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Fantasy A Modern Magic World: Tsukaikari Academia



e3bb4d62c1aa6c8ced8e9ae84a1e1155.jpgKatsumi Mei

Birds chirped quietly from a tree as the sun beat down on a hot day. The sky was clear and shining a bright blue, and temperatures continued to rise throughout the morning. A light spring breeze blew across the grassy fields, just outside a large city. A slight buzzing followed by the sound of a train slowly filled the air as the birds flew away from their tree, frightened by the sound. The trains sound became louder. From inside the train the city appeared in the distance "Now Arriving at Majikkushiti, Shopping district Station" Blared over the speakers. One girl in particular shot up from her seat and scrambled for the window beside her. She had been asleep for most of the ride, but it seemed like the sound of the speaker had woken her. She pried open the window and stuck her head out, gazing upon the city as the train got closer. "Mam I'm going to have to ask you to keep your head and arms inside the train, we will soon be arriving at the station" A man said behind her, some kind of staff on the train. She popped her head back inside the train and turned around, quickly giving a bow in apology. As the train came to a stop she quickly grabbed her things and began moving for the door.

"Ahhhhhhh~~~" She yawned loudly, but it wasn't a sleepy I want to go to bed yawn, it was more of a I just woke up but I'm way to excited to start the day yawn. She smiled widely and began moving. 4 hours on the magic train, thats how long it took to get from Tokyo to Majikkushiti. The town was centered around the college and magic itself, it was built after the college was originally to supply housing for students moving away from home to attend the college, but as time passed more people moved into the town, building a shopping district, tracks for the magic train to run on, a whole bunch of other important infrastructure areas that would be important for people who wanted to live in the city. But right now none of that stuff concerned the girl, because as soon as she got off the train she instantly spotted a magic items shop.

She ran into the store, luggage in tow. She smiled at the shop keeper. "Ah new in town are you" He asked glancing towards her suitcase with a friendly smile. "Yes Sir" She replied offering a smile back. "Ah I see, you must be here to attend the college, miss?" He said with a gleeful tone, as he asked for her name. "Katsumi" She replied still giving him a warm smile, as she browsed his wares. "Ah take your time deary, we have lots of magical items here in town that are cutting edge and new, developed right here in town" He said. Katsumi continued browsing finding some items she was interested in but not bothering to buy. "Sorry Oji-chan, I have to get to my new place, I may come back later for a look though" She said as she left the store once again, running around with her luggage in tow.

She knew she had to pass by the school on the way to the student apartment complexes but she never expected the building to be so big in person. As she walked by it her eyes widened. The huge school town shot up from the ground into the sky. She could see a few of the buildings and campus grounds from where she was standing but the main school building still shocked her. "It must have taken years to build this!" She exclaimed, "Two years actually, well with all the extra buildings maybe a little longer" Said a woman behind her. "Oh" Katsumi replied, "Oh dont mind me, I'm just a passerby, lived here for a good many years myself" she said as she continued on her way.

Katsumi couldn't really think anything other than that she was impressed, a magic school this large, and tomorrow she would be starting at the academy. She decided to hurry along so that she could explore the rest of the town. She soon got settled away in her apartment building. Equipped with some furniture and everything she had sent ahead of time. She wasn't ready to just lie down on her new bed though. As soon as she had everything packed away she threw on her alchemist back pack and ran outside once again. She began heading back to the shopping district, hoping to look around some of the shops for magic items and hopefully get some food.

Welcome to a Modern Magic World: Tsukaikari Academia. As I'm sure the people who have already joined this know this role play is based in a futuristic setting in japan where humans have expanded in the way of magic rather than futuristic technologies and space craft. The role play is set in a college where students will be learning about magical abilities and evolving their own magical abilities. This is the first day of the role play, the day before school starts. The students have the day to explore the town that is centered around the college and interact with their fellow students. And Please if you haven't already read up on the lore. Thank you!!!
Charlotte Wise
Open for interaction

"...Oh, shit."

Charlotte rolled to the side, the combination between the buzzing of her alarm (which had been going off for nearly an hour at that point) alongside a sliver of morning sun that had squeezed between her tightly-drawn curtains and landed right on her goddamn eyes finally managing to pull her from her deep, food-driven sleep.

She raised a gigantic hand, sweeping it to the alarm, only to knock a lamp, a change of clothes, several chip bags, and a half-empty glass of water off the table instead, each object clattering to the ground with noises loud enough to further stir the girl from her drowsiness. Were that not enough, she knocked the alarm over, too; not only was the item now set to radio mode as the result of a pressed button on impact, but she'd also have to actually work to turn it off.


With a loud groan that escalated into what might as well have been a roar of laziness, Charlotte Wise pulled herself up into a sitting position, slouching forward as she let her oversized, claw-like hands dangle off of each end of the bed and slide against the floor. Tossed, black hair fell into position strand-by-strand around her curled horns, and her tail thrashed weakly as she attempted to work some feeling back into the flattened appendage. She glared down at the radio; at that point she was already awake, and turning the damned thing off seemed like it would be too much work.

"I'll just unplug it later," she muttered to herself, pulling her arms upward as she finally managed to shuffle out of bed, the oversized T-shirt that served double-duty as pajamas billowing with ghostly lightness just above her knees. The girl had barely been in her dormitory for a few days and already the place looked like ten tornadoes had passed through in rapid succession. She made her way to the far door, stepping over bottles, snack bags, take-out containers, microwave trays, and soda cans.

This, of course, was the half of the mess that she hadn't eaten alongside her food.

"Need some friggin' breakfast," she growled to herself, stopping short of the door. Part of herself wanted to simply stomp out into the main hall and raid the vending machine immediately, but if she wanted to go and get some real food, she'd need to get some real clothes. She flicked her eyes back toward her mess of a room, before looking toward the only clothing items that were actually out of her bags; her same old purple hoodie, and her shirt and shorts from yesterday.

