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Futuristic A New Age.

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
((Feel free to make it look fabulous with BBCode.))

[Appearance. Picture preferred.]


  • Name:



    Appearance: Whatever the picture doesn't get across.

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Heoni Chung

  • Name

    Heoni Chung






    Heoni stands at 5'8" inches tall, but she is usually wears heels on her

    outfits. She has casual clothing, but she more often wears a skin tight racing

    suit for minimum resistance when riding a bike, or in a car because it has

    a headset attached to it so she can aim.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/adam_jensen_concept.jpg.837e3a9d361a9aa51e170780e0edf3be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/adam_jensen_concept.jpg.837e3a9d361a9aa51e170780e0edf3be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Samuel Varcolac



Samuel Varcolac






5' 9". Old shirts with sleeves cut off for his cybernetics, worn jeans and a leather jacket that has seen better days is his usual outfit of choice. Unless on assignment or out practicing, he wears a sleek, tight fitting suit constructed of nanites.​



Samuel is a serious and proud man. There is a lighter, more playful side to him but it is rarely ever seen. He takes everything he does with the utmost importance and will not give up on anything until it is finished.


Cats, hazelnut anything hazelnut, orchids, whiskey.


snakes, sunflowers, water


astounding strength(cybernetic arms give him this), enhanced reflexes, sword arts


can't swim, airsickness, terrible with ranged weapons​


Samuel belongs to a once proud and noble family. Their heritage can be traced back for centuries, countless skilled warriors and victories in battle. They were both feared and revered. Always looked to in times of need for their leadership and support. They never failed in caring greatly for their fellow clan members and bringing their clan to greatness.

Sadly, all honor was suddenly stripped from them at the mere accusation of a betrayal and treachery. A jealous rival spread the rumor that Samuel's family had lied their way to where they were and planned on killing the emperor to finally be the most powerful. They fought tooth and nail against it, but too much pressuring and harsh interrogation eventually led to his younger brother breaking and admitting to all of the lies.This caused a sharp downward spiral. Every title and medal was stripped from them, his mother was taken to live with her parents again, his father was forced to lay down his weapon and had to take up work in a factory to keep the family afloat and his brother was sold to the emperor to regain some favor for their family.

As for Samuel, his only goal since that day has been to strive to keep up the tradition they held so dear. The one his father and grandfather spent hours talking so very endearingly about and training him and his brother to pass on. He does whatever job he is ordered to do. Hoping that some day he can fully reclaim his family's honor and make life easier again or die trying.


Clan Archetype: Date

Weapon of Choice: No-dachi


and a Glock.​



  • adam_jensen_concept.jpg
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Aiko Komatsu
Name: Aiko Komatsu

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Appearance: Stands at a height of 5'6", Wears baggy green clothing and googles, Short dirty-blonde hair, half of her body is cybernetic (right arm, torso, and leg), the rest of her body is littered with scars.
Personality: Aiko herself is like the explosives she works with, dangerous with a short fuse that can go off at any given moment. She can be considerably rash, impulsive, and temperamental, and isn't fazed by the notion of using violence as a means to an end. But she is also perceptibly clever and witty, has good survival instinct, and can be resourceful. She has a natural affinity towards weapons, especially ones that explode. It can seem that her recklessness make her work with her explosives even more dangerous.

Likes: Blowing stuff up, the sound of explosions, Coffee (she drinks way too much), punching things, fireworks, dogs, gambling

Dislikes: taking about "feelings", most alcohols (she's not fond of drinking), rules

Strengths: She can make an explosive out of just about anything, Can take several hard hits and still be running full speed at you, can handle loud noises, is smarter than she looks

