A School Amongst The Stars [Inactive]


Junior Member
~Juvenile~Orion~ submitted a new role play:

A School Amongst The Stars - A Zodiac Yaoi HS Roleplay

~My first non private/1x1 rp~
Sorry if the description isn't that great.

Welcome to Orion's Highschool for boys, we are currently accepting!

Zodiac signs play a HUGE role here and pretty much determine everything (like your roommate and such..)

Currently we are accepting up to 3 of each sign, (please try to make it so there's at least one of each though)

Character sheet:





Zodiac sign-


Personality- (try and match it to zodiac characteristics..)

Read more about this role play...
Dylan was super excited to start his second year of school. After a long summer vacation, that was definitely filled with fun activities and events, he was glad to be back at Orion High School for boys. There was a lot of his friends who he hadn't been able to see and well, another year meant a lot of new fun experiences! His mom dropped him off in front of the school and he grabbed his bags from the back seat. "Are you sure you don't me to help you carry all that?" His mother asked but the eager young boy just shook his head. "Nope, I got it. Bye mom~" And with that he was off to go get his schedule and room key. Dylan smiled as he looked around, there were many friendly teachers there helping all the new faces at the school find their way around. It was good to be back.

Lysander was a bit nervous and excited for his first day ever at Orion High School For Boys. He literally had just moved to the country about a month ago and was still figuring out how things worked here. Honestly though, his parents seemed even more anxious about his first day than he was and they weren't even there! They were still back in France. Lysander had came to America to spend time with his grandparents and also go to school. He hadn't been doing to well at his old school back in France so that's why he was there now. Currently he was talking to his parents over the phone as he got ready. They were telling him all the usual stuff parents do~ Be careful. Make new friends. Be nice to your teachers. Don't get into any trouble. They were especially insistent on the last two, as that's what he had the most issues with back in France. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. I have to go..I'll call you later okay?" He said. His parents said goodbye as well and he hung up. After making sure he had packed everything, of what little he had, his grandfather dropped him off and he was finally there at school.
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Rick gazed out the window as they pulled up to Orion High school for boys. He watched eagerly at the new faces as his dad was scolding Tobias for various reasons. Rick ignored the conversation and stepped out of the car and walked to the trunk. "What do you think so far, honey?" His mom asked. "It seems cool!" He said with a smile. He grabbed his bags and started saying his goodbyes when Tobias stepped out of the car with a non-too-pleased expression on his face. "I'll run on ahead, seeya mom, dad!" He exclaimed as he excitedly jogged ahead barely hearing his mom tell him to remember to "give us a call!!"....

Tobias watched his twin ran off. Why act like such a fool. "You should be more like your brother." His dad said. He was not in the mood to listen to his dad's rant anymore. He was tired of hearing of how his brother has better grades, is always polite, and most importantly never gets in fights! "I'd rather stay me. Well I guess I'll be off, love you mom, dad." He nodded grabbed his bags and turned abruptly, feeling his dad's eyes boring into his back. Hopefully this school well be better than the last. "Now where'd Ricky go?" He said aloud...
Soran was happy to start a new year at the familiar school. It would be his last and the thought was a bit depressing but he would make sure that it would be the best year of all. He of course didn't plan on standing out in anyway, he would simply have fun behind the scenes. But this year he wanted to make a few friends. He was already in his last year of highschool and he still didn't have any. It make him want to shake his head at himself. Though he was glad to be back at school he was a little troubled as well, the teachers had asked him to help out the freshmen and there was no way he could say no. So he just conceded and let out heavy sigh before he began greeting the new students. His voice fairly quiet and timid sounding, making himself flinch. There was no doubt that the freshmen would be wondering what he was doing, Isn't he a freshman too? And then he'd have to break the news to them about how he was in fact a senior. These thoughts only brought on another long, rather loud, depressing sigh.

Kristen giggled as his foster parents both gave him a smooch on the cheek. Up until now, he'd always lived in an orphanage and he hadn't had the opportunity to go to a school like this. He just couldn't help but be excited~! Of course he wasn't worried about making friends or anything since that seemed to come naturally, but he was a little stuck on the fact that people would probably mention his albinism, he would just brush it off with a smile he decided. Grinning happily he took his suitcases from his doting parents. "Don't worry~! I'll be fine!! You know I-" and he tripped over his own to feet. Suitcases falling to his sides, he scrambled to get up. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" He called out. He was already used to tripping and hurting himself, he really was too clumsy. His parents just gave a worried look at called out to him, "Be careful on the stairs sweetie!" Kris just smiled and nodded and headed off in whichever direction he thought he should go, which in the end would probably get him lost since he had quite the terrible sense of direction.
William Fawn