Yeah, that'll do.

Charlotte's hands shortened and shifted into forms far more human as she reached for the idle items, her shirt ceasing its flowing motions as her tail retracted and her horns disintegrated into a fine, lightly-glowing purple powder, rapidly cooling like ashes as they lost their luminescence. Even if she didn't like doing it, several years spent "sucking it in" made the transformation process rather painless, even if holding the state itself felt a little numbing after a while. She pulled on her "fresh" clothes with all the droopiness of a scolded child, zipped up her hoodie, and, just like that, was ready to tackle the world one meal at a time.

The door to her dormitory let out an echoing bang as she slammed it against the outer wall, muttering an uncaring "whoops" as she strode out, double-checking to ensure she had her keycard in her wallet. She slipped down the stairwell at the edge of the hall, immediately gravitating to the vending machine on the other side of the lobby as soon as she reached the ground floor. She flicked her eyes about the common area, and, seemingly satisfied, turned her back to the machine and leaned against it. Her tail sprouted from beneath her hoodie, slipping into the bottom of the machine and winding its way up into the machine like a snake.

Then, all that was left was to clean the machine out. A devilish smile grew on Charlotte's face as she flicked her tail back and forth, listening to the sound of morning snacks fall into the bin below.
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    Dormitory -> Library

    Interacting with no-one (open to interaction)

    Meanwhile, one of the quieter students was beginning to wake up. He had arrived late last night from practically the other side of Japan, after all, so had spent most of the day travelling. It was exhausting work, spending hours upon hours on a magical train - and it certainly wasn't something he wanted to try again any time soon. All the people bumping into him, crying kids, snoring old men...hardly a fun experience. But a necessary evil, he supposed, to attend what was said to be one of the best new colleges around.

    And what a college it was. From what he could tell by the sounds and the smells - it was too late, and dark, to see when he arrived - the place was built by the sea. An odd choice, but not an unwelcome one. Maybe that meant there were some hidden coves nearby, to get him out of the dorms and the school buildings. Speaking of which, they were huge. The main central one, with the blue spire, towered into the sky and dwarfed all the others around it. He wondered if that was the administration building or perhaps reserved for the fancier classes? He had no idea. But, what struck him as odd was what seemed to be battlements. Even in the dark he could see the thick stone walls looming over him as he walked through the main gate - what was their purpose? Were they built for defence? If so, against what? To be honest, from the pictures he saw of the college before he applied, and the dark images he saw when he arrived last night, the college looked more like a fortress than an actual place of education. Oh well. No use in worrying about it. Besides, he was far too tired when he arrived to think more about it - if he remembered, he practically collapsed and fell asleep as soon as he hit his new bed.

    But, now it was morning and Kage could hardly spend all day in bed. So, after a quick shower and some food, Kage silently got ready for the day in his casual attire - loose fitting black clothes, with missing shoulders to show off his family tattoo depicting that of a dragon. To be honest, he didn't know why his family had that tradition - only that each male of his family got that tattoo. Though, he never bothered to ask. He knew he would only get a stupid answer, relating to some myth or something, so he didn't want to know why. After eating, he did a bit of quick unpacking - he only had one suitcase, since he travelled light, so it only took about a half hour or so to get himself completely ready. With that, he finally left the dorm room.

    He knew where he wanted to go first. He had been curious about the library all through the morning, and frankly he wanted to know what amenities he had to work with. So there he went. After a while, looking at various signs and maps, he found his way to the library. He picked a smaller book off the shelf and, wondering how good the library was, began to read. At first, he was only reading to test the quality of research materials but after a while he began to get interested in the little tome titled 'Darkness and Light: A Professor's Musings' - a book all about the various dark and light magic spells and items in the world - and so he sat, enthralled in the pages.​
Tessa Connors
_Line 213 _Line 213
Waking up underneath a roof as unfamiliar as this was a bizarre experience. It was just... So low and plain. Was this the kind of sight that her friends woke up to every morning?

No wonder why they always complained about how hard it was to get out of bed.

Not that it bothered her, though. She'd passed up on the chance for a nicer place than this already. The kind of apartment that, if media hadn't led her astray, a student really had no right to be living in. Skyrise views and more space than any one person would know what to do with, an offer that most would jump at the chance for. But Tessa wanted to distance herself as far from her parents' wealth as she could. Her quest for independence would hardly be one that she could pursue wholeheartedly if she was constantly being reminded of the luck of her birth, after all.

That in mind, the stiff bed she rose from and the smaller-than-her-bedroom apartment she rose into hardly bothered her. Not having to walk half a marathon to get from her bedroom to the bathroom was actually kind of nice, too. The lack of a chef, on the other hand, was going to take some getting used to. Her kitchen sink was already occupied by a black-charred pan, a grim reminder of her failures of the night prior, displaying her inadequacy at cooking and cleaning both. Fortunately for her, though, she hadn't been quite stubborn enough about her quest to have her parents skimp on her food budget. Eating out for breakfast was hardly becoming of her, but it was definitely better than almost burning the building down for the second time in twenty-four hours.

Throwing on one of her nicer outfits that almost resembled a school uniform, Tessa stepped from her apartment and began to flit through ideas for what she wanted for breakfast.

And then quickly stopped. Was that a homeless girl trying to steal from the vending machine?

She blinked. That was definitely bold if nothing else. Was she hoping that the still half-asleep students wouldn't notice her? Common sense was telling her that she ought to chase the girl off, or maybe just call the police, but... Well, starting off the school year with a good deed couldn't hurt, could it?

She cleared her throat, produced her wallet from her pocket, and approached the black-haired girl.