Weaknesses: Her natural recklessness can cause her to fall in different kinds of difficult situations. Also, because of an incident in her past, Aiko has a crippling fear of the sound of ticking (like a clock). She becomes extremely emotionally at the sound, usually forcing herself into a defensive rage, but sometimes, she will become paralyzed completely in a cold sweat.
Aiko was born to a small, lower class family. Her father was a humble mill worker while her mother stayed at home to care for her, their only child. When she was a baby, Aiko never cried at loud noises, such as fireworks. Instead, she had laughed and seemed to almost want to touch them. As she grew, Aiko's love for explosive artillery became even more apparent. She had a strange obsession with wanting to craft her own and never was afraid to bring home small sacks of gunpowder without permission, usually igniting them in the backyard. Her parents eventually gave in and help invest in her passion. She soon learned how to make time bombs, the first of which she still carries around, still intact and waiting to be ignited. The rest she craft were tested in a crevice at the edge of town.

Aiko was only 13 when one day, she found an larger, old-looking bomb in a local trash pile. Taking it home, she did not yet realize what that bomb would do to her next. She took it into her small one-story house and tinkered at it in her room. She worked for hours and finally figured out how to revive it. She was ecstatic; this was her biggest and greatest one yet. Her parents came in to see, and the young girl proudly displayed her work. But something went wrong, the bomb was ticking..it had been ticking for quite sometimes, but she never noticed. Before anyone could react, the bomb went off, engulfing the house in the flames of a fiery explosion. Aiko's parents her killed in the explosion, but Aiko miraculously made it out alive. It cost her half of her physical body, and many called her lucky. But no one ever knew of the trauma that Aiko now had. She still has nightmares about that day. And because of that incident, she now has a phobia to the sound of a ticking clock.

Now half the person she was before, Aiko was left alone to find a new way of living. She was eventually welcomed into the Hojo clan, where she honed and mastered the craft of making explosives. There she made her weapon of choice, her rocket launcher, and learned to make her variety of grenades and bombs. While she was there however, her recklessness shined. Being surrounded by so many explosives everyday with her behavior and temper caused her to blow up workshops and building on multiple occasions. Luckily, no one was ever hurt. But she was removed from service of the clan itself, as she was seen too much of a burden. She eventually stumbled upon the ragtag clan of Hanran and became one of their explosive and demolition experts.

Clan Archetype: Hojo

Weapon of Choice: Her main weapon is a high-power rocket launcher, she also carries around an assortment of grenades.


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IceQueen said:


Heoni Chung

  • Name

    Heoni Chung






    Heoni stands at 5'8" inches tall, but she is usually wears heels on her

    outfits. She has casual clothing, but she more often wears a skin tight racing

    suit for minimum resistance when riding a bike, or in a car because it has

    a headset attached to it so she can aim.

Kwillz said:

Aiko Komatsu
Name: Aiko Komatsu

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Appearance: Stands at a height of 5'6", Wears baggy green clothing and googles, Short dirty-blonde hair, half of her body is cybernetic (right arm, torso, and leg), the rest of her body is littered with scars.
Personality: Aiko herself is like the explosives she works with, dangerous with a short fuse that can go off at any given moment. She can be considerably rash, impulsive, and temperamental, and isn't fazed by the notion of using violence as a means to an end. But she is also perceptibly clever and witty, has good survival instinct, and can be resourceful. She has a natural affinity towards weapons, especially ones that explode. It can seem that her recklessness make her work with her explosives even more dangerous.

Likes: Blowing stuff up, the sound of explosions, Coffee (she drinks way too much), punching things, fireworks, dogs, gambling

Dislikes: taking about "feelings", most alcohols (she's not fond of drinking), rules

Strengths: She can make an explosive out of just about anything, Can take several hard hits and still be running full speed at you, can handle loud noises, is smarter than she looks

