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Realistic or Modern A Night at the Hospital CS


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
accepted characters will have a like from me! Ask me in discord if you have any questions!


description: (optional)
hair colour:
eye colour:
skin colour:
body mods/scars:


medical issues:
reason for being in the hospital:
Lance Agripamorticianciv.png
Age : 28 years old
Gender : Male
Pronouns : He/Him
Sexuality : Asexual
Job : Coroner

Hair colour : Gray
Eye colour : Blue gray
Skin colour : White
Bodymod/scars : A few scars on the hands
Height : 1m84 / 6ft
Weight : 82kg / 180 lbs

Figure : Unremarkable

Personality : Polite, Helpful, Empathetic
Likes : Mice, Properly maintained tools, The color yellow, BBQ
Dislikes : Birds, Rust, Disorder, Yoghourt
Fears : Large insects, Glass shards, Being bound
Hobbies : Fishing, Gardening, Rock Climbing
Skills : Competent Coroner, Average Mortician, Average Cook, Novice Climber

Bio : Lance was born in Hivland but moved away to study. After he got his degree, he worked at an hospital near a big city but was bothered by the dreadful work culture, filled with gossip, burnouts and bad bosses. When he heard about how Hivland developed, he decided to move back and took a job at the nearby hospital. He likes it a lot more here.
Medical issues : Allergic to Penicillin
Reason for being at the hospital : Works here
Andi Lane.
age : 15.
gender : Male.
pronouns : He/Him.
sexuality : Bi.
job : None/Student.
hair : dark brown and curly.
eyes : right eye brown, left green.
skin : caucasian, light spatter of freckles across nose.
body mods/scars : smallish plugs in earlobes (used to have a nose ring but took it out for the winter as it kept getting uncomfortably cold).
height : 1m65 / 5'5".
weight : 54kg / 120lb.
figure : Unfortunately nearing the end of the gangly growing stage. Reasonably in shape although with stubbornly bad posture.
Pessimistic, undisciplined, perceptive, self-reliant. He has a sharp mind but has not had opportunity or need in life yet to really put it to use and so has developed a kind of jaded, self-superior outlook on the world.

hobbies : streaming, dabbles in outdoor sports such as bouldering, boarding, etc.
skills : technologically adept, quick reaction time, learned to lip read one summer out of boredom.

- likes : frogs, soup, being up high, traveling.
- dislikes : reading, sand, bluegrass, people who fidget.
- fears : never finding purpose in life, deer, suffocating.
Andi has lived a fairly unremarkable, easy life. His parents both have careers that take up much of their time and he is an only child, so while he has never wanted for anything, Andi has adapted to be very independent. He's never had many close friends, preferring to jump between groups as the relationships suit him. The group of guys he's currently fallen in with managed to convince their parents to let them go on an unchaperoned trip to one of the ski lodges located in Hivland for some bonding over winter sports. Unfortunately the fun was short-lived for Andi, as he took a bad fall on the slopes and landed himself in Strongbow Hospital getting a cast put on.

medical issues : none chronic, currently a broken wrist.
reason for being in the hospital : distal radius fracture.

coded by incandescent

name: Kyoko Higashi

age: 17

gender: F

pronouns: Her

sexuality: Straight (closeted bicurious)

job: High school student






Kyoko can be an incredibly intense person to be around. She believes that idleness is the worst crime a person can commit, even then she is very unwilling to take the role of a leader. This means that while very hard working and impressively skilled, she also has a tendency towards harshness barely hidden under her aristocratic manners, although a kendoka it would be very rare that she would resort to physical intimidation, instead she prefers words or sometimes only a glance.


She likes smoking but she does it in private and in secret.

She has a fair collection of mahou shoujo items hidden somewhere in her bedroom.

She likes making clothes and wonders how would be cosplaying.


Lazy people

Noisy people

Her sister being a brat



Kyoko was born in the Higashi family, a family that has practiced kenjutsu since long time ago and is descendant of samurais, as such she received a strict education and her family set high expectations on her, and indeed she is now an excellent student, president of her classroom, and even relatively popular and relatively hated/mocked (particularly by her female schoolmates).

Medical issues: Asthma

Reason for being in the hospital:

She needs some pills for her sister


Her father and adoptive mother are married, but not happily.

Only when she was 12 is that she met her biological mother.
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name: Natsuki Higashi

age: 14
gender: F

pronouns: Her

sexuality: Straight

job: school student





Laid back, bratty, rebellious, outspoken, who enjoys being the center of attention; though caring and vulnerable on the inside.


Partying, experiencing alcohol, drugs and expensive gifts, fashion and teasing parents and older sister.


Harsh, strict and bossy people.



