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Request A loyal student who is in need of a mentor/s

Vagabond Spectre

Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
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Hi, I'm Vagabond Spectre. A very idiotic and pathetic self proclaimed "artist" with an imagination of a daydreamer. I need your help. I wanted draw so bad. So many things that i wanted to draw. Comics specifically. Looking at your art style guys made me feel inspired. A lot of you are talented at drawing, digital or traditional! Compared to mine it's not even close. I could look at tutorial videos and websites but i have bad hearing and i can learn more when i ask questions and get answers to a level that i could understand. When i said my art is bad i mean it's really, really bad.

Here are some of my samples...


And here is my traditional hand drawing art style. (Rough sketched comic)

20171113_133354.jpg 20171113_133414.jpg
I know it's terrible and i accept that. But i really want to improve myself badly. Please, if anyone... ;-; Just anyone who is willing to teach me there great ways of better art than big heads and quirky looks. Not like i hate my art style. I just want to improve it. Cleaner looks, more proportionate bodies, Basic manga/comic things. Anything really! I just want it to look better.

I may not have money pay you but i can pay you my respect as my teacher, always pay attention and accept constructive criticism, any trait of a good art student that will make sure that i am worthy of your time! You can PM me if you can teach me. I'll make sure i won't let you down! I can accept multi teachers if possible.

Sincerely your student- Vagabond Spectre​
Im not an artist, I cant draw and I cant do much digitally so I am afraid I can't help you but you are far from a bad artist and from what I know about life, the best help will be practise. While I am sure there are people about who can help, and I hope they will, the most important thing is to just keep practising and finding your limits, then pushing your limits to get better. Do this, and repeat this. Regardless of if someone here comes to your aid pratice and, inevitably, failure (as it will happen from time to time) is just the route to success.
I suck at art but here's a tip: chins. xD Seriously tho. You have a super cute, cartoony style but having chins in your drawings might help the characters look a little better? Also some more intricate shading that shows where the light source is coming from maybe? And noses. xD I dunno, I mean, you can get enough technical help to draw like a photo but at the end of the day...your style is your style. Some styles have no noses, or no ears, or super thick lines. I think your style is adorably cartoony. If you want to take my random and weird advice as someone who's been doing art since 2014 (that's not that long ago I guess tho) then you can but it really comes down to where you want to take your art and what you want to do with your style? I'm 100% self-taught cuz I just look at artist's I emulate and copy little things here and there that I like about their art. You have to just mix things you like about other peoples' stuff into your own stuff.
I'm sorry I'm rambling. xD I hope this made some sense at least??
Im not an artist, I cant draw and I cant do much digitally so I am afraid I can't help you but you are far from a bad artist and from what I know about life, the best help will be practise. While I am sure there are people about who can help, and I hope they will, the most important thing is to just keep practising and finding your limits, then pushing your limits to get better. Do this, and repeat this. Regardless of if someone here comes to your aid pratice and, inevitably, failure (as it will happen from time to time) is just the route to success.
Thanks for the advice! The funny part is... I've been stuck in this style ever since. I was getting nowhere. But thanks for the advice anyway!

I suck at art but here's a tip: chins. xD Seriously tho. You have a super cute, cartoony style but having chins in your drawings might help the characters look a little better? Also some more intricate shading that shows where the light source is coming from maybe? And noses. xD I dunno, I mean, you can get enough technical help to draw like a photo but at the end of the day...your style is your style. Some styles have no noses, or no ears, or super thick lines. I think your style is adorably cartoony. If you want to take my random and weird advice as someone who's been doing art since 2014 (that's not that long ago I guess tho) then you can but it really comes down to where you want to take your art and what you want to do with your style? I'm 100% self-taught cuz I just look at artist's I emulate and copy little things here and there that I like about their art. You have to just mix things you like about other peoples' stuff into your own stuff.
I'm sorry I'm rambling. xD I hope this made some sense at least??
Thanks for the nice advice! Basing on your advice. I assumed this how you draw your profile pic correct?
Are you opposed to reading? There are a lot of how-to books, particularly in the field of comics that can help you with panel placement. I wish I could remember the one I have, but it's tucked away in one of my containers after my move.