Weaknesses: Her natural recklessness can cause her to fall in different kinds of difficult situations. Also, because of an incident in her past, Aiko has a crippling fear of the sound of ticking (like a clock). She becomes extremely emotionally at the sound, usually forcing herself into a defensive rage, but sometimes, she will become paralyzed completely in a cold sweat.
Aiko was born to a small, lower class family. Her father was a humble mill worker while her mother stayed at home to care for her, their only child. When she was a baby, Aiko never cried at loud noises, such as fireworks. Instead, she had laughed and seemed to almost want to touch them. As she grew, Aiko's love for explosive artillery became even more apparent. She had a strange obsession with wanting to craft her own and never was afraid to bring home small sacks of gunpowder without permission, usually igniting them in the backyard. Her parents eventually gave in and help invest in her passion. She soon learned how to make time bombs, the first of which she still carries around, still intact and waiting to be ignited. The rest she craft were tested in a crevice at the edge of town.

Aiko was only 13 when one day, she found an larger, old-looking bomb in a local trash pile. Taking it home, she did not yet realize what that bomb would do to her next. She took it into her small one-story house and tinkered at it in her room. She worked for hours and finally figured out how to revive it. She was ecstatic; this was her biggest and greatest one yet. Her parents came in to see, and the young girl proudly displayed her work. But something went wrong, the bomb was ticking..it had been ticking for quite sometimes, but she never noticed. Before anyone could react, the bomb went off, engulfing the house in the flames of a fiery explosion. Aiko's parents her killed in the explosion, but Aiko miraculously made it out alive. It cost her half of her physical body, and many called her lucky. But no one ever knew of the trauma that Aiko now had. She still has nightmares about that day. And because of that incident, she now has a phobia to the sound of a ticking clock.

Now half the person she was before, Aiko was left alone to find a new way of living. She was eventually welcomed into the Hojo clan, where she honed and mastered the craft of making explosives. There she made her weapon of choice, her rocket launcher, and learned to make her variety of grenades and bombs. While she was there however, her recklessness shined. Being surrounded by so many explosives everyday with her behavior and temper caused her to blow up workshops and building on multiple occasions. Luckily, no one was ever hurt. But she was removed from service of the clan itself, as she was seen too much of a burden. She eventually stumbled upon the ragtag clan of Hanran and became one of their explosive and demolition experts.

Clan Archetype: Hojo

Weapon of Choice: Her main weapon is a high-power rocket launcher, she also carries around an assortment of grenades.




Kiyoshi Yukimura

  • Name

    Kiyoshi Yukimura






    Kiyoshi stands at a fairly tall 6'1" but he tried to hunch a little to seem shorter to his peers. He always wears his stealth suit, and is rarely, if at all, seen without it on. The suit quiets all of his movements and makes him virtually undetectable to thermal sights. The helmet has one singular hole in the middle which is connected to both of his eyes. It has a zoom function as well as many different sights available, such as thermal, tech, and neuro vision.

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[QUOTE="The Endergod]


Kiyoshi Yukimura

  • Name

    Kiyoshi Yukimura






    Kiyoshi stands at a fairly tall 6'1" but he tried to hunch a little to seem shorter to his peers. He always wears his stealth suit, and is rarely, if at all, seen without it on. The suit quiets all of his movements and makes him virtually undetectable to thermal sights. The helmet has one singular hole in the middle which is connected to both of his eyes. It has a zoom function as well as many different sights available, such as thermal, tech, and neuro vision.

Axel1313 said:

Samuel Varcolac



Samuel Varcolac






5' 9". Old shirts with sleeves cut off for his cybernetics, worn jeans and a leather jacket that has seen better days is his usual outfit of choice. Unless on assignment or out practicing, he wears a sleek, tight fitting suit constructed of nanites.​



Samuel is a serious and proud man. There is a lighter, more playful side to him but it is rarely ever seen. He takes everything he does with the utmost importance and will not give up on anything until it is finished.


