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name →

nicknames →

age →

gender →

sexuality →

ethnicity →

race →

height →

weight →

build → (ex: lanky, curvy, etc.)

hair color →

eye color →

hair style →

clothing →

voice → (optional)

personality →

likes →

dislikes →

relationships →

fears →

goals →

phobias →

mental health →

physical health →

medication →

languages →

grade →

occupation →

other →

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"The Bad boy/ Stoner"



name ?

Atticus Slater

nicknames ?

Stone-cold Slater, The Stoner, The Bad Boy

age ?


gender ?


sexuality ?





ethnicity ?


height ?

5 foot 7 inches

weight ?

125 pounds

build ?

Lean, More on the skinny side, he has a six pack and a little muscule on his arms

hair color ?

Brown but he likes to dye it

eye color ?


hair style ?

He usually wears it down, put he can put it up sometimes if he wants to give a little effort.

clothing ?

Atticus likes to wear fashionable things. Usually any type of shirt, with some skinny jeans. He doesn't put too much effort into how he looks. He ususally just picks some cool shirt and some nice skinny jeans.




personality ?

- Loyal

- Passionate

- Resourceful

- Observant

- Dynamic

- Jealous

- Obsessive

- Suspicious

- Manipulative

- Self Destructive

Atticus is calculating and selfish and demonstrates an extremely well-developed sense of self-preservation, almost always at the expense of someone else. In the process of getting what he wants he manipulates and seduces others to do his bidding.

Despite his ruthlessness, it is clear that Atticus has deep, genuine feelings.

His relationships with others sometimes reveal a crack in the "Bad Boy facade.

Atticus extremely heightened sense of self-preservation has helped him develop a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. Even when he takes a risk, which must be well worth it, he proceeds with caution and a means of escape in place. Thus, despite whatever feelings he has for anyone, he would usually choose himself.

(Atticus is usually calculating, selfish, manipulative, sexy, seductive , and ruthless. However if he trusts you then he can be genuine, kind, loving,dorky and charismatic. )

likes ?






-Green, Gray, Tie Dye

-90's T.V shows

-Charleys Angels

-Breaking hearts

-Junk Food

dislikes ?




-Getting hurt

-Being Sober

relationships ?

Ill edit later. PM or Tag

fears ?

Going to Jail

Having to be sober

Getting his heart broken

goals ?

To fall in love

To always have Good trips

phobias ?

Atticus hates clowns

mental health ?

Mentally Atticus is a little fucked up. His emotions are a little wild. When he gets pissed, he throws things, yells, and is all around awful to be around. He smokes, or drinks whenever he has problems which can cause him to act different alot. He also has this bad boy image which he uses to protect himself. He has no medical problems he's just self destructive, and angry.

physical health ?

His lungs are a little fucked up from the cigarettes, his liver is not the strongest from the alcohol, and he has killed alot of his brain cells

medication ?

Ritalin (Takes it for fun.)




languages ?


grade ?


occupation ?

Atticus works as a Barista at the coffee shop, and hsi aprents send him a check every month

other ?

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Holly Elizabeth Monroe

'The Star'


Nicknames ?

Monroe, 'Broadway', 'Miss Golightly'

Age ?


Gender ?


Sexuality ?


Ethnicity ?

half Italian American, half Irish, all awesome

Race ?


Height ?


Weight ?


Build ?

Holly is rather petite and slender, lightly toned from having to take compulsory dance class for her course too.

Hair color ?


Eye color ?


Hair style ?

Holly's wavy auburn hair is usually either in a high ponytail with two loose strands either side of her face to frame her features, or else all left down to fall just past bra length.

Clothing ?

Holly has a rather preppy sense of fashion with a love of vintage Audrey Hepburn style clothing. She has a weird thing for tartan pleated skirts that come just above knee-length and knee high boots. She usually dresses like she's straight out of preparatory school.


Personality ?

If there is one word to describe Holly it is 'driven'. Since the age of three she was convinced she was meant to be a star because she was named after three iconic characters, Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's and Eliza Dolittle from My Fair Lady, not to mention sharing her last name with Marilyn Monroe. This theory has caused the girl to be somewhat obsessive about her goal to be famous and she follows many rituals for herself such as always singing 'The Rain In Spain' once a day at exactly eight thirty in the morning. To others she can easily come off as full of herself, obnoxious and overly ambitious, which are all true, but even with those flaws she is not so ruthless as to back stab her friends, she is loyal, smart and a little naive to the real world outside her bubble. She also develops intense crushes fairly easily, though she is incredibly picky with whom her affections lie.

