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Realistic or Modern ☀ a new chapter ✈




??? ???? ???? ????? ??????
??????(+ a white beanie)


Axyl unfolded the crease at the edge of his white shorts, and played with the sleeve of his oversized beige cardigan. He was counting the seconds until class was over so he could be reunited with his girlfriend. Well, not his actual girlfriend. He's definitely gay, no doubt about it. But, him and his inseparable best friend like to mess around and pretend they're boyfriend and girlfriend sometimes. For ironic purposes. This was one of the only classes they didn't have at the same time. If they were in this class together, they would probably spend the whole time making fun of the robot-esque, monotone stage safety teacher, and his beyond annoying assistant. Honestly, who needs a whole class on stage safety? The edge is over there, there curtain's over here, there's another actor on the left wing. Just don't fall off the stage or trample anyone. It was pretty simple. Axyl's heart almost stopped beating after he heard the words "Class dismissed" escape the mouth of the teacher's assistant in a nasally, annoying tone of voice. Axyl quickly shoved a few papers and a pale blue folder into his backpack, swung it over his shoulder, and got the hell out of that classroom. As he walked towards the exit door that lead to the courtyard and cafeteria, Axyl pulled out his phone and multi-tasked between walking and texting. Axyl quickly texted to Holly's phone. "Where u at baby?? ?? Meet me @ NYPF cafe, k?" He shoved his phone back into his pocket, and opened the exit door, making his way out into the courtyard.

The campus was pretty big and it was Axyl's first week at school, so finding things were still difficult for him. It was usually a 2 minute walk to the on-campus cafe, but it took Axyl about 5-10 minutes. After what seemed like forever, he finally made it to the facade of the somewhat large cafe. He checked his appearance in the mirror, Axyl ran his hands through his hair a few times, adjusted his beanie, and then entered the cafe. Holly wasn't there yet, so he grabbed a table for two and waited for her. A waiter approached the table, saying "Hey, Axyl! What can I get ya?" It was his first week, and he already knew most people by a first-name basis.
"Hey! Hmm, I'll have a caramel latte." Axyl replied with a warm smile, and quickly remembered Holly was coming too. "Oh, wait!" He spoke up, and then recited Holly's usual coffee order. Axyl remembered her coffee order just off the top of his head, because he knew almost every little detail about her.

Axyl crossed one leg over the other, sitting up straight in his seat as he scrolled through the instagram feed on his iPhone. A photo Atticus was tagged in appeared on his screen, which made him let out a soft chuckle. He was really into Atticus, but kept it low key. At lest he thought he did. In reality, almost everyone knew he had a huge thing for Atticus. It was no secret- just common knowledge. Just then, Axyl had an idea. Why not invite the whole gang from high school to come and hang out at the cafe? He quickly made a group chat with everyone from their little group, and typed up a message.

"Hey, babes ! ? Come over to NYPF Cafe so we can all hang out and stuff. The place is pretty packed today, sooo you snooze you lose!" Axyl hit send on the message, and patiently waited for a reply. Or for someone to show up.
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It was only the first week of college and half the campus knew about the annoying slash crazy slash pretty good looking girl who flirted with every other possible girl breathing. Dani wasn't sure if she enjoyed the attention or was annoyed by it. Either way, she just went about her usual business which consisted mostly of tuning her professors out and flirting with girls. Currently, she sat in the back of one of her classes, paying attention for once which was slightly surprising. Only reason she bothered to was because it involved her passion of writing. She may be an annoying flirt but she did have passions for things that linked to hopes and dreams, not that anyone knew about those things besides her brother.

