Other A question of orcs.


Spicemancer Extraordinaire!

I've been wanting to create a race of orcs. I've generally got their culture down, but I'm having trouble getting a good "look" down for them. Generally, while orcs seem to usually seem to be humans evolved from boars/equine, I've wanted mine to look like they evolved from bears/ursine creatures, not a half bear half human, but like how a human would look with bear ancestors, instead of ape. Also, I've been having an issue finding a good reference for my orc's skin color. It's generally brown, with a tint ranging from red to green, with the mid range being yellow, (Based on the RGB computer color wheel). I'm simply asking for some good references to help try to get a good look in my mind for my orcs. They are a late Renaissance civilization living in a tundra/glacial land, with volcanic mountains and wasteland covering half the land (look up Iceland for a good reference). They are very American, promoting capitalism and free will through democracy, but still have a brutal, orcish edge to them, being prone to anger and generally loving to fight and kill. Hopefully this is understandable, if not, thanks for reading, I'll try to make a more coherent thread in the future.

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That's a pretty interesting idea, I've never heard of orcs being evolved from bears/ ursines before O.o

Anyways, if your not looking for a hybrid of both a human and a bear, I advise maybe looking at one of those classic evolution chart things showing how humans evolved from apes gradually overtime. Look at the changes and study it for a bit and then apply the same thing except with ursine. If you like drawing, maybe try and get an idea out on paper since that tends to help out a lot of people. Definitely look up reference images to get a good idea on what you might want them to look like with bear features such as a face structure and the way their bodies look. As for color, I'd probably go with natural colors such as brown, maybe a little bit of green but mostly brown and yellowish, and maybe even a little bit of black. Just a few of my suggestions, hope this helps.
furbolgs in world of warcraft are descendants of bear ancestry.

Thanks, but that's a bit too bear-like. In another thread I started for this question, this time in the proper RP thread, someone gave me a great reference for my bear orcs. Here it is.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ce8fce4ad2cfe4faa99cd2b3896ad549.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ce8fce4ad2cfe4faa99cd2b3896ad549.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The one on the left is pretty much perfect, just needs a neck that's not as large, and the skin color @NinjaCat described. Anyways, thanks, I've went into detail in my other thread, so I'll link it to ya both.

Advice/Help - Could someone help me with my orcs?



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Uh... You're going to hate me for this, but:


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