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Fantasy A Dragon and a Ranger

Northern Ranger

New Member
Aremir walked slowly and cautiously into the rowdy inn, ducking his head to keep his face concealed. The rickety, rotting wooden floor gave way and creaked under his feet, and his cloak swept through the arching doorway with the wind, as if it were in a hurry. As he swiftly closed the door and stepped to his right, the darkly clad stranger surveyed the inn. The gaggle of patrons was too loud, and he, too silent, for anyone to pay him much notice. His eyes glinted from under his hood, strands of dark, wavy hair falling infront of his face. His eyes narrowed like a hawks, and his head cocked to the side like a blood hound. Quietly, yet with sudden speed, he shifted his way through the guests, weaving a trail that went unnoticed, and was just as quickly covered with leather boots and the merriment of drink.

He arrived at a table in the back corner holding a young man, and an even younger woman, though her eyes seemed aged with weariness. He bowed ever so slightly as he dropped his hood, revealing wavy dark hair, cropped messily at shoulder length, framing a shockingly pale face with twinkling eyes of onyx. "Hunter." He greeted. A life spent mostly in the silence of lonesome travel had taken it's toll on Aremir, and his voice was low, and scratchy with disuse. "And my fair lady. Well met." he cocked his head as if wanting to ask a question, before taking a seat.
"I just don't understand why it has to be here of all places."

The nearly silently muttered statement that ushered from Amaris's lips didn't fall deftly onto Hunter's ears as he swiftly ushered the small shifter towards the mildly unkept and ancient inn. The wooden building groaned against the wind that persisted on this slightly chilly and clear night, the nearly full moon casting the barren scenery around them with a luminescent glow. Such a sight would be almost beautiful in the girl's eyes, had their destination not been the very source of her slightly nervous discomfort. "Amaris, ever since I briefly mentioned this place you have been out of your wits. Is there something your not telling me?" He questions with a skeptical side glance of his ice cold gaze, yet his expression held that of helpless amusement, hinting that he most likely knew the answer.

"Not exactly." Amaris answered, fighting back the slight laugh in her voice and the sheepish grin that threatened to follow as the pair closed in on the inn's entrance. 'Its not like I recently got into a rather heated fight with a few drunk men at this very establishment a few nights ago,' she thought to herself. She had entered the slightly unattractive place with the hope of some warm food, clean water, and a bit of peace and quiet after a long day at work. Instead she was greeted with the annoying catcalls and gross advances of a few intoxicated men in desperate need of a shower. It was when a clear and polite refusal was answered with a fist griping the front of her shirt until she was nearly off the ground, that she chose to retaliate by feeding the greedy men their teeth. This wasn't without consequence however, her sides and legs still aching with the bruises that littered their frame; a small sting towards her right torso a reminder of the bandaged knife wound that would soon be needing more tending. She supposed there was almost little point in hiding the matter, the acrid smell of blood would have no doubted reached the man's sensitive nostrils by now. This didn't deter her from trying the very least, as she placed a small hand onto the frame of the door that separated them from what lay inside. "I just think this place is a little downtrodden for meeting the very man that you claim will be practically throwing his life away for some girls' silly little conflict of birth." Amaris defended, a sudden distant look in her eyes.

That, the very least, had been true. She knew what was at stake with a journey such as this. Her destination stood nearly to the other side of the world, far from the known kingdoms she had temporarily called her home. The last thing she wanted was for another innocent life to be involved, much less a man who probably had far better things to do in his life than defend and babysit a young women such as herself. She had argued for hours when her friend made the proposal, but there was little she could do to disuade his mind any further. The contract had already been payed, no turning back.

"I hired this man for a reason." Hunter reassured with a comforting squeeze of her shoulder. "He does this sort of thing for a living and has gained quite the reputation over the years. No one else could be more suited for the task, and Amaris...you know as well as I do that you often lose yourself on nights of a full moon. I'd be terrified if you were out there on your own in that state." He spoke pointingly through narrowed eyes. "Please, I know you don't approve of my actions, but please, at least meet the man and hear him out. He will take care of you until you get there." Hunter finished with a single pat to her shoulder before swinging the rusted door open and stepping into the noisy abode.

Amaris could do nothing more than give a sigh of defeat before following the man inside, eyes squinting against the sudden burst of light.

The sights, sounds, and smells that greeted the young dragon shifter were just as appalling as the last time she set foot here. The sounds of careless laughter and playful banter, mixed with the smell of alcohol, piss, and sweat made her stomach churn as she fought to wrinkle her nose with distaste to avoid the offense. The dragonoid waited as Hunter scanned the interior before making his way to a small and slightly excluded table towards the back, evident that their guest had yet to arrive. She was about to make her way towards him when a certain individual caught her eye. There was no mistaking the dark green tinged skin and fresh scab that adorned the being's back, grey stained shirt doing little to hide the recent wound as he tilted back to gulp down another drink. The timing as the older orc suddenly met her gaze was almost comic perfection, as his once bored face twisted to that of surprise and anger, the harsh slam of his cup onto the bar counter loud enough to nearly make the girl jump.

"You again!" He growled while turning his burly form towards her standing point, muscles taught and ready to pounce at any moment. "You've got some nerve showing your face here after what you did to me and my comrades." He spoke gruffly while gesturing to the still healing wound towards his backside, elongated fangs bared in a snarl.

"What?" Amaris questioned in amusement, a smirk becoming evident on her face, "If anything, it appears to be an improvement." she stated simply while bringing her left foot back into a soft paw stance, form ready to fight at a moment's notice.

Whatever action the angered orc had planned next was interrupted as Hunter swiftly made his was between the two, eyes glaring challengingly towards the indecent individual as he placed a protective hand on the girl's upper back, remaining hand lingering towards the small sword he adorned at his side. The older orc, seeing that he was clearly outnumbered and a bit too fuzzy headed to fully deal with the new conflict at hand, merely spat to the floor at their feet before begrudgingly turning away from the two; grumbling incoherent indecencies. Amaris smiled in triumph while promptly flipping the orc off as she was dragged by the back of her shirt to Hunter's claimed resting point, face fallen in annoyance as he forced her into a chair before collapsing into one himself.

"Someone has some flair tonight." He stated with a small sigh, deciding not to confront her on the matter. "You need to exercise more caution."

"You're one to talk." she laughed with amusement while playfully jabbing the man's most recent bruise that blossomed upon his upper left tricep, most likely from a heated dispute with a coworker. "You act like it isn't in our nature or something." The unamused glair that followed forced the dark haired female to give a small sigh before easing into the wooden furniture.

"I can take care of myself, Hunter." Amaris assured with a small yet sad smile. "I'm not the same dragonling you tore out of that burning hut all those years ago."

Such a statement, normally one spoken with lighthearted amusement, instead weighed heavily upon the pair as the situation once again dawned on them. This would perhaps be the last time she would see her lifelong companion, such a thought making the shifters heart wrench.

Hunter gave a heavy sigh, eyes glazing as he stared distantly towards the wooden table his hands rested upon before once again meeting her eyes. "Amaris...listen I-"

Whatever statement her friend had intended to make was suddenly cut off at the arrival of a cloaked male that glided through the crowd of humans almost as if he consisted of the wind itself. It didn't take the newcomer long to make his way to their station, cold onyx eyes gazing at the pair in calculation before bowing in respect. "Hunter." he greeted though a worn rasp.

Amaris blinked towards him with interest as he turned and also responded in kind towards her presence as well, promptly removing his hood before seating himself across from the two. His dark hair and pale face was an almost pleasantly sharp contrast that briefly reminded the shifter of her clanmates before the catastrophe nearly wiped them into extinction. Despite his worn appearance, the ranger smelt clean and of the very earth itself, something she found herself grateful for when forced to ignore the sour scents of other humans that roamed the inn.

"It is good to see you, Aremir." Hunter acknowledged with a small nod of his head, eyes warm and inviting before placing a large hand on Amaris's shoulder. "This is Amaris, my friend I told you about."

The shifter cast a small questioning glance toward her friend at his statement.