"Ahem. Would you... Like some help paying for that?"
Charlotte Wise
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

Charlotte's eye twitched lightly at the sound of another voice, and her lidded gaze dragged itself toward the bright-eyed girl. Okay, fine. She had gotten caught and classes hadn't even started yet. Pathetic, but whatever. It wasn't as if this of all things was going to get her kicked out. Plus, even if it did, who cares?

"...Unless you're planning on buying the entire friggin' vending machine, don't even bother," she replied, her nasally voice coming out low and croaked thanks to her drowsy state. As soon as she said that, however, Charlotte could feel herself beginning to develop some alternative thoughts. Who exactly was this girl? Why was she offering her money so openly? And, perhaps most importantly, just how much did she have to spend? Charlotte's eyes crossed the room again, this time slipping over toward the soda machine sitting next to the snack vendor as her tail quickly retracted. Stealing from that other damned thing was always a pain; that's not to say that she couldn't manage on her own, but pulling free snack bags was a little different than pulling away bottles and cans. There was basically no give when it came to those things; mess everything up, and you could even end up breaking the machine.

Or worse, shaking the soda.

"...Hey, y'know what, yeah, I think that there's something you can help me with," she eventually said, walking back her words as the scowl summoned by the wallet-sporting woman's initial appearance began to fade away. She turned around, bending down as she began to scoop her pilfered snacks into her arms. This would do well enough for now; if they didn't sustain her until she felt like raiding the fridge, then she could always just come back for more. "See that soda machine over there? Gimmie, like...I dunno, five of each drink, got it?" After several moments of continued struggle, she let out a bit of a frustrated growl, seemingly unable to comfortably carry all of her stolen snacks.

Resorting to desperate measures, she began pulling out the bags and placing them on the floor, before immediately popping open several of them for immediate, shameless consumption.
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Location: Outside the Magic Item shop
Interacting with: -Open for Interaction-

"Whew.. I was starting to think we'd never make it here!" A broad grin spread over the boy's features. In the sky above the shopping district. Something was rapidly descending towards the bustling streets. The closer it got, it became evident what it was, a Nekomata, with fire wrapped around its paws was flying towards the ground with a young man on its back. As he got closer to the ground, he slipped off the creature's back to land easily on the ground. With a soft pop the giant hellcat was replaced by a small, fluffy, two tailed kitty that landed quite easily on the boy's head.

With the cat on his head, some would notice the matching diamond markings both of them had on their foreheads. "You.. should be greatful that Nyana was willing to carry you all this way..." The cat mewed tiredly on his head.

Dante chuckled to himself, reaching up to scratch the Nekomata's ears. "Thanks Nana. Now let's see if I can scare you up some food, hmm?"

It seemed like he said the magic words. Nana's ears perked up almost immediately. He just smiled to himself and started through the shopping district. It didn't take long for Nana to start pawing at his forehead to get his attention. She'd caught a whiff of something yummy, and she wasn't above pulling Dante's hair to get him to go in the right direction. He'd learned that one the hard way not long after contracting this particularly headstrong summon.

Before long, he had a couple of grilled fish skewers in hand. Nana, then, moved from his head to his shoulder, munching on the skewer he held up to her while he enjoyed his own. Now that they'd found food, the duo were content to look around at the various shops. Magic items, clothing, food, supplies.. This place was so much bigger than the shopping centers where he was from.

For the moment, he was window shopping a magical item store. He had no real use for magical items, given he wasn't an Item Mage. Even still, he didn't fail to notice he got more than his fair share of looks. Even with his jacket on, the head of his snake tattoo was visible on the back of one palm, and the salamander tattoo was evident on the other palm. No doubt he looked like some kind of delinquent. Then again, it sometimes was hard to differentiate Contract Summoners from regular delinquents because of their tattoos. Oh well, Dante was used to such stares by now. His Summons were well worth any stares their tattoos brought him.

For now, he was looking at winged shoes. His were starting to get more than a little worn. Not that it was a priority to get new ones now, after all. Most of the time, he rode Nana when he needed to travel large distances, even if she played a drama queen afterwards. Distances weren't a problem for her, she just liked to complain. Still, a new pair of Flyers would be nice for shorter travels so he wouldn't have to impose on Nana so much...

AmanoAnother day, another sunrise. He adjusted his glasses, and turned his attention from the television screen to the window, then back to the television. He supposed he could take a break from Cobalt Cog Solid V. He had made good progress on both his studies and the game overnight- today seemed like a fine day to get some time away from books and games. He set the controller aside and switched off the television and the console, and stood up, brushing himself down. As he did, he noted his pale, cream-coloured long-sleeved t-shirt and his track pants. Was this sufficient enough to not earn him weird looks when he went out? He deliberated over this for a moment, looking at the mirror beside him for advice. When his reflection gave him no answer, he nodded, satisfied. He was of the opinion that, if his reflection did not come alive just to chide him on his choice of wear, and he thought it was fine himself, then there was just no way it was terrible enough. He grabbed a handful of coins and a good amount of notes that were just lying around and stuffed them into his pocket, picked up his keys and slid his feet into a pair of running shoes.

Such was the life of Iori Amano. A dull life for a dull man.

It wasn’t so bad, most of the time, however. There were bright times in his every day life. A couple’s love by the next street. Red-hot anger from a driver who had been tailgated. Most of these were good for eating. But, perhaps the most delectable kind of emotions were the ones that he manufactured through his actions. That was his opinion, anyway. It didn't take him long until he came across a curious pair. He paused by a nearby vending machine, and watched the duo of girls, one a dark-skinned girl, and the other a paler, shorter one, before turning to the vending machine beside him.

