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Fandom A Shattered Steelheart

Mist Demon

A Broken Frame
The Demons stood upon the cold hard Steel ground of what use to be a football field. He was staring, intently, at the remains of an explosion and the remains of Steelheart. It would seem even one of the most powerful Epics could fall to the Revanent.

He had just been too late by a day. Having arrived just the day after Steelheart's demise, he could not fathom how the Revanent managed to always stay just enough steps ahead of him. He would never allow this to happen again.

Regardless with the power vacuum no doubt about to take place, he owed it to Steelheart to keep his dream of Newcago alive. To once and for all take revenge upon the Revanent, and once again untie all the Epics within this city under a powerful ruler

After paying his respects one last time, the Demon began to walk off towards the steel city of Newcago...
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Max walked along the streets of Newcago, the sun shining down from above. Ah, the sun. He thought. Somewhere around ten years ago, maybe a little less, but it didn't matter, Steelheart had taken Newcago, and turned everything to steel. A member of the three within his elite circle, Nightweilder, had turned the sky to an eternal night. A psychological attack, we thought, but it turned out to be more than that. Without sunlight, he could turn incorporeal. Either way, it lowered morale, until only a day ago, when Nightweilder had died, returning day. Steelheart had died too.

Of the 3 in his elite group, two remain. Conflux was taken prisoner by the Reckoners, and no one knew what had happened to him since, and Firefight... well, he was even more of an enigma. No one knew where he went. Either way, they didn't pose a threat, for now at least, so it didn't matter.

Speaking of the Reckoners, turns out, they had all done it! No Limelight after all! Ah, the Reckoners. I will find them someday, I am closer than ever!

People have been ambitious. It has only been a day, and he had already heard talk of removing the steel on the city. Of course, that's all it was, talk. Until that became more plausible... well, that wasn't their highest priority; that honor went to finding a stable central government. And that's why, even after being freed, some people still hung their head. Without Steelheart... this place will be a battlefield. He makes his nanobots curl up and around his right arm, before curling back down and returning to their pouch. No Matter... I must find the Reckoners. It's time to hand in my... application.
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Vlad walked right passed Max not knowing who he was and not knowing they would be very bad enemies. He kept walking until he heard a scream from a bank. Val rushed inside and looked at what was going on. He saw a bank robber pointing a gun at his face. Vlad laughed and made pure darkness attach to his hand and made a sharp crystal attached to him. He stabbed the robber and laughed more, taking the bag of money left behind and waved to the people in the bank as he exited. He walked all the way to his corner of an alley and sat down counting the few thousand dollars stolen by the rookie robber. He laughs quietly.
Max was walking, when he suddenly heard a scream. He ran towards the sound, and as he approached the bank he saw a man walk away, with what appeared to be money. He tried to remember his face, but he didn't quite catch it. Oh well. If that was an epic, or anybody of any real importance, we'll meet again someday. For now, I need to make sure everybody is okay. Max runs into the bank with his gun drawn. After noticing the dead man on the ground, he slowly put his gun away and walked up to a cowering man, patting him on the back. "Hey," He said in a soothing tone. Normally, he was very serious and hard. However, when it came to comforting people, he became soft. It was a weakness. "Hey, it's alright. What happened?"

The man took some some staggered breaths before responding. "A m-man came in here with a gun, and threatened to shoot everybody. He took money, and started to leave, when..."

"When what?"

"When another man came in. I was too scared, I didn't get a could look at him. He made darkness form around his hand, and turned it into a crystal, then..."

"It's okay, I got it. You don't need to continue. Everything is okay now! You can all continue with your business!" He walks outside the bank. The epics are becoming violent again. Without Steelheart, no one will be afraid to do as they please. That means... Max shook his head. No, no, that's not important. I have to find the Reckoners. I have some abilities they might need. Max curls his nanobots again. I hope they don't freak out and think I'm an epic.
Money had long since lost it's value to the Epics. In truth, Vlad hadn't even just performed a crime by Steelheart's old rules. Any Epic could at any time take anything he wanted from any human, going by the old rules. So while he may of gotten away with a few thousand dollars, it truly meant nothing for him.

More over, people on the streets are rare to see. The sounds of battle can be heard all over the city as the shocking news of Steelheart's death reaches all around. Epic began to dispute, argue, and fight Epic over who would take over their former leader's place.

Going unnoticed from the current scene, what appears to be a man walks into the bank to observe what had just taken place here. His face was mostly covered by an old base-ball cap. He sticks to the edges of the room, within the unlit sections of the bank.
Max continues to walk, then realizes something. His gun is gone! Now, under most circumstances, this wouldn't be a problem. His gun is actually made of nanobots. He could instantly recall them to him. However, these people are already jumpy from ONE epic, last thing they need is to think he is one too. So, Max heads back into the bank, and picks up his gun. However, as he is going to leave, he sees a strange man leaning on the wall, in an unlit area. That man looks shady. Really shady. Could he be the epic that attacked the bank, coming back to the scene? I shouldn't make assumptions, but nevertheless... Max walks over to where the man is and leans up next to him. "Who are you?" He quietly says to him before the man could leave.
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"For the moment, I'm no one to you. Now why don't you fill me in on what went down here pal and I'll make it worth it for you."

