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Staring awkwardly down at the four rodents beneath her, bad memories of her past would begin to resurface from the sight. The demon female clicked her tongue in distaste, really rats? With an eye for discerning magic, Lethasis would already realize that these rats were conjured by another Sin, but considered them not at all a threat. While she would normally not bat an eye to such insignificance, she was overcame with a strong sense of disgust and rancor that she even found herself trembling. Unclenching the fist she had formed, she would move her palm to face the door behind her. Her cold, callous hues stared at the four rats who stopped at a standstill, seemingly unsure of the action to take.

Without warning, one rat would launch at her, a rapid pulsing sensation would signify its detonative quality. The woman would reclench her palm into a fist with both her forefinger and long finger extended. Flexing, the sorceress brought her hand across her and the rodent, the two fingers coming down at a diagonal angle. The rat would explode prematurely before her, the flames closely licking the lips on her hysterical grin. However, on further examination, the rat did not at all self-destruct randomly, but had been prompted to. Right before it could reach her, an obscure creature had crashed out through the window from inside the apartment and intercepted the attack.

Once the explosion and smoke cleared, the building more or less intact save for sign of charring on the floor, people began to pay notice to the series of commotion. Standing in front the remaining three rats wasn't only the horned-female, but also the sinister grin of a tabby. The prior explosion had much success in burning off the entire skin and flesh off of the already mangled cat's face, revealing its skull underneath and a ceaseless chesire cat-like expression. The deceased cat had been previously crushed under the rubble from Letha's descent, although wasn't given much attention as the thought of eating a house pet was the last on the crazed woman's mind.

Faced by its natural predator, the rats made haste to scurry away, however the action proved unavailing. Functioning purely from the demon woman's necromancy, the zombie feline moved at a heightened speed despite its crushed limbs, pouncing each escapee in rapid succession. All three rats were clustered together before they could realize their failed break. The cat held each one by their tail in its own teeth, dangling the kills in the air. Left with little options, the rats would immediately explode. Letha stood and watched the second explosion in front of her, the blast more prominent from the increased number of munition, causing her to take a few steps back. A cat skull would bounce on the concrete floor a couple meter pass her, followed by the rest of the burning cat carcass stripped bare of its flesh.

The explosion this time had created a large gaping hole in the apartment complex, a group of now alarmed people gathered the scene, but no one could see the hellion walking past. The skeleton of the cat would re-ensemble itself under the woman's magic and promptly follow her, leading to much distress and confusion of the tenants who just witnessed an act of the devil right before their eyes. The woman would make her way toward the nearby cemetery, in hopes of amassing more undeads to fight for her. However, not before leaving a young man killed in cold blood by her own hands, then slowly devouring him whole. The sight the man's flesh uncannily tearing away in what seemed to be from the large fangs of an unholy beast had caused the surrounding witnesses to further break into panic. With deafening screams, some began alerting the authority on their mobile phones and all running as far away from the scene as they could.
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"I see," the Queen mused, watching as the spear soared from an unknown location and into the girl's waiting hand. "So calling it forward is a skill of yours I assume. It seems perfect for someone as forgetful as you," she taunted, readying her blade. "As far as the human, he is none of your concern. Focus on me and this battle or you will lose your head in an moment."

Sarah pushed off her leg in a forward rush of near perfection, with sword held low and trailing. Closer and closer she made her way to the zone of the lancer, eyes watching her every move like a preying hawk. I must be careful. The spear's range is an amazing asset. Though, she thought, breaking hard to the left, if I can just get within its range, if I can just make her miss and charge in with my blade...I will have the advantage.

Stopping on her left foot, the ground creaked as she turned to continue her path of zig-zags to the right. Yet something peculiar was about. A lump was rising from the terrain before her. It first appeared as a wedge, but gradually evolved into the shape of...a man....The trickster! Sarah grimaced while skidding into the floor trying desperately to slow her building momentum. Damnit! A net launched from his hands and instinctively sword raised to deflect the projectile. However it was to no avail. It only served as a sturdy post for the meshing to wrap around and entangle the frost warrior. "You must be kidding me.." The effects of the dead zone had made things significantly worse: the cords were now a cocoon of solid ice and frozen rope.



Looking down at her side, Sarah noticed what looked like a trident sticking from out below her rib cage. Unbelievable. Yet again the Trickster was interfering and causing her trouble, harm, and unneeded wounds; all roadblocks that would hinder her path to the top. "This is the last time you mess with me trickster!" She screamed, voice rising in crescendo. "I am Sarah Bon Setti Del Affinscora. The Grey Queen of Venice! And you have embarrassed me for the last time! I was saving this for the king, but it seems I'll need to wipe you from existence first... Dead Zone."

Again the area surrounding the woman chilled with an icy air, but this time, it was condensed. No longer did it reach out to lick the space ahead, but encircled the girl with a thick sheet of frigid arctic winds. One move with the silver blade was all it took to break free from the bonds that held her moments before. Immediately, she ended the effect. Now was not the time to use it. Not just yet.
"Trickster," she bellowed again, removing the trident from her side, "Don't you dare die before I've had a chance to peel the skin from your still-living form. Do you understand me trickster!? Thomas! With me! To the bay!"

The man, clearly shaken from the ensuing battle, took a few moments to process her words, then proceeded to streak with her down towards the crashing water. If it's a battle they want, so be it. If they want to decide it all right here and now. Fine by me. I have no qualms ripping the life from their souls. Come on King, I know you're here too. It'd be lovely if I got to see you too. Now as they had reached the water's edge, Sarah knelt hurriedly, advising Thomas to repeatedly fill his bottle of water and pour it into her mouth. As the first shot of the nourishing liquid spilled down her throat, the Grey Queen's mind began to hinge with blood-lust, rage, anticipation, and hate bordering on a level of near ecstasy.

Her eyes rolled back as her fingers dug deep into the drenched sand of the shoreline.
I will kill you. I am going to kill you all.


@Charming Mouser
Siegfried watched the fight from the four story building, with a half smile on his face. The "Ice Queen" fought just as bravely and as fiercely as he had expected, and it brought a smile to his face. The way she moved, attacked, and spoke with a confidence far greater than the others had displayed. Perhaps she would be the one to win the crown, but it mattered not to Siegfried. It would only take a century or two of waiting, and he would seize the crown again, and in all honesty, Siegfried was getting bored of being King. Nearly two millennia of waiting would do that to a man, and a much lesser man would have lost his mind a long time ago. A distant memory struck Siegfried, coming from an age long past.