Despite appearing super confident, Holly is pretty insecure and sometimes wonders what it would be like to be popular and a classic beauty with typical blonde hair and blue eyes. She has never (knowingly) been the object of anyone's affections and suspects that is the reason.

Likes ?

Holly's three favourite colours are pale pink, lavender and mint green. Her favourite movies are Breakfast at Tiffany's, American Beauty and Gone With the Wind. Her celebrity crushes are Chase Crawford and Andrew Garfield and her idols are Meryl Streep and Audrey Hepburn. Holly loves herbal teas, James Dean and Marlon Brando

Dislikes ?

Holly dislikes slackers and those who choose to coast through life without really trying. She also dislikes caffeinated drinks and horror movies, the only exceptions being Pyscho and the original Carrie movie. Despite being a lover of Broadway, she dislikes the musical Hairspray.

Relationships ?

Best friends With Axyl, dislikes Addlyn, love/hate relationship with Jesse, pretty good friends with Tyler. Most people are irritated by her and just tolerate her, she is aware of this and just gets on with her life.

(If anyone wants a specific relationship with Holly feel free to PM me
:) )

Fears ?

losing her voice, not being a star, getting upstaged, spiders and wasps


Goals ?

to be the greatest star Broadway and cinema has ever seen

To actually have a non-imaginary love life

To eventually have a wonderful husband and twins

To stay best friends with Axyl and dedicate her first Tony award to him

Mental health ?

Holly is generally a stable person with a slightly hyper need to be loved and admired.

Physical health ?

Holly is very physically fit and in excellent health, sticking to a rigorous healthy diet.

Medication ?


Languages ?

English, a little Italian

Grade ?

Freshman in college

Occupation ?

Full time star...also a waitress at a 50s style roller rink/diner but we don't talk about that

Other ?

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??"The Popular"




Addlyn Robbins


Addie some kids started calling her selfie stick in school.






Bisexual (but prefers guys)







5ft 5in




She has a smaller figure. As most may assume she is in fact obsessed with her obesity and other vanity problems. Do you could say she makes sure to have the perfect body.

hair color


eye color


hair style

Always curled. Usually down bIt sometimes ponytails are necessary on lazy days, work out days, or when she just decides to practice staying acrobatic.





-Comes off as sweet and loving but the minute you turn your back she's the bitch who will go and snitch.


-likes to come across as caring and funny




-will do anything for people to love her


-Doing girly things such as hair, nails, and makeup.



-Dark blue (like the word "personal" is in) and pink

-Also the movie pitch perfect is her favorite

-But when it comes to classics she loves the breakfast club.


-secretly loves sports and misses having game night with her father

-she is OBSESSED with coffee!


-People who remind her of her past

-People who remind her of her bitch-like qualities


-Chinese food

-junk food

-unhealthy people


"The rich kid" aka Jessie

Also her best friend


-Roaches (actually one of mine)

-that no one will like her when she moves on in her life


-To become a professional actress and famous model

-to have her father pay more attention to her

mental health

She is a lot smarter than she puts on. She just wants to be loved a lot more than she was.

physical health

As stated before Addie is obsessed with making sure her body is fit and perfect. She is a vegetarian but sometimes will sneak something small of meat.






Australian English




Doesn't really need a job. Her parents Are financially well and can pay her financial needs.


She is in love with dogs, and you could say they (big or small) are her weak spot.

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  • name → Danielle Brook St. Clair

    nicknames → Dani, That Bitch, The Flirt

    age → 18

    grade → Freshman in college

    gender → Female

    sexuality → Gay

    ethnicity → Itilain

    languages → fluent in both Italian and English, knows some French

    height → 5’8”

    weight → “How should I know and why do you care?”

    build → tall and lean, fit, not noticeably strong/muscular but is fairy strong

    hair color → blonde

    eye color → blue-gray

    hair style → short and kinda messy

    clothing → Converse, boots, skinny jeans, ripped skinny jeans, [rarely] shorts, plain and graphic t-shirts/v-necks/tank tops, jackets, beanies, and fancy clothes when needed

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name ? axyl james delareaux.

nicknames ? his little sister called him jam when she was younger because she couldn't pronounce his first name. also, some homophobic bullies liked to call him pansy all through high school, which he absolutely hated. don't worry, he snuck bags with a decent

amount of dog poop inside them under the driver's seat of their cars. don't ever call him

pansy. like- ever.