The young charming male smiled warmly as he stood near his Grandparents car, they were both eager to drop off their 'little angel' as they called him since he had never caused problems, his Grandparents spoiled him at times so that's most likely the reason he turned out the way he did but he made up for his spoiled behavior by being kind to others. William was new to Orion, it was his first year of high school though it didn't look like it because of his tall build. "Mama don't worry~ I'll make sure to call often and let you know how everything's going." He said with a smile to his sweet Grandmother who was going to miss William while he was away. 'Fine but make sure you do call or you'll break this old woman's heart.' He gave his Grandmother one last hug and kiss on the cheek before she returned to the car, he turned to look at his Grandfather who already had his bags out of the car. "Thanks Papa, i can take then now. I'll miss you both." He said to the older male before his Grandfather went back to the car as well, they both soon drove off and William waved to them as they did. The tall young male grabbed his bags and started to walk around, he wasn't quite sure where he was suppose to head but he guessed he could ask someone along the way.

Zavian Maple

Zavian had his hand in his pocket while his other hand held his cell phone, usually the lazy male wouldn't walk to places but he lived close to Orion High School so his parents made him walk to school unlike last year when his parents were so sad to see him go but this year they were practically partying as he left. The young brunette sighed softly as he slipped his cell phone into his pocket, he was now in front of the school entrance and just like usual all the teachers were outside there to great the students with the insurance of a wonderful year. One thing he wasn't looking forward to was Gym, he prayed that he didn't get stuck with Physical Education on his schedule like last year and of course he failed that class but that was only because he was to lazy to do the exercises and he wasn't much of a sports fan either. But besides all that it was good to be back at Orion, the school actually wasn't all that bad with no girls and it was more fun just being guys. The teacher's who were female were sweet and some were funny or a bit serious about what they taught, Orion wasn't all that bad.
David Got Off his bicycle and Reach into the bag to pull out his bike lock he dusted off his leather jacket and took a step back to look at the school "so this is the famous Orion High School For Boys I don't know what So cool bout it the only girls here are teachers and I am post to have a roommate and yeah this is my first year here and my mom and dad wants me to make a bunch of comrades now where to go to get directions"he saw a boy helping the other kids Scentsy didn't like to talk to teachers"hello my comrade my name is David can you help me"he said to the boy
The young blonde happily stepped out of his older brothers car. Theodore had six older brothers though they had there own things to attend to so only his eldest brother and his twin brothers were there to send him off on his first day of Junior year though it really wasn't necessary since he knew where to go and what to do. The twins opened the back of the trunk of the car and pulled out two suitcases, of course they offered to carry it for there little brother but Theodore just took the bags himself and let his brothers hug him. After his brothers finally got back in the car and drove off, Theodore twirled around to gaze upon Orion Academy. This year would be fun for him, not only would he make new friends but he would also get to see his friends from last year which was worth smiling about.

The young blonde walked around the academy with a smile on his face. He had already gotten his dorm room number the other sand he knew exactly where to go.

Soon Theodore finally got to his location and unlocked the door of his room; as expected his roommate wasn't there yet. He set down his bag at the foot of a bed. He took the bed nearest to the window and sat down on the comfy looking bed. Unzipping one of his bags; The took out his laptop and set his laptop on the bed as he laid down on his stomach.
Ren looked out the window of the car as his driver took him to school. It was a silent throughout the entire ride and he sighed as he saw the school. He wasn't really expecting much this year, since every year seems to be the same. But it beats staying at home in that house he thought as the car finally arrived at the front entrance of the school. He then got out of the car and took his bags without saying a word. Now he was heading towards the dormitory hoping that no one would disturb him there.


Conner sighed as he propped his head up with his hand and rested his elbow on his pillow;he didn't want to get up today.He pushed the covers from off of him and forcefully got up from his slumber.He pushed his light blue hair back and slowly opened his eyes up to the sunshine that was in his room and eager to wake him up.With one pull of the curtains,all of the sunshine poured into his room and the only darkness was under his bed or in his closet.Conner walked over to his closet and turned the light on then walked in to see what he would wear.Going deeper into the walk-in closet,he finally let his eyes stay on an outfit he would like to wear an pulled it out then tossed it onto his bed and the shoes right under it.He put both of his hands on his hips and tilted his head to the side while yawning and walking to the bathroom.He took care of all of his morning duties and slipped into his clothing then went downstairs where his brother was,of course playing a video game"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"Conner asked in his morning voice "I am ready.You took so long in the bathroom so,I just started playing a game.You ready now?" he asked while pausing the game and turning around to his brother"Yeah.."he told him while nodding and grabbing his luggage that was placed on the opposite couch yesterday."Alright I'll get my stuff.."he told his brother before turning the game off and running upstairs.He remember Conner telling him to bring his bags downstairs but,he was to tired to even move at that point of night.Colton grabbed all of his bags and went back downstairs to find that the door was already open for him.He stepped outside and closed the door back then placed his things inside his brother's car then shut the back door close.He stretched a little and walked over to his motorcycle hopping on.He placed the helmet on his head and fumbled through his pocket for the key,once retrieved he stuck it into the hole and started the bike up.Conner got into the car and started his up as well the pulled out of the drive way and down into the street with Colton behind him since he didn't know the directions to the place.

