• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom A Different World

This is not Earth, though its just like Earth. Each country has a personification, in human form. They cannot die, unless their country disappears, though they can be mortally wounded, or very sick depending on the state of their country. For example, if say, England's economy collapsed, the personification of England might get very sick.

Please note that in this we are not using cannon characters, but in fact OC's set in a Hetalia like world! Be as creative as possible!

1) You can pretty much make your character however you wish, though you cannot use real country names, examples being England, America, or Japan.

2) Be literate. Use good sentence structure, and punctuation.

3) No one-liners, though there are exceptions in some cases!

4) Please be active, by active I mean post at least once every two-three days.

5) Be creative! Boring characters are well.....boring! Make your character fun, or maybe very serious, there's a world of possibility!
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