Feet kicked up on the table, notebook in lap, Dani sat comfortably in her class, writing down a couple notes here and there as she listened to the professor. Minutes later, the professor stopped talking and let them leave for the day. Tossing her books into her bag none to neatly, she zipped her bag up before grabbing a worn down skateboard that sat next to her chair. Picking it up and adjusting her beanie some, she made her way out of the room. As she walked out, she scanned the crowd of students for someone to chat up. Spotting a brunette from her class, she smiled to herself in a cocky-ish manner as she waltzed over to the other student who was also walking out of the classroom.
"Hey there beautiful." she greeted. The girl raised eyebrow slightly, "You know I'm probably older then you and very straight." she answered rolling her eyes. Dani chuckled and kept pace with her. "So you've head of me! Even better." Dani answered shrugging with a smile. "Age is but a number just as sexualities are just words." she added with a sly smirk. The other girl paused and looked at her in a semi thoughtful way. "Hm, pretty clever there...still, I'm not interested so go find someone else." she said dismissively. Dani pouted and kept walking next to her. "You've wounded my heart Jenni." the blue-gray eyed girl dramatically relied. "Push off already." Jenni responded, not even looking at Dani.

Dani just chuckled and stopped walking, letting her go to wherever while Dani turned and headed out towards the parking lot. Dropping her board onto the ground once outside, Dani pulled her phone out and went to messages quickly.
'You done with school yet little bro?' she typed and sent to her brother, knowing being called 'little brother' would probably annoy him. Connecting earbuds to her phone, she slipped the earbuds in and hit play before going back to her messages as another came in. Chuckling, she saw it was Axyl, summoning them to a cafe that was not to far from everyones school. Opening the message, her thumbs hovered over the keyboard for a moment before she responded. 'Sounds like fun to me, I'll be there in ten unless I run into damsels in distress on the streets' she replied. Slipping her phone into her front pocket, Dani pulled her book bag over her shoulders and hopped onto her skateboard.

Kicking off, she was soon flying down the streets of New York, whizzing past people speedily as she made her way towards the cafe. Humming off and on to herself, she wondered how everyone's first week of school was going. She and Axyl were the only two in college already while the others were seniors in High School still but it wasn't like that was enough to stop them all from hanging out. Smiling to herself, she jetted down the sidewalks, eyes roaming the heads of people for young ladies she could try and court.
Addlyn walked down the familiar hallways of the high school. It was the first week of her senior year and she was sure to make it memorable. She walked gracefully down the center of the hallway, bag on her arm and curls bouncing with her every step. Addie had decided to wear her floral tanktop and skinny jeans, topped with boots that made her look 5'7 instead of 5'5.

She pulled out her phone when it buzzed. She texted Axyl back saying she would be there whether she liked him or not. His "best friend", holly had been in competition with her since she could remember. They both wanted the same things: to succeed in acting. High school became rough in that way: they would always fight over lead role in all school production. She got on Addie's very last nerve.

Addie started getting worked up on her thoughts and pushed them aside. She pulled her phone out once more and texted her boyfriend. "Hey Jess! You going to the cafe? Cant wait for coffee!!(<3)(<3)(:*)" He was the only one who knew how worked up she would get over coffee. He was the only one she ever told any of her secrets too. Not that being a coffee lover was one of her secrets. She didn't even waiste time hiding that, but he was the only one who took time to actually listen to her and be a friend to her. Then one day he asked her out and her best friends became her boyfriend. She would never forget that day.

Addie rounded the corner and walked out of the prison, called highschool and on to the college

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Cafes are tres chic!
Holly Elizabeth Monroe


So far college was awesome...or at least, mostly. For some reason students still found her annoying, but Holly was pretty much used to that. It was the fact that even professors gave her a hard time that floored her. Teachers loved her at high school....oh well, that's clearly the price you pay for being a star right? They were probably intimidated by her talent and star quality. Who cares really though? After all, she was living her dream of living in an apartment in New York City with her best friend, not to mention pursuing the career of her dreams and being surrounded by all the people she cared about most from her school days in Florida.

