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Dice A Realm Reborn (Open)


New Member


In this world, there are four crystals. The four crystals keep the balance of the four elements in check. For millennia, they have shed their light silently, with the world at peace. But now, a darkness never seen before threatens the realm. The crystals are being warped, losing their light. The first to fall was the Earth Crystal, and with it, the land began to quake and sandstorms raged. Years later, the Fire Crystal began to lose its light as well. When it did, wildfires spread, and volcanoes erupted. As time continued, the Water Crystal too, fell into darkness, and hurricanes and flooding were soon to follow. Finally, the last of the crystals, the Wind Crystal, darkened. With the Wind Crystal shining no longer, tornadoes spun and thunderstorms raged. Now the world is in a state of utter chaos. Races are siding with one another, preparing for the inevitable war that this darkness is sure to bring. But there is a prophecy. "When darkness envelops the world, four Warriors of Hope will appear."​
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A people of all kinds, they live in their great port city of Elisawin a huge sprawling city filled with everything from criminal gangs too a church of holy folk following the godess of Light Enderasal. It is ruled over King Athurian Menesifit and the Human kingdom is world renowned for its impressive navy as well as its ground forces. King Menesfit is the elected leader of the Unitred Races elected by all the other leaders in a vote that takes place every five years.


The Stout folk, barely ever above four foot tall but broad shouldered and immensely strong. Living in their impenetrable mountain city of The Citadel in the snowy east peaks. A stoic people forged of Blacksmiths, Masterful warlocks, Shamans, Shield Maidens and the dishonored warriors who become beserkers and slayers. Their strength is matched by none, the strongest in raw physical strength matching even the mighty ogres. Lead by King Magnis Winterforge

1 Human Year=About 3 Dwarven Years


The tree top folk are graceful and wonderous, their beauty is renowned throughout all of the world. They are tall with rich purple or blue skin with long ears and dark eyes They live in beautiful trees grown straight from the wood itself, they are immensely faithful to nature and their moon goddess Eluna. They are skilled archers and trackers living in the deep forests of Alinari. Lead by High Priestess Alunaris Daldieb.

1 Human Year=3 Elven Years


The tiny folk, barely reaching two foot tall unless very very mutated at birth. They however hold great willpower and even greater intellect, their technology is far ahead of any other race having created guns, simplistic vechiles and even the siege tanks so beloved by the dwarves. They live in The Citadel along with the dwarves, they have built up the cities defenses with all their cannons and advanced tech. Their current leader and close friend of King Winterforge and his trusted advisor is High Tinker Thelris Twistwrench.

1 Human Year=About 10 Gnomish Years


Human bear hybrids no one is sure where they first came from but they born of the earth and live out in the wilds. They are fur covered humanoid with huge muscle mass and clawed hands and bear faces. Brutal warriors of monstrous strength, and finding no need for weapons often. They are led by Chieftain Rageclaw

i Human Year=2 Bearfkin Years


Distant cousins of the wood elves but a very different folk, they live on the reclusive moving island of Ashranas it is a safe haven of magic of all variety and none are judge their. Fair skin and more human like than their wood elven kin, but still equally if not more captivating their kind are so beautiful that some of the other races have trouble telling the men from the woman. Their ears are smaller but still pointed and their skin is more pink akin to humans They are led by High Magister Falirim Flamerise.

1 Human Year=3 Elven Years


Originally pandas who evolved into a humanoid form. They are covered in thin white fur with black patches around their eyes and ears. They are well known for their wood working skills and make weapons out of bamboo stalks. Using these weapons, they go through years of harsh, disciplined training before becoming master fighters. They are lead by the Dali Llama Zhu Tang.

1 Human Year=5 Ren Xiongmao Years


Wilhurt are wolf like humanoids, having fur ranging anywhere from black to white. They have sharp fangs and claws, eat mainly meat, and have large bushy tails. They cannot sweat except through their hands and feet, so they pant a lot to cool down. When the winter comes in, their fur grows thicker, and they shed in the summer. They are lead by Pack Leader Worriz.

