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Fantasy A season at court

Ah, court. The place where the youngsters come to court, and be courted. The four glorious months filled with dancing, wonderful food, beautiful clothes, beautiful people, preformances, and everything a young person, and even an older person could want. There's something for everyone. Romance, scandalous affairs, magic, politics, and sometimes, even murder. And of course, the King and his Queen consort. Be you death mage, able to kill and conjure up fire at will, or life mage, able to control minds and heal, or even commoner, with no magical abilities at all, everyone is welcome at court. But life in the court is not without trouble. The king remains faithless to his Queen, who cannot produce an eligible heir to the throne. Their only child is a death mage, and as the king is a death mage, could never ascend to the throne. The other child, an illegitimate life mage, that came out of one of the kings affairs. He could inherit the throne, but it would be a thorny matter, that no one wants to deal with. Even worse, the neighboring country, Sahra, has claimed that the Iberian borderlands has been attacking their people, and has in turn started raiding the estates of the nobles who live on the border. So, come enjoy court, possibly catch the eye of the king, view or take part in the many events, and even influence the future of Iberia.

(The character sheet will be put up before anything else, so that you may begin filling that out.)​
Astraea sighs as she gets up to greet the new day. She already felt the bed calling her back into it. At least she had finally convinced her husband to get separate rooms. She could not stand sleeping next to him while he smelled of perfume.

The queen’s maid helps her up with others, fix her bed and warm her some morning tea. Astraea sits and thanks them as a cup of tea is placed in her hands. It helps wake her up and calm her at the same time. The warmth filling her in a pleasant way. Astraea smiles as a small breakfast is laid out. She knew the king wasn’t going to be happy that she didn’t eat with him but she really did not want to see his face right now. She nibbles on the warm bread and jam, watching the sun shine through her small window. Finally, she couldn’t stall the day anymore and gestures for her ladies to start her bath. Hot enough to scald was the way she liked it. Steams fills the air as she is undress. “The light blue dress today. I want to look like I did before I was married, when I was just a girl.” She slides into the bath, taking a deep breath. The rose mixed with lemon really was her favorite scent. Astraea thoughts drift as she relaxes. Her daughter was taking so very much after her and it pleased her…Soon her maids were washing her and finishing the bath. She let them dry her as she got out.

“I suppose I should wear Anemone in my hair.” She sits in front of the mirror and watches as her maids fix herself. Finally, she slips on the dress. “Ha, I look like I did when I first met my husband…how wonderful.” She grimaces.

“Now where did he want us to meet…ah yes the ballroom.” She tsk. “I really do not wish to walk that far, why couldn’t he have it in the grand hall.”

She sighs and shakes her head, she better get going least she is the last one to be there and that just wouldn’t look right. She did not need any more courtly gossip going on. She hated how those women would look at her with scorn and pity. Astraea takes one last deep breath before heading in. Ah seems she would be first…how grand.
"Ow!" Yesenia yelled as she turned to the maid whose clumsy fingers had jabbed her with a pin. "Prick me again and the next pin will leave you blind." She growled, turning back around to look at herself in the mirror. She had to admit the dress that was chosen for her was very beautiful.Her hair in an intricate braid that reached the small of her back, it almost brought a smile to her lips. Almost.

With one wave of her hand she sent the maids away, left to stare at her own reflection. Being left alone she was left to her own thoughts most of the in concerns to the crown. What she was most afraid of was if her father's bastard was to be legitimized.They were the same age, Yesenia being born a couple months before. Though as the law went the first born son would be crowned, though because the bastard was not legitimized Yesenia would be the first to be crowned. Then there was a whole thing of her being a death mage and her being crowned would mean eternal darkness for many years but she never got into details.

She gave herself a twirl allowing a small giggle and a smile before returning to her normal frown. Opening the door she walked out as she folded her hands behind her. Her head held high as she looked straight ahead of her. Those she passed quickly moved out of the way and kept their heads down. She knew they feared her, and she couldn't help but feel a little angered by it. She hadn't done one thing to even suggest that she was going to harm them before it was revealed she was a death mage.

Finally Yesenia had made it to the ballroom, seeing her mother and going directly over to her. She couldn't help but to roll her eyes seeing her father was nowhere in sight.
Typical. She thought, standing beside her mother, standing even straighter than before. Glancing over at her mother she couldn't help but notice how young she looked, wondering why she didn't go for her normal look for today. "Hello mother." She said softly as she bowed her head, though she still looked forward. All those years of classes had taught her how to mask her emotions, that could very well be the only thing she learned in those classes.
Maria Viktoria von Habsburg-Lothringen was sitting in a beautiful Coach. It looked nice and she found it comfortable to Seat in. Also, way more importantly, it had the ability to be one of the few coaches that did not ruin a ball attire on a little longer tour. Maria looked out the window, following the beautiful landscape with her eyes. She still was unsure why her father had sent her here. Was it to find a husband for her? She shrugged to herself. She would find out.

The coach took it's time, but reached the castle neither too late nor too early. She was the first one to arrive that was not living in the castle, but that was not a problem for her. The German princess get out, getting a little help from the coachdriver. Then she gave him a small smile and walked up to the entrance in a straight and yet elegant manner. The doors got opened and she went into the ballroom to see only the princess and the queen. Maria was never rude, therefore she walked up to them and bowed just enough to be respectful, but not overdoing it. "It is an honor for me to attend this ball, I must thank you the kindliest.", she said in her German accent and smiled at both of them before she straightened up again.