Did he really tell him what she, what they, were?

She nearly scoffed at herself for her own stupidity. Of course he did, for such withheld information would defeat the entire purpose of his being here. That being said, his acceptance of the matter hit her with surprise. So used was she to the cold and unforgiving nature of humans that seeing one not wishing to lash out at her for simply existing was something she wasn't used to.

'Maybe I'll like him after all,' she thought with relief as she allowed her form to finally relax a bit. The tension and weariness of the entire trip was a heavy weight on her shoulders, and seeing this man before her, she could instantly see what made her brother trust him so much. His simple acceptance of those around him, and the determination of accomplishing his mission.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Amaris finally greeted with a warm smile while holding out a small hand to shake. "My friend has spoken of high appraisal towards your endevors, I hope your journey here wasn't a long or painful one."
Aremir watched carefully as the girl appraised him, but his attention was quickly drawn to her companion as he was addressed. The man had seemed friendly upon their scattered meetings, and his outgoing and kind nature made up for Aremir's own lack of social ability. Although he hardly knew him, he felt inclined towards the man, and was more than happy to accept the job. In fact, he felt glad that he had been passing through a nearby town in time to be contacted. Giving Hunter a small smile, he tried his best (and half-succeeded) at not jumping when a large hand was laid on his shoulder.

He watched as the girl -Amaris, he reminded himself- shot a questioning look towards her friend. Briefly and vainly, he entertained the thought that she was surprised by him, either in manners or appearance, but quickly dismissed it. It was probably something else, and even if it wasn't he had no way of knowing. He watched her still as she turned her gaze towards back towards him.

She seemed to relax, which was a great comfort. If she is not worried, and Hunter is not worried, then why should I be tense? There was something about these people which seemed naturally compelling. Perhaps it was knowing that they, like him, were outsiders to human society- at least in part. But they are hardly outsiders by choice. That's why you're here, isn't it? He reminded himself. Do not assume they view you as their equal. You are as much a stranger to them as any other human in this inn.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Amaris spoke kindly, with a smile on her face. Despite his earlier thoughts, he could not help feeling welcomed. And why shouldn't I? we're going to be spending some time together, after all. "My friend has spoken of high appraisal towards your endeavors, I hope your journey here wasn't a long or painful one." Aremir watched her as she spoke, looking for truth in her words.

After a small pause, he realized he had been ignoring her.

His eyes widened as he remembered himself, quickly making to shake her hand. "Yes. Sorry." he rasped awkwardly, withdrawing back into himself. His hands, now useless, fidgeted at the edge of the table as he crossed his ankles, leaning forwards as he tensed slightly. "The journey was fine. Short. I can only thank Hunter for his kind words..." he searched for something to say.

"If there is any journey you should be worried about, it would be our upcoming one." As his mouth felt the words out, they already felt like the wrong thing to say. Wincing internally, he shrugged, trying to convey that he meant only to joke, and not to come off as a defensive paranoid, but that was a hard thing to convey in a shrug. Well, it's not like you've insulted her entire lineage, or broken ancient tradition or some such. He figured. There have been worse first impressions- in fact, this wasn't even his worst first impression. Kind and warm was just not his thing.

Perhaps, though, he should focus on getting through the rest of the meeting before making any assumptions on how well he was doing. It can always get worse.
The expectedly calloused hands that were felt upon the ranger's...no Aremir's...slightly hesitant compliance towards her open socialization struck Amaris with a pang of sympathy. She could practically feel the man's discomfort coming off in waves despite his walled off exterior, his response coming off as dismissive, defensive even. And yet there was something warm about the way he held his gaze, eyes shining briefly with what the girl could only describe as...forced amusement? It didn't take much to for understanding to dawn with the young shifter's mind as she let out a small laugh and a pleased smile.

"I suppose you are right about that, silly me for forgetting" she joked, smile still adorning her face as she gazed once more at the older man. The way in which he handled himself in a social situation was almost comically similar to how Hunter had started out when they had first interacted with one another. The man's large and sturdy build mixed with intimidating features brought the poor boy to be a perceived cold blooded fighter, when in actuality he was simply a kind hearted and easy going individual with a desire to reason things out rather than start conflict. Such a thought nearly made her chuckle, the two of them couldn't be more opposed in terms of nature. If he was water, calm and serene yet resilient; she was fire, shining and proud, unafraid to challenge those that stand in her path with a blazing fury. And now, seeing this ranger sitting before her, she could almost compare the two men as if they were the same being.

'All the more reason to get this poor man out of such a surprisingly crowded establishment, being social probably isn't his thing.'

"All jests aside, I can't express how much this means to me on your willingness to take on such a harsh request." Amaris continued almost apologetically. "I promise I wont be a burden to you."

"Oh that's enough." Hunter interjected with amusement, an easy smile now resting on the gruff man's face as he playfully threw an arm around her shoulders. "If it was too much trouble, he wouldn't be here, now would he." Blinking gratefully towards the ranger, the blonde shifter carefully reached around his chair to grab hold a small brown pack of belongings, a dark cloak bulging persistently from the wrappings. "I've packed some of her basics, but you should find that she is phenomenal towards surviving in the wilderness, no perishables needed aside from a few spare pouches should water becomes scarce. He stated while holding the bag out towards Aremir expectantly before being swiftly snatched into Amaris's persistent grasp. "He's not a packing mule." She scoffed with a role of her eyes, playfully jabbing Hunter in the ribs with her elbow in a mock attempt at irritation. "I can carry my own weight just fine, no need to add any to his plate that he doesn't already have."

Amaris gave an apologetic glance towards the ranger before glancing inside the bag's contents to assess what she had to work with. The vast majority of the pack consisted of a few spare pieces of clothing, her usual brown pants and sleeveless tops. Such an attire, something that always confused the young dragonoid, would often be a topic of great offense and outrage. However, due to her pairing of the usual bracers she wore as protection within her medical practice, most turned a blind eye towards her choice of clothing. The rest consisted of a pouch of spare coin, empty water vials, some non perishable food when needed, and of course her black cloak to which she was grateful that Hunter remembered. Would be most unfortunate to shift into her dragon form without having something to cover up with whenever she chose to change back, would it not?

Hunter in turn gave a small shrug of amusement before reaching into his pocket to reveal a handful of silver coins. "Now that we have become aquainted with each other, why don't you go buy us some drinks. Any spare change is yours to spend on whatever food you would like for the night." He offered while passing the currency over into the smaller women's hands, her eyes practically gleaming with excitement at the promise of a warm meal. "Coming right up!" She stated proudly before climbing out of her seat to make her way to the nearest bar tender.

With his young companion now out of earshot, Hunter turned his now concerned and serious gaze over towards Aremir's motionless form, expression downcast. "Now, I need you to remember to keep her away from cities on nights of the full moon. She often loses control of her instincts during this time, shifting is often irregular, and her actions are sometimes subconscious." he reminded with a sigh, fingers pressing wearily into the corners of his eyes. "She's gotten better at controlling it, but in the meantime...better safe than sorry. Also..." he continued, eyes now suddenly averting the man's stare. "Despite her seemingly easy going personality, she has a knack for finding trouble. Don't let her vanish from your sight for too long, by then she would have started 3 fights and the destruction of a small village." he stated with a chuckle, slight sarcasm doing nothing to hide the small truth to his words. "And Aremir..." He finished, suddenly leaning forwards to grasp the man's wrist with a soft yet sturdy grip, eyes glazed with the helpless worry, fear, and sadness he had fought the whole journey here for the sake of his lifelong friend. "Please...take care of her...make sure she gets out of this alive...both of you. Because here soon, she will be all that remains of our moon blooded kind." He warned shakily through a misty gaze, eyes turning to focus on Amaris's slowly returning form, arms filled with two alcoholic beverages and a large steaming plate of meat, potatoes, and a few grilled leaks to the side.

