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Realistic or Modern A Strange Summer Home

Should I make it a school year?

  • Yes.

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  • No.

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  • School year and summer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More focus on school activity than out of school activity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More focus on out of school activity than in school activity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



Maki watched as the phone buzzed in front of him, and he hummed for a moment before he looked back at Tagadashi-San. Ah, this was definitely the ex. Same girl he had texted that one night, but he could forget that later on. No one had to know about that little incident. He didn't want to be rude and answer it, so he patiently waited for Ishiki to return with the drinks.

@Suzumaki Arakai

[sorry that this is short! I have to go to bed in like five minutes. >.< ]


~*Hanako Takigawa*~

Before her two friends could even reaction to the cute little pecks to their cheeks, the phone in her pocket began to buzz again her thigh. "Oh!" Excitedly, she released her hand from Shigeru's grasp and pulled out her phone in a flash, glancing over the message with a nod. She cast her eyes to the sign of the bakery of embarrassment and hell- AKA Akogare- before rereading the message. "Mori-san said he have to keep walking until we hit a left. He lives in Yuuhi apartments." Hanako announced to the group before returning her phone and hand and in their original position as before, positively beaming. "So let's go!"

@Kawaii @We're gonna see a makeout sess!
Vaughn Holy Shit

The text came fairly quickly, much to Vaughn's relief.
"Then it's not too far," he sighed and smiled before turning to walk down the street. "Onward, then!" he shouted enthusiastically, leading Hanako and Shigeru hand in hand. They looked like kindergartners going on a field trip, as if they'd get lost if they separated from each other. As the left turn came about, Vaughn made a sharp turn and scanned the street for the Yuuhi apartment complex. "Daaaaaaamn, these are nice!" he said before he finally spotted them. Upon arrival, he crept up to the door of Sho's apartment. Noticing the door had been left slightly ajar, he looked at Hanako and Shigeru and held a finger to his smiling lips. "On three, we bust in there and start singing 'Happy Birthday'..." he began to count on his fingers.

"Ich...Ni...San!" he busted in the door, with the girls and was only able to get the "Hap--" out before nearly dropping the cake. He fumbled with the box for a moment as all of the blood in his body rushed to his face. Right there on the couch, Haruna and Sho were sucking each other's faces off. Vaughn's "THIS IS AWKWARD" alarm began to sound in his head. "Uh uh uh uh uh," he looked from Hanako to Shigeru trying to see if they had found some way to cope with the situation or if they were just as shocked as he was.

@Kawaii @Wataru @theglassangel


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n1ez6gpV6h1r2pvg2o1_r1_500.gif.c27a20b56b043a8b9b275804b15eebc2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n1ez6gpV6h1r2pvg2o1_r1_500.gif.c27a20b56b043a8b9b275804b15eebc2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zenjiro was busy dealing with the payment of the food and Hatori figured it was about time for her to be going. She stood up and grabbed her bags once again and peered around the restaurant.

Just then Zenjiro invited for Hatori to with him to the water park. It was as if she was struck by lighting in that moment. Her eyes fixed on Zenjiro and she stared for almost a minute.

She slammed herself back down in the chair and brought her face close to Zenjiro's.


She stared at him for just a little longer and her expression went from excited to depressed. She slumped back down into her chair and continued with what she was saying.

"But I can't…You see I'm going to my grandfather's house in Osaka because I could no longer pay the rent in my apartment here, in case you haven't noticed, I'm extremely poor."

She shook it of with a nervous laugh.
"So if I go to Osaka today I'm going to be living there for the rest of the summer. I wish I could take you up on your offer but I can't." It wasn't quite clear to her why she was venting all of this to a stranger, but why not?

In Hatori's family, you earn everything you deserve. So she knew as soon as she went back to that house in Osaka her grandfather would suspect she wasn't working hard enough in college and send her back to highschool.

Seventeen is a little young for college, huh? Hatori is practically a genius, she graduated from high school at fourteen and began college at fifteen. Her knowledge was all that she had.