With her fingers set in place at the piano, she took a deep breath and played the last chord of Don't Cry For Me Agentina, singing along and ending with a satisfying diminuendo on the last few words. This was exactly the point when the bell for the end of last period rang and her cell simultaneously buzzed in her pocket. Pulling her phone from the pocket of her pleated skirt, she beamed when she saw the name of the sender: her best friend Axyl. She knew he had been stuck in stage safety class while she got a free period. Her thumbs danced across the screen as she texted her reply.

Already on the way, beau. I know it was hard not to die of boredom without me xoxo

With that, she slung her favourite red tartan bag onto her shoulder and made her way to the NYPF Cafe, figuring he was already there with her order ready. She may have only been on campus a short time, but she had the entire place mapped out in her head and the cafe was by far her favourite place, mostly because students were allowed to perform there in school hours and she was determined that she would once she had established herself as the star of freshman year. As she neared and spotted Axyl, she waved dramatically and went over, seating herself beside him and briefly linking arms with him for a moment.

"Hey beau! Enjoy safety class?" She winked.


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Jesse tugged on the sleeve of his sweater, his teacher’s words floating around his ear but not finding their way into his head. He never really found school much of a necessity. As an actor, who needed to be able to find the value of –x?

He kept his eyes trained on the clock, waiting for that time that was only minutes away when the bell would ring and the class would be freed. It was an endless cycle—every day, he sat in class and waited. Waited for the bell would ring so he could go to his next class. The only class he actually
enjoyed was Musical Theatre.

The teacher’s blatant voice suddenly echoed to the back of the class where Jess was sitting.
“Jess? Do you know?” Jess snapped out of his daze and looked up at the board where a complex math equation was sprawled across in white chalk. It seemed like a foreign language.

“I, uhh…” He murmured, straightening his back and toying with the eraser of his broken pencil. “I…” Just as the teacher was giving Jesse a disapproving look, the bell sang from out in the hallway. “Finally,” He whispered, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and hurrying out of the classroom.

Once he was outside, Jess slipped his phone from his back pocket. It had been going off all class period, but even Jess wasn’t ballsy enough to take out his phone during class. He had done it before, just never gotten away with it. He had three messages: one from his sister, Dani, his girlfriend Addlyn, and one from Axyl. He first went to the text from Dani, which read,
‘You done with school yet little bro?’ He chuckled, slightly irritated by her degrading use of the term “little bro”. ‘Just got out’ he typed before going back to his messages and entering his group conversation with Axyl and the other members of their group. ‘Hey, babes ! ♥ Come over to NYPF Cafe so we can all hang out and stuff. The place is pretty packed today, sooo you snooze you lose!’ it read. He decided not to respond to the group chat, but instead just head over to the café where everyone apparently was going. He noticed that Dani was also included in the chat, so he went back and texted her again. ‘You going to the café? I’ll go if you’re going.’

Finally, he entered his conversation with his ‘girlfriend’. Well, they were technically dating, but he didn’t feel anything for her. He just didn’t have the heart to come out to her, let alone the rest of his friends. His sister was the only person on the planet who knew he was gay.
‘Hey Jess! You going to the cafe? Cant wait for coffee!!’ He hovered his thumbs over the phone for a minute, trying to think of a good response. Instead, he just typed a simple ‘Yeah’ and shut off his phone.

Jess stepped one foot outside the margins of the New York City street and hailed a cab. As he spotted one approaching, he tugged his wallet out of his back pocket and took out a $10 to pay for cab fares.

Once he reached the NYPF campus, he hopped out of the cab and looked around. He had no clue where the café was. After asking a tall blonde boy for directions, who Jesse couldn’t help but take a second look at as he walked away, he finally found himself approaching the small coffee shop.

Just as Axyl had mentioned in his text, it was in fact very busy. It took him a minute before he spotted Axyl and Holly sitting at a table. Not in the mood to socialize with the two people by himself, he decided to wait outside for Dani.