Cats, hazelnut anything hazelnut, orchids, whiskey.


snakes, sunflowers, water


astounding strength(cybernetic arms give him this), enhanced reflexes, sword arts


can't swim, airsickness, terrible with ranged weapons​


Samuel belongs to a once proud and noble family. Their heritage can be traced back for centuries, countless skilled warriors and victories in battle. They were both feared and revered. Always looked to in times of need for their leadership and support. They never failed in caring greatly for their fellow clan members and bringing their clan to greatness.

Sadly, all honor was suddenly stripped from them at the mere accusation of a betrayal and treachery. A jealous rival spread the rumor that Samuel's family had lied their way to where they were and planned on killing the emperor to finally be the most powerful. They fought tooth and nail against it, but too much pressuring and harsh interrogation eventually led to his younger brother breaking and admitting to all of the lies.This caused a sharp downward spiral. Every title and medal was stripped from them, his mother was taken to live with her parents again, his father was forced to lay down his weapon and had to take up work in a factory to keep the family afloat and his brother was sold to the emperor to regain some favor for their family.

As for Samuel, his only goal since that day has been to strive to keep up the tradition they held so dear. The one his father and grandfather spent hours talking so very endearingly about and training him and his brother to pass on. He does whatever job he is ordered to do. Hoping that some day he can fully reclaim his family's honor and make life easier again or die trying.


Clan Archetype: Date

Weapon of Choice: No-dachi


and a Glock.​

  • Name: Hikaemena Miyamoto

    Gender: Male

    Age: 23

    Appearance: 5’8”. Long sleeve shirt with his favorite jacket on. A tattered jean to cover a part of his mechanical legs from dust.

Sitahra said:

  • Name: Hikaemena Miyamoto

    Gender: Male

    Age: 23

    Appearance: 5’8”. Long sleeve shirt with his favorite jacket on. A tattered jean to cover a part of his mechanical legs from dust.

Accepted. I enjoy his personality and may make a character just to make a fool out of him.



Gareth Bryne

  • Name: Gareth Bryne

    Gender: Male

    Age: 30

    Appearance: The pale blue light of implants can be seen webbin their way throughout his body.

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Takeshi Hanzo



Takeshi Hanzo






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Genos.jpg.d01367dc56388257f4c4abe04c9e689f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Genos.jpg.d01367dc56388257f4c4abe04c9e689f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8dc87528_Genos1.jpg.4fef77cf7450fbaddb5b11632d20db1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8dc87528_Genos1.jpg.4fef77cf7450fbaddb5b11632d20db1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Takeshi is a very serious and confident young man with a lack in comprehension of sarcasm and jokes, he's brutally honest and will call things like he see's them. He takes what he does very seriously and to heart, he is not the type to mess around when it comes to his work and battle. Aside from is hard exterior, he is very loyal to his comrades.


Battle, meditating, being alone with his thoughts, training, being victorious


Losing, being annoyed/interrupted, being made fun of.


Due to him being almost all machine his mechanical arms and legs he has enhanced speed and strength in close combat and his eyes are like scanners, has powerful incinerators in his palms that he can send in a blast or a beam, he can use his core to increase his firepower and blast range.


Due him thinking his technology is more advanced than others, he is careless which usually leaves him wide open for counter attacks. His weak points are warriors who fight from a distance seeing as his incinerators at regular capacity can only go so far. His incinerators slowly take up his core battery so he has to be smart with his shots. If he uses his core to increase his blast he only has one shot because if he misses he'll be completely exhausted and will have to fight hand to hand, which even then will be a struggle for him.​


Takeshi was the child of the head family in the Hojo clan and was treated with upmost respect. He was spoiled rotten and got whatever he wanted in his early years, but he always tried to stray away from his family's fortune. He did so by causing trouble and getting into fights, which he proved to a natural. As he grew up, he underwent training with the other warriors in his clan to hone his skills and actually put them to good use.

One day, rouge warriors from the hojo clan came assaulted the head family, using their firepower to burn the building down. Takeshi was burned beyond healing capacity so instead of letting him pass they one by one replaced his body and limbs with cybernetic ones. This upgrade enhanced his fighting abilities and easily put him in the top ranks.