Natsuki was born in the Miyamoto family, an aristocratic and rich family, normally she had received a strict education and her family had set high expectations on her, just like her sister, but she grew up while her parents’ marriage break to pieces, she was emotionally neglected and without important authority figures, then she grew up as a rebellious brat.

Medical issues: none

Reason for being in the hospital:

Her sister wants to get some pills for Natsuki


She loves teasing her adopted sister, Kyoko.
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Kaiah Paddock

Age: Twenty-Four
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Job: Bartender

Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Tan
Body Mods/Scars: A few scars from childhood to teenhood, though none are important or significant. She has a few piercings in her ear as well as a septum piercing.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 72kg / 160Ibs
Figure: Lean athletic build.

Personality: Proud, Assertive, Witty, Crass, Loyal, Strong-willed
Likes: Coffee with extra cream, rainstorms on warm days, spending time wIth family, bonfires.
Dislikes: People who disrespect the elderly, people who don't tip, and strawberries.
Fears: Losing her grandfather.
Hobbies: Hiking, bar hopping, skiing, painting.
Skills: General art skills, basic sewing skills, can make great drinks.

Bio: Kaiah has lived with her grandparents for as long as she can remember. Even when her mother or father found themselves wandering back into her life she knew not to expect their company to last long. As she's grown older she has grown more distant from her actual parents though her close bond with her grandparents has remained. Her grandmother had to be moved to a nursing home the year prior leaving her grandfather lonely in the big house Kaiah had since moved out of. Not wanting to leave him alone and knowing he would refuse any sort of community living Kaiah moved back in with her grandfather, taking up a job as a bartender. Kaiah will never admit it but she's glad her grandfather needed her, having moved back she found a sense of purpose in helping him with his everyday tasks.
Medical Issues: Allergic to strawberries.
Reason For Being In The Hospital: Broken Nose
Name: Jodie
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: She doesn't have time to do more than look, but she's pansexual
Job: Librarian


hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
skin colour: brown
body mods/scars: pierced ears; you won't see the others
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 174 lbs
Figure: Curvy

Personality: Upbeat, she’s very good at seeing the silver lining to things. But fierce when protecting her baby.
Likes: Singing
Dislikes: Her baby is sick
Fears: It’ll be something worse; spiders
Hobbies: Singing, telling stories to the library’s children
Skills: Good with child care. Though she usually works with the younger lot, she’s well-liked among older children for her honesty, if not her bright soul.

Bio: She went to college to become a librarian and that’s what she did. She’s almost always in the kid’s section, so she does crave adult contact occasionally. The father is her best friend except when he’s in Canada when her baby is sick but they’re not lovers, just friends. She’d wanted a baby, and he had the equipment to provide. While he is still involved, he’s Uncle Ralph, not Daddy.
Medical issues: Not really, they say she still carries her baby weight, but...
Reason for being in the hospital: Taylor is dehydrated from her stomach flu
Extra: She’s recovering from her own bout of it
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name: Madelyn "Maddie" Gibson
age: 19
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: aro-ace
job: seasonal worker / part-time administrative assistant

Description: She is wearing the hospital volunteer sweater, along with a few patches she collected from previous events. They include: purple heart with hospital acronym, white star from a Christmas charity event, and a red drop for donating blood. Despite the cold she is wearing shorts, though added tights to abide by volunteer dress code.
hair colour: black
eye colour: brown
skin colour: fair
body mods/scars: scar on left knee, pierced ears.
height: 5'5"
weight: 123
figure: average build

Personality: chill, easygoing and idealistic, Maddie is the sort of person who likes to believe in a little bit of magic in an otherwise mundane world. She chases after ghost stories and urban legends as flights of fancies, and dapples into occult hobbies such as astrology or tarot. While she has a broad range of interests, she grows bored with doing one thing for too long and usually flips between activities, be it jobs or hobbies. Although she can have a lazy streak with school work, she is a diligent worker when it comes to helping people or the world around her. She is friendly, but is conflict avoidant.

likes: movies, challenges, the ocean, football (the real football), horses, the outdoors, dinosaurs, superstitions + occult, pineapple on pizza
dislikes: cherries, American football, rats, arguments, bears, formality, lack of change
fears: sharks, heights (mountains and hills are mostly an exception to this), bees
hobbies: hiking, football (soccer), astronomy, tarot reading, camping
skills: napping in loud environments, some sign language, card tricks, beginner level archery, horseback riding, playing the harmonica, basic wilderness survival, tree identification, can use a chainsaw.

bio: Maddie was born in Scotland, and moved to Canada when she was 8 after her mother got a good job at the Strongbow Hospital. When she was old enough, she started volunteering at the hospital during her free time, as she knew how much work her mother was under in a usual day. Eventually it became a habit, then more of a lifestyle. Maddie has been a constant volunteer at Strongbow for several years, and has filled every position available at one point or another. The hospital has practically become a second home, and she knows most of the building by heart. During the winter she volunteers almost full-time, though works as an administrative assistant part-time when needed. During the summer she works with trail maintenance for Parks Canada.
medical issues: gluten sensitivity, low iron.
reason for being in the hospital: volunteering.