From where he sat crosslegged outside, he could still see through a window into the café where his two friends were sitting. They could probably see him as well, so he tried to turn his head in the opposite direction. Hopefully they wouldn’t recognize his curly blonde hair.
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Atticus Slater



Atticus yawned rolling over to the sound of his phone buzzing. He grumpily looked at the text and checked the time. He would go to the cafe because he was supposed to go to work a few hours about. He got out of bed, and looked at his body in the mirror.


He pulled some skinny jeans on and his baseball tee. He slid on his leather jacket, his shoes, and a watch. He sprayed a little cologne all over and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. He left his small apartment, and started walking smoking a cigarette. He put out the cigarette in the front and went inside. He walked to the back and put on his apron and went back to the front. He smirked, taking the seat near Axyl.

"Hey handsome." he said, putting his arm around Axyl and looking at the rest of the group.

"Where is everyone else...?" he asked taking out his vape pen, blowing some smoke rings in Axyl's face.

The manager came out and tapped Atticus shoulder. Atticus turned around and looked at the man.

"Atticus you were supposed to be at work 3 hours ago. Come on at least make your friends coffee."

Atticus rolled his eyes and stood up going to the kitchen. He made himself a black coffee and a chocolate latte. He sat back down, handing the latte to Axyl and sipping his black coffee. He smiled looking over at Jesse.

He made eye contact with Jesse a small smirk forming on his face. He licked his lips seductively and blew a small kiss at him.

( @Zella @ultraviolence )
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??????(+ a white beanie)


Axyl waited patiently for a reply of some sort, and quickly checked his phone when he felt it vibrate. It was Dani. He chuckled softly to himself at her reply. Before he could finish reading through the text, a notification popped up on his screen saying "New text from 'ew bitch.'". Axyl rolled his eyes, and opened the text. Somehow, that girl had a way to speak through a snotty tone even when she was texting. He set his phone on the table, and his eyes lit up when Holly walked through the door, They shared a short hug, and she sat down right beside him. "Oh god. I hate that class sooo much like, the hell? Who doesn't know that you aren't supposed to fall off the stage?? Honey, that room is hell. Not to throw shade or anything, buuuut" Axyl paused, sipping his latte. "That teacher hasn't been laid in years. No- centuries." Axyl laughed a little bit at his own joke, setting the cup back down. "How were your classes, babe?" He asked. Just then, he noticed curly, shiny blonde hair out of the corner of his eye. "Ohmygod- okay- hold that thought. My gay-dar is totally going off. Isn't it like... super obvious that Jesse is gay? I see him checking out guys all the time. I literally have a sixth sense. When someone is gay, I just know."

As Axyl rapped up his sentence, Atticus approached the table. He sat right next to Axyl, putting his arm around him and flirting. He rolled his eyes. "If I had five cents for every guy you said that to I would be like- a billionaire." Axyl said teasingly, playing a little bit of hard to get. He really liked Atticus, even though he could be a jerk sometimes. He knew that boy was bad for him, but he couldn't help it. Axyl watched as he got up to go and work, and a dorky fangirl grin spread across his face. He looked at Holly with that expression as if to say 'ohmygod he's soooo hot'. It's like they had their own telepathic language. They could practically tell what each other were thinking.
As she came to a stop light, Dani stopped for a moment, hearing the ding over her music and pulled out her phone to see what was up. She smiled some as she saw a text from her brother, finding it a bit endearing that he said' he'd only go if she went. Opening the message, she quickly typed back a reply. 'I did say I was in the group chat, might as well right? I'll be there in 10' she texted back. As soon as the text was sent, the lights changed and she kicked off once again, swiftly navigating the crowded streets. Nearly running over half the walking population, Dani made it to the cafe just under ten minutes, spotting her brother waiting outside right away. Chuckling to herself, she waved and glided over.

