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A Love Forgotten (Akihito x Queen Rai)

Name: Julien Raynewood<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Barnaby.Brooks.Jr..full.817986.jpg.32f642562d7f227034bf591b0f3220a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Barnaby.Brooks.Jr..full.817986.jpg.32f642562d7f227034bf591b0f3220a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 19

Gender: Male



  • Barnaby.Brooks.Jr..full.817986.jpg
    247.5 KB · Views: 9


Name: Anne Marie "Mari" D'Noux

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Bubbly, outgoing...a generally very happy girl. She's mischievous at times, but is overall a good girl. When she gets upset, she'll do her best to hide it...when she gets ANGRY....good luck.

Julien sat on the swing with his best friend Mari as they watched the sun go down. Both of them were way past curfew set by their parents but today was a special day. Mari was moving away and Julien was very sad. Although they had only met a year ago, they had formed a very very strong bond even though Julien was only eight and Mari, six. Julien sighed as the day was coming to an end. Mari giggled and grabbed Julien's hand and squeezed it making Julien stare at her in surprise.

"Don't forget me okay? I'll be back to you someday and we'll have lots and lots of fun." Mari said and smiled. Julien wiped the tears away and nodded he slowly held her hand as well as they stared at the sunset.


[11 years later]

"Julien! I need Combo 2 and 4 done immediately!"

"Of course sir." Julien replied. Julien was nineteen now. A big strong lad. Julien was a cook at a restaurant. Not a super popular one but a lot of the teens liked to hang out here. Most of Julien's friends hung out here. Julien was a good looking young man although he denied it a lot. Girls would come to the restaurant just for a glimpse of Julien which Julien found silly and never really paid attention to. His heart had been stolen by someone else long ago. She never did come back.. Julien sighed as he thought about the little girl back then. He hadn't thought about her in a while but she was never far from his thoughts. He wondered what she was doing now and if she was happy. Julien never thought about if she was with someone else. Too painful for him to imagine. He finished the meals and sent them out to the waiters.

"I hope you come back to me some day Mari." Julien whispered as he stared outside at the beautiful sunrise. The picture of Mari and Julien as kids was never far from his pocket.

@Queen Rai
Mari let out a heavy sigh, clutching her folded up job application in one hand and adjusting the strap of her purse with the other. She had been mentally preparing herself to push open to large, double glass doors for a good five minutes now...why was she so nervous? There wasn't anything too horrifying in her job application that would prevent her from locking down the waitressing job she was after. The worst they could do was say no, right? She had built up quite an impressive resume in the past two years...after all, her first job was at a small cafe in America. Though she did drop a huge tray of food on her first day, shattering multiple plates and spilling food EVERYWHERE...granted, she was only sixteen years old, and granted she didn't mention it on her resume...

She shouldn't have been as nervous as she was.

But she was.

Finally, Mari reached out and pushed on the doors, expected to stride right into the cafe.


The girl felt her cheeks redden as she read the small sign that was posted on the door, glancing around to make sure nobody saw his mistake. The girl pulled open the door, quietly slipping in. She wandered up to the hosting station, and was soon greeted by a young lady who appeared to be only a few years older than Mari.

"Table for one? Breakfast?"

"Um, actually, I'm here to apply for a job. I stopped by the other day to pick up an application and..." Mari said, trailing off slightly as the girl before her began to cut her off.

"OH, I see. Take a seat, I'll go see if the manager is around." the woman smiled before flouncing off. Mari blinked, and then gave a soft smile before taking a seat at one of the booths.
Julien was on a short break for cooking duty so he was washing up some of the pots when the restaurant's hostess Juniper came striding in looking around. Juniper was a nice woman, always very polite but tended to speak really fast and was just fast in general. Not one who lacked energy.

"Hey Juniper, what's up? Did Charlotte come in early?" He asked, referring to the other hostess. Juniper shook her head and pointed behind her.

"New girl, looking for a job. Where's Alan?" Juniper asked. Alan was their manager. A nice guy, stern when it was called for. Older man and very respectable but demanded respect as well. Julien liked him and had no trouble giving him the respect he deserved.

"I believe he's upstairs." Julien replied. Juniper thanked him and rushed upstairs. Julien gave a small smile and went back to cleaning the pots but shifted to see the new girl.


The pot slammed to the ground, slipping from Julien's limp hands. The other cook turned around in surprise and Julien quickly stammered an apology and picked it up. He set it down and leaned against the wall. Out there was Mari. He couldn't believe his eyes. The little girl he knew was all grown up. Back then Julien that Mari was pretty but now she was beautiful in a more intense and mature way. Julien couldn't stop staring at her and it became apparent to other works there.

"Look at that. Julien looks sick.."

