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Help A question about crime roleplay


No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
im kinda new here so it will be my first roleplay thread that i going to post but here is a peoblem with that. like three weeks ago i spent two days and made a thread for roleplay, it was crime rp. in this roleplay people are in the city of LA and many gangs and crime groups are located in the city. players (rpers) can rob each other, or help each other, they can buy cars or steal them, kill people or do any type of crimes in the city because they are bad guys also they can be in the role of police or detective. or EVEN a normal citizen.
I also made some fake stories with fake pictures to make it more realistic. i posted it and i got scared a bit. because i was thinking about that maybe this post going to break any rule or even make me punished because there is no similar post like this in criminal roleplay form.
i want to ask is this a problem if i make a rp thread like this??
Will it break any kind of rules??
please tell me. thank you :)
If the fake pictures aren't realistic with violence/excessive gore in it, then you'll be fine. The most I know is that extreme gore and violence isn't tolerated here in rpn ^^ Hope this helps a bit
What I mean is, as long as you are not encouraging the illegal activities in the roleplay in an ‘out of character’ way, there shouldn’t be any rule breaking.
Would you write an example please? i'm not sure about understanding it.
Would you write an example please? i'm not sure about understanding it.
Well, let’s say your character begins some theft. Stealing all manner of things. That’s alright until you, out of character, being encouraging and saying that people should be stealing things.

This is a rather minor example, but it can escalate with things such as drug use and so on.
Well, let’s say your character begins some theft. Stealing all manner of things. That’s alright until you, out of character, being encouraging and saying that people should be stealing things.

This is a rather minor example, but it can escalate with things such as drug use and so on.
So i can do these jobs IC, but telling people to do it in real life and talk about that ooc will be rule breaking right?
3. No Illegal or Immoral Discussions - Users are not allowed to discuss or provide advice that is either illegal or immoral on RpNation. Topics considered illegal or immoral can include, but are not limited to: piracy of copyrighted media, theft, selling illegal products, or threatening individuals or organizations.

In-Character Behavior - Literary freedoms do exist on RpNation when it comes to roleplaying. Characters can partake in illegal or immoral behavior when it doesn’t conflict with other site rules and is allowed by the creator of the roleplay. When roleplaying a character who is involved in illegal or immoral behavior as defined above, the user is expected to address the situation in a mature, respectful, and delicate manner. As an example, if a character is a drug addict and the creator of the roleplay allows it, they can imply the use of drugs or similar activities. However, users cannot discuss drugs out of character or give advice about such content to other users.

Please read through the above carefully. It should answer your question.
Please read through the above carefully. It should answer your question.
Thanks a pile!
i will send the thread today hope you enjoy it too guys.
If you see any kind of problem there in thread do me a favor and throw a pm at me then i will fix it.
Thank you again.

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