She wasn't poor because she didn't work hard enough, she was poor because there is no job that pays enough for college and rent
and hires seventeen year olds, but her grandfather would never understand that. Her life was pretty much over once she got back on that bus.

In just a moment she was back to her normal cheerful self.

"But thanks anyways."





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~*Hanako Takigawa*~

As they began to wander through the building, Hanako's excitement only grew and grew. Oh, Haruna was going to be so pleased with them all with the cake! It would be the best present ever! But, as a result of this joy, the girl completely forgot about sending a text to Sho to announce that they had arrived... Not that that was a problem! It wasn't like they were going to do something that important anyways! Maybe Haruna would even be in the toiletand they could all surprise her together when she left! Oh, this was going to be fun!

A nod was her answer as Vaughn gave the two two girls a run down on what was going to happen, a bright smile on her face. She charged into the door right after the boy and threw her arms in the air, "Haaaaaa-.." Her jaw dropped at the sight of the two on the couch, her innocent little eyes widening as she witnessed what making out looked like for the first time in her life. Well, in real life; she's seen it before in movies, just not... In front of her... A heavy red began to colour her features as she glanced back at the two behind her. They had pretty much the same reaction. 'BAIL, BAIL, BAIL, BAIL.' Hanako followed her mind's instructions and turned sharply on her heel, darting out of the room before pausing in the hallway just out of sight from the door. Oh, she felt like such a pervert! 'DID HE GET IMPATIENT WITH THE CAKE AND DECIDED TO EAT HER INSTEAD?!' Aaah, Hanako, you've got a lot to learn, my dear.

@Kawaii @Wataru
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.jpg.d7fbcaa1230c24dcd233b4de54f7110c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.jpg.d7fbcaa1230c24dcd233b4de54f7110c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

As Ishiki stood there waiting for the old fellow to finish making his and Maki's drinks, he began staring over at the TV in which an American football game could be seen playing. The words coming from the television weren't Japanese but Ishiki could still understand it because he excelled in English during high school and college both. "Here you go." The old guy's voice caused Ishiki to flinch a little, catching his attention. "Thank ya." With a smile towards the guys, he took both drinks in hand and turned, now heading back to his table with Maki. Once Ishiki finally returned to the other, he sat both of the drinks down and took a seat. "Haven't gotten our food yet? I'm starving..." Keep in mind that this guy was drunk not too long ago...he just doesn't learn does he? Ishiki took a small sip from his drink and smiled, shaking his head at the burn. "Anyone asks, you're 21 and soon to be fiance...we just haven't gotten around to a ring yet." He laughed at these words, seeing that Maki is actually a guy.

@Zero Gravity



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Maki smiled at the taller male as he brought back the drinks. "Thank you, Tagadashi-san~" He smiled, slowly beginning to stir his drink. He didn't bother telling the other that someone called him, after all, he was here to relax, and he really didn't need all of that stress on his vacation. He took a long sip of the drink, giving a small sigh of content afterwards. He laughed when Ishiki told him about the whole "if anyone asks" scenario. "Gotcha! That shouldn't be too hard for anyone to believe...maybe the age though." The white-haired male giggled softly, yet again taking another big sip of the drink. Yeah, he had drank before. This would hopefully not get him too drunk, because no one wanted that. The drink was the perfect combination of sweet and sour, and that's exactly what he loved about it. It had a great feel for all the flavor a, but he hadn't really tried other fruits in it just yet...