"He's not sick m'boy, that's love right there yessiree."

"How do you know old man?"

"Don't call me old. You know Julien, all those girls always buzzing around him and he never even blinks. Just smiles but you can tell he has no interest in any of them but look at that face. THAT'S LOVE RIGHT THERE!"

Mari jumped slightly, along with a few other people who were seated in the cafe. The corners of her mouth pulled into a frown as she slowly rose from her seat. The girl craned her neck slightly in hopes to see what had made the noise, and was slightly disappointed to see that it was just a dropped pot. The girl crossed her arms, accidentally letting her eyes wander up to the man that she assumed dropped the cooking pot. He looked vaguely familiar, in a way...but Mari could place where she'd met him before...if she had at all.
Julien heart was pounding. She looked at me...but.. Julien was near tears. Even from here he could recognize the unfamiliarity in her face and eyes. It tore him apart. Maybe it's just because she can't see me too well from here. Juniper came downstairs and Julien immediately stopped her.

"Hey, what's the deal with the girl? Did she job?" Julien asked. Juniper nodded.

"Yeah, boss man looked over her resume and everything looked good. She'll be starting tomorrow. I was about to go tell her...Why do you ask? Do you have the hots for her already?" Juniper replied, poking him mischievously. Julien turned red and shifted awkwardly.

"I can tell her, there are a lot of people waiting to be seated." Julien pointed out and Juniper's eyes widened and raced for the entrance. Julien smiled and took off his apron and brushed his clothes to get a little bit of the food crumbs off and he walked toward the girl.

"Hello Miss D'Noux. I'm here to inform you that you received the job! You start work as a waitress tomorrow." Julien said to her, giving her a smile. It had been so long since he had seen her...
"Hello Miss D'Noux. I'm here to inform you that you received the job! You start work as a waitress tomorrow."

Mari raised her eyebrows as she was suddenly approached by the man who had dropped the metal cooking pot only moments ago. There was definitely something familiar about him, but she was too overwhelmed by the happiness of getting the job to pay much mind to it. The girl broke into a smile upon hearing the news, and she gave a single nod of the head before exclaiming, "Great! Geez, I was really worried the position had already been filled or something...this is amazing!"

Mari paused, and then took a moment to examine the man again.

"I'm Anne Marie. But everyone calls me Mari." the girl said, sticking out her hand. "What's your name?"
"I...I'm Julien Raynewood. It's....nice to meet you." Julien replied, his heartbroken. He was going to tell her who he was but then decided against it, instead giving her a firm handshake, a smile, and then heading back to the kitchen. His coworkers noticed his sluggish movements. Julien felt terrible and he wasn't sure what to do now. Call him a wacky romantic lovesick boy but Mari really changed his life that summer and this hit too close to home for him not to be upset.

[Timeskip to Evening]

"I'll see you tomorrow Julien, good job as always."

"Thanks Alan." Julien called back as he headed out. He got on his bicycle and pedaled back to his apartment only to realize he had to get some food for dinner. Cooking for others was no problem but Julien felt weird cooking by himself now that he moved out of his parents house. Either way, he sucked up his weird feeling and pedaled to the grocery. He thought about today and bitterly thought about Mari.

"What am I going to do.." He groaned to himself. He parked and locked his bike and headed into the grocery where he grabbed a basket and began his food shopping. Either good or bad luck he happened to bump into Mari again. He wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad to see her again.
"Oh, hi Julien." Mari smiled as she caught sight of the man she had met earlier in the day. They'd both happened upon eachother in the produce section of the town's small grocery store. Mari's small, hand-held shopping basket was full of nothing but frozen T.V dinners, but she had been browsing the produce as if she had some serious intention on buying something. She didn't. She never did. What use did tomatoes, onions, and carrots have to someone who couldn't cook?

"Just doing some shopping." Mari said sheepishly, glancing down at her basket of unhealthy, processed items. The girl let out a long sigh, tucking a strand of golden hair behind her ear as she meandered over to the stunning selection of Golden Delicious apples. One of the corners of her mouth tugged into a small grimace as she saw the price. She glanced back at Julien, and awkwardly laughed, "I can't afford to eat healthily...but seriously, that much for two measly apples? Geez."

Mari laughed again, almost as if she was overcompensating for something. The fact that Julien hadn't spoken at all, maybe?

"Uh, so...do you cook your own meals at home, then?" the girl asked, glancing impolitely into her new co-worker's basket.
Hearing her talk was a delight and Julien swallowed his sadness and smiled at her.

"Yes, I do cook my own meals. It'd be funny if I didn't in a way. The apples are rather expensive but delicious." Julien replied. He thought for a moment then picked up a sizable bag of the apples she had commentated on and put them in her basket.