The voice of the rather shady man was much younger than Max was probably expecting. He clearly couldn't of been that old, probably just getting his majority not too long ago. So he was more than likely good for the money just as he had hinted at.
The voice sounded rather familiar to Max, but he didn't quite know where. He couldn't really get a good look at him though due to the light. "Well, I don't know too much. I got here not too long before you did. From what I understand, an Epic came in here, stole some money from a robber, and killed him. He used some sort of shadow thing. Maybe he's an illusory epic with physical repercussions on a small scale. Or maybe... sorry, geeking out again. Anyways, that's all I've gathered. I got them back to their normal routines and all. I swear I will find that man.." Max curls the nanobots around his arms, forgetting that the man might be able to see it. "Epics are disgusting. My goal is to join the reckoners one day... but you probably don't care about what I want, you need to focus on yourself. I don't blame you for that either."
"A goal to join the Reckoners, what a noble goal. I hear now that Steelheart has died a small sliver of hope has returned to some people. There's been far more people wanting to join lately. I might of heard they're recruiting the best of the best that send their 'application'."

While Max couldn't see it, a smile grew on the face of the man standing next to him.

"Now, I have to ask, are you certain it was an Epic? I ask only because they have no use for money, as such no reason to rob this bank. Also..."

The kid's voice began to trail off.

"...You should leave Epic hunting to the Reckoners. Unless you manage to join them, you shouldn't chase this Epic down. It's only going to end in your death."
"Yes, that confused me too." Max says, continuing to curl his nanobots. It's a nervous habit of his. "They can do whatever they want. I don't know what else it would be. Also, as for the latter concern, I have been hunting Epics for a while. Remember Channeler's death a while back? All me. Now, I'm gonna show you something, but don't panic." Max hold up his hand and allows the nanobots to spin in an orb above his hands. "Nanobots. I can make whatever I want out of them. These babies have helped a lot. I think I've killed... five epics with these things? I'm experienced... but I'd love to do more."
"Five epics, sparks. The nanobots are also an alright touch, but not as nice as this baby..."

The young man showed his right hand, which had a glove of sorts on it. It was a Tensor, a tool of legend that the Reckoners supposedly had in their arsenal.

"Now why don't you follow me out."

He exited through a small hole now cut into the steel wall of the bank. Max apparently hadn't even noticed the man creating it while they talked.
A reckoner! A reckoner! A RECKONER!!!! Max's dreams were coming true! Max wanted to jump up and squee, which is odd for someone like him, but he concealed it with a grin and followed the man. Wait, a reckoner with a familiar voice. "Hey, were you at the stadium? Were you one of the reckoners that killed Steelheart?" He asked the man. "I recognized your voice, and I happened to be at the stadium! I'll explain after you answer."
"Prof doesn't like us giving out mission details to possible recruits; wait sparks! I haven't even Epic tested you yet. However, I like to think I can always point out an Epic in a crowd. I'm certain you're not one anyways."

They were walking down the steel sidewalks of the over-streets alone. Until finally somebody came walking towards them, his nose and face were covered by bandages it would seem. From the way he walked, the way he carried himself... he was an Epic no doubt.

The young kid began to think back on his massive knowledge of Epics. It didn't take long to recognize him, for he was a world-infamous Epic. The Demon of the Blood-Red Mist, he was a high-tier Epic for he had extreme regeneration. He was also infamous for hunting down the Reckoners to the ends of the Earth. He had killed more than one entire division so far.

Sparks, of course he would be in Newcargo. One of the most powerful and feared Epics was just assassinated by the Reckoners. The Demon was supposedly a close friend of Steelhearts. The Demon would be out for blood, to avenge his friend no doubt.

"Don't ask questions, just do like I do, and bow your head. Whatever you do, don't make eye contact."

The kid then bowed his head as the Demon passed them by. He looked the two of them over, taking note of them before continuing on his way towards the center of the city.
Max lowered his head as he passed the man, and walked on. He racked his brain trying to remember who it was. He could tell it was an epic, no trouble, but who?

The... Demon, right? Demon of the mist? No, Demon of the BLOOD-RED mist... because that's important. Well, definatly better than most other epic names I've heard. What are his abilities... regeneration, obviously. Some kind of mist powers... there was something else about him... he hated the reckoners. He-

Suddenly, he realized something. This man had killed many reckoners before. He hunted the reckoners as much as reckoners hunted epics. And he, Max, had just joined the Reckoners! Well, not yet joined, but this man had said it himself, he was a possible recruit. that means... One of the most deadly epics in existence is going to very possibly be actively hunting me down...

Max paled and almost started to panic, then calmed down. No... being a reckoner is my dream. I always knew being a Reckoner would be dangerous... it's all part of the job. Max keeps walking.
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When the two of them were long out of sight and hearing distance of the Epic that had just passed them, the kid finally stops again and wipes some sweat from his head. He had been worried by some miracle the Demon might of recognized him as a Reckoner and killed both of them on the spot.