"You dare challenge me, Siegfried?!" A harsh voice bellowed out, shaking the very earth.

Siegfried looked down at his worn battle axe, and up at the King. He was a twisted Sin, one far beyond any depraved unfortunate soul that found it's way to Thoran'la. His long braided white hair fell down around his neck and shrouded his armored shoulders in white, and his beard was long and stopped just inches from the middle of his torso. His armor was made of the darkest steel, blacker than the sky in Thoran'la while small veins of a deep red snaked their way in all different directions and the cloth he wore underneath was a deep royal purple, only available to the richest mortals on Earth. His pale skin was gaunt and stretched thin over hard bone, and his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce Siegfried's ancient barbarian armor. Siegfried shuffled uncomfortably in his spot before brandishing his battle ax in defiance and preparing himself for battle. Nero stood tall from his place on his makeshift throne in the human realm, and pulled a terrible looking sword from his side. The sword was made of the same material as his armor, complete with wicked serrated edges to rend the flesh of whoever was unfortunate to be hit with the weapon. Clamatis was the name of the weapon, named for what it caused it's targets to do, scream. Nero held his arms out to the side and laughed maniacally while looking at Siegfried.

"Rome is mine once again! I shall make the world tremble at the sound of my name!" Nero screamed in pleasure. "Starting with you, Siegfried!"

The Mad King. That's what they called him, he really was insane, wasn't he? In an instant, he was upon Siegfried, slashing and raining down blows on Siegfried.

"This is the last time you mess with me trickster!" She screamed, voice rising in crescendo. "I am Sarah Bon Setti Del Affinscora. The Grey Queen of Venice! And you have embarrassed me for the last time! I was saving this for the king, but it seems I'll need to wipe you from existence first... Dead Zone."

Siegfried was pulled from his thoughts and refocused his attention on the battle below him. He smiled once again and watched Sarah closely, it seemed he wasn't the only one remembering his past.

"Trickster," she bellowed again, removing the trident from her side, "Don't you dare die before I've had a chance to peel the skin from your still-living form. Do you understand me trickster!? Thomas! With me! To the bay!"

Siegfried narrowed his eyes at her, noticing that she had a human with her. It was unacceptable, for a Sin to use a human! This was a game between Sins, humans where just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He watched them as he gave her drink, Siegfried's scowl growing deeper. In an instant, Siegfried lept from the building's roof, and fell towards the battle. Siegfried hit the ground, creating a small crater and throwing up dirt which clouded the view of him. He straightened up and rolled his head around in a circle, the resulting pops from his spine unnaturally loud in the empty area. The glowing blood red veins in his armor glowed, pulsating slowly while Siegfried stepped from the landing spot. He walked over to Thomas who seemed terrified at the sight of the giant. Siegfried reached down and grabbed the man by the head. Thomas began to scream, his terror muffled by Siegfried's gauntlet. In a swift move, Siegfried clenched his fist, and crushed the man's skull, showering bits of brain matter, skull fragments and blood everywhere. Bits of the same ran out from between his gauntlets and soaked the ground below Thomas's still corpse. Siegfried tossed his lifeless corpse aside, which hit the ground with a sickening crunch.

"No humans." Siegfried growled, and raised Schadenfruende and rested it on his shoulder, and shook the human's blood from his gauntlet.
Athos followed the scent of noodles to a street vender who after saying some strange words gave Athos a bowl of fresh noodles and some sticks. Athos took it that the sticks were for eating the noodles with and gave it his best shot at using them though he looked quite strange while he was failing to shove noodles into his mouth. When the noodles finally made it to his mouth a sense of warmth and brothy goodness flooded over him. He tried to think back on the last thing he ate but could not remember it. Just as he was getting the hang of using the sticks to eat he heard a loud explosion off in the distance. For some reason he was drawn towards it and started running towards it forgetting he had not paid the noodle man and could hear the noodle man angerly yelling after him.

As he was getting closer he heard several smaller explosions come from inside a neaby building. Athos decided he might as well check on what was happening and raced inside. As he went up the stairs several people ran passed him screaming so he followed where they came from to find a blown up apartment with blood smeared across the floor and a devilish women standing by it.

Athos instantly new something was wrong and he tensed. As he tensed a ring of fire appeared around his waist and from that spawnded his belt, his two daggers and his sword all on his belt. Athos drew his swod and slid his feet into a fencing stance. Athos knew he had to be careful because he was stilling wearing his street clothes that he woke up in.

His large fox eyed the undead cat and bearer its teeth as flames began to rise from its fur. Athos studied the women and asked her "Who the hell are you?"
"How dare you.." she gasped, gripping the shore's store of sand tighter in palm. "Did you even know who he was!?" In a second, she was up and on two feet with blade drawn. "He had a family," she keened pulling into form. "His name was Thomas," she growled. "But I bet you don't even care! Do you?! He has dreams, goals, desires!...and you snatched them away...You spine-less, cowardly brute...Yes." Tears once more ran down her cheek, freezing upon emergence and crystallizing her stolid face.

"He suffered a much worse fate than I. Dying for no reason. Do you understand that, animal? Haha. I think you deserved to be in hell for two millennia. Certainly the king of it." The woman stalked forward with the held up. "It's something fitting for someone like you. I don't know who you may have been, but it must have been somebody lower than dirt. En Garde."

However, there was no time to wait. This was a foe the Queen would show no respect. No time for preparation. No cordiality. No benefit of the doubt. Just cold, hard steel. In an instant she was behind him ramming the tip of her blade into his back. In the next, she was beside him slashing at the bend in his elbow's armor. Moving back in front of him, the blade clanged off the brushed steel of his waist's belt.
"Dead Zone."

Continuing her bladed dance around him in a circle, she stepped to his right, cutting the pad on his shoulder. With so much armor on him, it was a futile effort, but this was for Thomas; The Queen would put all her weight behind this.
"King. Tell me. Did your people love? Or did they hate you?"


The back of his ankles were now attacked, metal clinking off armor with a slash.
"I'm not one to talk. But if I were one of them, I would have simply abhorred you. You disgusting thing." Now Sarah was to his left smashing down the hilt on his other arm waiting for the cold air to help make the necessary cracks in his shielding. "If I don't win this game's trophy. I don't care. Each and every game I'll be hunting you down so I can hold my blade to your throat and kill you in the name of Thomas. Let us enjoy our eternity together, King," she snarled in a sickly sweet tone. "Four Winds."