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/33.jpg.1fbb8e58d634d46f6ef2dfb36ff361e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/33.jpg.1fbb8e58d634d46f6ef2dfb36ff361e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki laughed at Maki's statement about the age not being believable, lifting a finger as his eyes gaped a bit for a brief second. "Yeah you're ri- Oh actually! Back in high school, one of my teachers was 4'5 feet tall. She was the student counselor...really crazy too. Everyone thought she was an elementary student, and if she heard them taking about it she'd put them in head locks. I'm a victim." I...I think we all know who he's talking about here. Who knew she'd grow up to be a student counselor...? Anyways, eventually the woman from before, their waitress, showed back up with a tray in which two food dishes could be seen. "Hello. I'm back." A soft smile sat on her face as she placed the steaming platters down on the decorative table, glancing at Maki's drink for a second, but not noticing it was alcohol. "Alrighty, you two enjoy and if you...need..anything..." Okay, now she noticed it. Ishiki also noticed the change in her demeanor, "You alright ma'am?" The man didn't look worried or phased in the slightest...maybe he's an actor? Wait no he's not, he's an editor. "Uhm..yes. Ahem, how old are you?" The waitress glanced at Maki with a small smile, trying not to sound rude. "I'm not meaning to offend, I ju - She's twenty one, why?" Ishiki interrupted the lady with a raised brow, showing fake offense. "No. I just...I'm sorry." An embarrassed smile was sent back towards Maki as she then bowed, gripping the platter tightly. "I wasn't convinced. Please overlook this." And with that she was off...and Ishiki's cheeks were blown up as he tried to harness a laugh. "We'll just...pfft...leave her a nice tip..." Lowering his head, he could be seen trembling a little, laughing silently into his hand. "Alright, alright. Enough of that. Itadakimasu!" The male began to practically inhale his food...

@Zero Gravity



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Maki giggled softly as the lady questioned his age. Especially since they were lying about it. He clapped his hands together and did the same thing with Ishiki. "Itadakimasu~" He chirped, beginning to bite into the deliciousness that was his food. After every bite, he took a large sip of his drink, and before he even knew it, he was hiccuping softly as he ate his food. He felt light, like he was walking on air or something like that. That probably wasn't good. He felt giggly, and slowly began to grow into a cuddly mood, giving a soft sigh as he leaned against the table. He continued to drink, knowing that he shouldn't, but doing it anyways. "Tagadashi-san, have I ever told you that you're really nice~? Like, you're amazing~" Maki smiled softly at the other, resting his head in his palm.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13.gif.91fcfbc8483d898063d7e806dcb19998.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13.gif.91fcfbc8483d898063d7e806dcb19998.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki was taking pretty large bites from his food until suddenly he almost choked on a noodle...covering his mouth as he couched a little, the man took a large swig from his drink and exhaled sharply. Now leaning back in his chair with a hand over his chest, "Wooh!~ I thought I was a goner." Looking over at his phone that was still lying on the table, untouched. He had the urge to pick it up but...Ai was just a bit too much to deal with right now, he was beginning to realize just how nerve wracking she can be. Suddenly Maki leaned forward on the table with a compliment towards Ishiki, causing his eyes to gape lightly before growing calm. Staring at the boy for a minute, "He's a lightweight...? Maybe." Upon crossing this though, the male gave a gentle smile with a laugh and waved his hand, "I'm glad you think so." He then took another few bites from his food, staring down at the table. "Don't take it too serious. It's the alcohol talking."

@Zero Gravity



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Maki smiled once more at the other, taking another sip of his almost empty drink. "You don't deserve so much stress in your life, Ishiki-san~" Oh Maki, he has no idea what he's saying now. "You're such a good person~" Even though Maki didn't know what he was saying, his brain certainly did. After all, he was saying what he was thinking. They do say that a drunk man's words are a honest man's thoughts. He continued to eat his food, silent for a while as he ate his food and thought about random things. "You're so sweet, like you bought me things when I didn't need you to. It's like, you're just fantastic."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Haruna Usagi

Haruna was completely oblivious to all of her surroundings and her roommates staring at her in shock. How careless, she had left the door open. Yet for what seemed like an hour to them probably wasn't very long to anyone else. That was amazing. She thought to herself as Haruna laughed in exhaustion and happiness after what had happened. This was a very compromising situation everyone was in. Sho was almost on top of her while Haruna's hands were around his neck, it was impressive how someone could pay so much attention to her. Her red-faced roommates that were kind enough to celebrate had already ran out of the room. I can totally live here forever. "Oh, hey, Sho, I think we left the door open! We're lucky no one saw us~ Want to grab ourselves some birthday cake?" Haruna giggled at the thought, yet she was a bit sad that she had pulled back, but sooner or later Hana-chan and the others were going to come by. Wouldn't want them to see us making out. She laughed to herself. Oh Haruna, you had noooo idea.