Only about thirty minutes later,Conner arrived at the parking lot of the school and parked his car with his little brother parking right beside him.The two of them went into the back of the car and got their luggage then walked up to the dorm area.They got their information and went their separate ways to find their dorm rooms and maybe roommates.Conner had arrived at his dorm and unlocked the door to it.Seeing that there wasn't anyone inside,he picked the bed he wanted and sat his bags down on the floor beside the bed of his choice.He sat down on it and looked out the huge window that was in the middle of the wall and watched as other people were coming in as well.He looked around the room a little and puffed out some air then got up and started to unpack and put away his things since he really didn't know what else to do.

Ok so without all the winking and flirting with other males Colton would have made it to his room faster.Sending his last wink he went up to his room and set his bags down then retrieved the key from his pocket then unlocked the door and went inside.Seeing that his roommate wasn't there yet he smiled and put his bed that was to the right and began to unpack his things.He took off his black hat and sat it down then pushed a lock of his blonde hair behind his ear.He laid his laptop up on the desk top that was on his side then continued with the right of his things.
After getting his key and schedule Dylan headed off to go to his room. Saying to a few teachers he recognized he walked down the hall. It appeared his roommate wasn't there yet so he just walked inside and started setting up his side of the room. He hadn't brought too much besides necessities since he could always decorate later but he did bring a few small posters and pictures to put around his side of the room. He put away his clothes and then used the other shelves he had to put his other things on. The only things that didn't get put away were what he kept in a small bag on his bed. His ipod, his journal and his camera. Those were what he used frequently so he liked to keep them near by.

Lysander felt so lost as he tried to find his way around. If there hadn't been so many helpful teachers and student volunteers he probably would've never figured it out. It wasn't like his english was bad, it was just that a good amount of the time back home he spoke in french to his friends and family. He had never had to use english so much before! Still he managed to eventually get his room key and schedule and was able to go off and find his room.