What was Four Winds? A personal style of swordsmanship combining speed, momentum, and agility. It only took four steps to circle a person before coming back to the first position. One step to reach and strike from the East, one step to reach and strike from the North, one step to reach and strike from the West, and finally one step to reach and strike from the South again in a continuous flurry of blades.

Sarah continued the technique both uncaring and unaware of anything else happening in the area. There was only one clear thing in her mind: the death of this man.

Siegfried sighed as Sarah attacked him, and when she positioned herself in front of him, he acted quickly. He smacked the sword from her hands, which flew and impaled itself in a tree. He quickly grabbed her with one arm, and pulled her close to him, ignoring the bitter cold of her Dead Zone, with the other hand he forced her to look at Thomas's corpse.

"Look." He ordered, his hand on her chin, forcing her to look at the corpse. "Look at what your "friend" really was."

Thomas's body had turned to a decayed corpse, and there was a strangely thick smoke rising from the creature's body. He was not human, not anymore at least, or perhaps he never was. The thick black smoke began to take shape, and rose from the body, and stared at them with piercing white eyes. A smoky spear formed at it's side, and it let loose an unearthly scream that sent shivers down even Siegfried's spine. It was the same creature that guarded the throne room in Thoran'la, never moving, and always silent. But this time was different, they were here in the human realm, they were disguising themselves as humans. What were they? Why were they here? Siegfried's mind began to wonder as he thought of what was happening behind their backs as they fought. Was the Game even important?

Siegfried was interrupted by a second inhuman scream from the shadow creature, and raised his eyes to meet his. It charged them both, and Siegfried turned to shield Sarah from the attack, and swung Schadenfreunde simultaneously, discharging the last of it's energy. The shadow creature screamed in agony, and quickly dissipated as fast as it had taken shape. Siegfried released Sarah and stared at the spot of where the shadow creature had been killed. Siegfried's suspicious feeling at the beginning of the game was beginning to shape into an actual suspicion. In all his years as King, he'd never seen those creatures except for in the throne room. The Umbra, that's what the Mad King called them, creatures made of shadow. Finally Siegfried began to speak.

"Your friend was going to kill you." He said. "I've never seen these creatures outside of the throne room before."

@White Masquerade
She turned her head to the right, glancing over her shoulder before doing the same to the left. Staring straight ahead, her expression made it obvious she was very startled. Never once would she had expected the very least, to feel such a growing sense of nausea. Was she hearing things now? It's as if a thing had tried to communicate with her. It was fleeting thing, the question being carried by the wind through the scream and cries, then losing any matter upon reaching the Sorceress's ears. Giving a haughty shrug, the demon woman would turn away from the man, seemingly unaware of his existence. In fact, she couldn't honestly say she didn't notice him, but he was as indistinguishable as the other insects swarming around.

Placing her left hand on her stomach and the other covering her mouth, Letha tried to restrain from throwing up. It wasn't what she just ate, she was sure of that, but what could it had been? Well, fortunately she felt better the farther away she walked from the man. Raising her nose in the air as if to smell something, all the while covering her mouth, the sick woman could hear a large commotion by the nearby alley. If anything, it sounded a hell a lot of like Siegfried and some others. Whatever was the case, charging in now wasn't wise, and so she walked in the opposite direction of the sound. Coincidentally, also toward a proximate funeral ground. Feeling her abhorrence subsiding, the female gave a sharp gasp of air before exhaling it with her cheeks still puffed.

Now ambling with a dance in her step, the woman would avoid the frantic crowd rushing past her, her horns shrunken enough to be hidden under her hair as she blended herself with the horde of civilians. The skeletal exoskeleton broke down into a powdery dust only to picked up by the passing breeze. Her reanimated cat on the other hand was being kicked and stepped on by the mass, poor thing. It wasn't hurt by this, but anyone who saw the mangled kitty immediately ran while other unfortunate souls would vomit on sight. However, slowly and surely, the cat limped itself behind the ashen, but alluring woman. Comically, despite trying to run away from her, the crowd was running with the very monster toward the graveyard. It was given because none of them could see her, but she didn't mind it at all.

Selecting at random, Letha finely stuck her hand to the side. Her sharp nails managing to slit an innocent's throat whose limp body became washed away by the selfish feet stepping over it. The woman would repeat this game for awhile, the number began to notably dwindle as many lay dead on the street, the crowd thinning enough to realize the situation they're in. Police cars and ambulances were now quickly arriving the scene, the sirens caused the woman to stop her killing spree and to turn her head at the source before laughing hysterically. She would had used the corpse laying around her to fight, but she wanted the humans to witness the massacre of their own kind.

Several things happened at once. Iago and the spear-woman started into a melee, and the Grey Queen obliterated the net. Siegfried, from afar, began to moved toward them. The pace was rapid, but the fight was fair. Iago hadn't meant to surprise the woman. he had tried to be conspicuous. he shrugged mentally. It didn't matter now, they were in the middle of a heated combat. Suddenly he found that his shoulder was bleeding. A chuckle escaped his lips. Her timing was impeccable.

Suddenly Iago was flipping over her, spinning through the air with both blades flailing. Flurries of blades flew at Abigael in spurts, and another blow pierced Iago's side. This woman was insanely quick, though he was sure that some of his own blows had landed, as well. If they had, she wasn't showing it. Her resolve was tougher than steel. Suddenly Iago let out a burst of speed, moving through the woman, throwing an attack in the process.

Iago's weapons had changed, a spiked spear and shield were in his hands now. It seemed as if his natural defenses were not enough to stop the woman from hitting him. Perhaps this new weapon set would be. Around this time, Iago noticed from the corner of his consciousness that Siegfried had showed up and killed a man. It was when he noticed the apparition burst forth from the man that his focus on the battle at hand faltered for just a moment, leaving his defenses strangely open...
Abigael tried her best to defend against all the against of the apparition man, but some had gotten through, leaving nasty cuts on her forearms. Her white sleeves stained a dark crimson as she continued to defend against the attacks. She wasn't going to let this man have the satisfaction of knowing he had hurt her, and it was then that Siegfried's arrival distracted her, allowing the man to phase through her and throw an attack simultaneously. His blades clinged off her breastplate and she silently thanked God for having worn her silver breastplate.

"You won't win, hunter!" She shouted defiantly. "I'll fight until one of us is dead or we both drop from exhaustion!"