He inserted the notes into the machine, and depressed the button to one drink. The machine gave a whir, then dispensed its payload, the selected drink dropping into the chute. He repeated this process with every other drink in the machine, then slowly removed each of them from the machine, before continuing to do this same process two more times, until a veritable mound of drinks were now arranged in rows of five neatly beside him. He picked up a couple, and cradled them in his arms as he moved over to the two girls. He crouched down, and put the drinks down, arranging them again in a neat order. “I don’t suppose you need this for your friend, do you?” He looked up at the dark-skinned girl and tried to give his best smile, though he was almost certain that it seemed almost terrifying. “I’m terribly sorry if you wanted to empty your wallet for her, but it makes ill sense for me to just watch you do that.”

To the other girl, he nudged the cans of drinks forwards, as if they were a bowl of food to a particularly vicious cat. “This is as much as I can get you. You seem to have your hands full as is. As they say, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” He paused for a second, then added, in retrospect, “Perhaps you need help holding some of those?”

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The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Hana Inoue

Hana Walked down The Streets of Majikkushiti. She had arrived a few days before the Academy dorms had opened and had to stay in a hotel for a few nights, which wasn't much of an issue for her, except that she had a load of luggage with her that took up most of the space in her room. Finally being able to enter the dorms was a relief, sge was able to pack everything away in a day. However she had been here for a while now and it was beginning to get a bit boring looking around the town. She wanted to start school as soon as possible and learn some new fancy magics.

Deciding on a course of action was hard as she had already seen all there was to really see in the town right now, she thought to herself some food would be nice, I guess I could think of something to do while eating. She walked down the street stopping at a vendor to get some Takoyaki, paying with a small card in her hand. The card was similar to a credit card, but because of magic and peoples abilities to essentially create or steal money easily conventional money was essentially thrown out the window in the last 100 year. Now it was known for people to use credit cards that only activated when their owner used them so everything money wise was now digitalized.

After eating her food she finally decided that the best course of action would be to check out the school grounds and get a head start on the other students. She approached the school and decided to check out the library first, deciding to do some reading and studies for a bit.

Walking into the libarary she went to the shelves and began to pick out a few books, some on magic and some on theroy and one interesting looking one that covered the creation of homunculi. She began to make he way to a seat passing by a couple other people sat to the table. Suddenly she got caught in a lise shoe lace and began to fall, her only reaction being "eh" as she fell akwardly topeling her pile of books as she tried to catch her self on a chair that a boy had been sat on, only to pull him down on top of her.
Noemi Chiyome
LOCATION: Outside the Magic Shop| INTERACTION: | NEARBY/MENTIONED: Dante (RNG Choose you for interaction XD One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost )

Noemi stretched out her arms as she walked down the street of the shopping district. She was trying to get a good mental map of the general area. It was a habit since otherwise she'd most likely just get horribly lost later on if she didn't pay attention. She didn't really need to run any sort of errands or to purchase anything, though there were so many interesting shops in the area. She passed by the shop windows, keeping her eyes from really wandering to items she either didn't need or couldn't afford; she was on a strict budget right now.

That was another thing she needed to consider while she was away from her village; getting a job. She wouldn't lower herself to some street performances to earn money. While she did entertain tourists back at home, she considered it to be two different things. No, she'd have to consider finding some sort of occupation while here in the city to help increase her allowance her family provided her with. She had heard that some shops offered employees a discount, perhaps a job at a magical item shop would benefit her most.

This was when she began to let her eyes wander and glance over the various shops until she spotted a white-haired man window shopping at a particular one. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted something fluffy on his shoulder that seemed to be moving. Curious, she got closer stepping up to the shop's window as well and using the glass's reflection to see what the fuzzy creature was. It was adorable.

No, focus. She looked a the items on display and it seemed to have a few magical items out. Of course, all of them were out of her price range. Sigh mentally sighed to herself and decided to try and see if there was any place hiring. While she would prefer to work at a place where she could make use of the items sold, she really had no right to be picky.


Interacting with Hana ( Blackvelvet Blackvelvet )

Over the course of the morning, more and more books began to pile themselves next to Kage as he read more and more. At the moment, he was just studying on the basics of magic - what Magi is, what it can do and so on - since he wanted to save learning spells for when he was in class. It would be better that way, after all. There were some things you couldn't learn from a book, and practical things such as spell learning just wasn't something that a book could really tell you how to do. Efficiently, that is.

He looked to the side for a brief moment, his brilliant emerald eyes scanning the girl walking behind him, but he returned to his book. The library was free to all, after all, so it was hardly weird that people other than him might actually want to use it. But, just as he found his place again, he felt a weight pull on his chair, toppling it. Fortunately, though, he seemed to land on something relatively soft. After shaking his head with a grunt, a little stunned from the sudden fall, he looked up and noticed what exactly he landed on. With a quick movement, both from his more agile training and from urgency, he practically leapt to his feet. "Oh, erm...sorry." With that, he extended a hand down to help the mystery girl up.​
Naomi Lin

The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The ever-present noise that could only be found in a city played out like a symphony just beyond those doors. And to add to it all was the humming filling the store. The woman flitted around, stocking shelves, dusting, wiping down the counter. Her store was fairly busy due to it's location and it was rare that she had down-time to actually keep the place maintained. With a 'yoisho' she hefted a large box up onto the top shelf, setting it down with an air of relief as she brought her arm up to wipe the sweat from her brow. She took this moment to look out over her store, her mind racing with how many things she still had to do all the while knowing another customer could be making their way in at a moment's notice.

"I really should hire some help..." That thought wasn't anything new. She knew she needed to hire people for months now. She'd powered through on her own for years. But not being able to be open 24/7 like her competitors, never having a day off, having to do everything herself. She knew she couldn't go on like this. Either she'd end up breaking or her store would under the pressure of her rivals. Yet even knowing that, even knowing it was the logical thing to do, she couldn't bring herself to do it. The few times she had tried to hire people none of them felt... right. Add onto that the general dislike she has over the idea of giving her parent's shop over to strangers. As illogical as that was, it still made her overly picky and unable to actually get some employees.