(Lol I know there are still 3 people who need to do their starters but I'm impatient (^_-) )
Soran looked up as he was addressed by a student. He nodded and replied, "I probably can, what is it you need help with?" He assumed that the other needed help finding his room, it wouldn't be too hard since the teachers had given him the list of students and room assignments. Soran got that out, ready for use just incase his assumption had been correct. Glancing at the list and then back at the other he waited for a reply. Hmm, perhaps he could be friends with this guy? He seemed friendly and probably not too hard to talk to, but then again it was all up to him and if he would even try. Usually he would give up right off the bat, thinking it was better not to make friends because then you would become noticeable.
When Ren finally arrived to his dorm room, he just remembered that he needed to pick up his room key along with his schedule and mentally punched himself, for forgetting such a simple thing. He heaved a heavy sigh as he walked out of the dormitory to the school's main office while carrying his bags along with him since he had no where to put them making him more tired. Even so he still made the effort into smiling at the teachers and give them polite greetings, since he had to make good impressions or his old man would shoot him. Once he had received his key and schedule he was now like a dying turtle, and a wave of exhaustion has hit him to the point where even a snail was faster than him. Making him arrive to the dormitories slower than expected. He hurriedly rummaged in his pockets to quickly get out the keys and ram it in the key hole and opened the door, happy that no one here, leaving him time to rest and slammed the door shut. And choose a bed leaving all his luggage next to it, so he could plop down on his bed and closed his eyes.
After aimlessly wandering about for quite a while, a teacher had found him and helped him find him dorm room. He thanked him and entered the room placing his luggage down in the middle of everything. Looking to the right and then the left he decided he would wait for his roommate to come before choosing a bed, his roommate could choose for him, plus it would be rude to just decide and start unpacking everything because what if the other wanted the bed he had chosen? Well Kris wouldn't have been able to choose anyway, even if it didn't concern another, so he would just wait anyway.
Jim was so nervous. The cab driver must have noticed from his fidgeting and darting eyes, and the way he breathed, he was nearly hyperventilating. The cab stopped and Jim felt like he was gonna throw up. he so wasnt ready. The driver turned around and placed a hand on Jim's shoulder, with an encouraging smile, and told him that he had nothing to worry about, offered a few words of optimism- words Jim had frantically reapeated to himself the entire ride there in an attempt to calm down. That was the thing about Jim; he gave great, uplifting advice- he just never took it. Trembling hands clutching crimpled class schedules and passes reminded him to suck it up and get out of the cab already. Refusing any help from the driver, he unloaded his bags from the trunk and handed him the crumpled up bills his father gave him the night before and pestered him not to lose. With a chuckle and a wave, the driver was gone, and Jim was alone. Jim used to be homeschooled, pulled out 'cause the other students teased him relentlessly for wearing skirts and liking 'girl stuff'. how was he supposed to know what to do?! oh god he felt like turning back right now, but he couldnt. Instead, he picked up his bags, stepped towards the school, and... promptly fell on his face. his skirt was caught in the zipper of his suitcase the whole time, must have happened when he was getting the money out from the front pocket to pay for the ride! he cursed under his breath and hoped no one noticed, looking at the ground and practically running to the front office, trying to will his face to stop being red. He had no idea what to do or where to go, so he figured he would just wait at the front office until someone noticed and kicked him out. He sat down in a chair in the corner, unnecesarily discreetly- he went unnoticed, anyway, staff members busy busy busy as the first day was tomorrow. After akwardly looking around for a few moments he resolved to just daydream. looking at his hands, he kind of zoned out a bit, thinking about what was in store for this new year.
"tell me my Conrad where can one find good girls in America because I just came here from Russia"David laughed a bit"I am just kidding but I am from Russia I need to know my room number"as he tossed his arm around the boy shoulders in a friendly Manor"and while you at it tell me yours Conrad so we can hang out sometime"he said why he start to smile.
After getting everything put away and set up how he liked it, Dylan decided to go and help the new kids find there way around. It seemed that there were a few other students helping as well. It made him feel a bit nostalgic to see all the new kids wandering around lostly as he had done the same thing as a freshmen last year. He went and helped a few students find their way around and ended giving a little bit of a tour to some freshmen who wanted to see where their classes would be.
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A teacher tapped Jim on the shoulder, snapping him back to reality, as he had zoned out. He looked around and there were fewer people scurrying than he remembered. He looked up at the teacher to be met with an exhausted face and a look that read 'why are you here, if its not important get out'. He explained to her that he didnt know where to go, and she signed him in and handed him his room key, pointined him in the direction of the dorms, and hurried off to help another student. dazed and dumbfounded -it all hapened so fast-, he got his bags and headed towards where the lady had pointed him to, there was nothing else to do. He noticed it was darker than he remembered. how long was he out, he wondered...
When he felt better Ren finally woke up feeling refreshed and looked at his watch seeing that he had slept for a good 30 minutes. Seeing that no one else had arrived, he thought he had gotten lucky and got a room for himself since he never bothered to take a look at the room assignments. He then started unpacking his things and cleaned the room. After he decided it was enough for the day he looked out the window noticing it was already late. He then decided he smelled after moving around all day and decided to take a shower, taking a white baggy t-shirt and some sweat pants out of his bag, along with his boxers, and went into the bathroom which was connected with the room.
Eclair said:
When he felt better Ren finally woke up feeling refreshed and looked at his watch seeing that he had slept for a good 30 minutes. Seeing that no one else had arrived, he thought he had gotten lucky and got a room for himself since he never bothered to take a look at the room assignments. He then started unpacking his things and cleaned the room. After he decided it was enough for the day he looked out the window noticing it was already late. He then decided he smelled after moving around all day and decided to take a shower, taking a white baggy t-shirt and some sweat pants out of his bag, along with his boxers, and went into the bathroom which was connected with the room.
Jim finally made it to the room number written on the crumpled peice of paper the office lady all but shoved at him. at least he hoped so. wrong floor, wrong wing, so many akward situations could have been avoided if shed been more specific than a number! but with the help of a passing clasmate, he thought this was it. he knocked softly on the door. no answer. he knocked a little louder. still no answer. he remembered then that it was his room too, and that he had a key, that he could use. heres to hoping it worked. it did! the door opened to appear that no one was there, yet upon further inspection he noticed that the bathroom door was closed and the light was on in there. he figured that that must have been his roomate, but he found it incredibly akward to try and introduce himself at a time like this , so he sat on the empty bed and waited.
Lysander felt so lucky he didn't have as much to unpack as most of the other students. Since had only just gotten there from France he only had what he absolutely needed and a few other things to keep him from being bored. He did feel a little homesick as he flipped through some of the pictures on his phone but tried to get over since there was no use in sitting around and pouting. He wondered just how much they were allowed to decorate their dorms. Lysander had a habit of over doing his decorating sometimes so he just decided to keep is simple and put up a few posters and things he had brought. After a few minutes more and no one showed up he started to feel a bit anxious about meeting his roommate. Would they get along well? It was highly unlikely but Lysander had promised to try his best so he could try to get along with the person he supposed. He laid back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling wondering what he should do to keep his mind entertained.
[QUOTE="Curious Kurona]Jim finally made it to the room number written on the crumpled peice of paper the office lady all but shoved at him. at least he hoped so. wrong floor, wrong wing, so many akward situations could have been avoided if shed been more specific than a number! but with the help of a passing clasmate, he thought this was it. he knocked softly on the door. no answer. he knocked a little louder. still no answer. he remembered then that it was his room too, and that he had a key, that he could use. heres to hoping it worked. it did! the door opened to appear that no one was there, yet upon further inspection he noticed that the bathroom door was closed and the light was on in there. he figured that that must have been his roomate, but he found it incredibly akward to try and introduce himself at a time like this , so he sat on the empty bed and waited.

