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Realistic or Modern A Game of Snakes and Sharks


A Disposable Teen
We all play the game, and we always have. Not all of us play it knowingly, and not all of us play it right. Every dollar changes hands, every cent changes owners, and we all want some of it. When you're at the bottom, it's a simple game. There are the sheep, and there are the wolves. Sheep lose their money, and they rarely make it anywhere. Wolves, these guys are the ones with some potential. Drugs dealers, gun runners, the like, they're all the ones who can make it up to where we are. At the top of the ladder, there are the Sharks, and the Snakes. Some of us make out money legitimately, others do it in....less legal manners. The bottom line is, we make our money, and none of us want to give it up. Will you play our game, or are you destined to be a sheep?
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