  • Name: Sebastian Alexis Dufort
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He / Him
    Sexuality: Demi? Bi? Curious? Ace? He sure doesn’t know.
    Job: Psychiatric Aide // Part Time College Student

    Hair colour: Blonde
    Eye colour: He likes to say they’re red but they’re really just a ruddy brown
    Skin colour: Fair??? (This is my confusion because describing skin is hard)
    Body mods/scars: Sebastian does not have any scars but he does have a single tattoo that matches his siblings of a triforce on back shoulder. His is the triangle of courage colored in. His sister is of wisdom, his brother is of power.
    Height: 5’9
    Weight: 158lbs
    Figure: Lean, no real muscle mass more on the scrawny side

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name: Alex Tremblay

age: 25

gender: Male

pronouns: He/Him

sexuality: Heterosexual

job: Hospital Electrician



body mods/scars: None visible

height: 5"10'

weight: 73 kg

figure: Unremarkable.


personality: Quite, shy, callous ( but has learned to act empathetic ), selfish

likes: chess, Tech, alternate history, Thriller movies, Gaming, wargaming, WWE

dislikes: Alcohol, overly assertive people, ants, bossy people

fears: being locked in a small room ( not exactly Claustrophobia, but somewhat similar), ants

hobbies: Gaming, Reading alternate history

skills: Competent Electrician, can repair simple appliances, knows a lot about orient history


bio: Alex was born in Toronto and has lived most of his life there. His mother died when he was 4, and his father never remarried. Things remained normal, albeit melancholic, for some time, but slowly he and his father started growing estranged, and Alex started spending more and more time with his uncle.

Not long after he turned 18, his uncle passed away and left a house in hivland as inheritance for him. Alex moved to hivland a few years later, and having completed his electrical engineering degree, soon found work as electrician in Strongbow hospital.

medical issues: eosinophilic

reason for being in the hospital: Works here

extra: He spends most of his time with patients as his work is very light and doesn't require much time or energy. Due to this, he has somewhat overcome his shyness.
name: Izaac Cortway
age: 22
gender: trans male
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: homosexual
job: nurse

hair colour: black with dyed streaks of white
eye colour: heterochromatic, green and brown
skin colour: plaid white
body mods/scars: top surgery scars, burn scars scattered around his arms and other limbs/torso, along with several tattoos scattered around his arms and other parts of his skin. He also has several piercings on his ears.
height: 5'6
weight: 127lbs
figure: slim

personality: A slightly awkward guy who while struggling with talking to people, also enjoys it. He is friendly and kind, enjoying the company of others more than anything. Gentle as a butterfly, though some find his appearance portraying the opposite. Some are wary of him due to his tattoos, but soon warm up to the goofball he is. He is optimistic and light-hearted, caring deeply about everyone around him. He takes time in getting to know others around him including those people would consider unimportant like volunteers and janitors

  • medicinal botany
  • elderly
  • helping people
  • reading
  • talking to people
  • criticism
  • death
  • arguments
  • studying
  • wasting money
  • tight spaces
  • being bound
  • fire
  • being alone
  • writing
  • reading
  • baking
  • gardening
  • medicine
  • cooking
  • origami
  • multilingual(French, Spanish, and American sign language)

a door locked without a key, trapped inside with no way out. That is the world Izaac knew since he was 12, the day he came out to his parents. A family embarrassment that needed to be locked away. Homeschooling was the only time he saw his mother's face, the books that piled high in his room being his only comfort. It wasn't until a house fire caused by a faulty wire while his family was out at a movie did he escape. The fire encased the house as he sobbed on smoke with no way out. It wasn't until a support beam crashed through the door did Izaac manage to scamper through the flames and threw himself outside a nearby window did he taste freedom again.

bandaged in a hospital, his parents were more upset about the house than his injuries. It wasn't until a nice nurse was suspicious and managed to separate him from his parents did he manage to get help. He was taken away from his parents and placed into care, the nurse herself choosing to take in the boy. The nurse didn't hesitate to accept him and even paid for his hormones and top surgery. It was because of her that he became a nurse, wanting to help someone the same way that his adopted mother had helped him.
medical issues: dysphoria, asthma, and panic disorder
reason for being in the hospital: triage shift

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