She spun around and readied her spear, and noticed that the man had equipped a spear now. She gave him a smile, he was in her field now, and she was going to give him a lesson in spearmanship. It was then that the apparition had burst from the man's corpse that Abigael noticed that the man had been distracted by the scene, and had left his defenses open. Abigael closed her eyes, said a silent prayer and thrust Lion's Tooth towards the opening in the man's defenses, only opening them a few seconds later to see how her thrust had fared.
Athos watched the she-demon turn her back on him and just melt into the crowd. He was so surprised by her lack of repsonse that he forgot to stop her and just stood there dumbfounded for minute. He then followed the paniced crowd outside onto the street and jogged behind it. Every minute or so a body would drop limp to the ground. This enraged him, he wasn't sure whether it was the targeting of inoscents or the fact that he had just been completely ignored pissed him off more.

He ran to the front of the crowd, stopped and turned towards the crowd with threatening look that stopped the crowd in its tracks. "I find this game boring!" he yelled into the crowd. He then focused as he spontaneously was covered in flames. His street clothing faded away into the flames as his armor replaced it. His colorful fox crest on his helm flickered with fire.

He drew his right hand down the blade his sword casually as blood started to flow from his hand. He then tightly gripped his sword with two hands on the grip. The blood flowing from his right hand was channeled down small trenches that existed in the grip. The blood then traced the outline of beasts and flames that were chizzeled into the guard before flowing into the filet of the blade. The sword glowed for a second then burst into an intensity of flames. Athos pushed the blade of the sword into the ground.

A circle of blood coming from the sword quickly encircled the crowd. Athos tensed his bleeding hand and the blood circle burst into flames, trapping the group of people.

"Will you show yourself now?" He yelled into the crowd. "Or do I need to burn these people along with you?" The flames seemed to echo his words as Haeund Athos' fox positioned himself atop a car snarling at the people. Athos intended to smoke the she-demon out quite literaly.

It was impossible. This man was a liar. How could Thomas, who had been there by her side from start ever turn on her? Yet there the body was, with a silvery black ooze spilling from it's core. At the king's shock, she lowered her arms and let them hang at her side. "So let us say that you are correct, and not playing tricks on my mind. If these things used to be in the throne room, then what are they doing outside now?"

The the mouth spoke words of acceptance, her mind still felt different. That thing had been Thomas; no matter how wrong it may have been, that man's loyalty would be honored and remembered.

Sarah continued to mind the corpse with eyes of disdain and a winding fury.
"Let me fetch my blade. When I come back, you're going to tell me everything you know. I don't like when my emotions are trifled with."

After pulling the sword from the heart of a nearby Tree, Sarah returned wiping a scar under her right eye. "Speak so that I may find Thomas' butchered, and then return to the battle at hand. I must pay back the trickster double for the trouble he's caused."

"I have no magic to perform illusions, Sarah." Siegfried said. "I abhor magic, and those who use it."

He pointed to the black ooze on the ground where the Umbra had been slain. There was something definitely wrong here, and it continued to nag at the back of Siegfried's mind, over and over again. There wasn't enough clues or hint to point to anything concrete, only a vague feeling and a suspicious Umbra that was outside of Thoran'la. He stepped back and allowed Sarah to fetch her blade, as there was still fighting going on. The spearwoman against the Hunter, and somewhere far off someone else was fighting, but Siegfried wasn't sure who was there. Siegfried was pulled from his thoughts as Sarah returned, sword in hand.

"Speak so that I may find Thomas' butchered, and then return to the battle at hand. I must pay back the trickster double for the trouble he's caused." She said, a hint of anger in her voice.

Siegfried looked at her and then back at the dried out corpse. It reminded me of leather being tan from a age long past, a familiar sight. Siegfried shook his head and looked over at Sarah, and sighed.

"I don't know if this is right." He started. "Before this century's game started, I had a nagging feeling that something was going to happen during this game. The Umbra had been doing something, and I noticed that every so often their weapons would change. This doesn't sound like much, if you've never been King or Queen before. The Umbra are incapable of forming a weapon other than what they are created with, they can't change weapons like you or I can, and whatever weapon they have in hand, is whatever weapon they're doomed to have. They've never changed, not in the past two millennium that I have been King, not until a few months before the Game. I've always had the same Umbra there, six of them. The two closest to the throne, the right one held a spear, the left one a mace. The two after that, the right one, a flail, and the left, a greatsword. And the two after, the right, a warhammer and the left, an axe. Then they began to change, the greatsword replaced with another mace wielder, the spear with a long sword and shield. Where they are going, I'm not sure. My suspicions were confirmed when I encountered this one here, in the human realm. Not in any of the Games I've ever been a part of, have I ever seen one in the human realm. They only serve to protect the King or Queen from a Sin who would try to cheat the Game, or to stop fights between Sins."

Siegfried glanced at Sarah and shook his head. It was unsettling, now that he thought about it. There was no reason the Umbra should be here in the human realm, not for any reason. Suddenly something came back to him, something about the Mad King, something he said.

"The Mad King." Siegfried muttered, turning to look at Sarah. "Before me, there was another King. His name was Nero, and he was called The Mad King, he often spoke of being puppets, being playthings for a power much greater than any of us. He even called me a Servant when I imprisoned his life force within my ax, creating Schadenfruende."

@White Masquerade
This was all new, and Sarah tilted her head to left in sign of mulling it over. Now she was glancing down at his axe. Schadenfruende. The giant's sword was weird indeed. It had an unnatural way of gathering energy and expelling it with crushing force..she wondered how he beat the last king without it...

"Umbra you call them..I do recall seeing those statues in the throne room. They were unnerving. During our first encounter, I could have sworn one of them turned its head ever so slightly to look me in the eye." Sarah placed a hand on her chin and walked forward deep in thought. "I didn't think of it then, but now that you bring this up, there may be some truth to what you say. I am more concerned though with what this mad king has told you. The point about puppets."

The woman stopped pacing and drifted her focus towards the trickster and Spearman engaged in battle. Puppets. She didn't know why, but the word fit so well with what they were caught up in. Obviously they were dead, yet here they were still: alive. Fighting over a crown, that according to the giant, had no other purpose than to be won. It was strange.

"What do you suggest we do then?" A pair of blue hues looked into the eyes of the giant. However, instead of a loathing look, there was an air of receptivity. "Don't think we're friends brute. You've disrespected me far beyond what I'm able to overlook. I don't want to end up a puppet cursed to play this detestable game over and over for all of eternity. If there is a way to get out, then I shall work with you towards that end. I will throw my lot in with yours. And now about the other fighters? What of them?"