1 Human Year=5 Wilhurt Years



A relatively young race, come down from the mountains wherein they resided for many years, a nomadic race of honorable if terrifying fierce warriors, they are hulking monstrosities that stand eight foot tall. They can be anything from an elderly wise shaman to a thief in the night to a warrior wielding two huge axes. They are led by Warlord Droigan Bloodhowl. He is the leader of the Brutal Allegiance a title he won in a gladiatorial combat against all the other leaders. Their huge war camp in time became the tent city of Ukrigarik

1 Human Year=1 Orc Year


Kin too the orcs since a time before even the eldest remember, these long gangly people with sinewy but strong bodies are amongst the tallest of all the worlds races, not surprising sharing a common ancestor with the elves. They however have long sharp tusks and are versed in dark magics and voodoo, they practice Guerrila warfare and share the nomadic life of the orcs. Led by Elder Witch Doctor Umbaris Razijari

2 Human Years=1 Troll Year


Huge muscular creatures, standing twice the height of the tallest man they are often seen as dumb, although were you too call one such you would doubtless find an immense fist crushing your face. Their elite upper caste are versatile magi and their wisdom that comes from the arcane flow allows them to direct the ogre legions of hammer-swingers with extreme efficiency. Led by “Big Spellflingah Zugdun.” They reside in caves all throughout the world and they have a secret capital in huge natural caverns not far from Elisawin.

3 Human Years=1 Ogre Year


Sometimes called green gnomes goblins are more dwarven sized , tending to be around three foot tall and incredibly thin, they look like someone shot an orc with a shrink ray and made it more sickly. They however share the gnomes love for technology and the two races constantly compete to be best. Goblins however have more of a skill when it comes to explosives. Having built giant defensive cannons the size of houses for Ukrigarik where they reside. They live in the a floating sky barge city called Ol’ Bessy and they are ruled over by a criminal family and Don Marcuis Silvercoin.

1 Human Year=1 Goblin Year


The Sahagin are a race of amphibious creatures who live in the Dark Bog. They have smooth skin with webbing in between their fingers and toes. They also possess sharp claws and fangs. Because of their inability to remain in good health when they are not in a moist environment, they do not leave the Dark Bog, which means they do not pose much threat unless you enter the bog. They are lead by Empress Bradoria

1 Human Year=4 Sahagin Years


These humans turned their back on civilized society long ago, over their time in the wild they have become savage and brutal, their appearance has become more bestial beginning to grow natural fangs and coarse hair allover their bodies. They have become in tune with the brutal side to nature and have even developed an immunity to some poisons. They live out in the wilds, having camps they can setup from just a few sticks and some leaves. They are led by Chief Orok.

Same aging rate as humans


Although they are elves, they look very different than their cousins from the United Races. They have the sickly build of a goblin, but are about the same size as a human, with dark gray skin, long, matted white hair, and long fingernails which they use for digging insects out of trees. They are just as gifted with magic as the High Elves, but they choose a much darker path, using magic that if used by a High Elf, would result in banishment. They are lead my Supreme Lord Astos.

1 Human Year=3 Elven Years


Mammuts are large bipedal woolly mammoths. As such, they have thick brown fur and enormous ivory tusks. They live in the far corners of the Floating Continents, up in the cold mountains surrounding the Citadel. They do not normally come down from their mountain homes, but many will to converse with other species. They are let by Frost King Mungus.

6 Human Years=1 Mammut Year​



Everything from savage beserkers with two handed axes or knightly men full plate armor and shields and graceful swords. The most versatile fighters who can use any armor and any weapon.


Warriors of whatever faith they belong, a combination of priests and warriors, they combine the best of both, healing of priests and the front liners of warrior. They wear plate armor and wield either a sword shield or a huge two handed hammer. These only exist among forces of the United Races, especially the humans.


Sorcerers who use one of the three “Pure” schools of magic, fire, ice or arcane. They are manipulators of magic and can use it for the sake of combat study or learning. It is something used for both war and peace. They wield staves and wands wearing cloth robes and the like.


Masters of deceit and distraction, these sneak thieves they work in the shadows experts of poison and picking locks. Exceptionally light fingered and master thieves they wear light leather armor and climbing. Using tools such as climbing ropes and smoke grenades and various similar things. They use a mixture of daggers and bows with various arrows.


Skilled archers and crossbowman or even rifles developed by gnomes and goblins. They can make shots that are inconceivable to those not trained in their art, they wear either leather or mail armor they tend to stay far from melee combat and support Warriors and the like.


Healers who gain their restorative abilities from their gods they are often in the back of battles supporting the front liners and working alongside marksman, they wear cloth like magi and wield similar amplifying weapons. Although on rare occasions priests have been seen to be wielding maces.


