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A Galaxy To Conquer

Axel The Englishman

The Holy Crusader

The Story:

Welcome to the Grand Reef, a (fictional) galactic manifestation located approximately 45,270,000 light years from the Milky Way. The Grand Reef speaks for itself: a lush and rich galaxy that can offer many valuable resources around the corner. This cluster of planets and stars homes a variety of extraterrestrial species, from the perfect speaker to the perfect killer. Some choose to plunder the resources of other species whilst others unite to advance their species. But you? That's a decision that you must make.

The Rules:

  1. No forms of racial, sexual, gender of religious discrimination are permitted to take place.
  2. Before one declares war on another faction, they must receive permission from them to do so.
  3. The result of a battle depends on the outcome of a dice. No take backs.
  4. Species and militaries cannot be perfect in every aspect, nor can they be invincible.
  5. Militaries will start off with 1,000,000 conscripts and the workforce will start off with 5,000,000 able bodies. It is up to you to assign them.
  6. Factions will start off with 2,500,000 of every basic resource.
  7. If a faction fails to reply during an IRL week, the game will continue without their actions.

Important notes:

  • Basic resources consist of Metal, Food, Alloys, Chemical Substances and Electrical Materials.
  • A member of the workforce produces 5 of the material they have been assigned to produce per week.
  • The population consumes 1 piece of food per head per week. If there isn't enough food for the population, a number of the populace will begin to die.
  • To build any form of structure, you will require construction workers.
  • 1 colony can house up to 1,000,000 million of the populace. You will start off with the required amount (ten in total, for the populace soon to come).
  • Every week, 1% of your existing population will be added.
  • 1 post equals 1 in-game week. Per post you are capable of performing 10 actions (e.g. assigning people to the workforce, building up your military, etc).
  • A battle's outcome is decided by dice. The dice used will be based on the amount of manpower/firepower proposed by each side. Each faction must roll to decide the outcome. Who ever gets the highest outcome wins. The smaller the gap between each dice roll, the greater amount of casualties the victor suffers.

The Crafting:

The following list contains information on how to create specific resources and items:

  • To create metal, you will require 1 miner.
  • To create food, you will require 1 farmer.
  • To create alloys, you will require 2 metals.
  • To create chemical substances, you will require 1 chemist.
  • To create electrical materials, you will require 1 electrical engineer.
  • To create 1 colony, you will require 5,000,000 alloys and 2,000,000 electrical materials.

If you have any questions on how to play, inform me and I will hopefully reply.
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Week One:

Overview: Everything is completely normal on the surface of Jaliciu. The citizens carry out their daily scheduled activities and continue to remain united in ethics and values. The Royal Armed Service protect the planet from those who wish to bring chaos to the order the Kaija people have managed to establish. Recently, a species of humanoids have been discovered in a nearby system, known as the Wolfren. Military communication officers relay a message between the systems requesting a conference to establish peace between these species, as to avoid any unnecessary outcomes.


  • Civilian Occupation Assignments - 2,000,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as Famers. 1,000,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as Miners. 1,000,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as Chemists. 1,000,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as Electrical Engineers.
  • Military Branch Assignments - 300,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Army. 150,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Navy. 150,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Flight Core. 300,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Mechanical Warfare Core. 100,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Guard.
  • Vehicle Production - 25 Main Battle Tanks are produced (500,000 Alloys and 250,000 Electrical Materials consumed). 100 Fighters are produced (500,000 Alloys and 250,000 Electrical Materials consumed). 100 Dropships are produced (250,000 Alloys and 125,000 and Electrical Materials consumed). 20 Corvettes are produced (400,000 Alloys and 200,000 Electrical Materials are consumed).
  • Unit Production - 50,000 Royal Infantryman are produced (500,000 Alloys and 250,000 Electrical Materials consumed).
  • Galactic Diplomacy - Kaija military communication officers relay a message to the Wolfren requesting a conference.
Overview: The people of Restin prepare to venture out into the unknown galaxy, but a strange message that is believed to be sent from another world provides evidence that maybe a strong military may be required out there in the unknown. The leader of the Wolfren has sent a message to contact this alien species.


- Civilian Assignments:

30% of Wolfren are farmers (1,500,000 at the moment)

10% of Wolfren are electrical engineers (500,000 at the moment)

40% of Wolfren are miners (2,00,000 at the moment)

20% of Wolfren are chemists (1,000,000 at the moment)

-Military Assignments:

34% of Wolfren are assigned to the Argument (Army)

33% of Wolfren are assigned to the Ferilment (Space Fleet)

33% of Wolfren are assigned to the Suwament (Navy)

-Mechanical production:

20 main battle tanks are produced (150,000 alloy and 75,000 electronics)

5 super heavy battle tanks are produced (75,000 alloy and 37,500 electronics)

10 ARCs are produced (25,000 alloy and 12,500 electronics)

10 Raw-Class mechs are produced (50,000 alloy and 25,000 electronics)

1 sonata class is produced (5,000 alloy and 2,500 electronics)

2 Deviant class are produced (50,000 alloy and 25,000 electronics)

5 U-class are produced (75,000 alloy and 27,500 electronics)

10 S-class are produced (50,000 alloy and 25,000 electronics)

1 AIV KH-1 is produced (10,000 alloy and 5,000 electronics)

10 X-class are produced (50,000 alloy and 25,000 electronics)

-Unit production:

25,000 Wolfensteins are recruited (250,000 alloy and 125,000 electronics)

4,000 royal Guards and recruited (200,000 alloy and 100,000 electronics)

-Galactic Diplomacy

Flame Feather, our glorious leader, accepts the conference with the Kaija.

-left over resources:

10,000 alloy and 5,000 electronics get stored in the royal warehouse.

2.5 million foods are stored in the royal warehouse. "no need to get fat, eat what you need!" - quoted from glorious leader Flame Feather

(Note: I forgot to follow the page, which is reason why I didn't respond quickly)

Week Two:

Overview: The existing ships of the Kaija Royal Navy prepare themselves to travel across the stars in an attempt to colonise planets and discover new life. The Kaija Lord Legates and His Majesty prepare to hold a conference between the Empire and the newly-discovered Wolfren species.


  • Civilian Occupation Assignment - 20,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as farmers. 20,000 of the civilian population are assigned to work as Miners.
  • 20,000 of the military population are assigned as members of the Royal Navy.
  • Vehicle Production - 2 Dreadnaughts are produced (2,000,000 Alloys and 1,000,000 Electrical Materials consumed).
  • Galactic Diplomacy - The Kaija Galactic Affairs Council schedule the conference to be held during next week.

Overview: Flame Feather, our glorious leader, plans a space convoy to meet up with the Kaija. To make sure our glorious leader cannot be harmed on the alien planet, specially designed space suits are mandatory, and 1,000 Royal Guards protect the leader on and off the planet.

Civilian assignments

-The new 1% of eligible workers are put as farmers.

Military assignments

-1,000 elite personnel are put in station to protect the glorious leader.

-1 AIV KH-1 is to transport the glorious leader and his protectors to the Kaija's home planet. 10 X-class will be stationed in the hanger just in case a space battle were to start up.

Mechanical Production

-same as last week

Unit recruitment

-same as last week

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