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Realistic or Modern A new beginning ~ High School rp

Anne Lind

You can be King, again.
Character Sheet





Appearance: (Please use realistic photos :) )







Theme song: (Optional)

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Freya Iparis







Freya is a very kind person. She likes to be sociable and hates being alone. She likes being on the good side of people and will often do anything to please them. She tends to see very one-sided on things when she first is convinced about something. She really likes music and also has a strange taste in it. She listens to a lot of rock n' roll, well in general a lot of music from the 80's and before.

She takes piano lessons and dreams of playing it flawlessly.

She likes quiet places and loves being outside in nature.

Likes: music, nature, people

Dislikes: cold places, dogs,

Crush: Lukas (later on)


Freya crew up in the country side and always helped her father with the animals and what not. Ever since finishing middle school she and her parents decided they should move into the city so Freya wouldn't be too far away from school.


Theme song: [media]

Metias Clarkson







Metias is a very quiet person how isn't all that social. He tends to be by himself quite a lot though isn't particularity fond of it. He likes reading books and has a huge collection of them in his room(which takes up nearly half of it). He is a very sweet person once you break the ice and get to know him. And once you earn his full trust and respect, he is a friend for life. He is very uneasy and isn't all that great of trying new thing and often lingers in the shadows to avoid things.

Likes: Reading, peaceful things, dogs, music

Dislikes: trying new things, things that are spicy.

Crush: None yet...


Metias crew up without a father and lives with his mother in a small apartment. He and his mom are very close and he has a hard time leaving her for too long. They also own a dog named Lily who basically is Metias best friend.


Theme song:[media]

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Aliya Isbell





Have you ever stubbed your toe, and instead of cursing or crying, you just stared at it until the pain went away? That's Alaiya's way of dealing with life. She seems vacant when you meet her, almost like she doesn't understand life around her. She understands. She just doesn't know how to deal with it. So instead of reacting, she waits to be told how to react. Alaiya is intelligent, but somewhat trapped in her own mind.

Classical music, nature, calm settings

school, home, noisy places

Alaiya is the youngest in her family. She has two older brothers, a mom, and a dad. Her mom is currently holding two affairs. Her brothers are both in college. Her dad is abusive, both physically and sexually. The abuse started two years ago, and Alaiya never sought help.

Alaiya was born in Arlington Virginia, and moved when she was eight. She was always a shy child, and rarely had more than a few friends. People never really bothered to get to know her, and as time passed she stopped connecting to people. No one really knew why, nor did they really care.

In eighth grade, Alaiya's father lost his job. He turned to alcohol. Her mother lost interest in her father and started cheating. Her older brothers were in college soon afterwards and didn't have to worry about home life. Alaiya, however, became the object of anger for her father.

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Lukas Alexander Smith

"The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

  • Nicknames :


    Gender :


    Age :

    Sixteen (16)

    Sexuality :


    Love Interest :



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    Luke has many tattoos.


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Name: Ame Akaikie

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/432432432.jpg.b75f87fc6a9035f2cdd379bbad690e6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/432432432.jpg.b75f87fc6a9035f2cdd379bbad690e6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ame is quiet, shy, and tends to keep to herself mostly. That doesn't mean that she doesn't like friends, its just everyone else that increases her anxiety. Ame has never been good with crowds and will usually have a panic attack if kept there for long enough.








Physical Education

Crush: Metais


Ame was raised in Tokyo for most of her life before her parents were tragically taken from her at the age of 7. She was left to the government since she had no surviving family. At the age of 10, after going from foster home to foster home, she was adopted by a family in America. She's been with them ever since.

Extra: Drives a car:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/fdaerwqrew.jpg.8e6ec5c5c188516945ff93ca074d17cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/fdaerwqrew.jpg.8e6ec5c5c188516945ff93ca074d17cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme song: (Optional)



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Name: Anderson Dustin

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual


Personality: Anderson is a very strong willed and hot headed individual. He has this notion that his way is the only way that he has a hard time shaking out of. But he is also a very independent individual. Aside from his friends, he prefers to be alone. Anderson is also very curious, he is can be very pushy on the pursuit to find answers to any of his questions. Also he also find it very hard to think about anything else if he knows someone is keeping it from him.

Likes: Anderson is a very eclectic individual. He love almost everything. Puppies, especially pugs, The color green, soccer, lacrosse, etc., he is also a big gym buff.

Dislikes: people hiding things, seeing people he loves in danger or in pain. He also doesn't like cats. He's allergic and had some bad run in with cats at one point.