"Here, when you get to the register, tell them that Julien will be paying for it. I've lived and shopped her long enough for them to know that I'll pay for it. Now don't try to give this back, call it a welcome gift. So welcome." Julien said smiling.
The light girl was put noticeably off balance as Julien placed the bag of apples into her basket. Mari quickly steadied herself, moving her free hand down to the handle of her basket as she shook her head at the man.

"Here, when you get to the register, tell them that Julien will be paying for it. I've lived and shopped her long enough for them to know that I'll pay for it. Now don't try to give this back, call it a welcome gift. So welcome."

The girl raised her eyebrows, and then said, "Oh, I'm not new to the area. I lived here briefly when I was little...so technically, you can't give me a welcome gift..."
"Welcome to the restaurant then. You do seem familiar with the area." Julien corrected himself. He paused for a moment and then stammered. "H-have we met before? I feel like we have. Do you happen...to remember? My...mind is wandering from the memory unfortunately.."

Please let her remember. Please let her remember. Julien waited impatiently and nervous, scared for the answer to come.
Mari raised her eyebrows at the man's strange, stuttering question. She also found it strange that he seemed to recognize her as well, and it became apparent to the girl that she did, indeed, know him from SOMEWHERE. But where? The girl looked back down at the apples in her basket, narrowing her eyebrows slightly in a way that signified she was deep in thought.

Where had she met him before?

"I...don't remember." she said sheepishly, looking back up. "But you are so strangely familiar...and I feel like the answer is on the tip of my tongue, and right when I feel the answer will come to me...it just dissolves into nothing and I'm back where I started. Have you ever been to America, though?"
Julien's heart died but he maned up and smiled at her.

"I've always wanted to go to America. Lovely place or so I've been told. I had...a dear friend of mine who moved away to America." Julien said. "But enough about that, take the apples and enjoy. We'll be working together and it's good to have a firm friendly relationship with a coworker no?"

Julien wasn't sure how he felt but he knew that he was hurting but also he realized he felt a little glad. He felt that he might have a chance to help her remember him and they could fall in love properly this time. That is..if she was still available.
Mari smiled, nodding at the man's comment. Again, she looked down at her basket. Apples, frozen mac n' cheese, mozerrella sticks, frozen pizza...the girl couldn't help but frown at her unhealthy eating habits. At least she could replace her usual bowl of Super Sugar Bad 4 You Bites with an apple for breakfast.

"I'm sure we'll be the best of friends." she grinned, pulling her cereal box from her basket. She looked around, and then subtly buried it in a pile of delicious looking oranges. She then pressed a finger to her lips, a small smile creeping across her mouth as she silently asked Julien not to tell.

"I'd put them back where they go, but the cereal aisle is all the way on the other side of the store." she said in a hushed voice.
Julien laughed.

"I won't tell, I promise." He checked his watch. 4:30PM. It was getting late and he still had to go home and make himself dinner. Should he invite her over to dinner? He thought about it for a moment but then decided not to as he didn't want to come off as a desperate guy trying to get into her skirts so he just left it alone for now.

"Anyway, it's getting late. I'm looking forward to working with you tomorrow. I hope you don't think I'm prying but you have a ride home right? It would be very ungentlemanly of me to not ask and not walk you home if you don't have a ride."
Mari looked away almost sheepishly. She HAD a bike when she first moved into her apartment...it was a very nice bike, too. Custom made especially for her...a gift from her parents. But it had been stolen on the very first night because Mari had forgotten to chain it up. She learned it the hard way, but at least she figured out fairly quickly that the world wasn't always a very fair place.

A ride did sound nice, but Mari really hated to impose...but she REALLY didn't feel like lugging her groceries all the way back home...though she could always take a bus...though money was tight...

"A ride actually sounds really nice." Mari ended up smiling.
Julien smiled sheepishly.

"Well I don't exactly have a ride...but I do have a bike.. but it's for one. If you want, you can take it to your place for the night and I can just walk home. I live really close by so it's not a problem. You can always give it back to me tomorrow. Or we could go with the other option I said, I could walk you home. Carry your bags, be gentlmanly and all that." Julien said smiling.

Talking to Mari again was a dream, even if she didn't remember him. I wonder where she's living now. Why did she come back here after so long.. When did she get back? Maybe I should ask her..
Mari raised her eyebrows, and then shook her head as she said, "Oh, no, I didn't realize it would be THAT much trouble for you...I can just walk myself home. Thank you for offering, though!"

The girl smiled, feeling slightly guilty that she had jumped on his offer without any hesitation...or realization that he didn't have a car...but from the way he'd phrased his words, it was a mistake that anyone else could've made. But Mari felt particularly bad for some reason.

"I'd better check this out." the girl smiled, nodding down to her basket.

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