@Aio @Mikailgirl



Lady Elysia Wilkes arrived by carriage along with her parents, The Marquess Lord Charles Wilkes and her mother, The Lady Elaine Wilkes. They arrived from England yesterday and were staying at their own Iberian manor not far from the castle-their home away from home. Elysia loved this country so far, it was her first time in Iberia and she marveled at the scenery, and when the castle loomed into view it took her breath away at how imposing yet majestic it was. She waited until the carriage stopped and was the first to step out with the aid of her coachman. She waited for her parents, and the three entered the castle, Elysia's grey eyes bright just like her smile. Tonight was going to be quite exciting!

After all three were announced by their respective titles, and the three made their way to the queen and Princesa, and gave low bows to the their royal majesties. They rose and Elysia's father, Lord Charles, spoke up,
"Your royal majesties, thank you for graciously inviting us here. We are most honored to be in your presence." Lady Elysia smiled to both the Queen and the Princesa, and she looked to the Princess from Germany as well. Wonderful, there were more people from other countries that came here to attend the ball! She hoped to make new friends during her stay, as well as being able to explore the castle grounds.

“Hello child, don’t you look ever fair and lovely today. You get your looks from your late grandmother.” She smiles at her daughter, how she did love the girl. She wanted her to find the happiness that escaped her in her own live. She would take the crown, even if that boy had to die. No child not born of her own womb would rule this kingdom. Her small smile morphs into a deep frown. Thinking of her husband’s other children always made her a tad but mad and this was no different. If only she could bear a son. Her hands absently rub her belly..she did so long for another child.

Astraea gives the two girls a fake smile. Now, why were they here? She had no son to wed them to and she had to particular reason to want to see the daughters, who reminded her too much of her own happy youth. Maybe her husband was seeking another lover…she wouldn’t put it past him. “It’s good to see such lively girls, isn’t daughter. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could make friends with these two? I’m sure you young girls have much to talk about.” She nudges her daughter closer to the girls. She needed friends and they seemed ok enough.

@Ami the breadling

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Agustín woke. He realized soon enough that he was up late, but instead of taking out any anger he had on his servant, he simply sent away the young woman he had spent the night with, and got dressed. He was done in a relatively short amount of time, and so gave his servants some simple instructions on the cleaning of his room and Astraea's before turning and walking out the open door.

As he walked down the halls, his heavy clothing swished around his ankles, and he contemplated his daughters marriage. It would be good for her to find a loving marriage, and he did want her to be happy. He loved her, despite not showing it. But, if she were betrothed to the Sahran Prince, it could keep them at bay, and create peace. He would have to discuss it with both Yesenia and Astraea, but in the end he would have the final say. He also had the threat the borderlands created, and, of course, who his heir would be. He did wish for it to be Yesenia, but alas, it could not. Only a life mage could inherit the throne, and the kingdom. If only Astraea could produce one, everyone's lives would be so much simpler. But, no more time for thinking, as he was at the ballroom.

He stepped in, and after looking over the room of young men and women, joined his wife and daughter, who were conversing with three people, who, from their accents, came from England. He intergected himself into the conversation. "Ah, Astraea, Yesenia. How have you faired so far, this fine day?" He turned to the three Englishmen and women in front of him. "And We are afraid that We haven't been acquainted with these two lovely women."

@Mikailgirl @Aio @SoraSama14
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Her eyes narrow as she looks at the king. He was late..couldn’t he spend one night by himself..She bites her lip, biting back cruel words. She grips her dress, he didn’t even noticed how she looked today.. Astraea looks away after taking a deep breath. “It was nice of you to finally join us, I had thought maybe you had passed.” She gives him a mean smirk, before shifting back. She wanted to hear the reason they were all here today.
Maria bowed to the king. "Your highness i am honored to meet you and am even more honored to receive such a nice compliment." She rose again and smiled. "I sadly cannot give a reason for my presence, at least no other than the one I know. My parents asked me to." The crownprincess then turned to the queen and her daughter. "And I would gladly make friends with everyone here."
Elysia looked to see the king enter the room, and it nearly took her breath away. He was handsome, even if he was quite a few years older than her. Still, she marveled at him, staring a moment too long before casting her grey eyes down. She, along with her mother and father, bowed (or curtsied in Elysia's and her mother's case) deeply to the king to show their reverence. They rose and and Elysia's father took charge as usual, introducing himself as the Marquess of Winchester, then introducing Elysia's mother, and finally Elysia herself. She smiled up at the king, "We are honored to be in your presence, Your Highness. Iberia is a beautiful country, and we are glad to be here." She spoke softly but with the utmost respect. She then looked to the Princesses from Iberia and Germany respectfully, "It would be wonderful to make new friends while I'm here." She then looked to the king, "We are here at your highness' leisure, and anticipate the festivities tonight."

@Ami the breadling


Yesenia looked at the girls and gave them a smile. There was no chance of them being friends but she knew if she had said that out loud her mother would be less than pleased, to say the least. "It is." She said in response to her mother's question though seeing them so happy Yesenia couldn't help but feel jealous. These girls didn't have the burden of being a death mage. Their smiles were genuine unlike hers, for them finding a husband will be easy. "It is lovely to meet you all." She said giving them a small curtsy before looking over to where her father had entered.

When her father appeared her smile wavered knowing exactly why he was late but knew to say nothing about it. Her lips pursed at his words though she went back into a smile soon after.
"I am just fine dear father," Yesenia said though she made no effort to look over at her father. Oh, how she despised him. She knew very well if he could he would have abandoned her and her mother long ago so that he could marry the bastards mother. At least then he wouldn't have to worry about who would be taking over the throne. Though Yesenia would have the crown whether he liked it or not. She was done with the rule saying she couldn't be crowned, who was to say she had less of a right because she was a death mage. She didn't ask for it, though her father seemed to think otherwise.
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