"Hey Jesse, looking a bit like a lost boy there." she greeted once with in an ear shot, laughing in amusement. Dropping a foot down, she stopped her board completely, coming to a rest right in front of her brother. Flicking her board up with graceful ease, she caught it, swinging it under her arm comfortably. Glancing inside the cafe, she noted it was indeed very busy but she spotted Axyl and Holly in there right away, just hanging out and waiting for everyone else. A slight smirk crossed Dani's features as Atticus suddenly appeared form the back, handing Axyl a drink. "Well looks like your man is waiting in there." she quietly teased Jesse, motioning slightly to where Atticus was. She burst out laughing a moment later as the other boy blew a kiss towards her brother with a pretty seductive expression.

Looking back at Jesse, she patted his arm lightly somewhat sympathetically. "Anyway, do you wanna wait out here for her or come in with me?" she asked glancing around to see if any of their other friends were walking up now. Turning back to Jesse, she shrugged faintly. "I can wait out here with you too if you want." she added. She didn't even need to ask if Addlyn had texted him, she could just tell by looking at him for a moment or two. Perk of being pretty close with your sibling she supposed. Dani did feel rather bad for him, he was stuck somewhere where he wasn't happy and didn't seem to be trying to get unstuck. She wasn't really sure why he wouldn't come out but respected it and chose to let him handle it. It drove her up the wall sometimes but she never did anything other then tease him or pester him to come out already.

Stretching some, yawned and adjusted her book bag tiredly. Turning, she leaned against the cafe wall, looking out on the streets and shamelessly checking out any girl that passed by. Dani didn't like to ditch her brother to talk to girls if she was hanging out with him, time spent with him was highly valued to her but that certainly didn't stop her from eyeing them as they passed her by.
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"If I had five cents for every guy you said that to I would be like- a billionaire."

"If you we're a billionaire what would you buy me?" Atticus said with a small smile. He groaned looking as the line in the cafe built up. He got out of his chair and went to the back and to the register. He soon got bored with this and decided he would much rather play with Axyl.

He took the manager to the back and kissed her cheek softly. The girl practically melted and said he could go on an extended break.

Atticus walked back out and sat back down next to Axyl.

"Did you miss me?" he whispered to Axyl kissing his neck softly. Lingering there for a minute, then kissing his neck again softly.

Axyl had a huge crush on him and Atticus liked to use this. He had Axyl wrapped around his finger and he liked it. Axyl could try and play hard to get as much as he wanted, but Atticus knew that Axyl would do ANYTHING he asked.

Atticus slowly placed his hand on Axyl's upper thigh, rubbing his leg a little. Axyl was hot. He was down to fuck, that could really get Axyl wrapped around his finger.

Atticus slowly moved his hand to Axyl's inner, upper thigh.

"So. This place sucks. How about tonight we go clubbing? I know the best Hookah bars and shit. I'll take everyone on a night on the town." Atticus said with a small grin on his face.

"Maybe Axyl can help me get some new clothes. I could use some new shit." Atticus said looking over at him and squeezing his thigh a little.

( @everyone @ultraviolence )

Addie sat in traffic for what felt like hours. She sat there cursing at people for going so slow, but that's what she gets for living in "The Big Apple". Eventually traffic got better and she raced and people, attempting to get to her destination within ten minutes. Her phone dinged next to her and she leaned, unnable to see it in the cup holder of her car. Addlyn gave up and continued speeding, slowing down every now and then when she saw a cop car.

Addlyn eventually reached her destination and looked around the campus. She had to ask for help a few times, but eventually found it. Standing against the wall there was Jesse's sister Dani. "Hey! How have you been?" She put on a fake smile, still fuming a bit from before. She reached in for a small girl hug and walked back inside.