age ? eighteen years old. he had his birthday a few months ago,

on may 20th.

gender ? cisgender male, meaning he was born as a male and also identifies as a male.

sexuality ? hella gay af axyl is homosexual, and very open about it.

ethnicity ? italian, german, english, and swedish.

race ? caucasian/white.

height ? axyl is exactly 5'5", being quite short for a male of his age. he likes being short, though. he thinks it makes him look cuter.

weight ? 128 lbs of skin, bones, and a little muscle.

build ? axyl is somewhat muscular. he has a 4 pack, and some noticable muscle on his arms and legs. this is mostly from dance, working out at the gym, jogging, and having to walk everywhere he goes.

hair color ? his hair is a dark chocolate brown on the sides, and a lighter medium-brown shade in the middle.

eye color ? axyl has dark ocean blue eyes. he gets them from his mom, and they really light up his face. a lot of people compliment

him on how beautiful his eyes are.

hair style ? he wears his hair up in either a puffy or wavy quiff. depending on his outfit, his quiff is either positioned to the left, or just

kept right in the middle. he doesn't use any oil or gel to keep it in place. his hair just naturally

stays where he wants it to stay because it's s light.

clothing ? feminine. feminine is the top word to describe axyl's clothing style. a lot of his clothes come from the girl's secton of popular stores, or he'll borrow some stuff from his best friend/roommate. for bottoms he likes to wear high- waist denim shorts, high waist jeans, ripped boyfriend/mom jeans, stretch pants ripped at the knee, overalls, shorts, and black skinny jeans. for tops he likes to wear oversized sweaters, oversized t shirts, halter tank tops, striped t shirts, for jackets he likes denim jackets, plaid flannels, cardigans, kimonos, oversized hoodies, and sometimes leather jacket. for shoes he likes to wear combat boots, hi-tops, slip-ons, and vans. for accessories he wears beanies, baseball hats, chokers, necklaces, bracelets, and sometimes earrings. he does like wearing feminine clothing, but he does have boundaries. he would never wear things like

high heels, dresses, or skirts.

voice ? axyl's voice is soft and a little high pitched, with a flamboyant touch to it. (he has the same voice as kurt hummel from glee.)

personality ? axyl has a different personality around different types of people. on the outside he is an extremely funny and fun person to be around, he's always making jokes about himself, other people, or other things along the lines of that. his sense of humor is sarcasm, teasing (just for fun not to be rude), innuendos, perverted jokes, and lame/cute puns. he ust loves to laugh and make other people laugh, as well as be the center of attention. it may sound conceited, but he loves attention and he thrives off of the feeling of everyone paying attention to him or laughing at his jokes. axyl isn't afraid to be himself around anyone. he always speaks his mind, whether or not you agree. he is kind of nosy at times and his ability to say anything anywhere can get him into sticky situations, but he knows his way out of them. he's very charismatic and a great talker. he can get almost anyone to change their mind about something, because he's so persuasive. his parents used to joke that he should be a lawyer because he makes such a great arguement. don't mistake this for manipulation, because it's not. one thing axyl isn't is a liar. he doesn't lie or cheat or scam, because he's ad enough people lie to him in his lifetime and he doesn't want anyone to feel the way he did. he is a very stubborn, loud, funny, accepting, non-judgemental, brave, rebellious, and loving person.

although axyl would love to go out and party on the weekend or go do something completely crazy, he equally enjoys snuggling his best friend and watching netflix until 3 am and eating snacks. axyl is the best friend a person could ever have. he always puts the people he loves before him, and is also pretty clingy.. he would jump in front of a bus to save someone he cares about. axyl is the type of person to make himself look like a complete idiot just to make someone he loves smile/laugh a little more. everything he has, he shares with the people he cares about. sometimes he gets a little possessive, but it's because he loves the person. axyl also gets jealous easily, but he won't get mad at the person he cares about. he will just low-key throw shade to the person that's making him jealous. don't hurt axyl or anyone he loves, unless you're prepared with an army. if you do anything to upset the people he deeply cares about, he will have your head served on a platter. if you're not on his good side, watch out. his bad side originates from hell itself.