"Imagine spending a millennia or two in a room with six of them." Siegfried said. "They never move, never speak, I'm not sure if they think or even have a mind of their own. The Mad King often rambled about why we were here, why we were ordered to fight, and what purpose did the games serve. There was always one thing in common with each of the games: They were always in the human realm, we always caused enough damage for the humans to figure that there was something wrong, there was always a King and at the end, entire countrysides, cities and towns would be destroyed. But for what? What reason did we have to destroy human buildings, and what purpose did it serve? Most of the other Sins dismissed his ramblings as such, but I found them interesting."

Siegfried followed her gaze to the spearwoman and the hunter, perhaps the Mad King was right. They were fighting for a reason none of them knew, what would happen if they suddenly stopped and banded together? Would whomever was behind the entire thing show themselves and demand to know why they weren't fighting anymore? Thousands of questions ran through Siegfried's mind, and he found himself wondering which he'd wish to know more, his past or why they fought.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Sarah's voice asked, breaking Siegfried's train of thought.

He turned to look at her, and opened his mouth but was cut off quickly.

"Don't think we're friends brute. You've disrespected me far beyond what I'm able to overlook. I don't want to end up a puppet cursed to play this detestable game over and over for all of eternity. If there is a way to get out, then I shall work with you towards that end. I will throw my lot in with yours. And now about the other fighters? What of them?" She said, an air of arrogance, and pride surrounded her.

"I disrespected you?" He asked. "You came into my throne room and demanded things of me, and spoke to me like I was nothing. I should be the one saying that to you, but instead I saved you, not once but twice. I could've let "Thomas" kill you while you weren't looking, and then I could have allowed the Umbra to run you through with his shadowspear." Siegfried eyed her with a look of annoyance. "We are already doomed to fight for eternity, all of us. You yourself have fought in over 30 different games, and each time you've lost. All of you have lost, not a single one could take my crown. I don't wish to fight another game either, and I will gladly take your help if you're sincere. But be warned, I will make good on my earlier promise if you betray me." He turned to look at the other fighters, and sighed. "I am sure they join us once we discover more clues."

@White Masquerade
Abigael's blow struck true, and as Iago went to turn his head around, he felt the blade enter into his heart. Blood oozed slowly from the wound, indicative of arterial damage. It was a familiar feeling that was coming over him. He phased, and the blade slipped out of him as he backed away. Iago looked to the spearwoman who was his demise. He gave a soft chuckle, feeling his muscles give way. He fell to his knees, unable to stand any longer.

"Look who is the trickster, now..." Iago said, giving another soft laugh. He dropped to the ground, shield first, and then it melted away. His hood melted away, to reveal a young, unpleasant face. Suddenly the face disappeared and was replaced by a more handsome one. Iago pulled in a final gasp, then exhaled, his eyes going dim.
Ah, there it was again. That annoying buzzing sound you hear when some fly dart across your ear. Letha cringed reflexively, swatting her hand around her head for the annoyance until she felt it stopped. It soon started again, much to her chagrin, her eyes glancing around at the people who abruptly halted. Her eyes could see the black wisp and began to wonder how they came to be. Pouting, she brought the dead up with her magic, whose own decaying bodies snuffed out the flames for her convenience before going dormant again. Stepping on top of the bridge of corpses, the woman would turn her gaze behind at the rest of the cowering humans. She would let those live, so they could forever be traumatized by the experience, haha what a fun thought! The ring of fire closed behind her as the corpses were eaten up by the inferno.

The demon female, again, failed to acknowledge the man. She picked her ear, irritated by the constant nonsense entering her ear. "Do I need to burn these people along with you?" What a stupid question, did it seem like that would bother her in the any least, god can he just go die elsewhere? The supple woman bent down, her hand gently caress the dead cat who sat idly next to her. The muscle in her arm would ripple unexpectedly from the svelte woman. Her limb, now partially transformed, crushed the cat skulls into shards that pierced her pale skin. This action helped soothe her vexation, the skeletal fragments slowly oozing out her skin and shrinking arm.

She turned to face the man in the eye, who could then see the fire-eating look in her own. Without a word, she raised her palm to face the man, forcibly pushing out the what was left of the cat's skull, the sharp pieces hurling at him with ample speed. She hoped he would shut up now, his pestering was just too awful and clingy, the poor woman couldn't take it anymore. Why couldn't a guy just quietly be ignored? She wasn't at first interested in knowing or fighting him, but now she can't help but want to deprive the man of his life and integrity.

Athos watched the she-devil as she crushed the skull of the zombiefied cat. He had to admit he was a little disgusted at that, not that he hadn't see worse throughout the course of his life. Then all of a sudden the shards embedded in her had shot towards him like deadly daggers. The distance between the she-devil and Athos was so small he barely had time to react. He crouched down low to the ground, avoiding most of the bone shrapnel and blocked the rest with a few quick swings of his sword or so he thought. A small chunk of bone had passed through his chain mail and into his right shoulder. Athos twinged and felt the wound with his left hand. He could tell it was just a flesh wound. He pulled out the sliver of bone and tossed it on the ground. Blood quickly flowed out of hit because of his powers. The wound was starting to close up already and as long as he had blood his wounds would quickly heal.

He smothered the blood onto his left hand and then flung it towards the she-devil in a wide arc. On his silent command the blood flying towards the she-devil erupted into intense flames. When ignited his blood became a sticky tar like substance and burnt until the blood was used up. His eyes held a viscous joy as he commanded the circle of fire to toss flame even higher into the sky creating a cage with the devil and him inside. He thought to himself how well do devils burn and a shame to turn that nice body to ashes. In some weird way he felt curious and attracted to this devil. He had fought many opponents in his life but none were of the mystic kind and the thrill of a good fight always got his blood pumping.
As the King waned on about the destruction from previous games and its infinite cycle, Sarah continued to eye the battle between the spear-woman and trickster. "Tsk." A slight click of the tongue escaped her lips as she saw the lancer's blade pierce her foe. In mere moments it was over; the man lay sprawled on the floor motionless.

It was upon the king's divergence of opinion that she turned around once more to him.
"From what I've seen thus far, you are nothing. You've done nothing but throw your weight around and harass others treating them as if they were children. I do not apologize. As for saving me, of course you'd view it that way. I am weak and incapable of taking car of myself correct? Yes. Keep telling yourself that giant. It will be your end. Now," she said whipping around, "You don't need to worry about my betrayal. I am but a supple twig able to be broken easily betwixt your two fingers. I am able to be erased at any moment no?"

