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Fandom : Μ—Μ€βž›π’‚ π’Žπ’Šπ’“π’‚π’„π’–π’π’π’–π’” 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- (Digimon One x One)


𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫 π”ͺ𝔒 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 π”ž 𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔰𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔯𝔒𝔒
Roleplay Type(s)
Once upon a time, the Royal Knights had save the Digital World from a terrible evil, but not without losses. Many of the knights fought till their last breath, vanishing in the wake of defeat. The few who were left went into seclusion when the world healed and peace had come to roost. Over the years, the knights have become enshrined as myth: once watchful guardians now legends. The knights who survived are still around, but watch the world from a distance...waiting for the next disturbance should it present itself...

It was a balmy summer's morning, the sun shining brightly as it always did within the rocky hills and grainy winds of Gear Savannah. One digitama had recently hatched. Normally it would have only one hatchling from it, but in this very rare case, there were two Chicomon instead. A few days long their hatching, the Chicomon had the strength to digivolve to Chibimon, in which they would spend a little more time. The two brothers called themselves Erec and Lucan, and while they hid in the tall grass as Chicomon, their ability to move around as chibimon enticed them to venture out more. Erec, feeling quite adventurous, woke up out of the small nest they had built within the confines of a hollowed tree, and bounced down. The grass below was much taller than the two of them were, but it didn't stop them from wandering around. Erec was hungry, and was eager to go searching for food again. Each passing day, the chibimon's appetite seemed to grow.

Now on the ground, the Chibimon kept a wear eye upwards. He felt for the sounds of nearby herds of Shima Unimon and was cautious to keep an eye out for any flying types who may have thought to load their data. Once Erec felt it was safe, he called out for his brother.

"Luucan! It's safe now! Let's go foraging!" he called out.

Deciding to be a little independent, Erec raced forward with a sprightly hopping, and weaved through the thick fronds of tall grass. They crinkled as he bent them to make the way forward. The chibimon then came to a small clearing, a bald patch from the savannah grass in which had more trees. The trees bore an odd sort of fruit that were cube shaped and had different gradient hues. These were the main sources of food, but sometimes crawling along the ground were root meat. It seemed as though none grew today, so Erec began to climb one of the trees. For someone so small, it was a test, but each day Erec seemed to be better at it. He was leaping carefully from branch to branch, and only sometimes had to scale the sides or branches of the tree. When about half way, he looked down to make sure Lucan was following him. He didn't want to leave his twin too far behind.

"Lucan, are you there?"

Acethekidd Acethekidd

Lucan, the other Chibimon, had been cautiously watching his brother Erec's adventurous antics from their nest in the hollowed tree. While Erec's enthusiasm was infectious, Lucan couldn't help but feel a little anxious about venturing out into the unknown. He peered out from their cozy hiding spot, his large, curious eyes scanning the surroundings. The swaying grass and distant calls of digimon were both intriguing and intimidating to him.

As Erec called out to him, Lucan felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He knew his brother's courage often pulled him into exciting situations, but he also understood the importance of looking out for one another. Taking a deep breath to muster his courage, Lucan replied, "I'm here, Erec!" His tiny feer puttered nervously as he followed Erec's trail through the grass.

Lucan's approach was more cautious than his brother's. He took smaller hops and occasionally paused to peer around, making sure they weren't attracting any unwanted attention. As they reached the small clearing with the cube-shaped fruit trees, Lucan marveled at the odd-looking fruits. They seemed like a delightful discovery.

"Tthose fruits look interesting. Do you think we can eat them?" Lucan asked, his inquisitiveness outweighing his earlier anxiety. His hands claws gripped the base of a nearby tree, and he looked up at his adventurous sibling for guidance, eager to learn from him but also ensuring they stayed close together.

eveningfall eveningfall

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"Of course we can! I'm gonna drop some down to you!" Erec shouted. He leapt up onto the branch. It wobbled and the Chibimon latched onto it tightly. Once the balance was restored, the in-training then moved to one of the stems, and began to push down on them.

One by one, various colored fruits were with great effort shaken free from the tree. They fell below, and were sturdy enough to not burst once reaching the bottom. Once Erec had shaken all that remained on the tree, he began his venture back down. He looked down at his brother first, reeled back in anticipation or fear. This was the first time he had ventured this far up, and he wasn't quite sure how to get down. Before he would close his eyes and carefully shimmy the rest of the way down, taking his time. But Erec felt more impatient this day, and choose to finally jump from limb to limb. It was harder to control himself going down than up, but after teetering here and there, Erec was victorious.

He sat next to his brother, wherever Lucan was, and began munching on one of the cube fruit. His was a pale pink to white color, and the texture was soft and spongy - and it was very fruity and sweet. While kicking his legs in delight of every bite, he looked to Lucan to see if he enjoyed it too.

"I could eat these everyday! What about you, Lucan?"

During their little feasting, a light shadow flew by them, and with a thud, something must have entered the trees. A few leaves fell down around them. Erec kept munching but looked cautiously upward, and saw a digimon he was not quite familiar with. it was circular, had enormous yellow eyes, and looked...patchy. It had bird like leg appendages and sat huddled up with it's wings tucked in. It eyed the chibimon quietly, not yet saying a single word.

Erec was largely curious and the least bit cautious. The digimon was bigger than them, but not too much so. It wasn't swooping down after them or chasing them. But it was one they had not seen yet. Was it a friend? He wasn't sure. He looked to Lucan and then back to the digimon above.

"Who're you?" he asked.

The digimon shuffled idly, raising one of its legs up to stretch them.

"Just a visitor. I haven't seen any digimon like you two around here." they replied.

"Oh? There is not one like us around?"