Amaris eagerly set her large haul carefully onto the table, sliding the tankers of ale towards the two men before placing the large platter in the middle of the furniture like a proud centerpiece and digging in. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got as much of a variety as I could." the shifter stated proudly while sliding the plate in the ranger's direction, smiling all the way before taking a large bite out of the leg of lamb she held possessively within her grasp. By her side, unbeknownst to the girl, Hunter took a huge swig of his burning liquid, eyes distant and and forlorn.
Aremir had felt relaxation return to him as Amaris and Hunter bantered back and forth, content to let them do the talking for him, and grateful that his oddly defensive remark had been taken in stride. Leaning back into his seat, he let his hands drop to his knees- his eyes still took in the scene, but no longer did he size his companions up or wonder what they thought of him. The Dragonoid had seemed so easy-going, and forgiving of his awkward nature, that his small smile became a bit more genuine.

He glanced around the tavern, wondering how any of these people could possibly be so cruel as to drive out such a warm personality- a healer, even- for something as idiotic as race. Growing up in the Jhaarok tundra, there were people scattered few and thin throughout the mountains; the only requirements being that you had to know how to survive, and, more than likely, you were forced to live in the cold isolation for some reason or another. The only natives were those born in the small villages that lost wanderers had formed against the icy coastlines, and, of course, the rangers themselves. As such, there were varying races and even hybrids; Elven outlaws who had no where else to hide mixed with Orcish rebels, who traveled to the closest border from the kingdom of their people. Up north, dwarven hermits sheltered in caves, and the hybrid ice fishers dwelling under them would occasionally be visited by friendly Naga who enjoyed the company.

If the tundra wasn't an almost uninhabitable hell-scape of ice, rock, and storm where nearly everyone hated both their lives and each other, it might've been a cornerstone land of diversity.

Still, Dragonoids were rare, even in the tundra. These were certainly the first Aremir had met, or even heard of. As Amaris was passed the coin, his delight at the prospect of a free warm meal which he didn't have to hunt was almost -almost- swallowed by a sudden suspicion of those around him, as he watched her disappear into the crowd.

Suddenly, though, Hunter's intense gaze was on him, far different from the happy, welcoming twinkle it had been before. Aremir listened intently as he was given and reminded of various directions, and found himself glad that the full moon was not yet on the horizon. He was struck with the realization that witnessing a Dragonoid's transformation would not be the most pleasant of experiences.

Hunter grabbed his wrist (this time, though, Aremir didn't flinch in surprise, as if the moment would shatter like glass at his slightest start) and stared at him with a sadness that seemed to pierce through to his soul. He was struck with a sudden sympathy for the pair's loss, and wished he had some sort of ability to lend comfort to the man. Or Amaris, for that matter- parting with home and family couldn't be much easier for her, if not harder. Left with a rather foreboding message of the importance of his mission and his charge's safety, he was shocked when Amaris made a sudden return. It was as if, lost in the moment, he had forgotten she was there. He nodded gratefully towards her, but suddenly the promise of food didn't seem as appealing.

Still, he lifted the jug of ale towards Amaris, trying to school his features into a grateful smile before taking a much needed drink. He wondered, briefly, how Hunter managed to hide his true emotions so well. Knowing it would be stupid not to accept free food before starting a long journey, nerves or not, he picked up a sandwich with something he assumed was pork and began eating- still, he could not conjure any of his usual ravenous hunger after making a trip to a new town.

"Perhaps it would not be prudent to discuss all the finer details of our journey at this moment..." he began after a pause, sending a suspicious glance at the tavern around them, a sharp burst of anger at the cities prejudice suddenly assaulting him, "But I thought I should let you know my thoughts on the route of our journey before beginning."

"While I may consider myself well traveled, I will not be so vain as to claim I've been from the east end of the world to the west before. The far western lands are as much of a mystery to me as they are to most, and finding this... haven of which you speak may be difficult. But that is a problem to be solved far later. As of now, we are in lands I know well, and I see two possible routes. Firstly, we could travel in the south-west, travelling through both wilderness and towns. This, to me, seems to be the safest route. However, if you would like to avoid prying eyes..." he gestured vaguely, "We could travel west, directly through the forests and Spine of Mountains. We would cross few establishments, and these would be the towns of Wood Elves and hermits."

"Of course, we could also travel to the north-western paths," he mused, his tone amused, "Through Orc country, along the borders of their war with the High Elves. I would recommend this path if you want the most dangerous possible journey, which will surely get us both murdered or enslaved." He said dryly, a small smile not leaving his face as he drummed his fingers on the table as if thoughtful. "Tell me, then; which path do you think best? It is your journey, after all. I am only a guide."
The final option of which was made clear towards Amaris's lists of choices was almost laughable, she could nearly feel Hunter's pointing stare shooting daggers in her direction. Throwing her in the mix of beings who's instinctive nature was just as fiery, if not more, as hers would not end beneficiary towards their desired purpose in the mission. Her sulfur stained nails traces small patterns into the worn wood of their table, eyes blinking innocently before swallowing another mouthful of grilled meat. "I suppose that narrows it down to two options." she stated dismissively with a smirk. She and orcs never seemed to get along, the two battle starved creatures of nature often clashing at the result of a mere glance in the other's direction. Not that she wanted to always start a fight, there was just something about their often rude and boastful attitude that send the dragonoid's blood into a boil, desire burning to put the dominative race into their place. She didn't understand how her friend could possibly stand, much less work with the meat heads.

"The safer route wouldn't be a bad idea." Hunter offered passively as he took another swig from his tanker of ale, upper body leaning back comfortably in his chair. "Towns are scattered enough to prevent from too much trouble, but enough to where supplies wouldn't become much of an issue when you need to restock."

Amaris offered the man's idea a small amount of consideration before blinking with disregard. In her opinion, the less they encountered human civilization, the better; considering that it was their species that was the very cause of the current situation the three found themselves in. Not that she truly had anything against them, got along very well within their society as a matter of face, her choice in becoming a healer proof of that. But with what was at stake, and the rise of dragon hunters increasing in numbers by day, the thought was just as unappealing as taking it with the orcs.

"Nope!" the dragonoid concluded in mock cheer while snatching the large metal mug from her companions hand, eyes gazing with disinterest towards the foul smelling beverage before quickly downing the remaining mixture in one go. Instantly the urge to retch made Amaris's mouth tighten in a grimace, the pleasant burn that traveled down her chest doing little to appease her distaste. Coughing once and wiping the small droplet that cling persistently to the corner of her mouth with her left wrist, the girl returned the now empty cup back towards Hunter's still outstretched hand. "I say we go west, avoid as much conflict as possible. Yes we will be facing the vast wilderness and whatever unknown conflict that may be lurking within, but I say it is our best bet given the circumstances...how the hell do you guys drink this stuff?!" She exclaimed in mock disbelief once her choice had been made, eyes staring almost hatefully towards the tanker while Hunter experimented its empty contents, eyes almost depressed at being denied another drink.

"I suppose that's it then." Hunter concluded in amusement as he watching Amaris eagerly take a bite into a slice of the baked potato that cooled on the warm platter, hopeful that the starchy vegetable would absorb the foul after taste that remained onto her dying taste buds. "You'll travel west, avoid as much human confrontation as possible. That is assuming the wood elves and dwarves are as peaceful as they sound." He finalized with a hopeful glance in Aremir's direction. His eyes flitted cautiously towards the nearest window, analyzing the amount of time that has passed before giving a small sigh and leaning back, the ache within the man's being hindering his once brewing appetite.

"Any questions before you set out?" Hunter direction towards the shifter, small frame leaning back contently with her stomach finally full from the pleasant meal.

She simply shook her head before giving the ranger a small, welcoming smile, now content with the mission that has layed itself out before the new pair. "I suppose we will be departing soon, then..." she stated sadly, eyes shining briefly with before it was dissuaded with a determined shake of her head. The girl wasn't blind, she knew something was up, something that her dear friend had been hiding from her.