After he finished he dried off his hair with a towel and put on his boxers and sweat pants, and with no hesitation went out of the bathroom without his shirt, after all it seemed like he didn't have a partner at all and was finally enjoying the freedom until he noticed that he wasn't staring at an empty room but saw a figure on the other bed and stared at him, * Awkward * he thought. And stared at the boy silently before remembering to put on his shirt. After he was fully dressed he continue drying his hair with a towel and opened his mouth to speak "...Sorry about that, I thought I was the only one here "
Nick got out of his parents car for the first day at his new school. As he got out and started to get his bags he was met by the Hockey coach and athletic director at the school came to meet him as they were very excited Nick decided to come here to play hockey. Nick got a hug from his mom and dad "ok be safe Nicky don't get in trouble and do well in school." Is what his mom said and then his dad chipped in "and don't forget to give it 110 percent every practice and game son don't worry you will be a athletic scholarship in no time" And then his parents left as he turned to the coach who was showing him to his room.
Eclair said:
After he finished he dried off his hair with a towel and put on his boxers and sweat pants, and with no hesitation went out of the bathroom without his shirt, after all it seemed like he didn't have a partner at all and was finally enjoying the freedom until he noticed that he wasn't staring at an empty room but saw a figure on the other bed and stared at him, * Awkward * he thought. And stared at the boy silently before remembering to put on his shirt. After he was fully dressed he continue drying his hair with a towel and opened his mouth to speak "...Sorry about that, I thought I was the only one here "
"oh, no, it's fine! i should have gotten here earlier, i got lost.um. Im Jim" Jim stood up from the bed and extended a hand "um, i'll be your new roomate! but i guess that was obvious, uh, whats your name?"
[QUOTE="Curious Kurona]"oh, no, it's fine! i should have gotten here earlier, i got lost.um. Im Jim" Jim stood up from the bed and extended a hand "um, i'll be your new roomate! but i guess that was obvious, uh, whats your name?"

Ren looked at his roommate in complete confusion but then responded by taking his hand and uttered " Ren. " He could tell that this year wasn't going pretty well right from the start. And he was pretty sure he and his new roommate would probably not get along * Too noisy * he thought but didn't say anything. And looked at Jim's attire which made him raise an eyebrow, but he didn't ask questions. He then started to unpack his other things that haven't been unpacked and started to get things ready for school tomorrow.
Eclair said:
Ren looked at his roommate in complete confusion but then responded by taking his hand and uttered " Ren. " He could tell that this year wasn't going pretty well right from the start. And he was pretty sure he and his new roommate would probably not get along * Too noisy * he thought but didn't say anything. And looked at Jim's attire which made him raise an eyebrow, but he didn't ask questions. He then started to unpack his other things that haven't been unpacked and started to get things ready for school tomorrow.
Jims heart sank. he knew that look. suddenly he was very aware of what he was wearing, how unusual it was. sudenly he was very self consious, and the floor was very interesting. he said nothing else, and started to unpack himself. he cursed himself for being so stupid, why hadnt he just unpacked while he was waiting instead of doing nothing and just staring at the walls like an idiot. ah well. Jim was an optimist and wouldnt let stuff like this get him down. soon what he had would be settled in and- wait. that sprung a question to mind. "er..." Jim cleared his throat "is it okay for me to use the shelf right there?" he pointed to the shelf nearest to him of the ones between their beds.

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