Crush: open

Bio: Anderson life was pretty typical, his parent were together till he was 13 then they got a divorce. But his parent have remains friends. Pretty great friends at that. Both of his parent are pretty well off. His dad owns a dentist office in the city, and his mom runs a pretty high end boutique just a few blocks away.



Allison Mae Blackwood

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." -Unknown

  • Nicknames :

    Allie or Allie Cat

    Gender :


    Age :

    Seventeen (17)

    Sexuality :


    Zodiac :


    Date of Birth :

    May 21st, 1999

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Alexis Brandt

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_o8mspe4lg11uwjr2eo4_500.jpg.19dd2d5cefde2d35b37d074446214c4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_o8mspe4lg11uwjr2eo4_500.jpg.19dd2d5cefde2d35b37d074446214c4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nvrmm91bFh1r2aobgo1_540.gif.bbb408a849ea94dc87715c0a214b6300.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nvrmm91bFh1r2aobgo1_540.gif.bbb408a849ea94dc87715c0a214b6300.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alexis has a hard time opening up to people and is pretty reserved about her feelings. She is usually very kind to other people. However, she has a bad habit of not thinking before she speaks and isn't afraid to speak her mind which sometimes makes her seem a bit rude.


Honesty, sports, drinking


Pressure, school, stupid people


None yet


Alexis lost her mom a few years ago which has made her a lot more reserved. She now lives with her father, a rich businessman who puts a lot of pressure on her and they don't have a very close relationship, which affects her a lot.



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Name: Heejae Park

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: The quiet sibling, Heejae keeps to himself or small groups of people whose company he enjoys for the most part. He prefers comfortable settings and would rather find a way to make peace than argue a point with someone.

He becomes more talkative once he has established a friendship with someone, but if he likes someone he may become even more quiet and withdrawn than usual.

Likes: Music, singing, rain, quiet places, cats, stars

Dislikes: Sudden loud noises, pushy people, spicy food, cruelty

Crush: (tba)

Extra: He always has his mp3 player and a simple pair of headphones with him.

He loves to sing, and will likely do so when he is alone.

Theme Song: (he's the one singing)



Name: Jieun Park

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: A becon of sunshine, Jieun is always friendly and warm to everyone she meets. She is a pretty bubbly person and tries to make friends with everyone around her.

She is a very tactile person, so she touches others regardless or whether she has romantic interest or not. It is one of her more literal ways of connecting with others.

Likes: Sweets, music, plush toys, cute yet casual clothes

Dislikes: Stuffy environments, rudeness, silent rooms

Crush: (tba)

Extra: Like her brother, she tends to carry her mp3 player and a pair of light blue headphones with her wherever she goes.

Theme Song



Bio: The Park siblings were born to a korean-american couple. Their mother was a musician, and as such, they both found an interest in music at a young age.

Both children had bright personalities until they entered elementary school. Not being familiar with children of other races, they were subjected to racism and jokes at their expense. While this treatment made Jieun act more positively to show there was more to her than that, it made Heejae more withdrawn and quiet.

By the time their parents realized what was happening, Heejae and Jieun were already in middle school.

Now, they are entering Timberline in hopes of a fresh start and new exciting opportunities.
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~~Danny McKane~~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.28bfa8fea0efcb3d73bc1c0697cb0e53.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.28bfa8fea0efcb3d73bc1c0697cb0e53.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>








Danny is an arrogant and stubborn guy who never knows when to quit. He's definitely an 'all bark no bite' person and knows it, but that doesn't stop him. He has a mean sense of humor but he's not sadistic and would never try hurt anyone physically unless they do so to him. Danny may be a butt, but he does have a nice, chill side deep down. This only shows around close friends and no one else.






•Looking fashionable


•Being ignored


•Fights (especially if he's in one)


•His grandfather


N/A (PM me or OOC if you're interested :D )


Danny was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father was a rich businessman and his mother an actress. Surprisingly, despite their busy jobs still made time for their little Danny. He had it all really, and rarely complained about his life. That is until his grandfather told him that he would have to run the family business after his father. Now, Danny is a laid back, lazy guy and the last thing he wants is to run a business. Not really having a choice in the matter unfortunately, Danny has been getting training to become the best successor he can be, hating every moment of it.


•Danny secretly writes in a diary journal when he's bored or stressed.

•He really wants to be a model.

•Has a Australian Shepherd at home named Rascal.

•Danny seriously cannot fight, like at all.

•Has a scar on his eyebrow from being in a fight when he was in middle school.




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