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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay

Mai looked off to the side, trying to distracted herself from her reddening face, enjoying his words. She pulled Hydro along out of Skylar's room as she slept. Making sure not to disturb her. "So calm and sweet...That's my man~" she cooed. The words seemed like a foreign language to her, almost too shy to say it. But his reactions were always worth it. A blushing Hydra was irresistible.
Hydro smield at her and hug her happyli Blushing as she said that too him a he was kinda soft on words and women as he was happy with her and says wille he hugs her "I love you....and that is mi girl"he says as he blushes as he finishes as he wonders how from a killing scientis too somthing so sweet too him....how time passe and change things
Mai imagined what it would have been like if they transferred her to a different place than the Myth island...How she would be like now if Hydro hadn't met her, or Damien teaching her place? She would have been a much different person if one little thing changed in the very beginning. So she enjoyed the moment in his arms, happy that he was there for her since the beginning. "You look like a tomato." Mai giggled, looking up at his blushing face. "oh....and do you know where's the kitchen? I'm starving..."
#1 Was walking by and noticed Mai an Hydro..

[#1] I see you've done a good enough Job In the Dream Realm, Hydro. Also, Mai, the kitchen Is back that way, three doors down on your left.

#1 Said, before going to check on Skylar..

(Also, as I've said before, the only thing on the Island besides the ships, that uses modern technology, Is the lab equipment, everything else Is pretty much prehistoric...)
Mai twitched her nose a bit. "HM...I guess ...I guess it's ...not that crazy to think about a dream world..." She blinked at Damien as he passed "Sorry for doubting you sweet...I really thought you were messing with me" Mai apologized sheepishly as she held his hand. There were too many things in this reality that humans were unaware of...she had to think about this for a moment.
(Basically, stone ages, Google some up, fire pits with slabs over them for stoves, heated stone boxes as ovens, tundra area as basement for fridge. Etc etc.)

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
(We have fire pits at home xD I never knew they could be inside...Mai can't even handle normal stoves..heh...get hazmat...)
Hydro would blush kinda more as she says he looks like a Tomato but would smiel hearing her gigle as it made him ,as he would chake his head and would nod at her as he hears that she apoligises he says"Dont worry....i dint belive it at first eather but hee its real...come on lets go too the kitchen"he says as he takes Mai hand and would start too walk with her there slowli so he dosent go too fast for her,as he reaches there he would let go of her hand and sit on one of the chairs and say "Wo...Im dizzy...Need some time"he says as he feels very dizzy and light headed,as he lays his head on the table and waits for this too ware off

((Sorry fell asleep and good bie...be back in 6 hours.....Poor Tony ;-; he misses Sky and Damien...Dont worry bud i give you Sky back ^-^))
(Welp, Ilaine's going to die alone.)

Rose, full of energy as always and also very bored started bouncing off the walls. "C'mon, I wanna do something!"

Natalia would be exploring the castle and scared of that Plant thing and of others,as she explores she sees a randome Girl jumping of walls,as she would hide beg=hinde one of the walls and watch and aswell making sure her Estrymli long sleevs dont show up and blow her cover
Skylar opened her eyes and smiled when she realized she hadn't had another bad dream. She sat up and stretched, not knowing she was really dreaming and was actually still asleep.

Ashteroth grinned evily as he watched from his lair. Poor naive child. You'll learn soon enough, no matter how many promises Damien makes you, you'll never escape your past. You'll never escape me.
#3 Stood beside her, seemingly watching someone from the distance.

[#3] Are you feeling better child? Did you sleep well?
[#3] That's good, I want to take you somewhere today. Just us two.

He said calmly, still staring at the ceiling as If someone was there..
Skylar smiled. "Okay. Let me just grab my backpack." Skylar ran to her closet and got her backpack.

Ashteroth laughed, knowing only Damien #3 would hear him. "Don't you mean the three of us?"
"You still don't see it? You're not in the real world. The second you went into her room and tried to wake her you went into her dream. She's still asleep. And now, so are you and your little smoke figures. Which means no one is protecting your body. I may not be able to kill you but I can hurt you to where you won't heal in time to save her." Ashteroth laughed cruelly. As he spoke, his spies crept up to Damien form in the real world.
[#1] You do know, my dragon form Is more Impenitrable than my human form, nothing can harm that form, not even your puny magic.. Hah. Ash, you still don't think far enough ahead.

He laughed at him slightly, as the dragon roared In the distance, piercing through the dimensions.
Skylar looked up, still unaware she was still asleep. "What was that?" She asked Damien/#1.

Ashteroth growled slightly and then relaxed. No matter. Time for plan B.
[#3] It was nothing kiddo. Just the wind.

He said calmly.

[#1] Looked at Ash as they watched the Dream Realm pass by...

[#1] Oh, and what Is that?
Ashteroth smirked evily. "Let's just say, we'll be reliving the past but with a different future."

Skylar raised and eyebrow but shrugged. "Whatever. Now, where are we going?" She asked.
[#1] Let's see where this takes us old friend.

#1 Said, as #3 grabbed Skylar's hand and hauled her up.

[#3] We're goin on a journey.

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