As for proportions of characters, studying from real life helps. I mean, it's not the most fun thing to do, drawing a bunch of still life placements on a table, but it really does help as you have subjects that won't move that you can study and see where you're going wrong and right. Use your pencil for measuring by sticking your arm all the way out and holding the pencil to the subject's length (or part of it) and you can then use that to see how it's coming up on your paper, if that makes sense.

Get into gesture drawing. Try to rapidly draw people in 10 second intervals. This gets you away from getting stuck on details before you figure out the movement of a person as it forces you to draw quick lines, or gestures. Your poses will feel more natural.

See shapes in everything. Map out the shapes in what you see lightly before darkening your outline.

Things in the foreground will have thicker lines than things in the background. If you're not using line art, things in the background will be very light and almost fade. This is called atmospheric perspective.


Don't be afraid of stylization. You can take classical art knowledge and apply it to even your chibi style. But you need to understand realism at some point so that your style can translate into something people don't think about but accept. Just because your characters don't have chins or noses doesn't mean its not good art.



Get a friend to pose for you. Set up a mirror and try to draw yourself. Take a sketchbook wherever you go, and in any free time you have, try to sketch something you see as fast as possible. If you have more time, try to sketch what you see in detail starting from faint gestures and building upon the gestures.


Bear in mind all art will have what I like to call an "ugly phase." Don't get discouraged once your art looks ugly and instead ask yourself why it looks ugly. Did you get something wrong? What's sticking out at you? Take a step back from your art and don't be afraid to study it, but also don't be cruel to yourself. Artists are always their worst critics, and if you get too critical of your work you'll become irrational.

Take a chunky black marker, or a sharpie, and make silhouettes using shapes. Find the shapes that interest you and make a character from that silhouette.


If you ever get discouraged and think you're getting nowhere, take an old piece you did and redraw it. Not a recreation, but a redraw using the knowledge you've acquired since the last time you drew it.


Art is something that should be fun, so if you ever feel yourself getting frustrated, taking a break does wonders! You'll eventually feel the urge to get back at it again, and if you don't, then that's fine too!

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up. I'm not the most available person on the planet, but I do like to help people out when I can. Art is something I've been practicing since I was 4 and my dad would give me lessons on how to draw dinosaurs after church each Sunday. I'm almost 30 now. While it hasn't been a daily practice, it's been weekly, and I strive to work at least every other day even when I'm not feeling it by doing exercises I've learned over the course of my life.


I prefer a lot of painting nowadays, and I've never been any good at line art, but I love drawing people and can help out there. Only thing is, I suck at words, and I'm more of a visual based tutor where most of my verbal explanations are general. Hopefully what I've outlined can help you get started!
"My art sucks" First of all, incorrect, through both basic fact and also that the fastest way to improvement is to focus on the improvement and not on what you actually think of the art itself. Otherwise you get discouraged, stop practicing, etc etc..

I'm mostly self-taught, but what I do is when I look at other people's art, I tend to study it for tips on things I can do for myself to fix an issue of my own (be it a proportion, shape, or method to drawing hair, etc) without meaning to. If I'm stumped on how to draw something, I'll also look references, practice my intentions on a scrap paper, and then bring it to the actual drawing (as well as saving it for last for that purpose).

And you're gonna get this a lot but really, practice is all that can really help you, other than listing what you need to fix and just working towards how you want to draw. Which is kinda the same thing or whatever. I have zero natural talent, yet I'd say I'm not half bad at drawing, which I've been doing with a serious intention to improve for about three and a half years now. It's gonna be slow, but you'll get there! And you're off to a great start anyways, so.. :D
Are you opposed to reading? There are a lot of how-to books, particularly in the field of comics that can help you with panel placement. I wish I could remember the one I have, but it's tucked away in one of my containers after my move.

As for proportions of characters, studying from real life helps. I mean, it's not the most fun thing to do, drawing a bunch of still life placements on a table, but it really does help as you have subjects that won't move that you can study and see where you're going wrong and right. Use your pencil for measuring by sticking your arm all the way out and holding the pencil to the subject's length (or part of it) and you can then use that to see how it's coming up on your paper, if that makes sense.