Dark Casters, using either corrupted demonic fire magic which burns a sickly green called Fel or pure shadow magic. They conjure up demons to assist them in battle and almost all priest/paladins despise them for their corruption against the various gods followed by each race. They only rare cloth armor and use foul, twisted tomes to channel their magic and conjure forth their demonic allies.


Elemental warriors, completely unified with the elementals of the land allowing them access to the raw untapped power of the four base elements, wind, water, fire, and earth. They use this in various forms whether it be casting these elements like a magi, or using the restorative waters of the world to heal their allies. They wear any form of armor apart from plate armor and tend to wield a shield and a one handed weapon or a stave.


Secluded warriors who practice a single combat discipline of their choice, be it a master swordsman, archer or martial artist. They are devoted entirely to their craft and posses a singular mind and skill. Yet when they return to the world from one of the hidden monasteries they can struggle to blend in with the world. They wear robes often and have shaven heads marked with tattoos of their discipline. If a swordsman they wield a sword, an archer may carry several bows of various lengths. And a martial fighter may carry fist weapons to increase his strength.


Found only amongst the Goblin, Gnome and Dwarven races tinkerers are warriors who have forgotten using traditional weapons and instead opt for technological ones that advance their combat. Be it repeating rifles or chainswords or even full body steam armor suits. They craft and sculpt their own weapons/armor to fit their personal needs. As such they can take almost any role apart from healing within a battle scenario. They wear any armor they wish and their weapons vary depending upon their tech.


The complete opposite of Tinkers, these ancient natural magi focus on the magic of the forest, using the power of the trees themselves and the wild animals. They can take on the form of wild beasts and enter combat, and skilled Druids can even take on the form of creatures of the air and fly. They wear very little armor and use the natural weapons of their animal forms. They are most common among the wood elves and the trolls who use voodoo for such a transformation.


The way of the Dark Knight may be chosen willingly, or forced upon by a warlock. If chosen by free will, it is harder to master, and easier to succumb to insanity. If a warlock forces a paladin into the way of the Dark Knight, they keep their sanity intact the entire way through training, as long as the warlock lets them. Dark Knights uses cursed blades known as Blood Swords which allow them to either convert their own health into extra strength or drain health from opponents while attacking.


Using the earliest form of magic known in the world the rune master enforces his own strength through runes tattooed onto his body. Each rune is unique to its master and they have different effects whether making him able to breath underwater, his skin temporarily as strong as iron, to run as fast as the wind or even immune to fire. Each Rune Master makes his own choice in how many runes he carries and the variety in them. They wear light armor leather or mail and wield the weapon that most runs in line with their runes.


A savage melee master, wielding a pair of axes or a bow as is tradition, these mystical individuals have the ability to commune with animals and form a bond with them so that they will fight alongside them. This is not mind control however and beasts do not have to obey them, and beast masters own companions can even turn against them. They often wear simple furs and are much more common among the forces of The Brutal Allegiance.


A bard is an interesting figure, traveling song masters, they devote their lives to the mastering of song and raising spirits of others. Many mock the bard for his simple calling, but his songs seem to have a magical effect almost, bolstering the spirits of his allies. As a matter of safety however, most bards are very proficient with either a crossbow or a dagger.


A strong figure who carries a special weapon, a cannon gun. Cannon guns are large guns crafted by gnomes and goblins, and are used to fire very large ammunition. The downside to this is that they are heavy and hard to carry, as well as the fact that it takes a while to reload. However, certain ammunition can spread out, explode on impact, or even restrict enemy movement. That said, cons and pros are equaled out for the most part.


A warrior who carries a tome and a sword. By using the texts in their tome, they are able to embed elements into their sword. They are able to inflict status ailments with their enchanted swords, such as poison and sleep. Dealing damage is not all they are capable of however. They can use low level healing spells, which allow them to support allies while delivering status ailments to opponents.


The Dragon Knights are a class made up solely of humans, but not just any humans. The Dragon Knights are descendants of a people who had an unusual bond with the dragons. As such, Dragon Knights all have a dragon partner that they are destined to meet. They are proficient with spears and lances, and are able to make high jumps in order to strike from above with their spears. A Dragon Knight is classified by what kind of dragon they are bonded to, which can be determined with a special test. They wear special armor crafted from dragon scales which is resistant to strong blows and magic.


The ninja is a master of stealth and deceit. They never stay still for too long, always on the move. They use throwing stars and long thin swords to deal lots of damage from both close up and from far away. They are also able to use secret abilities learned from ancient scrolls in order to confuse their enemies.