Sarah then laughed haughtily as she began stalking her way towards woman with spear.
"Calm your nerves. It seems I am nothing to worry about dear king."

Creesh-craash. The dry grass let off an earthen crunch as her full weight came to a rest beside the fallen Sin. Peering into his life-less eyes, Sarah could only watch as the bugs began to gather for the oncoming feast. Inside, she felt no emotion; only loss. Not because he was now deceased, but because she was not the one able to do it. For a brief moment her sword was raised and un-sheathed ready to be driven into his still frame...but she thought better of it and instead turned towards Abigael.

"I commend you for doing this, yet you have un-intentionally stolen my quarry. In the spirit of a new alliance, I will ignore this seeing as you had no idea he was my target. However, do not let it happen again. I will inform you now. There is a woman named Lethasis in these games. Should you approach her, I will kill you. Should you approach me, she will kill you. Judging from your battle, you have a good head on your shoulders, try not to lose it prematurely."

The woman sheathed her blade, stepping forward.
"The King and I have reason to suspect these games are more than what they seem. We plan to find out if this is true and if so, put an end to it all. Are you with us lady-at-length? As unlikely as it is, it would be un-wise to say no."

Siegfried grunted at Sarah's blatant show of disrespect. If he wasn't bound by the rules, he would show her just how much of nothing he truly was. He had shown everyone before, and he remembered how they cowered beneath his wrath, a century ago they had nearly destroyed London. All because of Siegfried and his Bloodrage, they destroyed nearly the entire city.

"Calm your nerves. It seems I am nothing to worry about dear king." Sarah said, walking away towards the Spearwoman.

Siegfried narrowed his eyes at her, and he wasn't sure if she had been mocking him or not. His curious turned to anger and he wished that he could make good on his earlier promise and cleave the Ice Queen in two. He shook his head, clearing the thought from his head and watched the Ice Queen from behind. He stopped for a moment and let his eyes wander, and a small smile appeared on his lips. Even though she was frigid, she was still quite attractive. He grunted, and listened closely to her.


Abigael's eyes widen as she saw that she had pierced the trickster's heart, killing him in one blow. As he fell backwards onto the ground, his true face was revealed. Abigael took a few steps back, with her spear at the ready, just in case the hunter had been playing another one of his tricks. That's what Jory always said to do, some scoundrels would often play dead after a harmless strike to get you to lower your guard, and when you did, you died. Abigael lowered her spear, ready to pierce the Hunter's throat when the sound of grass being crushed underfoot diverted her attention elsewhere. Another opponent? Abigael jumped and deftly moved her spear in the direct of the sound.

It was the Ice Queen, the one who had threatened and disrespected the King in his own throne room. She watched her as she raised her sword in preparation to stab the Hunter, just like Abigael was planning on. Abigael watched her closely, every muscle in her being tensed as she awaited an attack that wouldn't come...for now.

"I commend you for doing this, yet you have unintentionally stolen my quarry. In the spirit of a new alliance, I will ignore this seeing as you had no idea he was my target. However, do not let it happen again. I will inform you now. There is a woman named Lethasis in these games. Should you approach her, I will kill you. Should you approach me, she will kill you. Judging from your battle, you have a good head on your shoulders, try not to lose it prematurely." The Ice Queen said, standing and taking a step towards Abigael. "The King and I have reason to suspect these games are more than what they seem. We plan to find out if this is true and if so, put an end to it all. Are you with us lady-at-length? As unlikely as it is, it would be unwise to say no."

Abigael narrowed her eyes at the woman, she wasn't sure if she meant to attack when Abbi lowered her guard or not. But Abbi's concerns were eased when the Ice Queen sheathed her weapon. Abigael eased off her stance and withdrew the spearhead, placing the butt of the spear on the ground.

"Begging your pardon, milady." Abbi began. "I did not realize that we were allowed to choose targets in the game. If I misunderstood, then I sincerely apologize, but it was not my attack that started the battle. This man attacked me first, and I only defended myself. I truly have no wish to fight anyone if I can avoid doing so." Abbi turned her gaze to the pile of black ectoplasm that lay at the feet of the giant barbarian. "I remember seeing those unnatural things in the throne room, and I heard bits and pieces of you and the King's conversation. But I must say, from one knight to another, you must be careful not to anger the man. Every since I've found myself in that horrid burning castle, I've taken the liberty of exploring the Smoldering Keep. In my travels throughout the castle, I've discovered a large burnt tome that detailed every king and queen's actions from the beginning of their reign to the end. Siegfried's is full of destruction and terrible acts, and he's incredibly strong, but if what he says is true and we're all pawns in this game, then I would be honored to help end the vicious cycle and return to where we belong."
Her eyes watched as blood spilled as the bone had pierced a flesh wound. Cold and somber, the woman showed no satisfaction. Of course she knew that the attack couldn't had been fatal for the fact that she had exerted little strength behind it. Slow deaths were preferable and she had no incentives to rush. She stood and waited for the peon, her dark hues displayed no apparent interest.

The female's attention shifted to his left hand as a wave of his own blood beset her. Some had gotten onto her as well, much to her discontent. It was hard to dodge anything liquid at this range and the attack was distasteful in itself. Lashing her arm to remove the blood, a red glint would reflect in her eyes. The red substance had ruptured into flames, quickly surrounding the inflamer. This lasted for quite some time, the man's cocksure expression was abruptly interrupted as sinister laughter grated inside his mind. It was an odd sensation, the source of the sound came from the inside the inferno yet he could not hear it from there.

"So begins your tribulation..." The laughter continued "...You will feel pain." There were other voices that invaded his mind, low incomprehensible whispers that blended with the demon's voice, turning what was pleasant to something vile and disturbing. "Yes... I know you hear me..." the sorceress continued communicating with him through telepathy, the echo of her laugh would muffle his perception of the surrounding. The unholy sound had driven many insane before, if they weren't so to begin with. His consciousness was being barraged by the woman's own unstable psyche, causing him to slowly lose focus from the new sensation. She gave him plenty of time, but at the same time she gave him none at all.

