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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

Hell yeah! lets do a transition soon! Sorry if this is a bit of a late post, was watching Supernatural with two of my friends, girls, who are nuts about it.

@Lana Valentine

Sheeet some females are gonna be left out in the shipping wars. Better make a move soon! >:3
[QUOTE="Clockwork Syringe]I guess you blew that out of perspective huh? ((don't hate me please D:))

Blew wha- Oh...
[QUOTE="Clockwork Syringe]WAIT A MINUTE! you know what we need? A world map graphic!

*pat pat pat*
[QUOTE="Clockwork Syringe]Cannot tell if that's sarcasm or not.

That, was randomness. But in actuality, I was thinking about drawing up some kind of map.
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]That, was randomness. But in actuality, I was thinking about drawing up some kind of map.

as I type this, I'm sketching out a map of the world.
I'm pretty much ready for a transition after this final post of mine. So uh, get ready I guess.
Welp xD If we transition tonight (night for me) then I'll have to post when I get home x.x Whenever that might be.. *sigh.* .-. Sorry T^T
Just about the only thing that makes me want to transition right now is the fact that EXP is in a different time zone..

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