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A Different Everything (Closed) (For Babyblues)


New Member
"Frisk? Frisk?" The eighteen year old called out over the small park. It had happened again. Their parents had gotten in a fight and Frisk had ran from the house. Frisk usually hid out here at the park. It was well taken care of for a park. The paint was new and no graffiti was present even. This park was at the base of Mt. Ebott. No one used the park often, it was said to be a playground for the spirits or monsters of the mountain, depending on who was asked in this small town.

"Frisk, come on out okay? Let's go get some ice cream and we'll sleep over at Miranda's. Wouldn't you like that? Maybe she'll let us watch that movie you like?" The girl kneeled and looked in the plastic tunnel.

But she wasn't there. Frisk wasn't anywhere on the playground. In a panic, the girl stood and ran to the police station.

Pushing back the odd sense of deja-vu, she ran a hand through her short blonde locks and looked at her little sister in the blue tunnel. Frisk was just close enough for her to reach out and touch her ankle.

"Its just going to happen again." Frisk mumbled softly, staying curled up in the middle of the tube, knees folded in.

"Honey, I...I know. But remember what we talked about? About leaving? I just need a little longer and we can both go."

Frisk stared at the blue tube side. Without any warning, Frisk thrashed onto her stomach and crawled out of the tunnel and started running up Mt. Ebott.

"Frisk?!" She called out in a panic and ran up the mountain, chasing her sister.

The mountain was dangerous. Wildlife everywhere, not to mention the pits that swallowed a few people up over the years.

The girl stopped when Frisk suddenly disappeared.

"Frisk!?" She called out in panic. She ran her hands through her hair and started spinning in circles. "Frisk!" She backed up slowly. "Oh god, oh god I lost her-!"

Her sentence ended in a scream as she fell down a hole.


Waking up, the first thing she saw was gold flowers. They reminded her of the flowers she taught Frisk to weave into a little crown for her doll when they were younger. Slowly, groaning in pain from the scratches over her body, she looked around.

Seeing her sister, she forgot her pain and attempted to snatch up her sister. Frisk turned to look at her but just smiled and ran.

"No Frisk!"


She had to stop running at some point. Frisk was a child with boundless energy and despite the impressive fall, didn't seem to feel any pain. She held her stomach, leaning on the deep purple walls as she walked.

She wasn't quite sure where she was. It looked like she was in this purple maze. She wandered around for hours until she saw a house. She figured that, maybe this was what caused all those rumors and stories of monsters living under the mountain. Some spelunker seeing a house here...She would believe it to really.

She approached the house and saw the door open. Without thinking about her hurt form, she ran in.

"Frisk!?" She called out.

"I'm down here!" The sweet, cheery voice came from what looked to be the basement.

She took the steps two at a time, straining her already aching body. She held her ribs as she breathed out relieved. Frisk stood infront of a door, holding a toy knife and standing infront of a dust pile.

"What's the matter with you?" She went over and snatched the toy out of her sister's hand and threw it to the side. "I was worried sick and you were just running off!?"

Frisk's eyes went wide then looked down. As Frisk's shoulders shook, she sighed and kneeled. She started brushing off the dust from her sister's favorite sweater.

"No more running away from me." She touched Frisk's chin and looked into their brown eyes. "Understand? I was so scared."

Frisk nodded with a small noise and hugged her sister around her shoulders tightly.

Groaning in small pain, she hugged Frisk for a moment before standing. "Come on, we need to keep going and find a way out of the mountain. A little adventure." She held Frisk's hand and they opened the door.

"If we follow the road there has to be an exit." She shivered when a cold wind seem to blow over them. Snow covered the ground. Seeing Frisk shudder beside her, she took off her red jacket and got her sister into it. She shivered, only covered by her black sweater with a bone-white skeleton head stitched into the front.

"Let's hurry okay?"

With a deep breath, she took her sister's hand and with all her courage, took her first step in and lead her sister into the snowy place.
Sans sat up from the tree he was reclining against and ducked further into the tree-lines, his eye-sockets fixed on the duo that had just emerged. "So the old lady had been serious..." he muttered quietly watching each tentative step they took. Huh. He could have sworn there was only going to be one though. He let them walk past him a few paces, eyeing them carefully when he notices something on the smaller one that makes ice crawl down his spine.


He teleported back to the door, his chest tightening as he raised a shaky fist to the door. "Knock, knock." he called out, waiting nervously for a reply. "Come on, Old lady, don't leave a guy hanging... Knock, knock." Nothing. He exhaled and closed his eyes, leaning back against the door. There could many reasons for her lack of reply, he didn't have to instantly jump to the worst conclusion. The kid had probably just been crawling through an old walkway or something...

He gave a small, disbelieving chuckle at that but pulled himself back up, schooling his features into his usual friendly mask before taking a short cut to a few paces behind them. He'll give them a chance and check back later, for now however, he may as well make himself known.

Biting back a chuckle, he strolled forward, taking the extra effort to crack the branch in the middle of the path for extra effect, causing the two humans to jump and check behind them nervously. He waited in the shadows for them to continue moving and then resumed his lazy pursuit, his footfalls loud and pronounced in the almost forest around them.