Long talons would penetrating the steel plating on the car he stood on, quickly grasping at his ankle to tear him down into the vehicle. The car had driven over a dead corpse, who under the necromancer's spell, deformed into creature of some hell. It no longer resembled a human, its joint twisted and mangled in an elongated manner. The skull's bone structure was rearranged in a way that formed a beak-like shape with open flesh and teeth in the center, void of any other sensory organs. The creature's rib cage had pointed outward, piercing its tattered skin, and its feet was the same as its hand, ending in scythe-like claws.

While her spawn was busy attacking, the trapped female effortlessly walked out of the flames. The fire had burned off the entirety of her body including her clothes, the black charred skin shed off of her like a snake. Standing naked, Letha would give a short stretch, remarking how tight she felt in her old skin and enjoying the feel of the newly formed one before focusing back on the matter at hand. A skeletal dress, similar to the one she had on before, would gradually begin to spread down her body as she walked over.
Having a she-devil's thoughts inside his head was certainly a first for Athos, but it was more a nuisance than a fear to him. You will feel pain as those words echoed in his head he began to laugh loudly. "There is no greater pain than fire on flesh" he said out loud to the she-devil "There is no greater fear than the sight of fire." As he finished those words he felt a clawing at his feet. He looked down to see zombiefied hands with sharp claws trying to reach at him through the hood of the car. He kicked the hands and heard them snap and break. Athos jumped down from the car, watching the demon walk out of his fire cage whilst still keeping an eye on the car.

"For someone who casually killed so many people you sure seem afraid to fight" he remarked loudly. He brought his right hand up high whilst holding his sword low in his left hand. He opened his right hand to the sky, still dripping with dark blood from the self inflicted cut, and tensed his arm. The wind changed and became strong and violent the fire in the area flew into the wind being ripped from what ever had sustained its flames. The fire gathered into his right hand forming a ball of flames with an unusual dark red flame. He then pointed his hand at the car with the hands still twitching from its hood. The dark flames spewed out of his hand and quickly turned what ever was living to ashes as the metal began to melt.

Athos looked around at all the scared people running from his fire, loud whistle like noises sounded in the distance. Despite the fact that she was a possibly insane homicidal demon, Athos felt like he had far more in common with her than anyone else he would meet in this strange new world. He watched her walk away in a new dress of bones and felt the need to chase her down. He closed his right hand extinguishing the ball of fire and thought for a moment on how to approach. Some random thought came to him from a distant, forgotten memory and he whistled a loud note into the air. The whistle echoed as if it was dancing in the air. A gust of wind was coming down the street with sparks. The sparks grew into wisps of fire and then the fire took the shape of a horse. The flames dissipated and the horse halted next to Athos. Athos petted the flanks of the horse like he was meeting an old friend again and positioned himself onto of it. "Go Brageor" Athos said quietly to the horse and it quickly strode past the she-devil. He turned the horse in front of her blocking her path.

"Perhaps this wasn't the nicest of introductions" he said to her with the greatest of hospitality. "My name is Athos Farrister or at least I think it is, what would yours? By the way that dress of um bones looks nice on you" This new world felt empty to him and spending some time with this what ever she was would at least be some entertainment.

'"No greater fear than the sight of fire", says the guy using fire, gau-che here probably pissing himself right now then" The female raised her brow at his outburst, thinking the flames not any more intimidating than he could ever be. Except one was a heaps more trite than the other. She couldn't even laugh, overwhelmed by the feeling of pity and sickness. Shaking her head, Letha stopped bothering to look, neither surprised of worried that he broken her monster's hand. Her aim was to at least make contact with his skin, carelessly kicking the sharp prongs would had easily teared through his nylon pants and accomplish her goal.

The diseased claws, augmented by the Hex's undead magic, would had made grazes in his skin. The many maladies travelling through his bloodstream for all purposes would contain an anti-coagulant and potent painkillers, causing him to unknowingly trickle blood below him. If he were to activate his power, he himself would be caught in the backlash. The worst part was that the infection would had adverse effects on even a Sin like himself, gradually slowing down his reaction and even polluting the inside of his bloodstream.

The sorceress wasn't even sure what he was talking about being afraid to fight so she ignored him, it was much easier that way. Continuing to saunter over, intent to maim the man as his health begin to progressively decline, Letha watched as he took his time conjuring a fire. With plenty of time to act, she fortified her monster with her own magic. Smoke and debris picked up as he threw the fireball, blowing her hair and the skirt of her dress back. Her pet creature sustained considerable damage, it's constitution becoming flakes of soot, yet it was the necromancer sustaining its form and controlling its movement, not itself. The cinders began to slowly collect under the car, the ashes resembling its past shape, now akin to a crow.

The form diffused out of the melting car like a phantom, relatively feebler as Letha was unable to retrieve the entire body from the melting metal. Lacking any offensive qualities, the carbon dust began to condense itself at the tip of its hand, reforming some claws. The hazy ashes then drifted toward Athos, shadowed by the appearance of his horse. How perfectly gaudy! As he rode over, the dark-haired female stopped in her track, seeing the man ride his steed over the span of maybe 2 feet. Well, she's not going to complain about doing a little less work. Ignoring his lame hospitality, she deformed her hidden hand into a monstrous spike barbed with bones, thrusting at his abdomen as he spoke. However,mid-attack, she paused and immediately uttered the word
"beta" as he untimely complimented her dress, then resumed her attack as if nothing had happened. On his flank however was her spawn, initiating the same kind of attack as she is.
Kim's day had started out with a leisurely walk through the arid plains of hell. The terrain was rather rough but the dark atmosphere was rather becalming to the senses and made for a great hike. There were only a handful of exceptional ways one could spend their free time; sleeping, exploring, self indulgence, and of course the occasional slaughter never hurt. However, there wasn't a single creature within sight, living or otherwise so Kim took to taking a relaxing walk through hell.

After a long while, with Kim having lost track of time feeling that it was a very short walk, something in her mindset started to beckon her to change course. Taking up a rather incredibly stubborn attitude, she forcibly altered her destined course away from the beckoned direction every time she found herself traveling it. As a result, Kim was taking a rather large, semi-circling path towards the castle.

Her the half skirt of her shining black and red leather outfit fluttered lightly in the hell plain winds as she begrudgingly took an out-of the-way route through a cove with two jagged black rocks on either side. Her course couldn't easily be altered in a location such as this as there was \nowhere to go but forward. With her black headhunter scythe propped up on her shoulder, Kim willingly allowed the beckoning to pull her along. The tip of her scythe ran across the right wall, creating a shower of sparks while it left a long crease into the rock cliff along her foreboding wake.

