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Fantasy A Quest for The Magic Swords

Yuri Pendragon

"He's Sir Matyas Sarkany," Yuri murmured back to the girl.

Like the girl had said, Matyas did seem awfully stubborn. While Yuri had to admit that he too had his doubts about the group of descendants, he knew from experience that attempting to avoid fate entirely was like banging your fists hopelessly against an iron wall. They had to find some way to convince the tall man to agree to look for the swords. The brunette sighed at this.

"I, too, have tried many times to run away or fight against fate and through all of my failures, I have come to realize several things. If you decide "screw fate" and the arousal of Leviathan causes chaos to flood the world again, where will your ideal and peaceful place exist then? To reject fate is to invite madness. To accept it means to control it. In fact, fate is like a river. To attempt to swim up a river only wastes more time and energy and gives you no progress or control at all. However, if you swim with the current, the current will allow you to move further and determine where exactly you will end up. This thought has always comforted me," the small boy said solemnly before quickly switching back to his usual grin, "Of course, that is just my philosophy."

Yuri internally facepalmed. He had just taken half of those words right out of his sister's mouth. The brunette had been convinced easily by those words once before, but Matyas was different. They were strangers, not to mention the fact that Matyas seemed to be more stubborn than he was. Well, even if that didn't convince him, at least that would give the taller man something to think about.
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Matyas had to give it to the kid, he made a good speech when it came to the ideals of fate and destiny and fighting the river and all that, but that was hardly enough to drag him along on some gigantic quest to save the world and defeat Leviathan. Still, he did owe the kid a favor, and he was loathe to keep that debt standing open for too long. He ran his hand down his face, dragging open his eyelids and then sighing in exasperation, he hated moral obligation, but the kid was currently his one and only hope to find any sort of subsistence, and he sensed that him trying to walk out on this wouldn't go over well for him, he would most likely have a busted rib from the pushy girl, all sorts of wounds from the bird girl, and he would then proceed to starve in a ditch as the others continued without him.

It was a tough call, but at the precise moment his stomach let out the most unearthly rumble, and his hands flew straight to his gut as if to try to stifle the noise. It would appear that he had no choice in the say, he hated that.

"Hey, kid, Yuri, thanks for giving me that little morsel to chew on and all, but I'm not exactly a believer in this destiny nonsense. That said, I do owe you a favor in a big way, so..." he held out his hand with his index finger extended, "I will accompany you to get one of these swords, and no more, after that my debt is paid and I can lay down and nap, or die, or perhaps I'll write a thesis, whatever suits me. My point is, Yuri, I am at your command until this party of heroes has in its possession one of the legendary swords."
Uxia “Shia” Nidhogg

Shia couldn’t help but hide her face behind her sleeve and quietly laugh at the extensive speech. It was definitely pretty and pretty convincing. ...But it reminded her so much of a preaching from a priest. Oh, had she said that out loud?

The strange and ironic reprimanding look Yulia sent said yes.

...Ah hah. Hopefully the boy wouldn’t take too much offense, she thought with a sheepish grin. Her amused expression grew when the taller boy's growled like there was no tomorrow. It only grew wider as Matyas started spouting something about repaying debts and dying...and thesis's? The boy was a bit strange and had a rather dark and dreary sense of humor, but he didn't seem like a horrible person. So the black haired girl dug through her bag and pulled out a bright red apple. However, before even gesturing of giving it to the hungry boy she blew on it to make sure it was nice and cold. She could do that much without her staff at least.

"As strange and as in debt to Yuri you are, I don't think it would do you any of us good if you shrivel up into dust by starving. Here," she said as she held out the apple to him. For some odd reason this gesture reminded her of the poisoned apple that the wicked queen gave to her stepdaughter in that old fairy tale that she was told as a child.

Shia mentally shrugged. Welp, at least it wasn't poisoned.
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Yuriy Pendragon

At this point, Yuri wanted to just crawl into a hole and never come back out. Having said the speech was embarrassing enough on its own, but Matyas saying things about owing a favor and Shia's comment about his speech reminding her of the preaching of a priest made the embarrassment just that much worse. Struggling slightly to keep his composure, the brunette simply let out what he hoped sounded like "alright" and pushed his discomfort to the side. Now wasn't the time for that. Plus, showing that he was bothered pretty much counted as showing weakness.

Starting to walk down the road again, Yuri looked back at the others.