'Will this be the last time I see you?' she questioned internally, unable to verbally express the very words that hung over her heart like a heavy chain. Each day he had returned a little worn and battered than the last, preparing for something unknown to her, but she wasn't stupid. His service as this city lord's guard came with a price, and with the rise of a clashing kingdom to the north; it was only a matter of time before he was sent out to die for the very race that had become the downfall of all they were. She bowed her head and closed her eyes tightly, knowing that Hunter would not want his last moments to be spent with her filled with tears of sadness and heartbreak. She owed the man her life, and she will forever be grateful for his care towards her all these years.

"Please be careful..." she stated heavily, hand coming to rest on the burly man's shoulder while staring at him with a gaze that could only be described as knowing concern. "And if you should be able, please tell me you'll try to make the journey yourself." she knew this last comment was a foolish one. This man wasn't coming back, if he survived this brewing war that stirred within the city they had made their home, he would still be forced to live out the rest of his youth in service to the people.

Hunter simply smiled at his companion before embracing her for a final time. "I will." He insisted anyways. "And please..." He directed towards Aremir's waiting form. "Take care of her."
Aremir nodded sharply, mumbling out a low "Of course." He had the distinct impression that he was intruding somewhere he should not, as he watched their touching goodbyes. He didn't want to be the one to break the pair apart one final time, but the back of his mind reminded him that lingering here any longer would simply be a waste of daylight.

He considered the path before them. Wood Elves were generally welcoming enough to passing rangers, and if Amaris didn't mind stopping by some of the larger coalitions, they might even find shelter. Yvoweir, that would be the largest civilization they came across- the holy city of the Wood Elves. They had always been kind to the odd strangers who crossed their path, but that was before the brewing war in the north with their cousins.

Glancing out the window, he reminded himself that they were in the thick of autumn. Stopping too much would be a dire mistake- even a ranger didn't want to reach the Spine during the dead of winter. If they weren't delayed too much, (and weren't weighed down by dragging horses through the wilds, he thought, sending a silent thanks to a long forgotten God for the dragonoid's small, light travel pack) they should make decent time and reach the end of the mountains just as winter began. If worst came to worst, they could always pass through the system of dwarven mines and cities, but he did not feel as though he could count on their friendliness like he could of the Wood Elves.

It would be too much to expect the girl to travel as rangers will sometimes travel, even putting aside the fact that Hunter would ring his neck were he to drag her through the wilds sleeping two hours a night and eating as little as possible to stay alive- fast, but back-breaking work. Even he was not inclined to travel in such a manner unless there was need for great haste. All the same, he got the feeling she would be able to handle herself decently enough. Don't judge a book by it's cover. He reminded himself, before almost laughing. Being a lowly nomad without status or home, Aremir was hardly literate, and did not have many other choices for his judgement.

The view from the window reminded him not just of the oncoming winter, but of the sun, slowly stealing away their time for travel. He wanted to be as far away from this town as possible before nightfall, so when it seemed that Amaris and Hunter were done saying their goodbyes, he spoke up. "Right then. Are you ready? We should make for the Eastern gate ask quickly as we can- or perhaps southern, if you feel some townsfolk might be inclined to... follow you out." he asked lowly, hoping he was not coming of as insensitive to the pair's touching goodbyes. Still he shifted in his seat, as if itching to stand.
It was of great strength that Amaris turned her downtrodden gaze towards the clearly impatient ranger with a small smile and nod of understanding towards the gravity of the situation that slowly unfolded itself before the three beings. They were losing precious time, time that was limited, should everything all go according to plan that the two men have most certainly hoped for. Reluctantly pulling herself away from her friend's grasp, the shifter rose from her seat before gesturing towards her grief stricken companion that she was ready. "Lets head towards the southern gate, news of my endeavors and origin travels fast in this small town; better safe than sorry."

Amaris placed a gentle hand upon Hunter's shoulder for a final time, a small signature farewell, his face turned away from the two to make his expression unreadable. His formed remained seated, back hunched over the table, empty tanker still within the soldier's grasp. "I'm...going to finish up here, if you all don't mind." he mumbled lowly, almost as if to himself while hesitantly grabbing for the nearest edible that sat on the now cool platter. Amaris sighed softly, giving the brute another reassuring pat while tugging her small worn travel pack over her shoulder, lip rising in a slight wince as it bounced against her bandaged wound. She made a small note to check on it next time they stopped to rest somewhere before making her way to the ranger's side, blue eyes now shining with determination mixed with a slight spark of excitement towards what was to come. "I'm ready." she stated simply before making her way towards the small building's exit. The small girl couldn't resist the small jab she threw towards the now intoxicated orc's side as she scurried the rest of the way through the aged wooden door, eyes ushering the cloaked man to hurry with a small smirk as the mercenary damn near tumbled out of his stool in a blind attempt to cuff the form that had interrupted his, potentially lack of, thoughts.

The crisp autumn air that blew strongly on the dragonoid's face as she stepped out of the warm inn was met with great ecstasy, royal blue eyes closing briefly as she took in the many scents that now invaded her senses. She allowed her self awareness to return as she heard the ranger joined her to the outside world, her form stepping back slightly with a kind smile in tow.

"It would seem you know this land far better than I, care to lead the way?" she invited through a small gesture of her hand, eager to get this journey started. Amaris had always desired to experience what layed beyond the city's guarded wall, the sense of adventure perverting her thoughts since she was little. Such a desire was often greatly hindered by Hunter's overly protective nature. But now, nothing was stopping her, the suddenly realization filling her form with an almost uncontainable excitement.

"So.." she started as the two began to start their long journey towards an uncertain promise land. "Since we will at no doubt be spending lots of time together...why dont you tell me about yourself sir?" she offered with a friendly laugh, elbow tapping the man's side almost playfully.
He smiled back at her softly, wondering what she wanted to know. He paused to think for only a moment, not wanting to seem like he begrudged her question or let their tentative air of familiarity fall back into awkward silence. "Well..." he began, starting with more basic information, "My clan of rangers lived- well, live, I suppose- they live in the Jhaarok Tundra's. That's where I was raised- but I have not been back in near a decade. I much prefer the mainland." he explained, wincing only at how he stumbled over his words for a moment.

"And what about yourself?" he asked with genuine curiosity. "I know only what Hunter has told me- little more than your name." his words were innocent, but his tone delicate. They both new what he was referring to, of course, but it was probably best not to speak of it out loud, walking down the busy town streets. It was true, though, that he had not been told much. A close friend of mine... Dragonoid... Soon to be run out of town... the familiar words rung through his mind in Hunters voice, as he wondered, not for the first time, where this journey would take him. The watchful eyes around them seemed more suspicious than ever, and he was grateful when they turned down a mostly abandoned side road, south-bound. Still, he was unnerved.

Unforgiving glances in smaller towns were no new danger to Aremir, but they mostly held interest, not hostility. Rangers were considered somewhat mysterious people, with tales of foreign lands- at least while one was in a town that did not see many visitors- and while they were rarely treated as allies, rangers were often welcomed just for the sake of curiosity. Still, now he couldn't stop wondering how many knew the secret of the girl walking besides him already, and how many were willing to chase her out for it. He couldn't help but feel as though Amaris had made the right choice by directing them to the southern gate. Paranoia is not your friend. He reminded himself, but wondered how many of his worries were truly unreasonable.

He saw, in the close approaching distance, the high stone walls that bordered the town. They stood proudly, blocking all view of the outside, crenelated tops a jigsaw pattern of grey against the blue sky. Beyond them, to him, was the familiar home of the travelers path. He wondered what they held prisoner to her. Danger? Enticement? The promise of a new life, or merely the promise of more enemies? Perhaps, it was some combination of all of that and more. Or maybe, she wasn't one to over-analyse it so intensly. Perhaps she was taking the journey in stride. Maybe, he thought, remembering the scene they had left so soon, She is more concerned about what she is leaving behind. He remembered his first long journey through the tundra's and badlands when he was sixteen. He hadn't had much to worry about in the way of leaving things behind. He had been so pleased seeing the high cliffs of Erestunn that he hadn't even been worried about scaling them. I should've been worried about scaling them. He thought bitterly, feeling the phantom pain of broken ribs. Luckily, Amaris seemed a bit more down-to-earth than he had been.