The thoughts brought a sigh out of her as she made her way back out front to water some of the plants strategically placed around the store. As she busied herself in her tasks once more her singsong humming returned as her earlier thoughts were pushed from her mind. Her inability to focus on such worries when engrossed in her work was part of the reason why she never changed anything. Time went on as she scurried about maintaining her store. She was only pulled out of her trance by the tell-tale sound of the door chime going off the signal customers. She quickly stood up straight, looking over at the group of boys as she flashed them a kind smile. "Ah, welcome. Feel free to look around."

After greeting the group she went back to work, allowing them to shop at their leisure all the while keeping an ear out for when they were ready to check out. Her own humming was mostly drowned out by the laughter and occasional overly-loud words from the young group. They generally spoke to each other in hushed tones so she couldn't make out the full extent of their conversation. But every now and then one of their comments would illicit a strong reaction from the others and she'd pick up words accidentally spoken too loudly. Learning about her customers was a hobby of hers. She wouldn't call it eavesdropping, that's such a a dirty word. She just wanted to know more about them so she could better serve them. Simple as that. So in order to learn more she kept an ear peeled, sparing them a bit more attention than she really should have as she all but pretended to be busy.

From the few words she could pick out they were talking about a variety of topics, shifting from one to the other. First about sports, which then morphed into talking about girls. Given the reddishness of one of the boys and his flustered responses they were talking about a girl he liked. Ah the joys of youth. Not that she'd know. Her prying ears and eyes were finally fully drown to the group as they signaled they were ready to check out. Quickly placing her spray bottle and cloth down she wiped off her hands and made her way behind the counter to begin ringing them up. As she rung up their goods she couldn't help but notice how three of them were prodding the fourth, the reddened boy. He seemed uncomfortable, and she almost felt like telling the trio to leave him alone. But she knew better. Who was she to come between friends?

After ringing them up she told them their total, collected the money, returned the change, gave them their goods. All the usual steps she'd mastered over her many years working this job. As they prepared to leave she offered them another, brighter smile. "Thank you for shopping here, please come again." Followed the group as they went out the door. As the door slid shut she could only hear the group's laughter as they walked off towards the school. Bringing her index finger up to gently tap on her chin she stared at the group through the glass. "I wonder what all that was about." Mulling it over for a few seconds yielded her no answers. Must just be boys being boys. So with that conclusion she gave a simple "Oh well" and went back to maintaining her store, waiting for more customers to arrive.

Tessa Connors
_Line 213 _Line 213 simj26 simj26
Was she stockpiling? Given her situation, making one or two big hauls would make more sense than making several small ones. Less of a chance of being caught, and such rougish reasonings as that. Despite the girl's rudeness, she felt sorry for her, being forced to do things such as this. Even worse, she'd have to be constantly taunted by the sight of students such as her going about their daily routines without so much as a glance in her direction.

A few beverages were the least she could do.

As the girl spread her haul across the floor, she supposed that threw her prior reasoning out the window, Tessa readied herself to ring up an order for her requested haul, only to be interrupted by the clinking of cans and an unfamiliar voice. Someone had beaten her, quite literally, to the punch.

"Ah. Erm. Don't worry about it. Thank you, Miss." Tessa's eyes met with the blonde haired woman's and regarded her quietly. She obviously had to be a good person if she was making an act of charity without so much as being asked, even if her stature and voice were a tad on the intimidating side. This place had all sorts of people, it seemed. From the grumpy-looking shopkeep she'd bartered with the night before, to this gracious stranger, they all seemed to at be of at least a decent sort, too. But she'd be lying if she said that she didn't feel a little one-upped right now.

"Er... Well then. Is there anything else you'd like? I could see about arranging a room for you if you'd like to get off the streets for a little, though I don't know how long I'd be able to keep it under your name... But, I suppose it could be a good way to help you back onto your feet either way, no?"

Dante noticed someone's reflection come up next to him. Another window shopper, it seemed. He noticed her eyes flick over to him for just a moment, but she didn't seem to be looking at him, so much as the adorable little fluff ball currently purring on his shoulder. Well, given he'd just recently arrived, it would probably be a smart idea for him to get to know people, and, if nothing else, he already had a conversation starter.

"Judging by your expression, I'm not the only one that can't afford the prices here" He remarked with a casual chuckle as he looked over at her. Nana tilted her head curiously, watching the woman who, as far as she could tell, was dressed rather strangely. "I'm still new, so I thought I'd take a look around, but everything seems a bit more pricey than I'd like...." He shook his head. "Name's Dante. My furry little friend here is Nana." The nekomata purred at being introduced, tails swishing rather proudly as she puffed out her chest.

Dante couldn't help but smile at the display, rolling his eyes as he scratched Nana's ears. "Are you here to attend the Academy too?" He inquired as Nana started to focus on her again rather curiously. Nana was always a bit quiet around strangers. Once she got used to you, though, the trick was getting her to actually shut up...

Charlotte Wise
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , simj26 simj26

Charlotte couldn't remember, or even imagine, another situation in which two people would be hanging around her for no reason other than to supply her with more food. She blinked, eyes narrowing in slight suspicion. What game were these two playing? Were they working together? The lanky-looking boy had stepped up rather readily without any real prompting, seemingly having heard the exchange between the two girls before deciding to step in. Despite her suspicions, Charlotte found herself partially distracted by the entrancing sound of drink after drink rolling out of the vending machine, even as she ripped open several of her pilfered snack bags, wolfing down the contents. She hesitated for a moment as she finished off a bag of popcorn, flicking her eyes back and forth between the two onlookers, before balling up the bag in her fist and shoving the bag itself into her mouth.