A scholar is one who is proficient in learning attacks from monsters, also known as using Blue Magic. Many mock the scholar in their seemingly peaceful and harmless ways of learning, but they are far from weak. A scholar can wield the strength to carry a ogre's club or the speed of a wood elf, if they face one in battle.


Pirates, in all seriousness, are not all plundering thieves. They use long swords and sometimes a pistol or a shield. They rarely come onto land other than to eat and get drunk, but they are willing to take on jobs in order for money. That said, there are also pirates who will hold people for ransom.​



Mana is magical energy, which is required for casting spells. While everybody has the ability to control their mana, some people have more mana than others. Those who do not practice magic frequently have little or no mana at their disposal, while magi, warlocks, and priests, have an immense amount of mana to use for their spells.


Black Magic is about dealing damage and causing status ailments, such as poison, stun, and sleep. People such as priests and paladins cannot use this type of magic, but Magi, Warlocks, and Dark Dragon Knights are capable of using it to the fullest extent.


White Magic is mainly curative or protective. It has links to holiness, so anybody with a dark heart cannot use it. It is used by those who are selfless and wish to help others. It does include some offensive and status spells, such as Aero and Mini.


Green Magic is any kind of magic that raises an ally's stats or lowers an opponent's.


Blue Magic are spells that normally can only be used by monsters, but are obtained through having said spell inflicted on oneself.


Involves summoning a powerful, and often supernatural being, to fight for or defend the party.


Spellblade is the act of enhancing a weapon with different kinds of magic. The magic used in Spellblade is different than regular Black Magic, as it cannot be used in its own form, it must be cast upon a weapon. While Mystic Knights are the main practitioners of Spellblade, Dark Knights are able to use it to a lesser extent.



Neutral: =

Weak: +

Resists: -

Immune: x

Absorbs: x/o



Earth: x

Water: +

Fire: =

Ice: =

Wind: +

Lightning: -

Undead: =

Holy: =

Thunder: Basic Lightning based attack spell, costs 3 mana

Thundara: Intermediate Lightning based attack spell, costs 6 mana

Thundaga: Advanced Lightning based attack spell, costs 9 mana

Bolt: Ultimate Lightning based attack spell, costs 12 mana



Earth: +

Water: -

Fire: x/o

Ice: +

Wind: -

Lightning: =

Undead: +

Holy: =

Fire: Basic Fire based attack spell, costs 3 mana

Fira: Intermediate Fire based attack spell, costs 6 mana

Firaga: Advanced Fire based attack spell, costs 9 mana

Flare: Ultimate Fire based attack spell, costs 12 mana



Earth: +

Water: -

Fire: x

Ice: -

Wind: +

Lightning: =

Undead: =

Holy: =

Blizzard: Basic Ice based attack spell, costs 3 mana

Blizzara: Intermediate Ice based attack spell, costs 6 mana

Blizzaga: Advanced Ice based attack spell, costs 9 mana

Deep Freeze: Ultimate Ice based attack spell, costs 12 mana


Does not affect any enemies that are not undead

Dia: Basic Holy based attack, costs 3 mana

Diara: Intermediate Holy based attack, costs 6 mana

Diaga: Advanced Holy based attack, costs 9 mana

Holy: Ultimate Holy based attack, costs 12 mana


Goblin Punch is a Blue Magic spell that can be obtained from a goblin. Goblins, although small, are surprisingly strong, as strong as an orc even. To use Goblin Punch, you must learn it from experience. It costs 4 mana to be cast.


Pond's Chorus is a Blue Magic spell that causes the target to turn into a Toad. It can be learned from Elf Toads.​



The key but of tech in a tinkers arsenal. Each backpack is unique whether it has two mechanical arms that are linked to the tinkers mind through a neurological crystal or a rocket pack they can vary greatly but each tinkers pack is unique.


Melee weapons with rotary blades with teeth on them designed to cut through flesh/armor/wood with barely any effort.


Advanced tech designed to make single shot weapons, multi shot although these have a tendency to jam or overheat.


Through clever use of glass lenses these allow long vision. Often sold to thieves and marksman so they can scout out their targets.


This is predominantly goblin tech gnomes preferring electricity rather than explosions. Goblins either use rockets offensively or as a very fast but very volatile mode of transport.


A former high tinker made the breakthrough that lightning could be generated by a secret known only to the gnomes and latter stolen by the goblins. This is used to power much of their tech alongside steam but also stun technology and the like exists.


