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Fantasy a nice, quality and very funny rp for the MEMES xd

>get hammered at the local tavern while searching for a harem

u decide to go get a drink and figure things out later. maybe find some hot grills while ur at it. hell yeah. however, as ur walking, a man appears from around the corner and starts walking towards u.

>try to summon some magic bcus u can do that despite having no clue who or where u are

>call out to him [write in]

>continue on ur way
>ask him where you can find a harem


seeing this suspicious man walking towards u without slowing down, u decide to call out to him. "ay where that harem at tho lmao" u say. the fantasy man looks both confused and disturbed. he says "whhat the f uck" and keeps walking. turns out there was nothing suspicious about him, all he was rly doing was walking down the road like u lmao. [[and u guys fucking killed him in ur first life]]

as ur walking down the road a group of men walk up to u. ugh how hard is it to just get a drink and meet some girls in this world can we just stop getting fucking sidetracked, u think angrily at a certain special someone. so the leader walks up and hes all like "have u seen my brother" so ur all like


>"what he look like tho"

>"ye he just walked by"

>keep walking fuck this
[[alrighty so i requested an ooc tab cus why not, might as well have the luxury if we can get it

ofc u guys don't actually have to say anything, although any comments to help rejuvenate my shriveled, dying ego is much appreciated

also im gonna update the story only archive pretty soon, im gonna update it with each death so lets hope i don't have to update it that much. and don't worry if the first message in the tab isn't edited, i don't plan on doing so. ill have the first recap up p soon]]
[[post will come out tomorrow, had to delay bcus of planning behind the scenes stuff

also be sure to follow the ooc tab which is now linked]]
[[sorry guys, i was planning to do this much sooner since i finished my planning but i ended up getting busy since my friends going into heart surgery

anyway, this is gonna be a shitty ass post but w/e]]

>"what he look like tho"

"what he look like tho"

"well he has uh short brown hair and he's about like 5' 8" or something idk just like picture a generic male and thats probably what he is" he says p sloppily as if he didnt care to put any effort into his brothers character design. "idk he'll probably have some defining feature later on if he appears again. but anyway so have u seen him or not"



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