Even at the top of the ranks, he left because he felt he outgrew this clan and they no longer needed him. Later he found the Hanran, were the quickly accepted him and became one of their advanced warriors.

(Not much really, im bad at histories xD )


Clan Archetype:


Weapons of choice:

Incinerators in his hands and enhanced speed, strength, and senses.



  • Genos.jpg
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HumphryOmega said:
Takeshi Hanzo



Takeshi Hanzo






View attachment 257744

View attachment 257748



Takeshi is a very serious and confident young man with a lack in comprehension of sarcasm and jokes. He takes what he does very seriously and to heart, he is not the type to mess around when it comes to his work and battle. Aside from is hard exterior, he is very loyal to his comrades.


Battle, meditating, being alone with his thoughts, training, being victorious


Losing, being annoyed/interrupted, being made fun of.


Due to him being almost all machine his mechanical arms and legs he has enhanced speed and strength in close combat and his eyes are like scanners, has powerful incinerators in his palms that he can send in a blast or a beam, he can use his core to increase his firepower and blast range.


Due him thinking his technology is more advanced than others, he is careless which usually leaves him wide open for counter attacks. His weak points are warriors who fight from a distance seeing as his incinerators at regular capacity can only go so far. His incinerators slowly take up his core battery so he has to be smart with his shots. If he uses his core to increase his blast he only has one shot because if he misses he'll be completely exhausted and will have to fight hand to hand, which even then will be a struggle for him.​


Takeshi was the child of the head family in the Hojo clan and was treated with upmost respect. He was spoiled rotten and got whatever he wanted in his early years, but he always tried to stray away from his family's fortune. He did so by causing trouble and getting into fights, which he proved to a natural. As he grew up, he underwent training with the other warriors in his clan to hone his skills and actually put them to good use.

One day, rouge warriors from the hojo clan came assaulted the head family, using their firepower to burn the building down. Takeshi was burned beyond healing capacity so instead of letting him pass they one by one replaced his body and limbs with cybernetic ones. This upgrade enhanced his fighting abilities and easily put him in the top ranks.

Even at the top of the ranks, he left because he felt he outgrew this clan and they no longer needed him. Later he found the Hanran, were the quickly accepted him and became one of their advanced warriors.

(Not much really, im bad at histories xD )


Clan Archetype:


Weapons of choice:

Incinerators in his hands and enhanced speed, strength, and senses.




  • Name:XilE88 (goes by many other names, does not give out original name

    Gender: unknown, doesnt care what pronouns are used.


    Appearance: XilE88 is an uploaded consciousness, to it, bodies are a shell. the picture is of his main body a specialized robotic body that can contain his entire conciousness.

lucidnonsense said:



  • Name:XilE88 (goes by many other names, does not give out original name

    Gender: unknown, doesnt care what pronouns are used.


    Appearance: XilE88 is an uploaded consciousness, to it, bodies are a shell. the picture is of his main body a specialized robotic body that can contain his entire conciousness.

So this leads me with a conundrum. I personally don't like robot characters simply because I don't believe anyone can be 100% robotic, me included. However, the concept you lay out is rather interesting. Let's meet at the middle ground and say you are majority robot with very small amounts of you being human left. You will have a brain, there is no arguing on that point.

Now, onto the abilities of your character. I like the concept, but I don't want you able to just jack into a tank then off you go. Limit it in size to something human sized or smaller. Takeda are hit and run experts, not tank drivers. But thanks to your robotic body, except for said brain, your more durable and have better reaction times. As long as your head is intact, you can be rebuilt (resurrected whatever). Oh, and when you download into something, your body will be exposed so you'd have to download somewhere safely so you don't get your brains blown out.

If you feel like I'm making to many demands/adjustments, whatever you want to call them, or simply wish to negotiate it, either pm me or do so in the OOC section.

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