Gently closing the door, she walked back to Sho, still sitting on the couch. Haruna grabbed her Disney bags and pulled her cell phone. Of course she saved Hanako under "Yuri Lover".

Hana-chan! Are you guys here yet? Me and Sho have been waiting for ages! >_<

@Wataru @Kawaii
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13.gif.2e2e0b94175b6437609f293ff1fc3da7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/13.gif.2e2e0b94175b6437609f293ff1fc3da7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki has casually began eating his food again when suddenly Maki started up with his bold compliments, causing the man to almost choke on his food once again. "Ah...Stress...right. Good person..." His eyes narrowed at these words, causing him to turn his head, looking away from the other with a slightly puckered lip, nope no blush. "Bought you things..." A small laugh escaped his mouth as he looked back at Maki with a gentle smile, leaning on the table with his elbow as his head resting in his hand. "That was just me being selfish. I'm not really that good of a person." Upon saying this, Ishiki began to think back on several different things that he's done in life...only the bad things though. It was like everything good he has done went unnoticed by himself. "Yeah...nothin'." Maki was noticeably tipsy..."That was pretty fast actually...maybe I should take him home?" And with that, the man stood up from his seat and placed ¥10000 on the table without calling for the bill. Normally he would never do something like pay way more than needed...but all that was on his mind was getting Maki out of the store before he gets any louder. Also, the waitresses tip can be found in there. "Yosh, come on Maki, we're gonna head back." Ishiki took the other gently by the arm, expecting him to stand up to follow along.

@Zero Gravity



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Shigeru looked at the building, her eyes widened and her face reddened and was buried in her hands. She then muttered,
"I'm gonna die alone." She said as she peeked at them, her face red as well as her ears.

She wasn't confused about this like Hanako since she walked in on someone at work as well as in a party, so at least this wasn't her first. She unburied her hands out of her face to reveal her face, red and flustered. She hoped that this wouldn't happen again.




Maki giggled softly as he stood up, still being in the right mind to push in his chair. He snuggled up against Ishiki's side, beginning to walk alongside the other as they began to make their way outside. Surprisingly, he wasn't wobbly or unsteady on his feet, he was just really tipsy...off on drink. Wow, I bet you've never seen someone that lightweight. He hummed softly as he clung to the taller male, making it to where his arms were wrapped around Ishiki's sides and he was burying his face in his chest. "Cuddle me~" He murmured into the other's side. He was a very cuddly drunk, like, he would probably be hugging all on Ishiki for the rest of the way to the hotel. And since the others were still out, he would probably beg the taller male to cuddle him until he fell asleep. Maki was just like that, especially when he was drunk. Then, he would be clingy times ten. He would be crawling in laps and snuggling and all that crazy stuff.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/32.jpg.d76c6fc6694d4aab20ca5d827d0a7408.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/32.jpg.d76c6fc6694d4aab20ca5d827d0a7408.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki still had a hold on Maki's arm as he stood up and pushed his chair in, before the two walked off, Ishiki finished off the last of his drink and with that, they left. A sudden suffocating feeling grew over the tall man as two small arms were wrapped around him as they walked. With a hand placed over the lower half of his face, Ishiki's eyes narrowed, looking away from the other. "What is this?..." Suddenly Maki spoke up in a soft mumble, but Ishiki could just barely make out what he was saying. This caused him to flinch, pushing the boy away with one hand as the other remained over his own face. "A-alright. Let's not-" He didn't say any more than that...mainly because he didn't know what to say. Looking down at the watch around his wrist, Ishiki furrowed his brow. "Dammit! This stupid ass watch!" Yeah...it's still broken. Pulling out his phone, Ishiki slid the screen lock over and skimmed through one of Ai's texts without thinking...that's new. After getting a glimpse of the time, he returned the device to his pocket and continued back to Daiichi Fuji Hotel. Once they arrived, Ishiki wrote both of their names in the log book, including the time they returned. He had to help Maki up the stairs just a bit, and once the finally made it to their room, without a second thought, Ishiki threw Maki down on one of the beds and escaped into the bathroom with a hand placed over his chest. "W-what is this?...Where is everyone? Why aren't they back yet? They are coming back right?...Shit."