"...M' fine," she muttered; the last thing that the hybrid wanted was to end up dragging two strangers back to her hellhole (maybe somewhat literally) of a dorm room. "And I've already got a room." She punctuated her words by ripping open another bag of snacks, shoving her hand in and shoveling out as many treats as was physically possible. It took just about all the girl had to hide her greedy, wicked grin as she perched the bag in her lap and reached her free hand toward one of the offered beverages, deciding to start with a canned energy drink.

"...Heh-heh, Hellfire, hell yeah," she mumbled, mostly to herself as she cracked open the perhaps-appropriately named drink with one hand, clutching the can once it had snapped open and taking a long pull. She set the can aside, the light, airy clink it made upon connecting with the ground making it clear that the entire thing, perhaps disturbingly, had been emptied in a single go. After a moment of silence, Charlotte glanced back up at the two, looking between them with no way of filling the awkward silence that ensued. If the other two were hanging around the dorm rooms, chances were they were both her fellow students. They were certainly dressed more...scholarly, let's say, than she was. If Charlotte cared about her appearance in the slightest, she might even have noticed exactly why the two thought she was homeless in the first place. Lingering motes of suspicion remained, even despite her mid-feeding satisfaction.

"What're you staring for, huh?"
she eventually said, finishing off her current bag of snacks before immediately snapping up another, "are you standing by to get me more stuff, or what?"
Noemi Chiyome
LOCATION: Outside the Magic Shop > Inside the shop| INTERACTION: Dante ( One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost ) Naomi ( Xel Xel )| NEARBY/MENTIONED:

"Judging by your expression, I'm not the only one that can't afford the prices here"

Noemi's focus turned to the white-haired male, her head turning slightly so she could get a better look at him and to not seem rude should she have kept staring at the items in the window. "I doubt many have the resources to be able to easily afford such things," she commented, following through with the small talk between strangers. He introduced himself and the deathly cute Nana and so she politely did the same.

"I'm Noemi, I'm new to the area as well," she said bowing traditionally as she said her name. "I'm attending the Academy as well. I'm trying to get familiar with the area... and possibly finding a job." The last few words were breathed out as a sigh. She turned to look back at the items on display before deciding perhaps she should go inside and inquire if they were hiring. Asking hurt nothing and if she was rejected or they weren't accepting employees, she'd just have to ask elsewhere.

"It was nice to meet you Dante, perhaps we shall see each other around campus, please excuse me." She bowed her head to him and then stepped into the shop, glancing around at what was inside before her eyes landed on the one she assumed was an employee.

"Excuse me ma'am, you aren't hiring by any chance, are you?"
Renji Ito
Location: Outside the Item Shop | Interactions: Dante ( One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost ), Noemi ( Fable Fable ), Naomi ( Xel Xel )

Renji Walked down the Streets of the town. He was in town to attend the academy, though he felt it partially unnecessary for his skill now alone was good enough, he needed no professor to teach him how to use magic, he could already do that better than anyone. Though because his piece of shit father insisted on it, and the fact that the magic council wouldn't let him join unless he had some form of formal education from some kind of magic school. He scoffed at the idea of having someone sit down and show him how to use magic, who did these teachers think they are? Did they get off on thinking that they were better than everyone so they had to show that through telling them how to use their magic? These were the questions that went though Renji's mind.

On this particular day Renji was wearing a plain black tank top with pale jeans along with a white coat over it, one he had gotten from the magic council, as part of a small scholarship that he signed on for with the council when they found out that the son of a council mage was going to be attending the academy, though the scholarship requirements meant he had to join the council when he finished, though that was already Renji's goal.

The sun beat down on him, as temperatures steadily rose, it was fairly clear that it was spring, and that winter was far over. He took a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and threw them on over his eyes. He continued to walk down the street not really paying much attention to where he was headed. He suddenly felt something hard hit him in the shoulder, knocking the jacket that had loosely been placed across his shoulders off his back and onto the ground. "Huh" Renji scoffed with a displeased tone. He picked up his jacket from the ground and dusted it off. He then looked to what he had bumped into. He say a boy with a cat on his shoulders, who seemed to have a few tattoos, probably some kind of lowlife. "Do I know you? Never mind. Anyways you shouldn't be standing in the way of other people, lowlife" He said even though it was his fault, though he really didn't really care nor did he give a shit about what the other person thought of him.

He happened to look up and see that he had been right outside of a store. He sighed and entered, looking around seeing that everything was over priced. He walked up to the counter where a woman was asking about a job, instead of waiting for her to be done he rudely cut her off. "Hey shop keep, what the hell is up with your shop, everything is over priced as all hell" He said pointing to simple magic items that were priced higher than what they should have been, or at least based off his knowledge of magic items from shopping in his home town.

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Hana Inoue

Hana Rubbed her head as she had hit it pretty hard on the floor. "Oiwie" She said as she suddenly realized that she had books covering her and there was some kind of weight on her chest. She looked down to see a boy around her own age whoo seemed to be using her boobs as a pillow. The boy got up and almost instantly extended a helping hand. Hana Scooted back with an arm covering her chest, "Leave me alone pervert" She basically shouted in the library. She then gave a devilish grin and hopped to her feet her self where she proceeded to pick up her books and place them on the table. "I'm only kidding of course, I know it was my fault I've always just wanted to yell pervert at someone when an accident like this happens like you see on tv" she said with a grin.

Hana took his still extended hand offering a warm smile and shaking it. "I'm Hana, a mage who will be starting school here tomorrow" She said as she moved over to her chair next to the boys that she knocked over. "I hope you dont mind but I'm taking this seat, we can read up on a couple books together and chat. I"m assuming your a mage aswell since your in the college" She said as cracked open a book called 'Griffins Encounter Survival Guide' A well written book that covers everything that people would need to know about Fighting the beast known as the griffin.