He hoped that this journey would be better than his trek throughout the Orcish lands from so long ago. But it had to be easier. They weren't scaling all the unforgiving lands of the north- they were travelling through familiar wilderness. For now. But surely, the uncharted lands of the west couldn't be so much worse than that of the East?
Amaris took in the mysterious man's words with great interest and consideration as he gave mild details on the style of his homeland, the information nearly making the young girl laugh at the coincidence. Had she not known the man was a ranger, his hints towards their way of living would have made the shifter almost think he was a dragonoid himself. 'Though I suppose living within clans towards the more deserted locations of the world isn't all that uncommon towards beings of different styles to a human' she thought to herself quickly, a small skip to her stride to keep up with the taller ranger's swift pace. The dragonoid narrowed her eyes slight towards the ever enlightening sky that began to cast the land before them in brighter shades more comprehensible to sensitive eyes, her mind hesitating in worry at how much time had already passed since their introduction.

'I hope he doesn't loathe my actions from before causing a damper on the already strict schedule' she thought solemnly while lowering her gaze apologetically towards his focused demeanor. And yet, Aremir's expression didn't seem one of exasperated rush, but rather the expected determination and focus of the journey that lay ahead of both of them, such a consideration calming the girl's worried temperament if only slightly.

It was with the shedding of this new light that slowly yet steadily brought upon the start of the many early risers that inhabited the small yet busy outskirts of the city, their eyes still slightly dazed with sleep now turning towards the travelers with peeked interest. Their piercing and nosy gazed made Amaris's skin crawl with discomfort, eyes glancing cautiously towards their currently harmless positions in ready for any signs of fowl play. Yet her stiffened form managed to ease slightly as people, for now, appeared to come and go as they continued their daily lives, their curious gazes holding no ill intentions or recognition of the dragonoids new found reputation. 'However long that will last...' she mused internally while offering a small smile to a few familiar clients from her previous employment, their eyes shining back as they busied about the worn stone trail that tarnished the land as the aged outer walls loomed ever closer.

It was Aremir's sudden question towards her own history that jolted the raven haired girl out of her focus towards her surroundings, her eyes meeting his in friendly acknowledgement before pondering her reply.

"Well, most of my kind live as clans upon the further stretches of the world, far from most known civilizations, for it is in our nature to live in solitude; even among our own kind. In case Hunter didn't already make and indication of this, there are two variations of my kind. Those who draw their power from the sun, and those who draw their power from the moon...like me. Though, due to the recent tales of dragon hunters and even guilds dedicated towards the seeking of other shifters, our species has become more and more scattered. Hunter is the only other moon being I've seen since the night of my clan's raid. Hopefully we will see more out there during our travels." She spoke, eyes glazed with memories of her childhood. "My subspecies often takes to the north, our dragon forms adaptive to the colder and harsher climates, and vice versa for the other varying type. Though I should warn you..." she continued with a sudden thought. "It would be best that we keep our exposure to the sun beings at a minimum for now, their overly territorial and aggressive nature often grants them a reputation for harsh brutality. To make things worse, they don't take too kindly towards those of my species when it comes towards land disputes, their instincts put the orcs to shame." she finished with an amused chuckle.

Even her more easy going and peaceful kind never got along well with other overly aggressive or territorial creatures. Perhaps it was all simply some instinctual battle for dominance that sparked the constant tension towards one another, such considerations not one of surprise within Amaris's inner musings.

And yet...it almost made her miss her older and harsher ways of living among the clan, its once beautiful landscape now a charred scar within the newly established human territory. It would be around this time that she would start seeking a mate, something that she at times yearned for on nights where the moon waned at its peak, flashes of courtship and first flights passing through her once innocent mind only to be replayed with a more mature understanding. 'Perhaps one day...' she thought dismissively, almost cursing herself for her distant pondering.

Determined to now focus on more important things, Amaris scanned the promising increase of vegetation while sniffing experimentally at the air, searching for any familiar herbs she could stock on that would at no doubt prove invaluable towards their long trek. She winced internally upon remembrance of Hunter's rushed antics towards packing the bare minimum, not pausing to give her the chance to try and pack some of her stocks that carefully dried upon the counters of her small shop. Such a careless move making her grumble the whole first half of the journey towards the inn about the importance of a travel aid kit, only to be met towards stubborn and seemingly deaf ears.

'Can't stop me now, can you?' she thought playfully while briefly plucking three barberries that grew insistently near their path, briefly sniffing the shrub-like flowers for their potency before carefully packing in her bag without breaking stride.

Soon the once seemingly distant outer stone structures that marked the barrier of the city from the vast outside world towered almost intimidatingly over the pairs forms as if to draw them away, her eyes flashing in excitement of what was to come. She gave Aremir a toothy grin of encouragement towards her antics before quickening her pace towards the town's exterior, her chest nearly letting out a dragon-like hum of eagerness to move forwards.

"One thing I should make clear now that our travels are almost at an official start..."she began after some consideration. "Don't think me some damsel in distress like poor Hunter most likely brought me out to be. I can very well hold my own. Whatever task or method of travel you feel would be most beneficial towards the long term goal is an automatic approval in my book. I'll follow your lead to the end." she assured with another determined gaze, lips pulled in a small smirk that her assumptions were most likely correct.

'Hunter will never learn.' she scoffed inwardly with a roll of her eyes.
Aremir's gaze lingered on the gates leering over them, casting a shadow that was becoming uncomfortably long. Best to waste no time. Although, this first day of travel might be best spent attempting to shake off any stray followers from the town they were leaving behind. It was only a half day after all, and if they were willing to exit going the wrong direction they might as well put in some effort to truly leave the town behind. He kept these thoughts to himself as they passed through the gate, stepping back into the sunshine and out into the beginnings of the wilds. The lands were still trimmed fairly well out here, grass stamped down and path still lined with stone. There was not much traffic through they gate- only one passing cart heading their direction, which appeared to belong to a travelling merchant. He nodded respectfully to the guards standing at full attention on either side of the gate as they silently appraised the two travelers.

He couldn't help but feel somewhat impressed at the young dragonoids resourcefulness, already shining through so soon into their journey. It will be nice to have a real healer around, he thought to himself. Living mostly in the wilds, he had picked up on some basic first aid, such as warding off infection, stitches, and the proper way to bandage a wound. That, however, was where his knowledge ended, and he was forced to find passage into the nearest town when truly injured. Not that I'm planning on getting either of us maimed so soon.

It was only once they had passed the approaching cart that Aremir broached the subject of their route again. He was thankful for her willingness to travel the rougher paths- it would make his life a lot easier. It was pretty difficult to disappear when travelling the main roads, and even the paths made from various rangers over the years had some prying eyes. Cutting through the wilderness was rarely ideal when he had been hired to ensure someones safe transport- but he felt as though he wouldn't find such problems here.

"If we are heading south... we could head to the Stones of Passage." he offered quietly. "It was a hill before the grass and dirt were, according to some, whipped away by the gods in a huge storm. It lies in a clearing of the wood." he pointed towards the wood in question, just a dark line on the horizon. "It lies only ten miles from here, and is used frequently as a place of rest for travelers entering or leaving this town, or the next town south. If you are willing to travel through the wilds, we could rest there until twilight was upon us and then travel straight through the river, across the beginning of the Ureit-ky river. Then we would be facing westwards again, and hopefully of mislead any townsfolk who meant to follow us. We would only have to travel under dark for an hour or two before passing the river and reaching the path by which I mean to travel. Then we could make camp." he added. Travelling by night wasn't all too dangerous when you had a guide, but it was always best to leave the forest undisturbed when bathed with shadow- few knew what it could hold.

Still, this forest was known, at least in the east, to be kinder to those passing through. There were scattered towns and villages lining its way both to the south (the kingdoms of man) and to the north (scattered bastions of High-Elves, made to protect the forest from any Orcish tribes or squadrons.) In its west, lay the lands of the Wood-Elves- the forests peace was often attributed to their presence- before it was abruptly interrupted by the Spine.

