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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay

Rex would go in too Sky,s room and curl up on the floor and looking st hid old doggy bed and places his paw o it and notice hi paw got the hole Doggy bed and whsipers too himself "How the hell i got this big"he says as he would pull the small bed towards him and putt his head there using it as a pillow as he wen too deep sleep
Mai stood in the room, watching everyone leave. Quietly she began heading back to her room, picking up the left over pieces of Rex's pot. The girl eventually had her arms full and placed all the parts in a bowl in case if he wanted to keep it for memories. With a slow pace she entered her large room, finally having time to breathe. "Now...let's see...time for samples..." she said, taking the black rapier and pressing her finger to the blade, drawing a thin line of blood.
Hydro wouldHydro would aproche Mais Room as he ate somthing atleats and Knocks on the door and says "Mai you sleeping?"he says hoping she is awake as everybody left too sleep and maybe she aswell
As Damien rested, he could hear screams and shouting, he could hearing someone crying, and someone laughing... Though it was all dulled out, muffled. He didn't dream of anything, it was as if he was floating in a black void, there was no light, nor other colour, it was just him and the void...
Mai quickly turns around as she hears a knock on the door with Hydro's voice. She looks down at her bleeding fingers and hastily placed the obsidian sword on a desk "N-Not yet, I'm awake....Do you need something Hydro?" she answered, holding her hands behind her back. The girl didn't want to worry him if he saw she was cutting herself- even if it was for the good of research.
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(I wonder how Mai would react to Damien's main laboratory, it's like the one on the ship, but a few thouand times the size, and it has all of his experiments, all Beasts, the ones he grew up hunting.)
"Nothing really only bord and needed some compani too talk befor i go too sleep.....can i come in?"he says as he leans on the door wating for a respons
(Well, with her new found Myth powers she might do something stupid knowing her >~> Like trying to fight the beasts to record their physical abilities....She'll probably beg Damien to take her as his pupil as well when she realizes that he knows more about science than her own father. ) 
"Y-Yeah just a sseeeccooond!" Mai races around her room for something to wipe her hands off with, after a few seconds of fast *Pitter patters* being heard from inside the room she finally just wiped the blood off on the skirt of the bed. "Alright, come in!" she sat on the bread breathing a little heavily.
Hydro would open the door and looks around as he sees only Mai and ask "Um...Are you ok?"he ask hearing those Patters and she breathing like that kinda worrid him especially wen she today got her new Myth and might have side efects and all that so it worrid him
Damien sits up, scratching his head... Man, I'm not sure how long I slept, but it helped a tad, at the very least.. Wonder what the kids did this time....
Mai nods quickly with a nervous smile "Yeah. I'm perfectly fine...I was just....practicing how fast I could run now!" she coughed up a subtle excuse, she noted in her mind to make sure to test her own speed in the future. "You don't need to always worry for me you know...I'm not that weak..." The violet haired girl laughed, untying the twin buns of her hair to let them down. Her hair seemed much shorter when it was tied up, but when fully let out it reached down to her thighs.
(Hrmm, neko, could you draw a picture of the kids and Damien?) Ugh, he knew they broke somethin, he could feel it...
(Yeah sure, I wouldn't mind doing it in my spare time ^u^ But just to make sure I'll have to have everyone's exact descriptions so I don't mess anyone's up.)
(Hooooo that sounds very cool....maybe each one shoold tell you what pose they shoold be so it looks unique)

Hydro would narrow his eyes then closed them and sigh and says "Wen people say there perfectly fine somthing is wrong...its common seans and how are you going too practis how fast you run on this Room?.........i know im being over protective is because...wen you get that Myth form im still thinking of what might happen"He says as he sits near her on her bed and start too play with her hair with one of his hands as he dint know it was this long
"Mom? Dad? Sis?" The child cried out as he wandered the ashen wasteland. "Where are you?" He continued as he walked. Somewhere a certain sword glowed black.
Mai sighed, knowing that she could never know if her body could suddenly reject the DNA. Since her body has completely absorbed the mixture, she would probably not survive if anything were to go wrong now. "That's my little guard dog...always worrying about me." she smiled, enjoying it as he played with her hair. Never in her life had someone tried so hard to protect her, it was a reliving feeling; to know that she wasn't alone in this world. "I actually was...trying to see what my new blood looked like, but I forgot I didn't have my microscope with me. I tried to hide it...because I didn't want you worrying." Mai admitted, showing him the long, thin cut stretching across her fingers. The bleeding had already stopped, but the cut was still there. "But don't worry, that blade there is so sharp I didn't feel a-" the girl paused for a moment while she was pointing to the black sword on the table. An odd glow emitting from its entire being. She leaned over Hydro to grab the sword off the desk near her bedside, holding it curiously in her small hands. "What....this...is interesting..." Mai fixed her glasses to take a closer look.

@Metaphysics @Yonsisac
(Lol, indeed, I'd just say, take Damien's pic from page 1 on the sign up, with his sword and wings, standing over the kids, shaking his head, but it's up to ye, and if ye do draw him, his hair is longer than his height, colour is striped, silver-black-silver-black-silver :3) Damien walked to the door, opening it, he walked downstairs, noting that Rex grew up again...
(I might the actions and all that based on everyone's personalities. But I'll make sure to take his pose in consideration, what do his wings look like? Alrighty! So who all should be in the picture? )
(I'd say the main 5, Skylar, Tony, Hydro, Mai and Damien. And his Dragon picture, that's how his wings look, basically burnt grey, with a black aura between and around the bones.)
(I would like Mai Giving mi a Noogie and with a smiel that would be nice ^-^)

Hydro was about too say somthing as he notice she was cutting herself but he takes a deep breath and accepts it and put his head on her shulder as he watches the blade glow and ask "I know im over protective but is that i dont whant you geting hurt you know....and why dose it glow like that?.....dont tell mi you are experimenting again"

(Okaie! I probably won't able to fit much more, so if anyone else wants to be part of the "family photos" make sure to tell me kay?? I'll combine the photos to make a panoramic type thing, so no one will be left out!)
Mai laughed, kissing his head as he laid on her shoulder "No...I swear it's not me this time!" She exclaimed, tilting it around and stabbing it in the air with a single hand. Nothing she did seemed to affect it "I wish Angelus would have at least given me a manual with these powers...maybe if he taught me how to use them Damien would have given them to Skylar...but either way...he might have done the same." She sighed for a bit, it was strange wanting something even when she had her dreamed form. Maybe it was curiousity that kept making her think of Angelus. Or the longing of the power that she once felt running through her veins. "Well if you're going to be so over protective you're going to get grey hairs!" Mai smiled,pressing her cheek against his purple hair.
Damien walked past the kids as he went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of DS, and sat in the lounge drinking.

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