"Sparks, sparks, and more sparks. Let's test your Epic knowledge. Pop quiz, who did we just pass on the streets?"
Max wipes some sweat off his brow and looks at the boy. "That was the Demon of the Blood Red Mist. He has mist powers that can screw with your perception, and he actively hunts reckoners. Weakness: Unknown."
"Mediocre job. Many Epics also keep one or two of their powers hidden just to get the upper hand in any fight if they really need it. So we also don't know any other powers he might have, which makes him all the more dangerous.

You also left out that he's a high level Epic. This is because of his extreme regeneration. Like you said, we have no clue what his weakness is so we don't even know how to disrupt his regeneration power."

The boy continued walking after that, he was headed down to the Steel-catacombs. An area where enforcement wouldn't show it's face, or most anyone else for that matter.
Max walked along, and began to feel awkward. The trek was long, and there was almost silence for the entire time, so he decided to talk. "You know, funny thing is, awhile ago, we would've talked about what we did BEFORE Calamity, or before Steelheart's reign. However, in about a year or so, I bet everyone'll be talking about what they did DURING Steelheart's reign. Me? You may be surprised by this, but I worked for enforcement. I was a sort of double agent, helping you guys behind the scenes, and you didn't even know.

I like to imagine a good portion of the reason for the defeat at the stadium was because of me. There were a few other guys that were like me, and we worked together. Before Steelheart, Nightweilder, and Firefight went to the stadium, we sabotaged a lot of Enforcement tech. There were quite a bit less Enforcement at the fight then there should've been. I was also there at the stadium. I secretly picked off enforcement, mostly snipers... I just am glad to know that I contributed in a way."

Vlad was doe counting the money. He sighed because he wasn't sure what he was going to spend it on. He got tired of the money and threw it at a homeless guy a few feet away. "There ya go ya hippy. Spend it on a hooker." He started to walk the streets and and saw another person he recognized. It was two Reckoners. He got the chills and kept walking keeping his eyes on them. Hopefully they wouldn't recognize him.


Dracula was following a squirrel through the streets and followed it for a while before pouncing on it and drinking its blood. His eyes turned more red than they already were. He smiled and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He continued on his journey for more blood to get more power. He had no idea that that idea was false. He walked through the streets and saw a fellow epic as growled at him. He looked at what he was looking at and saw it was two Reckoners. He straightened up and walked passed them acting a bit too suspicious.
(Kiotaro, believe it or not, but the Reckoners keep themselves unknown. An Epic wouldn't just recognize one of them off the streets, and if they did, they would almost certainly kill it.)

"Calamity and the Annexation happened. Talking about them or not won't change anything. Before long another Epic will take Steelheart's place. The only way we'll ever see change is if every Epic is killed.

I hold nothing against enforcement. People will do anything in order to survive, and more than one of my friends entered into enforcement. They work for whatever Epic is in power so that they don't get killed by said Epic."

The kid continued to walk in silence, for they had just entered the steel-catacombs. The corridors twisted and turned as if randomly, and it would be more than easy to get lost down here.
((Sorry I just threw my phone at the wall. :P But if they were talking about epics then one would suspect... Lets just pretend that I never said that then.))

Vlad kept walking looking for a good fight. He was looking in the alleys for any suspicious Reckoner. He found someone who looked a little but suspicious so Vlad walked over to him and made a polearm made of shadow and stabbed the sleeping man ten times. "One Reckoner down. Plenty to go." He smirked and kept walking.


After the squirrel, he wante human blood. He kept walking through the streets and saw someone stabbing another person. He said to him, "Hey. He was mine!" Dracula yelled at Vlad. Vlad ignored him and kept walking. Although if Dracula said one more thing to him he would attack. Dracula went to the now dead man and kicked him to see if he was even remotely alive. The man didnt budge so Dracula left him, growling. He kept walking looking for anyone worthy of his teeth.
Max continued to walk down the corridors in silence. He attempted to keep track of which turns he took, but after turn 37 he lost track. Dang. I imagined it would be hard to get to the Reckoner base, but there is NO way you're getting there without knowing where you are going. I just hope we get there soon.
The mobiles on the sides of each of the two's arms soon became the only light as they transgressed deeper and deeper into the catacombs. Before too much longer they entered into one final large room with fifteen or so other people in it.

"Meet your fellow possible recruits. Wait for your chance to speak with Prof and then convince him why you should be apart of the Reckoners."

Max would of noticed one by one people were slowly being called in to a small side room.
Max nervously awaited his turn. The people in front of him were dwindling fast, and he didn't feel prepared. He was prepared, at least as much as he'll ever be, but he didn't feel that way. I wonder what happens to those that are rejected. No one has come out that door, and they could just let them wander out, they'd be lost. Also, isn't there a risk that those who fail will tell another epic, whether by choice or not, where the base is? Whatever, it's not important.
Before long Max was called in to the small room. There was no light in it, and as soon as he entered his mobile's light seemed to die off. Max could just barely make out a figure sitting at the end of a table.

"Take a seat. Tell me your story, I want to know every single detail. Before calamity, after calamity, after the annexation, and why you think you're Reckoner material."

It was clearly a male's voice, an old one as well.

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