when in a romantic relationship, axyl acts similar to a best friend relationship except he's extremely romantic. he will always buy you gifts, hug you, kiss you, hold hands, and show off your relationship in public. he would do anything for his boyfriend. axyl will always be inviting his boyfriend to everything, and making sure that they're both happy together, no matter what it takes. sometimes he can be over-the-top and too idealistic

about his boyfriend, but that just means that his boyfriend has to work equally as hard to

make him happy, too.

likes ? movies from the 80's, netflix, horror movies, romance, romantic movies, comedy movies, orange is the new black, glee, his best friend, candy, sweets, chips, junk food, working out, jogging, dance, acting, singing, boys, fangirling, tumblr, cooking, keeping his apartment clean,

his wardrobe, clothes, shopping, decorating, doodling,

parties, having fun, being crazy,

social media, drama,

dislikes ? bitter food, too much salt, spicy food, homophobia, sexism, gender roles, discrimination, transphobics, judgemental people, cheaters, liars, scammers, face book, justin bieber, heavy metal, screamo, bad jokes, boring people, people who think

they can do whatever they like,

relationships ? best friends with holly elizabeth monroe, in love with atticus slater, enemies with addlyn robbins,

fears ? never becoming famous, failing at life, failing his parents, never finding love, never adopting kids, dying young,

his parents dying (even though it's unavoidable),

goals ? to become rich & famous, to find the guy of his dreams, to always be best friends with holly, to have a

son and a daughter,

phobias ? he doesn't have any extreme phobias, but he is really afraid of bugs. especially roaches and spders.

this is mostly why he keeps the house so clean. oh my god- not to mention rats.

if he saw a rat, he would literally scream.

mental health ? he's perfectly healthy mentally, but he does feel depressed sometimes or have weird

mood swings. his little sister told him he was having his "man period".

physical health ? axyl is healthy physically, too. sometimes he has too much to drink, but other than that,

he keeps himself in great physical shape.

medication ? none. well, if self-medication counts, he smoked weed once a few years ago.

languages ? axyl speaks english, french, and a little bit of italian.

grade ? he is a freshman in college.

occupation ? no occupation. his parents own a huge computer company and are very rich, so they

support him financially.






name jesse brooks st. clair

nicknames jess

age 17

gender male

sexuality homosexual (closeted)

ethnicity italian

race caucasian

height 5'11

weight 154lb

build slim, somewhat lean and lanky

hair color golden blonde

eye color brown

hair style messy, curly, medium length (slightly below ears)

clothing jesse's style is usually somewhat casual, often consisting of baggy jeans, a T-shirt or sweater, and converse. example one example two example three

personality jess is a very nice kid. he may not be the kind of person that you want to hang out with... maybe more like the person that your mother would want you to hang out with. he's usually reserved and shy rather than open and outgoing, but despite this, he is simply bursting with personality if you look close enough. people who spend enough time with him to get to know him would know that he has a unique sense of humor. also, if you ever wanted to know anything about comics or anything sci-fi, jess is your guy. he finds it much easier to socialize with people that he shares common interests. this may be part of the reason he's so close to his sister with their common interests in boyish activities.

it's hard to get him out of the house to do any social activities. he would rather sit in his room watching vintage movies and bidding online for classic batman comics than go to a raging party on a friday night. sometimes, though, you can convince him to go somewhere if you are very strategic with your case. jess's closeted homosexuality can sometimes cause him to be harsh toward those who he's interested in in attempts to hide the fact that he is in deed in love with them. he will either ignore them or act snobbish toward them. though, being quite snobbish is part of his personality. he was raised being taught that his family was better than everyone else's, therefore growing up with that mentality. he is very sensitive and will get very emotional, even at the slightest thing. it is difficult ot cheer him up when he feels down but it is possible if you know him well enough.


- comics

- sci-fi books / shows

- conventions

- post-apocalyptic stories/shows/etc

- the color mahogany

- classical music

- spending time with his sister

- video games

- travelling

- broadway shows

- dancing

- secret guilty pleasure for any audrey hepburn movie



- reality tv

- being ignored

- losing a friend

- being alone

- being rejected

- black coffee

- roller coasters

- cold weather

- exercise

- celebrity gossip/tabloids

relationships t.b.d. (pm me)


- water

- rejection

- being "outted" (someone finding out his secret)


- come out

- find "love"

- be on broadway


- hydrophobia

mental health besides being slightly overemotional, jesse is an average 18 year old boy. he has no mental health disorders.

physical health jesse has no physical health defects and is very healthy.

medication none

languages english, french

grade senior

occupation any theater job he can get a hold of (even if it means being an extra)

other theme song:

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name tyler dixon

nicknames none

age 18

gender male

sexuality heterosexual

ethnicity english

race caucasian

height 5'9"


weight 129lb

build slim, not muscular

hair color light brown

eye color brown

hair style messy, curly

clothing tyler's style mainly consists of something a bit classier than everyone else might be wearing. he frequents sweater-vests, dress pants, and classy shoes, yet he can occasionally be found in a plan T-shirt with an expensive coat.

personality ever since he was young, tyler has always been obsessed with all things film. his favorite movie since his childhood is silence of the lambs and, though he would love to direct any movie, his main goal is to direct a ground-breaking horror movie. if you were to categorize him, he would fall at an even distance somewhere between shy and outgoing. he is neither, though he probably leans more towards introvert. he doesn't have a problem with socialization, though he would rather sit inside on his laptop, researching something or other or blogging. he's always been a creative person, and he loves to blog or post on social media about his ideas for films that he has. he prefers to keep his online life separate from his real life, but if someone were to find his blog he wouldn't be humiliated. there is nothing online that he wouldn't say in real life. he's a very honest person--brutally honest--and will tell you anything you want to hear with no bias or sugarcoating.

sometimes his opinionated voice can get in the way of things or offend someone. he does feel guilty afterward and normally apologizes if he offends someone, but sometimes finds it hard to apologize if he's too embarrassed. he knows that if he ever wants to make in in the film industry, he must be shamelessly critical. most of his friends don't understand that, however, and think of his criticisms as hate. whenever he accidentally offends someone, he always gets very embarrassed. he is very easily embarrassed over anything as little as being late


- old films

- school

- tea

- winter

- the color blue

- directing

- going to movie theaters

- old-fashioned diners

- cats

- technology

- talking

- social media



- being forced to go outside

- bad quality movies

- slow wi-fi

- horses

- spicy foods

- feeling over/
under dressed

- overly-dramatic people

- heat

- meat

- heavy/loud music

relationships t.b.d. (pm me)


- not making it in the film business

- disappointing his parents

- losing his friends


- direct a hit film

- date "the star"

- graduate college


- none

mental health tyler's mental state is very healthy

physical health tyler, although gaining a bit of weight wouldn't hurt him, is moderately healthy when it comes to physical health

medication none

languages english, italian, some french

grade senior

occupation intern for an up-and-coming director

other theme song:



name Lila Joe Hilakir

nicknames Li-Li, Joey, Outcast.

age 16

gender Female

sexuality Bi-sexual

ethnicity Slight French

race White

height 5'6

weight 102.3 pounds

build Slightly curvy, round waste.

hair color Ginger

eye color Green-ish with a tint of blue at the top.

hair style Always usually keeps it down - Wavy, and hangs off her shoulders.


clothing Usually sweaters that she can put thumb holes through, sometimes small dresses, t-shirts or long sleeves, ripped jeans, combat boots.

voice Soft, sweet, kind of deep and cute, like a singers.

personality She's a very sweet person indeed, and always is willing to talk to anyone who wants to converse with her. She also has a perverted side to her, but not too bad, she just likes to make jokes about it. She is a very inspirational person, and is always there for any of her friends or family. She isn't scared of very many things, and gore doesn't bother her very much. (Zombie movies are actually one of her favorite kinds of movies, especially the Walking Dead.)

likes Reading, music, writing, drawing, singing, talking with people, being online, goofing off on vine/facebook/quotev.

dislikes The silence, being alone (even if she's used to it), being cooped up inside somewhere, tests, school.

relationships None so far. Will be updated in Roleplay if confirmed.

fears The dark, the silence, being alone.

goals To be a great singer, to graduate from school, to get a degree in art and writing from Collage, to actually GO to collage.


phobias None that she knows of at the moment. Except for being scared of darkness.

mental health She swears she sees things sometimes, but other than that, like any other imaginative girl.

physical health She has hypoglycemia, and she has kidney reflux. Hypoglycemia is the danger of her dropping into a coma if she has too much sugar, and kidney reflux is bacteria can get into her bladder easier.

medication She doesn't really take any medication at all, but she usually takes one ibuprofen in the morning to keep her away from headaches.

languages Slight french, though never really looked into that, english, and some japanese.

grade Tenth, if that makes exact sense.

occupation She is a happy worker at a McDonalds.

other She does like to put on make-up sometimes, and has a sensable way of fashion.[/imagefloat]

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