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Fantasy A Fantasy Pirate life is for me - Paths/Rules


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
As with all tales, the path of the hero is the one often the one less traveled.


Path of Merchant - You are a traveling merchant, a salesperson. You've seen a lot. You also like to travel with moderate weaponry/powers. You like to inquire, gain knowledge, as a merchant you prefer the brains over brawn route.

Path of the Pirate - Yarr!! You're a swashbuckler! You travel the seas stealing, looting and finding treasure. You are a heavily armed pirate who prefers to fight first, ask question later.

Path of the Freelancer - You drift from port to port looking for small jobs and being hired for transportation or trading. As a Freelancer you prefer to keep and equal amount of weapons and wits.

Path of the Bounty Hunter - You are a hired gun to hunt bounties, mainly they are pirates. As a Bounty Hunter you keep a plethra of weapons at your side, including a warship.


1. Limit of (TWO) character(s) per person.
2. You may be any race/species.
3. Follow basic RPN guidelines.
4. Keeps OOC drama to a minimum. Take it to PM if needed.
5. Try and have fun.
6. No godmodding/mary sues/gary stues.

Character Sign-up | OOC | IC
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_Exodus_ _Exodus_ I like the enthusiasm, but I am making the Character Sign-up now. Please be patient.

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