"The town is close, but I'd hate for it to get dark before we get there. Shall we go?"
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Akemi looked around and waited as she listened to their views, and she raised an eyebrow slightly at Yuri, both surprised and impressed. As far as she knew during their short meeting, that was the most he ever spoke in front of her. Sighing, she was indeed aware that the descendants were...much more different than what she initially imagined. One was lazy, another seemed hesitant, and the last....well, he was okay she supposed. She rubbed her temples a bit, but perked up when she watched Yuri walking down the path.

"Oh? Uh, yeah! Yeah let's go." She looked back at the other two descendants, and motioned for them to follow. "Cmon, the sooner we get there the sooner we can eat. Or sleep."

(multitasking sooo..yeh xD )
Matyas ran forth to catch the apple and then began tearing into with the fervor of a school of piranha, it was so sweet and juicy, most importantly it was free. Within a minute the apple was nothing but core and seeds, and he proceeded to cast the core into the woods for the ants or other animals to nibble on. He heard Akemi let out a massive sigh, more than likely thinking something about his table manners, and told them all to get moving after Yuri, who was already setting a fair pace down the road ahead. It was the last part of Akemi's order that really egged him on.

"Finally, a woman after my own heart." He cast a teasing smile back at Akemi as he jogged up behind Yuri. "Hey wait for me man! I can't leave your side until this is all over and done!" He was much more cooperative with something in his stomach and the promise of more food on the way, and sleep after that.
Uxia “Shia” Nidhogg

Shia’s lips quirked up when Matyas practically flew for the apple before tearing into it like a starving animal. He reminded her a bit of her much younger cousins after a long day of hard work. Of course, the adults were usually quick to reprimand them for their lack of manners. Or made them eat later than the others. Food was often a very good motivator for children.

Well, and animals, she thought with an amused glanced at Yulia. The golden eagle has settled on her shoulder while she was digging through her bag for the apple and was currently preening herself. Both the girl and the bird glanced up at the mention of heading to town.

...Well, she did anyway. Shia was positive that it was the mention of food that got the bird’s attention.

Shia took a step forward to follow them before pausing to consider her situation. It was rather strange how she got tangled up with strangers. Because members of families of old legends or not, she still didn’t know them very well. She didn’t even know if how the group had gotten together like. It was an awfully quick, not to mention disorienting, reunion of the representatives of such old families. But…

Shia shrugged before following them with no more hesitation and a slight bounce to her step. It wasn’t the strangest thing that has happened to her.

She was pretty sure that she could handle whatever fate threw at her.
Yuri Pendragon

Yuri looked around Wintervale with much excitement. While he realized that his actions probably seemed quite childish, he still couldn't help it. Until now, he had never really been allowed outside of the confines of the Pendragon main house. Even when he had gotten the chance to roam around outside, it had still been within the borders of what was considered the family's territory. Also, it hadn't really been very long since he had left his "home" so he hadn't had the chance to visit many places, not to mention actual towns with all sorts of different people.

It seemed that Wintervale was used to receiving travelers seeing that the closest inn had been conveniently placed in a location that had not been very difficult to find. Yuri stepped into the inn and looked around from the doorway. Money wasn't really a problem yet since he had slept outside in some random niche he found several times and had only spent it on food. Also, sleeping in a proper bed once in a while would probably be nice and the inn looked cozy enough.

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Michi sits in the pub at one of the tables. She has her bag next to her and is taking sips from her glass. She had just gotten into town so she was exhausted from travelling. "I wonder...." she said to herself "If there is an Inn nearby..." she looked around and saw a blond haired man walking towards her. "Oh no..... please do not try to hit on me..." She thought to herself.

She pretended she didnt see him and continued to take sips from her glass.
Michi looked at the man like she was disappointed. She sighs and says "Michi Lund..... and you better stop flirting...." she said taking another sip. "I get pissed off very easily..." she said trying to be polite about it. "I have seen your type before.... Hitting on seemingly defenseless ladies in order to get a one nighter off of them..." she just looked forward "If you want a seat go ahead..."

She watches the entertainment on stage as she tries to calm herself down. The couple drinks she had had before were not helping, but she was natural at keeping her drinks down.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Drake paused for only a single breath before he sat down into the chair he was so generously gifted. Drake rested his elbow on top of the table, hands clamped together, head resting on said clamped head. He was so memorized by her name, though familiar, he was more attracted by the sound of her voice. "Even though you insult me it matters not to me, I still get to listen to a angelic voice." Eyes closed as he spoke, he opened them again to look at the Michi's face for a moment. "I never realized how beautiful your eyes were, they're like diamonds on top of a shiny, soft, marble floor."
He continued to smile at Michi, and continued to smile to explain himself better. "While a 'one nighter' sounds absolutely divine... I'm not that kind of man. I rather have a woman grasp between my arms as we sleep for the rest of our days, feeling the warmth of our bodies connect as we rest in a quiet, peaceful, environment." Drake continued to flab his lips, until he caught the eye of Michi's two drinks. "Uh, Michi... I think it be wise if that glass would be your last..." Drake sighed, having a concern tone in his voice.

