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Fantasy A Land Called Var - Lore


Picked Clean
In the beginning...

There was nothing. Nothing existed for the humans, but harsh wilds and desolate lands that was nature. In time, humans banded together creating a formation called 'cities', and with them securing their survival.

Time went on, and so did the evolution and ideals of the citizens. With the growing and conflicting beliefs, the unity that was secured for so long was at last shattered.


There are four distinct nations, each locating fitting areas of a land named 'Var'.

To the industrious East lies the nation of Alderford. Alderford has prided itself on it's advance on Technology and biological science, dominating the areas surrounding it with all sorts of inventions and industries. It is also the most wealthy nation of all, surpassing the economics of even the Roguebreach nation.

To the Mysterious West lies Lastfair. Lastfair, created from those who were gifted in the art of magic, has been an enigmatic and closed off nation. For this reason it has little contact with the rest of the neighboring countries. Most denizens of this sealed nation were created from those who believed their gift was superior or outcast for being able to wield magic, and creating a society fitting for all of those for a capability to the mystic arts.

To the Frozen North is the Greyrock mountains. A savage terrain for a savage people. The barbaric race is undoubtedly contains the most physically able warriors, along with the hardiest of traditions. The mountains themselves are their homes, and claimed home to the fabled frost phoenix. (Though none have ever seen them, aside from the citizens themselves.)

The southern reaches hold two distinct cultures, the Dark city of Roguebreach, wealthy from it's reputation of skilled, trained and quality assassins and mercenaries for hire. The forces of this nation have turned the tide of many foreign battles, very little having one of their own.

Bordering the country of Roguebreach is a violent and scared land knows as the 'Void'. The land consistently erupt with purple geysers and trapped in an eternal Twilight, even the most foolhardy avoid this land and whatever dwells within it.

Recently, the Nations of Alderford and Lastfair have been in an open political dispute, envoys and diplomats seen traveling the roads of each with no rest. It seems now the curtain of war has closed on both, the official documents stating their intentions for the other...
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Document: 7333

Subject: Current Events

Time: Time is non-influencing and inconsequential to those who hold magic.

The highest academies and magic school embodiment have decided that those of the neighbouring Kingdom have been officially declared a threat. I have been issued to quote and declare the reason from each department and record them here for future reference


They create and advance upon artificial life. They have ignored and insulted any diplomatic attempts at halting the mass production of automatons without life-force. Creatures without life-force are outside the life and death cycle, and such anomalies must be prevented.


The manner in which they live is abusive and destructive to other beings. The creation and formation of their life style has caused great distress and destruction to respective surroundings and life style. They must be made to return what they’ve taken from nature and its creatures.


The destructive behaviour has caused multiple incidents and offenses against the students of this school. Local adepts of the Illusion school where called out and burned at the stake for ‘messing with peoples minds’ when no such evidence has presented itself. When questioned on their actions, the local populace refused to provide any valid reasoning than over paranoia and speculation.


The toxins and extreme waste caused by the neighbouring Kingdom has caused a major drop in natural arcane productivity. Future continuation could lead to a threatening drop, possibly permanent, in total energies residing in the world.


Their Gods judged them unworthy. No further information was granted from this subject.

True Alchemy:

All actions they take are threatening to reagents and required materials for experimentation. Subjects and plant-life have dwindled, reducing possible paths to new discover surpassing the Ex Nilho.

E.D.Black of the Apothecary Society states that” the mythical wildlife complains that they’re doing their job wrong?”

It is concluded that they are a problem to all aspects to magic and beyond. They must be eliminated.

High Academy of Arcane V.P Cyrus Godyne

Documentation of War: X1

Date: 25:71 (Based on Growling’s 48 day hour system)

Royal Historian Urswyck

The neighbouring Kingdom of mages has declared an open declaration of war. Their diplomats have sent multiple messages and complaints that rule against our way of life. We have tried all peaceful paths to describe the necessity to survival through technology. The ruling council has announced

“Those who are born with magic do not understand the struggle of those who don’t. That is why they prepare to attack us, not knowing the hardship we faced. It is through this hardship we will reject their power and prove out existence to this home we have built.”

Proof has also been submitted that the armies of the magical side had already terrorized citizens before the conflict. A complaint was issued from Glenwood that local magic Illusionists had been un-wilfully persuading and controlling high ruling figures to punish ‘heretics’ to their belief Permission was granted to dispose of them as their offenses where grate. Later questioned, the magic city representative had deemed our reasoning unworthy of removing their lives and left without further discussion.

The Authorisation of war automatons and vehicles has been authorised for Defence and offensive of any battle fronts.

Mass production of weaponry and customised enhancements has begun production.

War is inevitable.

Royal Historian Urswyck


Current War Phase: Preparations

Within Lastfair...

Lastfair is currently running as it always has, oblivious to the certain war looming above them. Everyday life and school is undisturbed, magical homes and objects surround it's citizens as part of normality.

At Lastfair's Academy of Foreign Matters...

The document has been declared and all heads of power within each district are currently filing through scrying reports and student identities for possible ample mages for the offensives.

Alderfold's nation...

All of Alderfold's cities and villages have begun their propaganda and recruitment, pamphlets and posters stating 'A war is coming. Who will you let get hurt, your enemies, or your families?' and various other recruitment phrases. Rumors of both excitement and worry spread through every street and town, that battle is to approach.

Inside Alderfold's Military Management...

Issues for mass production of propaganda and pamphlets are successful. The various tools for all battlefronts are being aligned, from military troops to mechanized weapons of terror. The bellowing of escaping steam fire from all sorts of busy transport, delivering specialized automatons and troop deliveries.

Current War Phase: Mounting

Within Lastfair...

Rumour has turned to fact. Multiple mages from all schools of magic have been summoned to the Towers of magic, while the reason has not been publically stated, it adds up to only one thing. The preparation for the war is finally over. Many families begin to grow concern for their members that have been called, and some have even taken to preparing to flee at a moment's notice. Others embrace the change, encouraging their families to join the forces and drive back the surely evil force approaching them.

Within Lastfair's Towers of Magic...

The towers of magic have become crammed and stuffed. Each sector sending the notes out to try and summon the magi they deem worthy for their cause, and can fight the forces of Alderford. Within a few days, they are informed they will move out to various camps set on the borders and fielded with magic to remain hidden.

Alderford's current state...

The city has become even more lively, the recruitment bringing in many men and women of all skills to prepare for a fight to defend their homeland against the foreign magi intruders. The people have created an almost positive atmosphere, the propaganda a success and generating a vision that the war will be an exciting and well fought one that will surely be won though engineering, innovation and science.

Alderford's Military centre...

Various issues from Miss Holmes, head of the ground troop and Minister of the Citizen well-being and protection, travel steadily between bases and communication ties strong. Various charts are scattered through the offices, display war tactics and likely places of weakness within enemy lines. Currently, all Automatons and troops have been deployed to patrol the city and man the walls on lookout.
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