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a lonely night with a devil

It was dark and stormy for seven at night. Asheta was walking in the stormy rain, down an alleyway. Her blue hair matted down with her bangs covering her eyes which a different color. The left eye was green and the right eye was blue. She felt sad and lonely. She saw a couple kissing, pressed up against a brick wall. Her vision blurred. How long has she been alone? Too long. It has been 968 years since she found love. She hated that. She was immortal. Her last lover was a human man that had died over time when she fell into a deep sleep for 200 years. When she woke up, she thought that he was still there, but he wasn't. He had died of old age while she slept. She cried for months. Currently, she was still sad but not because of him, but how lonely she was.
I'm interested...but i do need some details....like what is the overall plot, genre n stuff
maxacec said:
I'm interested...but i do need some details....like what is the overall plot, genre n stuff
The plot is that the character has woken from her slumber to find her lover had died so she roams the earth sad and lonely wishing for new love to bloom. The genre its romance.
I'm also interested, if you don't mind doing this with multiple partners.

I'm also interested, if you don't mind doing this with multiple partners.
daylinbear said:
I am also interested,I am decent at playing male characters.What is the setting though?
The setting starts in an alley then it'll change depending on the character's decisions.
Man, too bad its a 1x1...

i'd love to play the main char's annoying best friend lol xD

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