Still, that was before the war. He thought to himself. Who knows what kind of characters lurk in the forest now? Or even creatures... Almost all rangers paid tribute to the Old Gods- in fact, they were very nearly the only ones left who did. Only the kingdoms of man had ever recognized such gods, and the majority had either moved to monotheistic religion, or been converted to worshiping the Elvish Gods. One belief, long held by the rangers, was that the god of Forests and Peace would release horrible decay and demons during times of way as a way of protest. It was why rangers almost all refused to be hired for missions of war. Aremir wondered, suddenly, if it would be out of line to ask Amaris of her beliefs. Deciding that social etiquette had hardly stopped him before, he decided to charge ahead.

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but are your people religious? And, more to the point, are you?" he asked, hoping his simply curiosity had come off that way, and not as accusatory or whatever else it might seem as they made there way towards the wood.
The vast knowledge and experience Aremir held towards the seemingly endless and breathtaking landscape that unfolded before them was held with heavy respect and admiration for the young dragonoid, her mind working to process and store his every descriptions to memory should she need use of it on a later date. His suggestion to make haste towards the heavy belt of trees that stood in dark contrast to the steadily rising sun beginning to shine behind their canopy seemed like a great start for the day, the mention of its distance taken with little consideration. If there was one thing she always had on her side in a physical aspect, it was her stamina. She would have been a fool not to make that a strict part of her nightly training sessions she chose to partake since her early clan life, her small and lithe form making her swift and agile style of fighting a heavy advantage to turn the tides against her often stockier and stronger opponents. What was a little ten mile hike in comparison to that?

"Sounds good to me!" she answered cheerfully towards the suggestion. "You are the expert in all of this after all, I trust your guidance."

Not being allowed to venture this far outside of the city before, the dark haired shifter did her best to take in all the new sights and smells that pervaded her senses, the wide and open sky making her truly feel a sense of freedom from the walls she once looked to for safety. She longed to reach the thicket of woods that Aremir spoke of, eager to observe the new variety of flora and fauna that most certainly lied within, along with the occasional traveler. Already, the current clearing that waned around their forms began to litter with a variety of weeds and thickets of brush that were dotted with a large collection of warm pallet colors that signified the ever moving season of leaf fall. The stone pathway that had marked their initial trail had long since faded to a worn dirt path to mark its commonly used pattern of travel.

The occasional passerby's that made their way in the opposite direction to their location were not composed of the usual withdrawn and suspicious stares of the common townsfolk Amaris encountered, but rather held a far warmer and open gaze that had yet to be tainted by the empire's rule. 'I could get used to this' she thought serenely while giving the people she passed a polite nod and welcoming smile in return. Of course, she knew better than to find comfort in this sort of behavior, for the world was a big place and at no doubt held hostilities far worse than the little brawls she faced within her hometown.

Aremir's sudden questioning towards the young girls view on religion jolted her out of her slightly distant thoughts.

And boy was it a good one.

Amaris bowed her head slightly in thought, thinking carefully on how to answer such a normally heavily guarded and argumentized topic. It didn't take long for her to dismiss the initial caution, however; her thoughts concluding that the man had most likely experienced a wide variety of beliefs in his travels. The likelyhood that he would hold a prejudice towards such would be minimal at best.

"Well...my kind most certainly have a different approach to how we, or more specifically they, came about. More of a legend than what you usually hear on the subject matter." she spoke with a hesitant start, form leaping onto a small log that had stood within her path. Instinctual link of her beastial instincts caused Amaris to land initially on all fours before quickly rising to her hind legs, balancing on the balls of her feet as she playfully walked across its length.

"It was told by my village elder that the very first of my kind was born of the sky itself. They call her Zephrine, and she had a brother...Narangerel...born of the earth...who opposed her very calm and peaceful nature with fiery and explosive brutality. It was said that the two fought constantly, shrouding the world with deadly volcanoes and heavy storms, until one day their battle resulted in both of their deaths. However, instead of returning to the earth as nature often intends, the souls of the once eternal beings rose to the sky. Narangerel became the sun, and Zephrine, the moon... and the two split the sky into night and day...both working together for the first time to look over their world they once brought upon heavy tourment and grief. And now, whenever my kind dies, we become another star among the night, forever standing by Zephrine's side to watch over those who continue to live below."

Amaris spoke such words through almost unconscious memorization, the tale of their supposed heritage being burned into the dragonoid at a young age. For some time, she headed their sayings simply at the expense that this was all that she knew. However, as her mind and body matured, so did her views on the world. She became a women of knowledge, always seeking answers to how the earth and things living within it worked, slowly altering and questioning the very tale her people once clung to heart.

"You know...while I still tend to look to the night sky for guidance, I have a tendency to wonder of there is more to it than that. Or perhaps...if there are simply a more logical way of things rather than other worldly beings. I once met two scholars who had their own theories on how the night sky came to be. There was one that spoke as if the stars were simply billions of other suns alike our own that existed at a variety of distances, while the other claimed that they were actually other universes or worlds like the one we currently reside in." she continued, a fire of wonder alight in her deep blue eyes.

"Could you imagine? A whole new world, right in front of our very eyes and we may not even know it! Of course, that isn't without speculation considering we have no real way of proving either of their theories." she finished hesitantly, glancing to Aremir from the side in hopes to not sound insane to consider such ideas. She had been called committing to witchcraft in the past, thanks to her own studies on certain theories on the world around her, Hunter having to come to her rescue before things got shady; claiming she had caught the winter's fever and wasn't right in the head that day. His sudden and careless exclamation, although saving Amaris from a rather unfortunate conflict, was met with harsh insults and quite the fist fight once the pair made it home. She could remember how heavily the shame and embarrassment burned under her skin as the town's suspicions were suddenly switched to annoyed disgust towards the assumed explanation, her frustrations instantly turning on him the moment they were safely within the shelters of their home.

She remembers the explosive anger she felt as she lunged at the man in his unawares, clothes shredding with her sudden shift to her dragon link, razor teeth bared in a snarl as she held Hunter pinned beneath her talons. She hadn't meant to turn on him in this manner, her sapphire eyes gleaming in shock before her challenge was met in explosive fervor. She had risked both of their covers that night, the building groaning at the internal strain of the two larger beings that now delved within. With the limitations of the structures build and Hunter's superior size and strength, her smaller black and blue form was at a heavy disadvantage. It didn't take long for Amaris to find herself slammed painfully beneath the larger dragon's weight, her neck held dangerously between the white and blue dragonoid's fangs while his crystal like wings fold carefully against the walls to brace them both. Never before had she seen such fury glow within his ice blue eyes as he held her to the ground for what seemed like an eternity, claws digging painfully into Amaris's sides to the point of drawing blood. He could have killed her in that moment if he wanted to, and it was that realization that seemed to bring the young shifter back to her senses, the moment ending just as suddenly as it had begun.

She had spent the rest of that night alone, hidden tightly into the corner of her room filled with shame and betrayal. The look of irritation and anger that filled Hunters eyes repeating in her mind for weeks to come.

The seemingly endless memory passed in a mere yet painful second within Amaris's mind, the girl hoping she hadn't gone too far towards her antics. "O-of course that's all just speculation." she quickly added after another thought, eyes suddenly downcast. "I'm sorry." was the finished mumble that uttered from her lips as she suddenly focused insistently on anything else but the look of annoyance or anger that would surely follow towards her musings. "I would never wish to override your own understandings of the world, I promise."
Aremir listened to Amaris's story with great interest. It was a bloody tale, but all the same a comforting and kind one. The idea of the night sky always watching over you was not an unfamiliar one in religion, although it was often more sinister, but the ranger found himself enjoying this tale- possibly more than he should within the confines of his own religion. The Goddess of the Night Sky was a powerful one in the eyes of the rangers, although it was possible it had not been in it's inception. He remembered the chieftain of his clan once explaining to him that the reason rangers gave Her so much worship was because of the help She provided to their kind. Rangers would use the stars to find their way, and pray to the Goddess looking over them as they rested to grant them sight of any ill-meaning passersby. One faulty move during your night-watch could get you and your entire clan mauled in your sleep, so it was important to be given aide by Her all seeing eye. However, the vague comfort of night, feeling as though the sky is working with you in it's inky mystery... it was a very different feeling from all the stars looking down on you. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he found himself disliking the idea.