This cog and steam based technology. Extends from simple limbs (including replacement arms) to extra limbs on harnesses or even full steam battle suits.


Goblins during the great steam war with the gnomes that by running lightning through certain resonant crystal mages used in their staffs they could mentally link themselves to some tech. Although this can be exhausting if done by an untrained mind. Its even been known to kill those who try and steal a neurologically linked item.


Simple collapsible frames with durable fabrics that are used to glide should a tinker have to retreat off a cliff. These are a favorite amongst marksman and thieves.


A technology appreciated by both the goblins and the gnomes is the ability to generate fire. Whether it be through flaming liquid spewing flamethrowers or incendiary grenades.


Currently, the airship is a work in progress. But when it is complete, it will be a regular sailing ship equipped with the power of flight through the use of propellers or steam powered rockets. However, neither goblins nor gnomes know anything about the development of this project, they are in the dark.​



Huge wild cats with massive fangs these creatures stand the same size as horses and have ferocious fangs. They are prized as mounts by those who can take them.


Similar to the Battle Sabers but bred for their size by orcs as mounts and later shared with the other races of the Brutal Allegiance.


Seemingly the crossbreed of a a bison and a bear. These huge stocky animals have the brute strength of a bison and the class and fangs of a bear whilst having bovine hind legs with hooves. It is rumored Bone Crushers.must fight three as a right of passage.


Distant cousins of the dragons these creatures are akin to reptilian eagles scales with films of skin across their wings that allow them flight. Sometimes a wyvern will bond to a Dragon Knight, though this is uncommon.


The mixture of lion and eagle an iconic beast of pride and strength and the chosen steed of many knights who can conquer the will of one.


A fish the size of a large boat, they are used for sea transportation by those who do not have boats, although they have a tendency to breach with no warning.


Enormous lizards with wings on their backs. There are eight types, each with a Legendary King Dragon, the eight types are Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Wind, Holy, Earth, and Water. For each type of dragon there is a corresponding Dragon Knight classification. There is also one Legendary God Dragon known as the Kaiser Dragon, but not even the Dragon Knights know where he may dwell.


A giant snail with a spiked purple conch shell that absorbs electricity into its shell and releases it as an attack. They can easily be trained to be either guards animals or a generator.


Because horses are unreliable, get tired easily, and are generally aloof, everyone has decided to replace them with a different species of work animal, the chocobo. The chocobo is a large ostrich-like bird with golden yellow plumage. It can make a single lap around the 500 miles of the Floating Continent in less than 2 hours, and can do this while carrying a human weighing up to 200 pounds. This is why they are used more often then horses.


Seadracoan is a large eel like creature with two pairs of enormous wing like fins on it's back, stomach, and sides. These fins make it rocket through the water so fast that sometimes it is unable to stop itself. When they crash into ports, they normally don't survive and are fished out and turned into unagi-chu.


Borems are large cattle like creatures with long antlers and a short tail. They typically live in herds and it is rare to see one by itself. They are raised for their meat, hide, and milk.​



The Floating Continents are the landmasses which the known world rests upon. Most people do not know that the continents are floating in the air, but it is true. There are mystic bridges that connect the continents, which are made by an unknown force


The world below the Floating Continents is a world of mystery, nobody knows what lies on it.


The Red Moon is the name for the second moon that hangs in the sky. There is a race of people who have lived there for several millennia, waiting to help the people of earth.​



Unagi-chu is an interesting dish made out of seadracoan. It uses a thick green syrup for most of its flavor, since seadracoan doesn't have much flavor, but is very chewy. It is popular with Sahagin.


A sticky, thick liquid that shines like silver; metallic looking. It tastes like honey and rose.


Meat from the borem, which tastes like pork, beef, and venison together


Candy-like substance. Often in little sample dishes in bars or Taverns. Very popular with elves.


A really strong alcoholic drink that literally makes you breathe fire. Banned in most Taverns and Bars. Only taken in shot glasses as a pint will make you completely drunk. Favored by dwarves, orcs, gnomes, etc.


Borem milk is a thick milk like liquid that looks much like milk that has red food dye in it. It tastes somewhat like cows milk with a hint of lemon.​


The dice rolled are 2 10 sided dice

When attacking physically, the total number is multiplied by ten for total damage

When attacking with magic, the total is multiplied by five for total damage

If the total is a multiple of five, the attack is critical and does double damage

In order to flee a battle, you must roll an even total​

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