Almost perfectly in sync with Kim's exit of the narrow valley, she found herself tumbling through a vast sea of blue in free fall. Overlooking her own confusion as to what had just happened, Kim righted her falling stance to belly down to slow her decent and looked straight down at the rapidly approaching surface below. At a glance, she noticed several other figures also falling in the distance. They were descending in group unlike herself and one figure was noticeably larger than herself.

Returning her gaze to the approaching surface, a sudden acrophobia crept into her and fear settled in quickly. Kim's eyes widened and a long grin cracked into her face. Ah, the joys of staring your own demise head on. It's something to live for.

Releasing her vice like grip on her scythe, Kim leaned forward into a dive bomb, increasing her speed of descent to the maximum 200 miles per hour and falling ahead of the distant pack. It only took a moment for her to reach the surface without so much as a splash as she struck deep water with a nearly perfect dive.

Emerging from the bay, thoroughly soaked, Kim wrung the water from her long black hair and re-pinned it in a ponytail. Wiping a smear of wet blood from her forehead, she considered how big of a change in pace swimming was compared to her usual activities. Just a half hour ago, there was no existing water to speak of. Swimming was definitely within her top ten activities now. She walked away from the shoreline, plucking her scythe from its impaled position in the dirt on the way, unaware of any injury or exhaustion her own body was faced with.

Now walking through crowds of people, Kim towered over several of them at just over six feet in height. The people seemed more or less unaware of the scythe toting women but they all begun to shake in fear upon Kim's approach and passing. A thin, wisp-like black smog trailed her being, wrapping dark coils around everything so much as within a few feet of her wake.

The Living Nightmare was her title, fear incarnate, and the Sin of Envy and Wrath. A wretched being that instills fear, pain, sorrow, and bringing awareness to one's darkest self from all, deriving pleasure from the suffering of others and herself. She could be described as no less then the personification of a despair.

Kim eventually made her way to the inside of a restaurant. By now, some conflict and destruction had ensued and the restaurant was completely void of people. Hopping over the counter top, she casually helped herself to one of the large square boxes in back. Opening the box a crack revealed a food item that anyone would recognize. Pizza. With a blank look on her face, she took the box of pizza over to one of the tables, bypassing the counter altogether, and taking a seat at a table with a window view. It was the window with the largest blood stain. Kim couldn't help but feel that the beautiful scarlet color ever so perfectly complimented the plain white interior of the building.

The screams of panic and chaos outside was a wonderful melody to her ears as she bit into the pizza, a flavor she had all but forgotten. Death, grief, fear, pain, panic, a delicious food item... and an ensuing life and death battle just outside. Lunch couldn't get much closer to perfect.
"Your advice is appreciated woman-of-the-spear. However, the Queen of Italy kneels down to no one. Your view of the records may very well be true, but I assure you, that in each and every bout, I fought the man tooth-and-nail till the very end. Never give up, Sin. You had best remember that." With a well-executed about-face turn, the Lady of Ice shuddered remembering past sight of the ghoulish beast being struck down. They were entities seemingly from another world; the thing was unlike anything she had ever seen over the course of her many lives. If they were going to do this, they would have to bolster their ranks and trust one another. The second might end up being an issue, but with the sound of screaming and sirens dancing to her ears, the first would be no problem at all. @Wiggle

The Queen Of Venice Steps In


Using the flat of her blade to deflect the bone-encrusted strike upwards, Bon Setti's knees nearly buckled at the sheer force thrown behind the sweeping blow.
"Damnit Letha," she growled. "You don't play around do you?" Yet there was no time for talk, coming around the back of the horseman was an un-dead beast mirroring its master's attack. The timing was truly impeccable....but so was Sarah's technique.

Leaping forward while slamming her blade's tip into the ground, the swordsman catapulted high into the air, spinning towards the re-animated interloper in tight curls with sword extended.
"Now," she breathed, breaking rotation, and cleaving the monster form clean in two with a downward strike. "Beautiful. Dead Zone." In a twinkling, the corpse's two halves froze solid, falling to the floor covered with a thick layer of frost.

"Letha!" Sarah called. "Sate your blood-lust by other means. This fight is over." @Fenn

To the fiery man on horseback, the warrior continued.
"And you. You're bleeding all over yourself, Sin. You give this woman too much time. You have so many openings. Your control over fire is fearsome, yes. However, until you learn how to survey a battle, you will remain out-classed against someone like her. Sheer strength will not work. You must think. But that is not why I'm here...I have a message from the king for both of you. We are joining forces." @HawkBlood
Abigael watched Sarah take her leave, the last words she offered echoed in Abbi's head.

"Never give up...."

The words weren't deep at all, nor did they hide a meaning. But they meant something to Abigael, and a memory flashed across her mind's eye.

"Never give up, Abbi." Said a man's voice.

The voice held a short of wisdom that was only gained by years of experience, years of being knocked down, only to get back up on one's feet. Abigael opened her eyes and stared up at the pale blue expanse above her. It was a clear day, nary a cloud in sight, and the morning sun shone brightly. Abigael lifted her head and looked up at the grizzled old man. His salt and pepper colored beard was huge, bushy, and in desperate need of a trim, and his bright blue eyes held a confidence that only a lifetime of combat would bring. He beckoned for her to stand, and once she did, lowered his practice spear at her.

"Your Lord Father says if you wish to learn the spear, then you'll learn it right." He said. "Again!"

He thrust the dulled spear at her, and the memory faded from sight.

Abigael blinked a few times, realizing she wasn't there anymore. She wasn't in the place from long ago, but here now, fighting against a bunch of Sins for no reason. The alliance sounded like a good idea, and for some reason, Abbi had the feeling that they would need each other much sooner than expected. More inhumanly screams were heard and suddenly they were surrounded by the shadowy apparitions. There were much more than just one, and they were all outnumbered at least three to one.

"Ice Queen!" Abigael yelled, trying to alert the others, just in case they hadn't noticed.


Siegfried had been standing there, watching the exchange between Sarah and the other two sins when the same screams from before tore him from his thoughts. He glanced around and noticed that they were surrounded by the shadowy enforcers, exactly the same as the one that came from Thomas, albeit with different weapons. Things were starting to get really strange now, and Siegfried didn't like it.

"Ice Queen!" He heard the spearwoman call out.

He looked over towards her, and she was already in a defensive position, prepared to strike. But she needed backup, as there was no way she'd survive against the beasts on her own.

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