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Realistic or Modern A new beginning ~ High School rp

Hello! I was wondering if everyone has to be a freshmen? It's totally fine if so, just wondering! :)

@Anne Lind
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[QUOTE="Anne Lind]Nah, you can totally be older if you want ☺️

Alright, thanks! I'm excited to try out my new character in this. ☺️
Are you still open to new people joining?

Also how many characters can you have? (I was thinking of a brother and sister)
HopefulAngel said:
Are you still open to new people joining?
Also how many characters can you have? (I was thinking of a brother and sister)
Yes of course! Though I think I'll close it soon so it isn't too crowded ☺️ But of course you can have two characters, I have two myself ☺️
Since you're closing it soon, would you mind if I added another character?

@Anne Lind
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