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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay

(I just noticed this, Isac and I are 2 of the very few males throughout this entire Roleplay, outside of the RP...) Is that so? Heh, such strength from someone so young an small. He says with a laugh and a smile.
(Does gender concen you?? :?)Mai nods, quickly running back to her room with a light skip in her step. She watched the child sitting in her bed, she couldn't just leave him here. She looked back at him as she began pulling out an assortment of clothes from the drawers. "Is angelus allowed to come, Damien?" She asked from the other side of the hall.
(I'm gonna be on league If anyone needs me.. Also, can I know yer game names If ye don't mind?) Damien looks around a bit before realizing something.

Oh! Tony, In a few days I'm taking the kids down to Eloria, wanna come with? We're gonna be down there for quite some time before I send everyone back, oh, and If ye can... Don't tell them I'm sending them back... They wouldn't.. Really like to hear that.. From either of us..
(I accidently tore of my pink's toenail when I was doin yardwork, and now my ferret Is cleaning It for me... It feels strange... But at least It doesn't hurt.... Vampire Ferrets! THEY LIVE!!!)

Is there anything ye want to eat kiddo?

He asks Tony while thinking of something..
(Correction: I have Ferrets. And 12 more other pets.............................)

Ye need to eat somethin Tony, yer losin weight at a rapid pace, with yer body like that, how else do ye expect to be strong enough to protect Skylar? Yer a scrawny kid, I know! I'll make ye some meaty meals, that way ye can get more meat on yer bones an all that good stuff!

He says enthusiastically....
(All I have is a lazy cat xD )

Tony huffed softly and looked away, wrapping his arms about himself as if it would hide that fact. His wings twitched anxiously, and he didn't reply to his friend
(I have 3 ferrets, a hedgehog, 2 falcons. An owl, 2 dogs, 2 cats. A parrot, 2 fennec foxes, and a bunny. And the owl Isn't really ours, It Just tends to sleep In my attic whenever It gets to hot or rains.. In the past week I've seen It up there about 9 times, always startles me cause It screeches the fuck at me whenever I'm near It.. Little brat...)

Damien put an arm over Tony's shoulder and Just about dragged him over to the kitchen and sat him down at the table.

So... I know this Is.. Rather, eh... Early to be sayin somethin like this... Eh.. But... Fff... Are ye gonna ask Skylar to marry ye?

He says, obviously having trouble asking..
( O.o Thats a lot of animals O.o )

Tony didn't make a noise as he was practically dragged to the kitchen, and made himself comfortable on a stool, wings hanging over the edge of the seat. He blinked at Damien in surprise, and his cheeks went red, I...uh....I-I'm p-p-planning to... He mumbled softly, using telepathy so only Damien could hear
Heh, that's good kiddo, that'll make her really happy, though I'd think she pass out of embarrassment, but she'd still be really happy..

He says as he starts to cook up a bunch of meat.

(Yea, some of em were given to us, and others we picked up to give love to, after awhile, we had a bond goin, and we couldn't bear to part with em... Like If ye pick up a kitten, and ye still have It 4 years later, ye love It 't death, but ye never wanna let It go, but It's so much bloody work, yer always tired, but ye still love It... 3: _)
(Im back little Fishe,s....so what i miss?)

(F*** be gone for 2 more F***** Hours...Sorry im trying mi best at this but i cant ;-;....will be back a soon as posible)
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(Welp, I Just said how many pets I own, aaaand, stuff, read the pages Isac, read them!)

Indeed I do, cause she loves you that much, and even more so, even If she hides It, even If she hides herself from ye, she doesn't want ye to hate her If she changes, she doesn't want to hurt ye, she loves ye to much to want to endanger ye, and all that other stuff, It's been a long time since I've had a relationship... So I can't give ye much advise.. But she really does love ye, and she will be so happy when ye propose...

He says as he cooks up the meat, putting meat In the oven, and even some In the furnace, cooking up so much that It seemed like It would take a small army to eat It all up...
Tony full on switched forms, his wolf form sat neatly on the stool as he stared at Damien, I'll never hate her! No matter what happens. He replied, sounding as confident as he could, Not sure how I'd propose though....

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