"No. Well...you don't mind me sitting here, do you?"

Erec looked confused, but then shook his head quietly. "Course not! Do you want some of this?" He held up one of the fruits.

"Hmmm...not right now. Say, where did you two come from?"

Acethekidd Acethekidd

As Erec descended from the tree with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Lucan couldn't contain his relief when he saw his brother land safely beside him. He nodded in agreement as he held up one of the cube fruits, a shade of turquoise. Taking a small bite, Lucan's eyes lit up with delight at the burst of sweet flavor. "Mmm, Erec, these are amazing! I could eat them every day too!"

Their cheerful feasting was interrupted by the sudden presence of a mysterious digimon who had flown into the trees above. Lucan instinctively tensed up, his small wings flapping nervously. He observed the peculiar newcomer with wide-eyed curiosity, unsure of whether they were friend or foe.

Erec's boldness in approaching the stranger caught Lucan's attention. He watched with a mixture of admiration and caution as Erec engaged in conversation with the enigmatic digimon. When the newcomer mentioned they hadn't seen any digimon like them before, Lucan's curiosity grew further.

Listening to Erec's question about their origin, Lucan chimed in, "Umm, we aren't form around here really. I take is that you are?" Lucan's soft-spoken nature contrasted with Erec's outgoing personality, but together they made a balanced and inquisitive team.

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The odd, bat-like stranger blinked once and then smiled. Two pointy fangs poked out from their top lip, and the rest of their teeth were straight. They hopped a branch closer to the two Chibimon, eyeing them expectantly.

"No, not from around here either. But I haven't seen your kind in these parts. Nothing but beast types and other dramon types."

Erec looked to Lucan and his eyes sparkled for a moment. Did this mean they were a rare type of digimon? It could explain why they had been the only ones in these parts looking the way they did, although Erec never spend significant time until now thinking about it. They were also, somehow, the only two in-training types that did not have some sort of caretaker to make sure they were spoken for. Erec's tiny tail waggled behind him. Something filled him with curiosity to know about his origins possibly, and he felt Lucan could feel the same!

"Does that mean we are special?"

The smile turned into a grin, and the digimon gave a nod to affirm Erec's questioning. Erec finished off his fruit by this time, and was too preoccupied to begin putting the rest in a pile for later.

"You might just be." they eyed, before fidgeting and suddenly looking exasperated. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Demi-Devimon. Who are you?"

As Erec was going to introduce themselves, they first turned to Lucan. Erec may have been way too trusting of a stranger, and he did value his twin's more cautious approach. Nothing sparked suspicion of this newcomer, but they seemed rather interested in who they were. He whispered to him.

"What do you think Lucan? Do you think we can trust them?"

At the whispering, Demi-Devimon knew Erec was busily consulting his brother, and didn't seem bothered by it in the least bit. They waited to see their reaction quietly, staring at them with a diligent observation between them. The digimon was a messenger of some sort...and had been told to keep an eye out for anything interesting. Two chibimon, who were often heralds to greater evolutions, out here in the middle of nowhere Gear Savannah? Their master would like to know about that for certain.​

Acethekidd Acethekidd

Lucan observed the peculiar newcomer, Demi-Devimon, with a mix of fascination and caution. The stranger's unique appearance and pointed fangs piqued his curiosity, but Lucan couldn't help but be reminded of Erec's earlier question about their uniqueness. Were they truly special, or was this just another attempt to make them feel different in an unfamiliar world?

As Erec's eyes sparkled with curiosity and hope, Lucan felt a sense of responsibility to tread carefully. He leaned in closer to Erec as they whispered together. Demi-Devimon's patient demeanor didn't set off immediate alarm bells, but Lucan had learned the importance of caution in their short time exploring this world.

"I'm not sure, Erec," Lucan whispered back, his voice soft but filled with a hint of uncertainty. "They seem friendly, but we should be careful. We don't know much about this place or the digimon in it." Lucan's said abit nervously, mirroring his thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye, and he hoped their newfound acquaintance would be forthcoming with information.

eveningfall eveningfall

"Okay. Maybe we should head back to our tree." Erec responded. The Chibimon hopped forward tediously, giving the Demi-Devimon a friendly yet shaky smile. Their large eyes stared up at the winged round creature as he slowly pressed forward, and picked up two whole other fruits. These would be for later.

"Well nice to meet you, Demi-Devimon, but me and my brother have to go back now." he said. His voice showed some anticipation in it. He then backed away with his little arms over encumbered with what would be dinner, and began to disappear through the brush. However, he suddenly paused as the Demi-Devimon leapt down with surprisingly speed, landing steady right in front of them. After using their wings to glide down, they were tucked to their sides once more.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy. I don't mean to cause you guys to run off. I'm just looking to chat. I'm not looking for trouble nor to cause it." the Demi-Devimon said. With one of their front feet, they reached up and grasped one of the fruit easily, bringing it to their mouth. They bit into it, showing their pointy fangs while also having somewhat surprising humanoid teeth. While munching on their purple cube fruit, they stared at the two chibimon with softened, affable eyes. By measure also, the Demi-Devimon wasn't too much larger than them.

Erec wasn't sure what to do, and he hated being impolite. He wanted to come up with some excuse to go back, but he knew it would have been rude to lie. Besides, they haven't met another digimon before that wasn't trying to chase them or completely ignore them.

"Ah...okay. I guess we could talk for a bit longer." Erec replied. He eased up. "So where do you come from?"

Demi-Devimon tilted their head to the side to get a more favorable bite in as they paused to reply. "A pretty cool place not too far from here. Lots of strong digimon live there, and I'm friends with many of them."

Acethekidd Acethekidd

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