Yes, it may be comforting, but how does one relax under a thousand ever-watching eyes? When you are journeying alone, how do you stop wondering if someone you knew has suddenly joined the stars? Would you ever stop trying to count them? Perhaps it was just his own bias. Especially considering that most other groups and kingdoms had a tribe mentality that kept them close together, so that they would know when another died. It was a foreign idea to Aremir, who had not visited his clan in near a decade, but he had seen many closely knit communities of all different kinds during his travels. Either way, he dared not speak his thoughts and risk offending his companion.

When Amaris turned the conversation to different scholars opinions of the world and all it's surrounding's, she instantly caught Aremir's interest. In fact, if there was one thing that the Old Religion refused to explain, it was the stars. It seemed to ignore them all together, or at least group them in with 'the night sky.' Aremir remembered one senior of his clan attempting to claim that by his reasoning, the stars must have been invented only fifty years ago. He was quickly called a moron and shut up with a smack upside his head by one of the clans three remained elders, who was sixty five.

The idea that there were so many more worlds out there, hidden in the mysterious depths of the beautiful sky with all its darkness and stars and colors and mystery, was amazing to the ranger. However, what was possibly even better, was the way that the young dragons face lit up when she spoke about it. At that moment, he might've believed she had captured the light of all the many suns she spoke of just within her gaze. If the topic interested Aremir, it was clear that Amaris was enraptured with it, and he hoped, distantly, that she would continue to explain the theories.

Aremir had not, as a man of low status, had the opportunity to talk to many scholars. Nobles and even royalty would often hire him, but the closest he would get to men of reading was when the occasional doctor, (or witch-doctor) would hire him to collect some ingredient while on his travels, whether it be on some dangerous cliff side, or just too far for the average man to travel. They would rarely offer him any information, and he was fine with that. He had heard tell of a clan of rangers in the West who worshiped the God of Knowledge, but he had never met any belonging to this clan, and as far as he could tell they were as close as rangers had ever gotten to scholars. He really hoped Amaris would continue to explain the theories.

However, to his disappointment, her gaze quickly became clouded as she shot him an almost suspicious glance before falling silent for a moment. Aremir was about to speak, thinking she expected a reply, when the girl spoke again, mumbling apologies that he didn't understand. He didn't say anything for a pause, trying to figure out if he had made some sort of social misstep without noticing it. Finally he decided that there was no way walking silently had managed to offend the girl or anyone else, and began to reply before he really knew what he planned on saying (this rarely worked out for him, yet he still attempted it frighteningly frequently.)

"There's no reason to apologize." That much is true. A strong start. "I liked hearing your theories." Even better! "I mean, they do sound insane, but that doesn't mean they aren't interesting." Goddamn it.

"Well, not insane, per-say, at least not in the literal sense. Just... I had never heard anybody actually believe something like that before. I mean-that sounded- I only mean that your ideas were new to me. All of them, not just the insane theories- Well, not insane-" Aremir got the distinct feeling that he was making it worse. "I mean, it's not like they sounded any crazier than your religion-" Okay, even he could tell that came out wrong. "Not that your religion-" he took a deep breath, attempting to collect his now scattered thoughts.

"Nothing you said made me think you were crazy, and it didn't offend me. It sounded... new" Yes, new is definitely a better choice than insane, "but I liked hearing about them for that very reason. I wouldn't of asked if I didn't want to know." he finished aloud. It is entirely possible that my life would improve significantly if I never spoke again, he thought to himself.
Amaris raised a brow with a light smirk as she listened to the man stammer an appropriate reply, the idea of her own potential insanity towards the topic making her laugh in amusement. 'You may be right on that one' she thought jokingly while her once cautious and apologetic demeaner was replaced with a far more sincere contentment, small form relaxing as his reassurance. Giving Aremir a grin, the shifter playfully threw an arm over his shoulders; such an act that would have a no doubt looked comedic towards onlookers given their height difference. "Well good thing." she laughed towards his odd suggestion of hearing further knowledge...from a outcast dragonoid no less. "Cause you're stuck with this insane girl whether you like it nor not!" Amaris declared towards their obvious partnership, small form nearly swinging freely from the ground before she released the ranger and strode in slight lead of his path.

She continued to walk forwards for a few steps before pausing with a slight amount of consideration before turning once more towards his tall form with a smile.

"You are definitely far different from any other human I have met, I like you." she stated simply yet rather openly. They had only been at it for a few hours at best, and this man had been nothing but kind and open to her, despite this whole endeavor being a bit out of his comfort zone no doubt. 'Are all of his kind this accepting towards other beings and how they choose to live and view their lives, or is it just him.' she wondered curiously while raising her arms slightly through a particularly tall brush of grass. The sudden invasion of the two larger beings spurred the sudden takeoff of a variety of insects that had been laying dormant within, their polished exoskeletons reflecting the sun's rays and sending a variety of flashing colors into the sky. The young dragonoid resisted the near child like desire to capture some of their fleeting forms, yearning to study their physiology out of simple curiosity.

As if answering her distant thinking, Amaris nearly jumped in shock as she felt what appeared to be a large treehopper stick an accidental landing to the side of her head. Carefully, she brought her fingers up to quickly free the small hematuria from further tangling itself within her long dark locks before observing its thorn-like structure with excitement. Her small form quickly fought the rest of its way out of the thicket, the clearing once more giving a better view on her surroundings. She had only seen one or two of these that had somehow wondered their way into the city, their fragile bodies usually not lasting too long amidst the chaos that delved within. Yet this one had been able to grow strong in the safer territory, the variety of reds and greens that patterned its shell signifying its aged maturity. Once satisfied, she gave Aremir behind her a teasing glance before nudging the insect in his direction, giggling as the small creature instinctively hopped in his direction and onto the middle of his chest.

"Look, he likes you." she stated with a smile before speeding her pace forwards playfully. There was still a ways to go before the pair reached their current objective, but with their mutual hurried pace, they were making steady progress. Estimating late noon would be about the time of their arrival to allow time to rest and perhaps seek out a decent source of nutrition to endure the rest of the day, further reminding Amaris that she would need to seek out more herbs for their travel during that time. 'Plus my wet to dry bandage needs some changing.' she noted with a roll of her eyes while scratching slightly at the tissue granulating underneath her attire. 'That damn orc...'

"So...." she started while casting her sapphire gaze once more in her companion's direction. "What is your take on religion, or I suppose, how the world works?" she returned patiently. It was only fair she learned just as much about this man as he did her, all nervous hesitation from before faded to nothing as she began to further understand his mindset. His recent show of calm understanding and open-mindedness filled the young girl with a sense of ease, something she was grateful for given their signed partnership. "Any history lessons you wish to gift me 'oh wise ranger'." she continued, mind giddy and cheerful now that all tension towards his being had passed.
Aremir looked at the girl kindly as she sped ahead of him, grateful that somehow she seemed to have acclimated to his presence. He didn't really understand how or why this had happened- after all, he wasn't exactly being the most charismatic or charming of possible companions at the moment, but he appreciated it all the same. When she turned her attention back to him, he didn't feel nearly as anxious as he had before- and it seemed she was experiencing the same effect.

"Oh, I don't know about all that..." he began, unsure where to start. She had explained her peoples origin story- the old religion didn't really have one. Perhaps that was exactly where he should start. "All clans of rangers- well, at least, all I know of- believe in the Old Gods. If their temples and scriptures ever held some sort of... explanation for the beginning of life, how this all started," he gestured to the open world around them, "then it has been long lost. Not that most of us have had much time to read the original texts or pray at long abandoned churches. The stories of the Old gods are more like," he made as if he were grasping for the right word. The more he relaxed, the more the ranger seemed to talk with his hands.