@Zero Gravity



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Maki frowned as the other dropped him off on the bed without even cuddling him. The nerve of some people. The male let out a soft whine of frustration, before grabbing a pillow and wrapping his arms around it. It wasn't warm, but it would have to suffice for now. He gave a soft sigh as he laid there, still in his clothes from earlier. The pillow was his only friend right now, and he was feeling rather lonely in the room by himself.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/19.jpg.da1128cf38e1dd761b9a7d98cd7f8e49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/19.jpg.da1128cf38e1dd761b9a7d98cd7f8e49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki stood with his back against the door for a moment, face-palming. With a small glance towards the mirror, he could see just how pathetic he looked, which caused his head to drop. Now staring at himself in the reflective speculum with an intense glare and furrowed brow, leaning on the marble sink. "What are you doing Ishiki? You never acted like this around Ai...wait why am I comparing Maki to Ai?" Thinking back on when he and the blonde bitch were in a relationship together, he remembered how open and...shameless she was. Ishiki watched as his face took control, cringing at the thought of Ai. Turning around with a sigh, the tall male brushed his hair back and leaned against the sink again. "Well...guess I can't stay in here forever." Upon exiting the bathroom, Ishiki held his head high...that is...until he noticed the small white-haired boy curled up, hugging a pillow. Within the blink of an eye, Ishiki could be seen hitting his head against the wall as a gooey aura surrounded him, emanating from his person. "The hell!? Why did I find that attractive!?" Taking a deep, deep...deep breath. The man stepped over towards the bed in which Maki continued to hug a pillow, and threw a blanket over him, trying to remain calm. "Go to sleep kid."

@Zero Gravity



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.af2fcb31ea9fa120354a4cd4083c5e59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.af2fcb31ea9fa120354a4cd4083c5e59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maki gave a soft whine as he buried his face into the pillow. He then looked back up at Ishiki. "Not unless you cuddle me first! I'm deprived~!" The white-haired male stated, holding out his arms towards the other. Wow, he was such a baby. He was even holding his arms out like a toddler that wanted to be picked up. "Please, Ishiki-san~ Just until I fall asleeep~" The smaller male begged, a small pout coming across his face as soon as he said it. Yeah, drunk Maki was definitely something. His eyes grew soft, and he looked almost like a puppy that wasn't getting its way. He stretched his arms out a little farther, giving a small hum as he hoped for the other to come and lie down with him.

@Suzumaki Arakai



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/12.gif.7af8841f1e6f9b25e1c54de1f54fd0b8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/12.gif.7af8841f1e6f9b25e1c54de1f54fd0b8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki took a step back as Maki sat up, causing the blanket to fall from his person a bit, and began making grabby hands at him to cuddle. Gritting his teeth with a troubled expression, Ishiki averted his gaze. "I...I don't think that's a good I-..." Suddenly Maki continued to beg further for the man to crawl in bed with him. The man's shoulders slumped as he then scratched at the back of his head momentarily, before giving in. "My pride." Shoving the boy's face down into the bed, Ishiki crawled over and plopped down beside him, closing his eyes with a furrowed brow. Both of Ishiki's hands were resting behind his back to avoid actually cuddling. "I'm only staying 'til you fall asleep. Got it?"

@Zero Gravity



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"Well then." Vaughn said as he cleared his throat. He'd set the cake down on the counter while Haruna and Sho attempted to tear off each others lips. They'd probably notice it once they took their eyes off of each other. He was currently walking backwards through the hallway, facing Shigeru and Hanako.

