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A suggestion from lil'ol me

should the shoutbox be added?


    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nah, i prefer long conversations and detailed analysis thank you very much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • meh, i have no real preference, im yin and yang and i have no real reason to choose

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Man in the suit
Roleplay Type(s)
so, since the website's gonna go through a major update, just before the update i suggest that you guys really, REALLY, should bring back the shoutbox. it makes new players able to talk with others and introduce themselves easily and for admins and moderators to talk with the members of this server live. not saying that the current method of discussion between staff and member and the method of introducing yourselves right now is not good, i think it's just simply inefficient as.... let's be honest, who likes waiting for a reply? of course these has it's advantages and disadvantages

with shoutbox:

-able to talk live with others with no specific point towards the subject, and able to interact with someone and meet someone new

-new members will be able to talk with older members about advice and get instant replies unlike the current form which they may have to wait from hours to days and even weeks until a reply

-for staff to get instant feedback on both the website and their performances

-and for real-time interaction between members around the website

without shoutbox:

-people won't be pressured to be on the shoutbox always

-some won't be able to wait for responses and drop the topic completely

-drama will always be bound to happen

-and of course, there will be those annoying people that will constantly harass the shoutbox feature, of course this can be solved by muting that person from a moderator

of course this is just a suggestion, the staff and the owner of this website is the real masterminds and we are just puppets just with sentient minds... but still, if this IS implemented back, i would love it :)

The shoutbox was an outdated plugin that caused significant issues with the site and will not be coming back. It was removed out of necessity.
Anomaly said:
The shoutbox was an outdated plugin that caused significant issues with the site and will not be coming back. It was removed out of necessity.
Hhmmm.... Well is there another plugin that resembles the shoutbox or has the purpose of the shoutbox but without the issues then?
We've tried several chat programs and plugins over the years and had various issues with all of them. At this time, I believe there are no plans to implement a new one. (Except possibly, maybe, a very temporary revival of Discord while the site is down for the update. Maybe.)

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