@The Unamed Character
Michi put her drink on the table. "Did I not just say...." she said and instantly her fist was planted into Drakes face, not enough to inflict too much pain, just enough to stun him so he didnt know what to do. She had already had her dual blades out and had kicked him down while he was still in his chair. She put her foot on top of his chest and aimed one of her blades down at his face. ".......Not to flirt with me....." she said with a death glare that seemed to stare straight through him. "I can handle my alcohol just fine by the way..." she added
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi sits in the pub at one of the tables. She has her bag next to her and is taking sips from her glass. She had just gotten into town so she was exhausted from travelling. "I wonder...." she said to herself "If there is an Inn nearby..." she looked around and saw a blond haired man walking towards her. "Oh no..... please do not try to hit on me..." She thought to herself.
She pretended she didnt see him and continued to take sips from her glass.

A man walked into the town but didn't particularly payed attention to the name of it. He was just entering the town to stock on supplies, ask for directions, and most importantly, to flirt... in his mind, nothing seemed to trump that desire to show affection to a woman he'd never met before. He not only enjoyed it, he craved it. It's one of the few things that kept him going in this life... food and water were the other few things that he needed in life.

The strange man opened the pub doors, combing his short, blond hair as he entered. With a smirk on his face, he walked through the entrance and took a long look around the pub until something caught his eyes. A young, beautiful woman was sitting all alone, with no man to comfort her. She looked distressed, figuring it was her loneliness and not himself, he walked towards the woman with a handsome smirk on his face. "My, my, what is a beautiful woman like yourself doing here all alone with your lonesome self? And if you don't mind me asking why do you look so agitated? A woman with fantastic, shiny, blond hair like you have shouldn't have a care in the world... would you do me the honor of granting I, Drake Hydra, a seat and your lovely name?" Drake asked, his voiced seemed as smooth as butter... but was too obvious. He polity waited for a response to the woman.

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi looked at the man like she was disappointed. She sighs and says "Michi Lund..... and you better stop flirting...." she said taking another sip. "I get pissed off very easily..." she said trying to be polite about it. "I have seen your type before.... Hitting on seemingly defenseless ladies in order to get a one nighter off of them..." she just looked forward "If you want a seat go ahead..."
She watches the entertainment on stage as she tries to calm herself down. The couple drinks she had had before were not helping, but she was natural at keeping her drinks down.

Drake paused for only a single breath before he sat down into the chair he was so generously gifted. Drake rested his elbow on top of the table, hands clamped together, head resting on said clamped head. He was so memorized by her name, though familiar, he was more attracted by the sound of her voice. "Even though you insult me it matters not to me, I still get to listen to a angelic voice." Eyes closed as he spoke, he opened them again to look at the Michi's face for a moment. "I never realized how beautiful your eyes were, they're like diamonds on top of a shiny, soft, marble floor."

He continued to smile at Michi, and continued to smile to explain himself better. "While a 'one nighter' sounds absolutely divine... I'm not that kind of man. I rather have a woman grasp between my arms as we sleep for the rest of our days, feeling the warmth of our bodies connect as we rest in a quiet, peaceful, environment." Drake continued to flab his lips, until he caught the eye of Michi's two drinks. "Uh, Michi... I think it be wise if that glass would be your last..." Drake sighed, having a concern tone in his voice.

(I'm stupid and caused too many problems during this bloody post, I apologize.)
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi put her drink on the table. "Did I not just say...." she said and instantly her fist was planted into Drakes face, not enough to inflict too much pain, just enough to stun him so he didnt know what to do. She had already had her dual blades out and had kicked him down while he was still in his chair. She put her foot on top of his chest and aimed one of her blades down at his face. ".......Not to flirt with me....." she said with a death glare that seemed to stare straight through him. "I can handle my alcohol just fine by the way..." she added

Drake was surprised by the sudden shock from the punch. He felt his back ache once he hit the hard ground floor. Drake looked around for a quick second and gave a small chuckle, trying to compose himself. "I score that punch a 4/10, though I assume you were holding back yes?" Drake finally noticed the sharp blade right in front of his face, not seeming to notice the death glare Michi was giving him, he continued, "Would you mind much if you'd please put that blade away love? You're attracting attention, and I assume you don't wish to be kicked out of here for roughhousing." Drake told her, his tone never changing. Normal people would cower in fear when life their live is threaten, but Drake was different, while affection was a thing he craved, another one was action. He'd been in countless situations like this, to the point where it was a norm for him. He gave a long sigh and looked back at her with the same look he had always had, but was slowly moving one of his legs behind Michi's leg that wasn't one his chest. In case something were to happen, he could at least trip the woman and make a quick get away hopefully unscathed
Micgi flipped both blades and sheathed them. She then held her hand out to Drake. "Get up..." She said as she mived her foot.

