leader, Duke Rose.....” looking down at her hands as she relaxed a bit, feeling safer than they were on the other side of the wall. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both and I’m sorry for scaring you like that miss” bowing as best she could while seated and injured. “So that means that she’s your superior? A lady knight? An elf?” Studying Minariel’s face a bit before looking back to Wulfe and brushing her crimson colored hair from her face. “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell Duke about this incident, I don’t want him to scold me again” laughing nervously as fidgeted with the cloth of her pants “hey Wolfe....and commander, have either of you heard about the dragon king who lived in the mountains during the last war?” She asked curiously
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof idalie idalie
"Ah, I see." Lawrence nodded as her story continued. "Scarlett, then. I'm glad you got here safe. And the pleasures ours, honestly." His hands folded behind his back respectfully, watching as the apologies then took place. He had to admit, the girl was well-mannered at least. Her etiquette was better than most - and that was saying something when you lived among men who hadn't a clue what literature was for. Wulfe then laughed. "Are you surprised? Yes, she's my superior and indeed a woman. Not to mention the best swordfighter I've ever met. But she does have a two-century headstart on me." Lawrence inclined his head. "Ahh, your secrets safe with me. Although, it might be the good doctors here you have to persuade." He smiled humorously. "Dragon King? Mountains? I vaguely remember something like that from my studies. I wasn't the most attentive history student. Last I heard the Kingdom crumbled and was no more. Haven't met a single soul from the place." Leaning against the end of the bed in thought, Wulfe then allowed his gaze to rest on Minariel. Perhaps lingering a second too long before clearing his throat. "What about you? Do you remember anything about dragons and Kings?" He suddenly questioned the elf.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Duke stepped to the side so the knights behind the creature couldn’t make out his figure or see him anymore. Grinning he took off his helmet, holding it in his hand “you could smelled me from earlier if it wasn’t for this stench I can’t get rid of, My name is Duke Rose I’m a dragonkin and this girl is my charge....” putting his helmet back on to hide the horns on his head again. Not giving any ground he stepped closer to Magnus, but not to challenge him yet, having the same feeling as him towards proving who was the alpha “there is nothing wrong with being a dog, we work when we want and if we don’t like something we just leave” tossing the uncontious Scarlett behind him holding She was caught by his own tail.

“They see you as a monster, in a way you are but I know I wouldn’t be able to let my guard down around you, even if we did work together....you would eat me at that very moment...” laughing as he hurled Scarlett to the knights feet to get her out of his way. “I’m curious as to who is stronger, a fallen king turned mercenary or possibly the largest crocomorph I’ve ever come in contact with?” Cracking his knuckles he took his sword off his back and jammed it into the ground next to him, his own tail whipping against the ground. The sword he carried was fourteen feet long, one foot wide and three inches thick. It was forged from a Dragons bomes and teeth. “Ready to go big guy?!?” Duke stepped in closer, growling, waiting for Magnus to make his move. “Before we truly start though, what is your name, Incase you do eat me I’d like to know who got the pleasure of devouring the last dragonkin?” Keeping his voice low enough so that their conversation stayed private.

Magnus felt the fire of brutal excitement of a fight, of a possible challenge. Though his scoffed at him when he spoke about his opinion of the label dog. "If you think there is nothing wrong about being a dog, than you must not value your reputation. Or what reputation you may have" He said. When he stepped forward, the Crocomorph sized him up, judging the amount of strength it would take to beat this guy into a bloody pulp.

But wait, Dragonkin? Sounds terribly inconvenient. No matter, if he was indeed the last remaining he would test their strength for himself. He watched the wounded girl be thrown and growled, he could easily tear her apart. And he wanted very badly to do so, but he had a more pressing matter to attend to. The challenge. He was not a coward, any challenge he would take on. And sometimes taking a challenge would be foolish depending on the enemy.

But he didnt see anything he should be afraid of, and even if he did he would not falter. Pride was a huge part of Magnus, top priority. Not even self-preservation was number one concern. "If its a fight you want, I'll make sure you leave with scars to remember me by. I am Magnus, possibly the most feared opponent you have faced" He growled. Now, what shall he start with? Let's just test the waters.

He snapped his crushing jaws at Duke's face, and if the guy didnt move the fight would be over in an instant.
She had hurt herself cutting herself while she was training by herself she just sighed," ow that hurts" she thought as she was pouting going to the infirmy she was nervous she hated doctors she didn't like doctors looking at her scars she didn't want to be reminded of her past she just looked around she gets lost a few times eventualy she got there she saw her suporirs she got a little nervous as she place her hand on her arm as she saw a girl there as she looked somewhat farmilar she kinda lookled like her idalie idalie
With the discussion underway, he noted an Errant enter the infirmary. Aiming an immediate smile once noting the anxious look on the young knight's features. "Skylar, isn't it? Part of the newest batch of fresh-faced fighters." Law grinned marginally. "Trouble training? I have no doubt one of these lovely ladies can fix you up in no time." The lieutenant motioned towards the healers. Out of most the officers, it was clear why people chose to confide in Lawrence instead of others. Either down to earth and sincere, or cheerfully upbeat, there was simply something good about it. Annoyingly nice to some. "Apologies for crowding the space, it's been an odd morning for us all." He tapped the toe of his boot against the floor with a long sigh. He wouldn't say it aloud, but it bugged him that he never got an answer from Minariel. Saved by the metaphorical bell in this case.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

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