"Well, more like superstition I suppose. Passed down through word of mouth, and little else. The only surviving copies of the holy scripture- or at least, so I have heard- reside in the Library of Unitopia, in the lands of the High Elves." I doubt I will ever have the chance nor ability to read them, but I do hope they are not destroyed in the war. Unitopia had been attacked many times throughout history, especially by Orcs. It held most of the High Elves history, household names, culture... not to mention documents too old to be left anywhere else, such as the many different bibles of the Old Gods. And that history is probably the exact reason they want it burned to the ground. The Orcs and High Elves, to his understanding, had long ago given up on conquering each others land. They wanted each other wiped off the face of the earth.

"Although we may not have a story of origin... we definitely have some strong beliefs on how the world works. Sacrifices, prayer, dedication... each God has its own means of worship, and different boons to be granted if you complete them. Many clans have a patron God. My own clan chose the God of Lost Wanderers. As well as many others, of course. Goddess of the Hunt, God of the Storm, God of the Tundra... the list goes on. And on. It was very difficult to keep track of as a child, but nowadays, it's almost muscle memory.

"And of course, the gods will react in many different ways to the state of the world. For example," he continued, getting somewhat lost in his thoughts, "there is now war, spreading in many nations. The God of Lost Wanderer's will be much less active. If it continues this way for one hundred years, he will sleep, and abandon those lost entirely. The God of the Hunt will send animals both with more meat and more claws. The Goddess of the Ocean and Rivers will cause flooding for some, drought for others. A time of chaos, of unrest. The Gods react to war not unlike humans. " he said softly, before he suddenly seemed to snap out of it. "At least, that is what we believe."

He looked ahead, where the dark line of the forest grew like a wall, and was glad that for now they would be taking the main road. He remembered his earlier foreboding of the God of Forests and Peace, and the unrest He may be weaving through the underbrush. "I wonder what the Goddess of Fortune would say about our journey." he mused. "But I would not know how to ask. My people were never one to leave our fortunes up to the fates. They made- make their living surviving against the odds, so one would be a fool to seek prophecy."

"I know there was once a tribe of western rangers," he said, looking the way that both them and the sun would soon be travelling, "that had the Goddess of Fortune as their patron. But they all turned into gypsy's and fortune tellers, selling there ability of prophecy for some quick coin until there was no one left who wanted to see them. Most rangers believe that their Goddess abandoned them long before that, though."

He had met one of them once- one of the few who had stayed a ranger when the clan dissolved. 'The Rangers of Fate,' they had been called. But the survivor was an old man, who would soon be forced to find some way to retire, or die. He had such a sad look in his eyes, even when smiling, that Aremir almost couldn't stand to stay around him. When Aremir told him that he was of the north, and had left his own clan for better lands, he had seemed so disappointed.

If we keep that up, there will be no more rangers left. he had warned in an old, broken voice that had reminded the younger entirely too much of his own. Oh, maybe not in my lifetime, or even yours, my boy. But the time of the rangers is coming to a close, you can be certain of that. I can feel it every time I travel, on the cold winds and suspicious eyes of strangers. Soon, soon, my boy! There will be none of us left- and what will become of the Old Gods then?

Aremir quickly became lost in the memory, recalling how bitterly the elder had spat out the words 'Old Gods,' not unlike poison. Aremir wondered if he had come to hate the Goddess of Fortune. In fact, it was the first time the young ranger had ever questioned his faith. After all, how could a man so devoted to Her be handed such a terrible hand in life? He was brought out of his thoughts as he avoided a stray branch blown into his path from the brush around them, which was becoming thicker and thicker as they traveled further from the city and closer to the threatening wall of trees.

"Sorry, what was I saying?"
Amaris gave a patient smile as she watched the ranger drift off into an almost dazed state of remembrance as he spoke, arms careful to stave away any underbrush that happened to cross his path with subconscious muscle memory. The once distant thicket of woods now surrounded them in an almost intimidating manner, sunlight fading out into small fractured rays of light that managed to break through the openings within the canopy that now loomed overhead. The dragonoid resisted the urge to shrink down on instinct as the now limited space around the two seemed to thicken the air to the point that she had to resist the increased respiratory rate that nearly followed. As much as she gazed in awe at the sculpturous twines and speckles that dotted the many trees that surrounded them, such a scene gave her the instincts that she was trapped. A small growl nearly wedged its way from her chest as the more feral instincts within her warned to steer on a more open path. 'Away from being within a cage.'

The memory of how she felt as she desperately tried to fight Hunter off within the confines of their hut all those years ago flashed briefly in her eyes, every thick trunk now a reminder of her limited surface area should she accidentally transform. 'No comfortable way of taking off, that's for sure.' she thought to herself before shaking away her antics. 'Need to stop thinking like a threatened beast.'

Narrowing her eyes, the raven haired female scanned the various bushes, thorns, and branches that weaved among them in an almost artistic fashion. The clicks and hissing of bugs mixed with the rustling of the many leaves that dappled among the over hanging branches calming her as she took a deep breath, taking in all the scents that surrounded her. 'Wood, water, earth, algae, something warm and musky...squirrel perhaps.' Her mouth watered at the thought, stomach groaning with neglect at the small rodent's enticing promise of sustenance. All of it brought Amaris calmly back into the present as she gazed around her in a new light. In her smaller and lighter form, the trunks would serve less as a cage and more to aid in her agility, brush giving off a form of cover should any sudden danger take a turn for the worst. Her clothing of choice would blend greatly into her surroundings as well, marking her as not only swift but hidden.

'This place could almost be used to my advantage should something happen...but we should make haste to leave it when the full moon is nearly upon us.' she noted to herself as the internal threat faded. 'Hopefully I will have more control this time around...'

"Sorry, what was I saying?"

Blinking slightly, Amaris returned her attention to her companion who kept pace slightly ahead of her, his once glazed eyes now clear and attentive albeit a bit confused as to how far his thoughts had taken him. 'Poor guy, I know what it is like to be able to do nothing but watch as your own kind steadily declines over time.'

"About how much our fated journey is frowned upon by The Goddess of Fortune." the shifter answered in kind, though not entirely truthfully. Aremir's recollection of the methods and religious forms of living seemed to draw him off into a rather solemn mood, something she decided not to pull him back into, opting for a more lighthearted statement in an attempt to brighten his state of being.

She hadn't intended to dampen his mood, his now distant and downed expression like thick chains tightening around her chest. Glancing of to the side for a brief moment, Amaris quickly sought to change the topic at hand, hoping to change the topic for Aremir's sake.

"You know.." she continued. "Whenever you would like, you should teach me more about the ways of your clan. Your history seems to hold a lot of invaluable knowledge and experience that I would love to become more familiar with, and don't worry..." she offered with an excited spark in her gaze. "I promise that I am an avid learner, perhaps this will allow me to be of better use to you on our journey as well! And please, feel free to tell me more of your religion and practices as well; culture and the works. It allows me to know more about you."

The offer was a purely genuine one, the young girl itching to know more about the ranger's way of life since he had started speaking, his detailed recollection nearly enough for her to picture it herself. 'It almost reminds me of home' she thought hopefully, heart heavy with the jaded memories of her younger life. She nearly had to scold herself for her sudden antics, a small smile making itself known. "That is if you want to, that is." she finished, quick to ensure that her previous statement was not out of place to her companion, not wanting to seem rude or invasive towards his kind. "I wouldn't dream of interfering if that is against you or your people, of course."

Damn, now it was her turn to stammer and become hesitant with her words as the dragonoid turned away in an attempt to appear as if she was merely scanning the dense land around her; fighting desperately against the blush that had burned its way to her cheeks. Her random enthusiasm would at no doubt become the death of her one day.

"Sorry." she stated while rubbing her left ear out of nervous habit, face still burning. "I tend to become overly excited at times, often without thinking out of logic or consideration of others." An embarrassed grin melded onto her face as she expained.

The trees that had once crowded around the pair now began to become more spread out, the ground no longer heavy with roots and foliage; opting for fallen leaves and a few stray branches. 'We must be getting close' she realized as her body cooled, eyes eagerly scanning the surroundings to pinpoint any signature landmarks.

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