Interacting with Hana ( Blackvelvet Blackvelvet )

Kage said nothing, though his face spoke entire novels. His face reddened a bit, out of embarrassment, as Hana began shouting about him in a frankly unfair way. He was new here - he didn't need the bad reputation. Hopefully, there weren't a lot of people around. Or maybe they were deaf, or didn't care. That would be really useful to him, right now, though if his current luck had anything to say chances were some of the important staff were around. His eyes darted around, trying to see if anybody significant was there, before he sighed as he realised he wouldn't know them even if he did. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as Hana continued on, before finally speaking himself. "Whatever. I'm Kage. Kage Senshi." He would've said 'nice to meet you', but you know - she did just accuse him of being a pervert. As he sat back down, though, he looked as Hana joined him. Well, she certainly was a...confusing person.

His brow raised as Hana sat down next to him, though he wasn't really complaining. He wasn't the sort to complain. Besides, if anyone was still watching him, they would probably realise Hana was just joking about her...previous comment. Good. Maybe he wouldn't have his name be dragged through dirt less than a day after arriving. At her question, he nodded. "Yes, I am a mage. A caster mage. Invisibility, to be specific. How about yourself?"​
Naomi Lin
LOCATION: M.C. Mart| INTERACTION: Fable Fable (Noemi) One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost (Donte) BlacklegSanji BlacklegSanji (Renji)| NEARBY/MENTIONED: N/A

The tell-tale ring of a bell heralded the arrival of another customer prompting her to look up from her work and flash the girl a smile. "Welcome, feel free to look around." The words said with the practiced grace that you could only achieve after saying the same thing thousands of time. However, this time, rather than look around the girl strode directly towards her. The question that followed caused a look of confusion to flash over her face. Had she heard her comment? No, no way, that was like half an hour ago. This girl hadn't been spying on her for half an hour, had she? The very thought caused her cheeks to flush at the idea that some girl had seen her little bits of nonsense when she thought she was alone. "Ah, um. Well..."

She brought her index finger to her chin, looking off to the side. She did just say she needed help. But did she really want to hire this girl? Before she could give a proper answer the bell chimed again as a boy sauntered in and perused her wares. "Welcome~" She sang out to the boy, almost as if the girl wasn't even there. However, she instantly shifted her attention back to the raven-haired youngster in front of her. "The thing about that, is, well.. Hiring employees is a thing... Yeah..." What was she even saying? At this rate she may as well just hand the girl a resume to fill out and then reject her. Or just do the nice thing and simply say no and not waste her time. Capitalizing on her humming and hawing the boy once again stole her attention before she could give a proper answer. Only this time it was with his extremely rude attitude and words. Her cheeks once again flushed as her brows furrowed in annoyance. She never liked receiving criticism for her shop, it embarrassed her greatly to know a customer was unhappy after all the work she put in. But it also made her angry. This kid had no idea what he was talking about. Sure he might find some items slightly cheaper elsewhere, but her prices were all comparable.

"U-um, excuse me sir, but my prices here are in-line with any other store in the city." She glanced at the items he pointed to before looking back at him, looking him right in the eye as she spoke. "You wont find those items for much cheaper anywhere in the city. If you do I'll be happy to price-match. However, I must also ask you to please be patient a I am currently with another customer." She did her best to keep a calm, pleasant tone, but she was sure her annoyance was leaking out in more than just her expression. Even so she turned back to the girl, donning her smile again as she reached under the counter. She slid a form across the counter to the girl as she spoke. "Here, this is a resume. Please fill it out so I can get an idea of who I'd be working with. Just bring it back to me when you're finished." Ah, where had her pleasant day gone? Two disruptions at the same time, granted one was far more trouble-making than the other, but still. Why couldn't they have just bought something and been on their way like everyone else.


All things considered, Dante would have been perfectly content to let the young woman go and continue on his way. She was clearly busy, and, well, he could always find other people to talk to. A sudden jolt snapped his thoughts back to the present moment. Not that it really made him budge, so much as, well, how the fuck could you not notice someone Dante's size standing fairly out of the path of general traffic? Oh well, people got distracted. Accidents-

"Do I know you? Never mind. Anyways you shouldn't be standing in the way of other people, lowlife"

Dante's eyes narrowed as he watched the boy walk past him without any actual attempt at an apology. A dark sneer spread over his features as he rolled his shoulders. Nana gave him a look. "Dante... Nanya thinks you shouldn't go picking fights when you just got here..." She cautioned as Dante's eyes bored a hole after the boy that had bumped him.

"I'm just gonna talk to him..." Dante said, though with that devil-may-care smirk on his lips.... Talking wasn't as far as he planned this little encounter going... You see, calling Dante a lowlife didn't exactly sit well with him. It didn't take a genius to realize that statement probably came about because of his tattoos, and given he was a contract summoner, he was quite proud of his contracts. For someone to so casually insult them and look down his nose at Dante, well....

He was half Wrath-demon...

Dante followed the boy into the shop, just to hear him berating the shopkeeper. "Well well... Did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, or are you always about as much fun as a buck-naked stroll through a thornbush?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Lemme guess, your daddy is some big-shot so you think everyone should just prostrate themselves before you lest you cry home to daddy?" He cocked his head as he asked the question. He wondered what nerves he could prod at, or what specifically it would take to push this cheeky little dickwaffle over the edge. What would it take to make the boy feel Wrath...

Normally, Dante could be quite pleasant to be around. However, once insulted, he could be incredibly vindictive, as this poor boy was going to find out...

Katsumi Mei

Katsumi Walked out of one shop into the next, she just couldn't get enough of magical items, it was like she had some kind of thirst for window shopping, although every now and again she walked out of a store with a small bag filled with little trinkets and odds and ends. She decided that her next stop would be in a particular magic shop. She walked in and a bell rung, though it seemed like she walked in at a poor time. The shop keep seemed to be talking to another girl and two guys were there who seemed like they were exchanging some rather unkind words.

