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Realistic or Modern A New Life

Angelina went and got a shower. She then went downs stairs. "Goodnight Cordilia Goodnight Max." Angelina said. Angelina walked back upstairs and went to bed.
Angelina woke up hearing something. She walked downstairs seeing light. She then saw Max. "Max what are you doing? It's late." Angelina yawned,
Angelina sat down pay him. "Max I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean any of that." Angelina said giving him a light hug.
Angelina looked at the game he was playing. "Well I doubt I'm going to be able to get back to sleep if I tried. Do you have a two-player mode on there?" Angelina asked curious.
"yea come on" I grabbed a chair and a controller for her "here" Cordilia came downstairs and saw they were playing then she headed but up to bed
"Wow my big brother lost to his littler younger smaller sister. I wonder how that feels?" Angelina said laughing a bit.
Angelina rolled her eyes laughing. She hugged her brother. "I love you Max. Your the best brother any sister could ask for." Angelina smiled.
Wendy woke up the next morning, finding the sun shining through her window. She went on her laptop and went into her E-mail. She received an E-mail from a publisher's company. She opened it and screamed. Princess came bounding up the stairs and whined. "PRINCESS! OH MY SO HAPPY!" She screamed.

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