Warrior Cats A moment of appreciation for the blessing of the warriors books

Haven't read the books myself, but I have many friends who read it when they were young. It really seemed to make an impact! They loved it, so I have a respect for it.

So to simplify: Its impact on my friends!
The original arc of Warrior Cats is why I became a roleplayer and writer in the first place. The characters, the plot and the world all captivated me and made me yearn to discover more about the series. It was this series that pushed me to start roleplaying cats, and then it grew from there up until now. So personally, I hold the original arcs very close to my heart, from Into the Wild to The Darkest Hour.
Okay this is so true, I love the warrior cats book. Just today I couldn’t pick out I book and I’ve read them all lol. Really recommend scourges rise

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