"I mean like...we should probably leave them to it..." he stifled his laughter before cheekily adding, "...to do it," and promptly began to snicker like a twelve year old. If he were in Sho's shoes, he'd be wanting quite a bit of private time right now. The cake was for Haruna, so it only seemed right that Haruna have a slice of cake on her birthday night. He figured everybody else could have some tomorrow after the water park. Maybe they'd hang out at Sho's and Ishiki would be a cool dad and buy drinks for everyone again. He stretched his arms, now completely unsure of what to do with himself for the rest of the evening. At the door leading out of the apartment complex's hall, he turned forward to push open the door. "Could always get really high..." he said to himself quietly as he held the door open for Hanako and Shigeru.

@Kawaii @Wataru @theglassangel @ eat the cake anna mae



Maki cheered happily as the male crawled into the bed next to him. He flinched as the other shoved his face into the bed, however, he managed to get closer to the other, wrapping his arms around him and snuggling closer. "Thank you, Ishiki-san~" He murmured into the other's chest, letting his eyes close as he relaxed into the bigger male. "You're warm~" He mumbled, rubbing his face against the other's chest. A drunk Maki was a cuddly Maki. He laid there, still for a while. The warmth was great for him, as he didn't usually get to sleep with anyone, unless you count his dog, who slept at the foot of the bed.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/9.jpg.0259742ce55211aee6ce260f0f9ba1ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/9.jpg.0259742ce55211aee6ce260f0f9ba1ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki's eyes grew even more narrow as Maki wrapped around him like a did formerly to the pillow. Upon being called warm, the man furrowed his brow and turned his head away to stare at the wall. "Maybe...the gods are testing my self control?...If that's the case. Then bring it on!" And with that, he turned his head back and closed his eyes...but, he still couldn't help but focus on the feeling of Maki being wrapped tightly around his body...After a second, Ishiki realized he was holding his breath and let out a sharp exhale, face-palming in the process. "Really? It's not that hard dude! You're putting yourself to shame. You think you can call yourself a man!? Wait...but it's a man's job to crave isn't it- Wait what? Maki is a guy too!....Shit." Ishiki continued to argue with his inside self, without thinking, the man turned to face the other as his head stayed tucked tightly into Ishiki's chest. Staring down a little with narrowed eyes and a bitten lip, Ishiki gave a frustrated sigh and wrapped an arm over Maki, gently sliding his other arm underneath the other's head and wrapping him up into a tight hug. "We'll just say I was drunk...I'm disappointed in you Ishiki. Stfu."

@Zero Gravity



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Maki gave a soft sigh of content as the other pulled him up into a hug, and on the inside, Maki was happy as could be. If possible, he worked his way even closer to Ishiki. He could practically feel the stress radiating off the other, so he was helping the other relieve some stress. I mean, Maki was a wonderful cuddler, and he was so small that he easily folded into Ishiki's body. The male gave a happy sigh as he relaxed into the other's hug, giving a small smile into the other's chest before fully closing his eyes, beginning to drift off into a peaceful state, where he wasn't asleep, nor awake, just in between.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3.gif.645edd798511c568959a993df2f7c5c6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3.gif.645edd798511c568959a993df2f7c5c6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

As Ishiki lay there, holding Maki in his arms, the man's eyes remained open just a little as he basically stared off in space, thinking of pretty much nothing. Ai has probably sent him three new messages by now, but he hasn't noticed. As Maki suddenly hugged tighter, Ishiki looked off to the side, averting his gaze for no reason, guess it's just instinct. "...If I think about it...Ai and I never did this..." That's true. The only thing they ever did was...sleep together...just without the shut-eye part. As Ishiki continued to think about these things, he unconsciously rubbed his hand through the back of Maki's hair. "Ishiki. - His hair smells nice. - Ishiki! Snap out of i-" Gently, the man lifted Maki's head enough to where they were face to face, of course there was only a split second of that before Ishiki's eyes closed as he was now pressing his lips against Maki's with a bit of pressure. The boy's lips were soft and warm. He was also much smaller than Ai in height...and everything else actually. Eventually Ishiki found himself practically on top of Maki, holding the other up with with his arm and pressing him tightly against himself.

@Zero Gravity



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