((I gtg... Will be on tomorrow))
Akemi rolled her eyes at Matyas' remark, before they embarked their way to the nearest town. Once they approached Wintervale, Akemi couldn't help but get distracted at the large sights. Her eyes widened as all different kinds of people and creatures walked passed them. Some gave her odd stares, seeing a woman in such bulky armor. Well actually, the group itself attracted a lot of attention. It was an odd party: a tall lanky man, a girl in heavy and thick armor, a boy who could almost be mistaken as a girl, and a girl wearing a coat in such warm temperatures while having an eagle perched on her. But then again, the town itself was populated with peculiar beings, and they simply looked away shortly after their glance.

Once they reached the inn, Akemi pulled out her sack and skimmed through her money. "Hmm...okay, so should we take two rooms? One for the boys, Matyas and Yuri, and one for the girls, Shia and myself. Is that okay with you all?"
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Yuri Pendragon

When Yuri heard Akemi speak up, he finally realized that they hadn't thought up room assignments before reaching the inn. The armored girl did have a point though. It wasn't very plausible for them to all get their own separate rooms and most girls would probaby be uncomfortable sharing a room with a guy and vice versa. The group of four would also be split evenly by two and two so it was perfect. He had no complaints.

"That's just fine with me," Yuri said as a cheeky grin formed on his face, "if Sir Matyas doesn't snore, that is."
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Uxia “Shia” Nidhogg

As they went through the town to get to the inn, Shia’s eyes wandered around the town. It was a decently sized town considering how remote its location was. But, she guessed as her eyes caught a marketplace in the distance, that might be because this town was near a trade route. There was also a forest nearby for resources and tradeable goods. And...she had heard rumors that Wintervale had wide range of interesting foods and drinks because of its diverse culture.

...She really wanted to wander marketplace. Maybe she can sneak away early in the morning so she wouldn’t bother them.

She was already planning what to sell and buy when Akemi’s suggestion drew her back to the present. She carefully decided to not to laugh at Yuri’s cheeky comment with slight difficulty. Quietly clearing her throat to force back the laugh, Shia agreed with Akemi’s suggestion.

”It’s fine with me. But I do have to ask something since I didn’t get a chance to before…” she said lightly as she bopped Yulia’s head without looking. The golden eagle was eyeing the cords of Yuri’s cloak much too intently to be innocent.

Yulia let out a hiss of annoyance and snapped at her fingers threateningly. Which she skillfully ignored of course.

”What exactly are you planning for this...quest? If you have a plan that is,” she added, not realizing that the last comment could possibly interpreted as offensive.
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Akemi hummed to herself as she pulled out the appropriate amount of money that the rooms costed, and was just about to head to the inn keeper before she was suddenly questioned by Shia.

"Huh?" The armored woman turned around and raised an eyebrow at the question. "Plan..? Well, I suppose we should begin by assembling all the households. We are probably about 80% done with that, seeing that the four of us are here together, but then we should probably find the other two. Something tells me that unless all six households are united, we won't get far. Two rooms please." Akemi handed inn the money, to which the innkeeper nodded, and gave her two keys. She turned around and tossed one of the keys towards Yuri, while looking back at Uxia.

"And after that.....hmmm....we could begin by gathering information of where the temples are exactly hidden. Forest, plains, pit, sky, sea, island. Sounds like they're not concentrated in one place." Akemi sighed, crossing her arms. "That's all I can think of for now." Although her plan was pretty straightforward, Akemi knew that the directions must have seemed...well, general and broad. She had to admit to herself that she was never the planning type, and hoped that the others had ideas to contribute.

"Well...we can discuss it tomorrow morning. I think for now we should go to our rooms and rest up...although I think I'll explore the place a little bit more, this is more or less my first time coming around to a town like this."
Matyas had gotten separated from Yuri while looking around at the town, he had been a country bumpkin for one second and then suddenly he was abandoned by the group that had dragged him along in the first place. He wandered around a bit, shouting "Boss! Hey Boss! Yuri? Where are you guys?!" every time he entered a new area with different people. Next time he bummed food and directions off of someone he'd make sure that it was a 30 foot giant with excellent hearing, rather than some pipsqueak who apparently liked stuffing wax in his ears.