Get into gesture drawing. Try to rapidly draw people in 10 second intervals. This gets you away from getting stuck on details before you figure out the movement of a person as it forces you to draw quick lines, or gestures. Your poses will feel more natural.

See shapes in everything. Map out the shapes in what you see lightly before darkening your outline.

Things in the foreground will have thicker lines than things in the background. If you're not using line art, things in the background will be very light and almost fade. This is called atmospheric perspective.


Don't be afraid of stylization. You can take classical art knowledge and apply it to even your chibi style. But you need to understand realism at some point so that your style can translate into something people don't think about but accept. Just because your characters don't have chins or noses doesn't mean its not good art.



Get a friend to pose for you. Set up a mirror and try to draw yourself. Take a sketchbook wherever you go, and in any free time you have, try to sketch something you see as fast as possible. If you have more time, try to sketch what you see in detail starting from faint gestures and building upon the gestures.


Bear in mind all art will have what I like to call an "ugly phase." Don't get discouraged once your art looks ugly and instead ask yourself why it looks ugly. Did you get something wrong? What's sticking out at you? Take a step back from your art and don't be afraid to study it, but also don't be cruel to yourself. Artists are always their worst critics, and if you get too critical of your work you'll become irrational.

Take a chunky black marker, or a sharpie, and make silhouettes using shapes. Find the shapes that interest you and make a character from that silhouette.


If you ever get discouraged and think you're getting nowhere, take an old piece you did and redraw it. Not a recreation, but a redraw using the knowledge you've acquired since the last time you drew it.


Art is something that should be fun, so if you ever feel yourself getting frustrated, taking a break does wonders! You'll eventually feel the urge to get back at it again, and if you don't, then that's fine too!

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up. I'm not the most available person on the planet, but I do like to help people out when I can. Art is something I've been practicing since I was 4 and my dad would give me lessons on how to draw dinosaurs after church each Sunday. I'm almost 30 now. While it hasn't been a daily practice, it's been weekly, and I strive to work at least every other day even when I'm not feeling it by doing exercises I've learned over the course of my life.


I prefer a lot of painting nowadays, and I've never been any good at line art, but I love drawing people and can help out there. Only thing is, I suck at words, and I'm more of a visual based tutor where most of my verbal explanations are general. Hopefully what I've outlined can help you get started!
Thank you for the great suggestions and basic advice on drawing! And no i am not opposed to reading. With all that years of experience. You sure know about a thing or two about art! I'll hit you up a PM in case if i'm hungry for knowledge!

"My art sucks" First of all, incorrect, through both basic fact and also that the fastest way to improvement is to focus on the improvement and not on what you actually think of the art itself. Otherwise you get discouraged, stop practicing, etc etc..

I'm mostly self-taught, but what I do is when I look at other people's art, I tend to study it for tips on things I can do for myself to fix an issue of my own (be it a proportion, shape, or method to drawing hair, etc) without meaning to. If I'm stumped on how to draw something, I'll also look references, practice my intentions on a scrap paper, and then bring it to the actual drawing (as well as saving it for last for that purpose).

And you're gonna get this a lot but really, practice is all that can really help you, other than listing what you need to fix and just working towards how you want to draw. Which is kinda the same thing or whatever. I have zero natural talent, yet I'd say I'm not half bad at drawing, which I've been doing with a serious intention to improve for about three and a half years now. It's gonna be slow, but you'll get there! And you're off to a great start anyways, so.. :D
Thanks! I'll keep your word in mind! I'll PM you too! In fact i'll PM all of you guys who gave me advice!
Thanks for the advice! The funny part is... I've been stuck in this style ever since. I was getting nowhere. But thanks for the advice anyway!

Thanks for the nice advice! Basing on your advice. I assumed this how you draw your profile pic correct?
Yeah actually! ^^ I'm no mentor but I don't mind discussing art. Once again, that was just my two cents, don't take it too much to heart.

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