Addlyn rolled her eyes at the sight of Axyl and Atticus. "Go find a cabinet to be crammed in." As she passed Axyle she coughed, "whore." Then walked to a seat and gave Axyle a winning smile that was almost saying 'whatcha gonna do about it?'.
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You could slice the atmosphere with my razor sharp talent right now...
Holly Elizabeth Monroe

Holly listened intently to Axyl as he uttered his run-on sentence. She only really paid attention to the last part when he mentioned Jesse, who was stood just outside of the coffee shop. It was obviously him. His curly blonde hair was pretty distinctive. In truth she had begun suspecting Jesse was gay a little while ago, but she buried this intuition deep in her subconscious, since she had harboured a crush on him back in sophomore year before Addlyn began dating him. That crush had mostly faded, but a girl could still dream right?

She had just been about to respond to Axyl when Atticus swaggered over and took the seat to Axyl's left, wrapping his arm around him with that annoying, sleazy smirk. It wasn't that Holly disliked Atticus, she simply disliked his life choices and the fact that he was obviously toying with her best friend. Axyl always acted like a schoolgirl around the guy and had a major crush on him. God knows why...

As soon as Atticus had left the table and begun flirting with some random girl, Axyl shot her one of his doe-eyed looks, which she countered with a look that said,
'I seriously don't understand what you see in him'. She mostly ignored the pair when he came back and started being outrageously flirtatious again, but she couldn't ignore when Addlyn walked over and told them to 'get a cabinet' and called Axyl a whore. She shot her a death glare, challenging her to say anything else as she took a seat and tried to act all coy. There were not many people Holly couldn't stand, but she was one of them. Addlyn not only made Axyl's life hell, but she was always in competition with Holly to be the best. As if it was really a competition....

At some point she heard the tail end of Axyl and Atticus's conversation and looked up from her phone which she had begun idly playing with, looking at pictures of pianos on Pinterest.

"A hookah bar?" she said with obvious disapproval, "We are not going to a hookah bar, it's totally unhealthy. Not to mention it will ruin my voice and contribute to loss of brain cells."
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Tyler pushed his way out of the school library, clutching a “History of Scientific Fiction Film” informational novel in one hand and his keys in the other. His last period was his only free one for the day, and he had decided to spend it lounging in the large library browsing through tons of books and leaning back in a comfy red chair. He had found a good book, recommended by one of his teachers, and had red several chapters of it during his hour off.

Now, however, the bell had rung and he was off to the parking lot where he inserted his key into his old Mazda and jerked the door open. It made a strained
squeak sound as he pulled it open. He wasn’t worried, though; it always made that sound. The engine rumbled to life with great strain and the notification going off on his phone was barely audible over the sound of the car screaming. Before taking off, he dug uncomfortably into the pockets of his tan-colored dress pants until the device was barely within his grasp.

One message showed on the screen from Axyl. An invite to a small gathering for coffee at the NYPF coffee shop. At first, he debated whether to hang out with his clique, or to go back to his apartment and read. In the end, he decided against the latter and chose to be social. He quickly responded with a brief “I’ll be there” and headed on his way.

Walking to the other side of campus was a struggle, but luckily this time he wasn’t carrying his 12lb backpack. He only had a satchel over one shoulder containing his book, a case for his glasses if he chose to take them off, his wallet, and his cell phone, which he had decided against keeping in his pocket considering the pockets were a little bit too small.

On the first day of school, he had made the mistake of burying his face in a book as he attempted to walk through campus. He got knocked over twice, slammed into a wall 4 times, and he had to polish his shoes from all the track marks of people trampling them. Now he only shoved his way through the crowd, offering a few “Hey”s and “Hi”s to people who he knew but not stopping long enough for a conversation.

Once Tyler had finally arrived at the quaint coffee house, he spotted Jesse and Dani sitting by the door. After considering his rusty relationship with Dani, he dubbed it smarter to take the back entrance rather than the main door.

The coffee house was indeed busy, but he immediately spotted his friends sitting at a table and walked over by them. He didn’t talk, at first, only pulled up a seat from another table and sat down, listening and watching as the rest of them socialized.

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