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Fantasy A Fantasy Pirate life is for me


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Set in the golden age of Piracy of the 1800s but with a twist, this version has magic, powers and supernatural beings.

Rules and Paths | Character Sign-up | OOC

In an alternate dimension where supernaturals and humans lived together as equals, the Golden Age of Piracy promises to be one to to remember!
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Chapter 1
The port town of Tortuga, Cuba is a bustling town full of mercenaries, pirates, bounty hunters and merchants alike. Our faithful characters start off in the tavern. A British Navyman approaches one of them, who he assumes to be a freelancer ( _Exodus_ _Exodus_ ), "I have a job for you. You interested?" The man talked with a light British accent, the way he was dressed, he would be undercovered so it would be hard to pinpoint his allegiance.

Being a tavern, there was glass throwing and bar fighting and shouting and arguing. Never was a quiet moment in the bar.
Mentions: _Exodus_ _Exodus_ hitman654 hitman654 NeoGlorian NeoGlorian
Interactions: _Exodus_ _Exodus_

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