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Fandom A Sonic the Hedgehog RP: Chaos Ensues


Junior Member
It was a beautiful day when the message was received. The skies were clear, the grass green, the breeze blowing gently through the town. Folk of all manner of species milled about the simple roads, going about their lives as they always did. This included a single purple hedgehog who lived a fairly secluded life on the edge of town. The hedgehog was resting on a worn red rooftop, letting the sunlight warm his fur, when a beeping sound interrupted him.
While the hedgehog chose to ignore the noise, any who watched their televisions would be met with a disturbing broadcast. The infamous Dr. Eggman sat in a large, nefarious looking metal chair, twisting his bushy mustache with a wicked grin on his face. "Greetings fellow Mobians! This is the great Dr. Eggman interrupting your afternoon tea to inform you of your coming demise." The man snapped his fingers, and with a flash viewers were shown a dark chamber. Seven metal columns shot into the air around a black pedestal, on top of which sat a massive green emerald. "Behold, the Master Emerald! Guarded for generations by a certain tribe of Echidnas, until recently that is." The man's chuckle sounded through the town as the screen shifted back to him. "With the Master Emerald, my new Eggman robots, and this..." He held up a light blue emerald for all to see, then lowered it. "I have all I need to destroy any town I choose." A short clip of a burning city played, complete with citizens running for their lives as large, menacing robots fired at them. "One down, six to go. If you are found to be harboring what I seek, my army will obliterate your home and all you hold dear!" Dr. Eggman threw his hand out dramatically, then clenched his fist as a sign of power. "To all the leaders of the world, if you wish to survive my wrath, throw your deeds at my feet, and declare your surrender to the might of the Eggman Empire! Wahahaha!" The man laughed for another moment, then the screen went black before broadcasting the program that had been on before.
"... well that's not good." decided a kangaroo mouse, having been at home with her family, on break from scavenging the world for parts and what not to sell (with how many times Eggman tried and failed to take over the world, it was a scavenger's dream to salvage parts!) and enjoying some down time with her family. Caleigh Hopps was the middle child of her siblings, her older sibling a Cassowary on her mother's side was an officer of the law and her younger twin brothers, also kangaroo mice on their father's side, were trying to make it in the music industry.

Gulping softly, Caleigh got up and headed to her room, taking out from a safe under her bed a red chaos emerald that she had found on one of her last scavenges. She'd been planning to sell it to the highest bidder but now she was putting her family in danger just having it! She'd rush down the stairs and tell her family what was up, telling them to leave the house and go somewhere safe, to which they agreed considering that if Eggman was trying to track down the emeralds, he'd undoubtedly make his way here sooner or later. Caleigh loaded up her pack and threw it over her shoulders before fleeing out of the house by the back door, heading onto the streets.

She had no idea where she was going or what the hell she was going to do, but if she wanted to be sure that this chaos emerald didn't fall into the wrong hands, she'd have to get it to Sonic the Hedgehog or any of his allies in someway! "Ugh, why couldn't Eggman implement his stupid plan next week?" she griped to herself, wishing she'd at least hocked the emerald and gotten a good amount of cash before putting her family in possible danger!
As Caleigh dashed through town, she might notice the sense of urgency in the town. Eggman's threats of world domination were nothing new for the people of Mobius, but it was rare that populated areas were heavily damaged. Some people packed their things while others assured their neighbors that Sonic would save them, same as always. The air in the town was heavy , and all the streets eventually led to the city limits.
"Geez." sighed Caleigh, giving a light shake of her head as she headed for the city limits. She had no idea where she'd be going, Sonic seemed to just sort of show up whenever there was trouble but that was the last thing that the kangaroo mouse wanted at the moment. Still, she slowed down to a job and wondered if maybe someone would know where to find the blue blur, so she walked up to the nearest person and gave a poke to get their attention "You wouldn't happen to know where Sonic the Hedgehog or any of his friends were last seen, would you?"
The person Caleigh poked was a man standing 6 feet tall with dark brown hair and a face like a bird. The man raised an eyebrow at the girl and laughed. "Sonic the Hedgehog? I haven't laid my eyes on a hedgehog in years, 'cept for Sage. He lives that way, can't miss it." The man pointed away from town, where a lone house sat off in the distance. "It's not much to go by, but he's not from around here, so maybe he'll know something." With that, he turned and went on about his business.
A few blocks away, a small robotic bird sat in a tree, scanning passersby. There was a strong energy reading nearby, but the robot had to be sure before calling for backup. It took flight and soared toward the outskirts of town.
"Helpful." snarked Caleigh under her breath before sighing and deciding she had nothing to lose. She jogged the rest of the way to the lone house in the distance, coming up to the front door and knocking on it. "Yo! Anyone home? I need some help!" she called, looking around her for a moment before looking back to the door. The guy better be home otherwise she was just going to move on and take her chances just wandering around!
The house Caleigh found was rather old and decrepit looking. It was a ranch style house with a wild mess of grass and weeds growing in the front yard. The white paint was peeling off the dark wood, a few of the windows were cracked, and there were shingles missing from the red roof. The door that Caleigh knocked on was once a rich red color, but was worn down to a faded, brown looking color.
"Hmm...?" A visitor... That was weird. "Up here." Caleigh would hear a voice from up above her head, on the rooftop. If Caleigh stepped back, she would see a purple hedgehog laying on the roof. He wore dark green running shoes, had his quills sicking up slightly behind his head, and wore a golden stud just over his right eye. The hedgehog sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his red eyes, shifting his gaze down to study his visitor.
The thought on Caleigh's mind was that this place was pretty much a dump. Did the hedgehog even live here anymore? She kept knocking up until she heard the call from above, causing her to step back and see the purple hedgehog on the roof. "Hey, you got any idea where Sonic the Hedgehog or any of his friends are? I kinda need to find them." she said. Although she had no idea if this guy had any idea, he seemed like he spent most of his time just sleeping around if the way he was acting was any indication.
The hedgehog yawned and stretched. "Sonic the Hedgehog?" That made him chuckle. "Forget it. Just go home, you're not gonna find him anyway." He readjusted himself and laid back down, once again relaxing under the sunlight. It was too pretty out to worry about that guy.
Scowling softly, Caleigh crouched before jumping, easily making it to the roof top and standing by the edge, hands on her hips as she stared down at the hedgehog "Well I need to find him so if you know where he is or might be then come on and spit it out! I got a chaos emerald and I need to get it to him before Eggman comes around and tries to kill me for it!" Or came to this city and hurt anyone else of course.
The hedgehog cracked an eye open as he heard the thud from Caleigh's landing. "Eggman's searching for chaos emeralds... What a surprise." Sarcasm dripped from his voice, and just as he began to close his eye again a glint of light caught his attention. The glint was getting closer... "Well, looks like naptime is over." With one final stretch, Sage sat up, then hopped to his feet. "How fast can you run?"

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