Eventually he gave up looking and instead sought to quench his now ragged throat with something, he first wandered over to the town well, the water from which tasted like clay and soot, but it at least soothed his voice. He then walked in the door of the tavern, he figured it was a public enough place that his party could chew him out for it later after they found him and apologized for leaving him. He was just ready to fork over the last three copper coins he had for a drink when an opportunity greeted him. A young man who looked far too cocky for his own good, and a girl who looked like she could give pushy girl a run for her money in the furrowed brow and premature wrinkles department were about to get into some sort of argument. Matias sauntered over and clapped a hand on both of their shoulders, or he was, but then the blonde chap was floored by Pushy Girl mark 2 and had a pair of blades practically shoved up his nose. He knelt down next to the blonde after the girl sheathed her blades and offered him a hand.

"Hey buddy, I've been there, some girls are really not the type, trust me I've been traveling with one for less than a day and she's done this move to me twice. Buy me a drink and let's talk about it?" He smiled down at the man in maroon, man what a Maroon this guy was. His Pushy Girl would've at least broken a rib.

Sparkstorm1000 said:
Drake was surprised by the sudden shock from the punch. He felt his back ache once he hit the hard ground floor. Drake looked around for a quick second and gave a small chuckle, trying to compose himself. "I score that punch a 4/10, though I assume you were holding back yes?" Drake finally noticed the sharp blade right in front of his face, not seeming to notice the death glare Michi was giving him, he continued, "Would you mind much if you'd please put that blade away love? You're attracting attention, and I assume you don't wish to be kicked out of here for roughhousing." Drake told her, his tone never changing. Normal people would cower in fear when life their live is threaten, but Drake was different, while affection was a thing he craved, another one was action. He'd been in countless situations like this, to the point where it was a norm for him. He gave a long sigh and looked back at her with the same look he had always had, but was slowly moving one of his legs behind Michi's leg that wasn't one his chest. In case something were to happen, he could at least trip the woman and make a quick get away hopefully unscathed
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Micgi flipped both blades and sheathed them. She then held her hand out to Drake. "Get up..." She said as she mived her foot.
((I gtg... Will be on tomorrow))

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Micgi flipped both blades and sheathed them. She then held her hand out to Drake. "Get up..." She said as she mived her foot.
((I gtg... Will be on tomorrow))

Drake smiled and grasped his hand in between hers, and lifted himself upwards. Before he got to remark on how incredibly soft Michi hands felt, he was soon interrupted by a man who wanted a drink from him. He shook his head, placing his arm on the man's shoulder before speaking, "So, you've felt the stung of rejection? It must hurt when a woman completely rejects you, when all you wish to do is grasp that beauty in your own arms and protect her." Before he continued however, he brushed his hair with the palm of his hand and too a bow. "I apologize for my rudeness- I never introduced myself... my name is Drake Hydra, and you may introduce yourself while you order your drink that I must pay for..." He let out a small sigh, looking back at Michi, wondering if he'd lose his ears if he continued to be seated at the same table as her. But, he shook his head, pulled out a seat for the man, and sat back down on the table. "Oh, by the way," He began to speak once more, "You're hands were as soft as freshly made silk from a purest of silk worms." He smiled, for signaling the waiter over to order a drink.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Drake smiled and grasped his hand in between hers, and lifted himself upwards. Before he got to remark on how incredibly soft Michi hands felt, he was soon interrupted by a man who wanted a drink from him. He shook his head, placing his arm on the man's shoulder before speaking, "So, you've felt the stung of rejection? It must hurt when a woman completely rejects you, when all you wish to do is grasp that beauty in your own arms and protect her." Before he continued however, he brushed his hair with the palm of his hand and too a bow. "I apologize for my rudeness- I never introduced myself... my name is Drake Hydra, and you may introduce yourself while you order your drink that I must pay for..." He let out a small sigh, looking back at Michi, wondering if he'd lose his ears if he continued to be seated at the same table as her. But, he shook his head, pulled out a seat for the man, and sat back down on the table. "Oh, by the way," He began to speak once more, "You're hands were as soft as freshly made silk from a purest of silk worms." He smiled, for signaling the waiter over to order a drink.
She slapped him over the Head. "If your gonna try and soften me up..... you gotta get me drunk..." she said aggravated and sat down next to the new guy that came into the picture. "So you have been traveling... where are you from?" she asked while waiting for her beer. @Cunning Commander

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