Katsumi's smile turned into a frown rather quickly upon the site of the two boys who seemed to be not so friendly with each other. She walked up to the counter and shove past one of them and put on a smile again. "Hello miss" She said cheerfully, "Boys right" She said pointing to the two guys. "If they are troubling you miss I could get rid of them, they seem fairly pathetic for mages, getting into petty arguments" Katsumi said, hoping that would make them see how stupid and petty they were being rather than instigate the argument or what ever it was even further. Then She turned a little and seen the Kitten in the shop. "Kitty" She said with a smile and heart eyes. She went over and picked up the cat and began to stroke the cat down the back from the neck. She then noticed the double tails. "Hmm, so your a Nekomata and not a regular Kitty hmmm?" She asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer and not expecting any answer from the Nekomata either.

Hana Inoue

Hana Offered a smile to the boy as it seemed that he was okay with her company. She pulled up a book called Ventus Spells and incantations for the novice mage. As She was scrolling through the pages the boy seemed to ask her a question. "hmm, oh, sorry, got caught up there for a second. I'm a caster mage as well, I use Ventus, or wind magic if you dont want to go by the confusing Latin name, I really dont get that by the way, why couldn't just use the normal words, I get that Latin is some kind of special language or something but its not like we particularly need to use it to use magic" She said, adding in a sort of side though not really sure on what it was all about. Either way she continued to read her book. "Always good to review the basics of your type of magic I suppose, but sometimes it can get so boring, I was hoping they would have some more advanced spell books or even some old grimiores here so that I could practice Some new spells but it seems that those type of books are only available to older students who have more experience" She said. She continued to read through her book and then she laid it down and sank back in her chair. "Hey, wanna do something fun?" She asked.


Interacting with Hana ( Blackvelvet Blackvelvet )

Kage quickly glanced at the book, seeing the title, and had his question answered before Hana even spoke. Though, a little part of him appreciated the confirmation. So, wind magic...useful for controlling the battlefield and to help defend against projectiles, if he recalled correctly. Though, there could be some blunt force applications to using it. He wondered what Hana knew already, and if she was planning on specialising into wind like he was going to with invisibility. He did not like the idea of becoming a jack of all trades - he'd rather become a master of one particular field, than okay at multiple. He felt that he would be far more useful that way. Looking back to her, he nodded. "Perhaps, but we are not here to have fun. We are here to learn, and if that ends up being boring...so be it. You can really sort the chaff from the wheat, though, in places like this. I can't imagine the ones who skip class just because they don't want to attend will last long here. As for books...we'll get there, eventually. When we're ready. We don't want to be doing anything far beyond our comfort zone, after all. It could be dangerous." He paused, before continuing to read back through his book. It might not seem that interesting, but he was actually enjoying it. He liked reading, learning. Besides, if it made him more knowledgeable about the world then where was the harm?

At Hana's question, though, he looked up with suspicion in his eyes. "Something 'fun'? What did you have in mind?" Truth be told, he wasn't exactly confident that Hana's idea of fun was going to end well for him, since her idea of a joke was to ruin his reputation and mark him as someone who treated women like objects.​
Renji Ito
Location: Magic items store | Tags: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Blackvelvet Blackvelvet Xel Xel Fable Fable

Renji was overly shocked by the seemingly meek and shy shop keepers resolve, and how quickly her demeanor seemed to change when he brought up something he thought was wrong with her store. He simply really couldn't say anything at this point "um.. okay I guess" he said having been caught off guard by reasoning and her unexpected demeanor. He simply sulked back looking at some items when the boy from the road had come into the store and began to mouth off about something.

Renji simply brushed the comment about him being as pleasant as a buck naked stroll through a thorn bush or something, not even wasting his time to turn around and face the guy to comment on it, as such would be a waste of his time. Though that was until he mentioned Renji's Father. Renji turned around to face the man eye to eye "My father is just as useless as a stain of shit on the side of the road, hes even more of a low life than you that is to say, now if your done wasting my time please leave, and any other assumptions you may have about me I would suggest you keep them to your self, rather you find yourself assuming that my fist cant possibly knock all of your teeth out of your skull" He said as he seen a girl come in a shove right past him. When he heard the comment about the girl wanting to get rid of them in benefit of the owner of the shop he simply shook his head. "No need, This man isn't even worth my time to fight, and I doubt even he is stupid enough to start a fight inside a shop" He said as he walked away and continued to browse the items.


"You talk like a true, yelllow-blooded coward" Dante remarked at the boy's attempt to simply shrug off a fight.

Nana sighed, giving a light squeak when she found herself picked up by a girl who offered to break up the fight. She shook her head. "Nana wouldn't suggest getting involved...." She mewed, keeping her voice down so that the two boys wouldn't hear. She hopped from the girl's arms up to her shoulder, to more effectively whisper in her ear and avoid drawing attention. "Master really isn't a bad person.. he just... takes serious offense when someone insults us...." She whispered so only the girl could hear.

"You keep on throwing out insults, calling me a lowlife, not worth your time.... From the sound of everything, the worthless apple didn't fall far from the shit-stained tree..." Oh yes, Dante hadn't failed to notice that flare of anger when he mentioned the boy's father. It was obviously a trigger, and one Dante intended to pull repeatedly... "You clearly aren't much of a mage if you can't tell the marks of a Contract Summoner when you see one. Or is pulling your head out of your own ass 'not worth your time' either?" He inquired as he watched the mage.

"But I suppose I waste my breath. A coward like you is only good for running away and spending time under desks to get scholarships. Must have learned that from Daddy..." He quipped, not failing to notice that trademark white coat the boy seemed intent on flaunting. He shook his head dismissively, making his way out the door. Now he'd get to see if the little froggy would jump, or if he'd just prove Dante right on everything. Either way, Dante knew he'd found a nerve he could exploit mercilessly.


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