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Fantasy A New Time

After hours of travelling, their reached a giant turtle with whole villages and mountains ontop. "Hey Shen-Zin Su!" JKAkob yelled out to the turtlere. "Greetings, Jakob... I see you brought a friends..."
Eden appeared atop one of the many buildings that dotted the city and looked around, smiling at the what seemed like serenity to him. Despite the fact that the area was burning and most buildings around him were either destroyed or in the process of being destroyed Eden felt slightly at peace as he sat down and leaned back on a large metal air vent, closing his eyes as he listened to the rhythmic thrumming and the comforting heat the came from the fire that was running through the vents.
Shen-Zin Su nodded slowly. "Pleasure... Max..." At the shoreline, a deflated hot air balloon lay. Jakob quickly pumped hit sir back in and he jumped in as it started to lift off.
"Wait, where are you..." Max cut himself off and ran and hopped in the air balloon with Jakob, he smiled at him, "Fancy way to get from an island to shore,"
Jakob started wondering abou the turtle's shell aimlessly. He passed through many villages of the past inhabitants.
Star squeaked lightly as she ran into a man. (Jakob) "hum. Terribly sorry sir." She said frowning trying to take in weather her was friendly or not. Oh how she hoped he was friendly. It has been so long since she talked to another person other than her pets.
Stalker slowly got back up after what seemed like hours of just sitting in the same spot. He made a stretch, along with a yawn, and continued on the path and deeper into the Chaos. He saw a few monsters here and there, ones that were completely harmless and would only play foolish pranks on others. He eventually came to a tree naked of its leaves and any color, and seemed to be on its last roots. He casually climbed the dead tree and sat on the highest branch. Red, glowing eyes beamed from the tree, the only color that seemed to give the plant any appearance of life.

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