He subtly froze them in place with his magic as he continued his approach coming to a stop just behind the two and sticking his hand out as he released te.

"Humans," her growled out in a low, intimidating tone, "Don't you know how to great a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."
Hearing the echoing footsteps not their own, she felt as if they were in a horror movie. Maybe there was someone down here. A small group? Humans with ill intent sounded much scarier than any imaginary group of monsters.

She took Frisk's hand in a tighter grip and urged her along faster. Sensing her sister's nervous energy, Frisk smiled up at her. The look Frisk gave her comforted her for a moment until they stopped infront of a bridge and heard Sans speak.

She trembled and pushed Frisk in front of her as she turned and grabbed the hand. Seeing a walking, talking skeleton made her eyes go wide and gasp. It had to be a prop right? Something that popped up out of the ground without her noticing?
He grinned wider at the shocked look on the taller ones face, snorting as the loud sound of the whoopee cushion echoed throughout the landscape. He gave her hand a firm squeeze before retracting his hand and tucking it into his pocket. "Heh," he snickered, "The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick...It never gets old."

He shrugged his shoulders. giving them a brief once over, his smile slipping minutely before he returned his attention the elder... mother? Sibling maybe? Eh, who cares...

"Anyway," he drawled, "You're both human right? Pft, that's hilarious! I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. And you are..." He trailed off, waiting patiently.
"You're a...a skeleton." She stated, hand still sticking out from their shake.

Frisk giggled and tugged on her sister's arm. "You're stating the obvious again."

"I know that!" She looked down at Frisk quickly.

"You told me to tell you when you do that!"

"I know that too!" She shook her head before looking at Sans again. "I uh, my name is Eden but most people just call me Ed. And this is Frisk, my little sister." She wrapped an arm around Frisk's shoulder to keep her close. "We're just trying to get out without causing any trouble."
He rose a brow-bone at her declaration, mock shock on his features as he scrutinized a hand. "Well what do you know..." He exclaims, "And all these years I thought I was just a little bit boney..."

He grinned at the younger one's, Frisk's, light teasing, ever appreciative of a little bit of sibling rivalry. He had to feel a little sorry for the duo though. They had about as much chance of getting out of this place trouble free as Papyrus had of truly joining the royal guard. He could pretty much guarantee that at least some people in New Home were aware of their arrival.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," he decided to leave the yet unsaid, giving Frisk a short but pointed look, "Tibia honest, It's my bro you've got to keep an eye out for. He's a human hunting fanatic." He rolled his eyes at the last part.
The little pun set Eden more at ease. She visibly relaxed until the cold seeped into her again.

"Ha..." Ed got a nervous look on her face and tugged her sister closer. "Being hunted doesn't really sound like fun. We should get going, yeah Frisk?"

Frisk struggled and moved, sitting on the edge of the bridge and letting her feet hang.

"I don't want to go yet." The small girl claimed. "I want to stay and play!" She gripped the bridge tightly in her fingers. Eden recongnized this little move well. Frisk tended to do the same thing when she didn't want to leave the playground back home.

"Being hunted and playing is two different things. Now come on, I don't want to beat anyone up for you." Ed said, not realizing what her words could mean to Sans. She hooked her arms around the smaller girl and pulled up, trying to get her to let go.

Frisk was filled with determination. She refused.
"Hey, kiddo, being a bonehead is my job," Sans chortled, hefting Frisk up by the scruff of her stripy jumper and depositing her into the waiting arms of her older sister, "I don't think you want to be hanging around here when my bro turns up. He's cranky today." Noting the look of concern on the elder's face he sighed and strolled past them, waving them both to follow him.

"Eh... might as well help ya out a little," he shrugged before jerking his head towards his sentry station, "Tuck yourselves in there and keep down. My bro can be stub-bone when he gets an idea into his head but he's also pretty unobservant if you play your cards right. Don't worry."
Ed blinked over at the sentry station. She opened her mouth to thank Sans but let out a small giggle from his pun. She shook her head and went over to the small station as footsteps came near.

In the station, she sat down with Frisk and took off her red jacket to drape it over Frisk's small shoulders. Frisk tried to push it off though and Ed frowned at her.

"Wear it, you need to stay warm." She said, keeping her voice down.

"I don't want to wear it; you'll get cold!" Frisk said in a loud voice.

Eden wrapped her sister up in the jacket and pulled her into her lap. She covered Frisk's mouth with her hand.

"Shh!" She nuzzled her sister's head and shivered from the cold quietly.
Sans shook his head at the kid's exclamation, idly remembering the hellish years when Papyrus had been that young.


Ah, speak of the devil. He turned towards the shout with a wide lazy grin, his brother brother tramping through snow purposeful. "Hey bro," he greeted with a cheeky wave, "Sup?"

Papyrus skidded to a stop a feet feet away from him, his gloved hands planted firmly on his hips as he fixed the most disapproving glare he could muster upon his features. "YOU KNOW WHAT'S UP, BROTHER," he practically bellowed, "IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T RECALIBRATED YOUR PUZZLES! ALL YOU EVER DO IS SIT HERE AND...AND... AND BOONDOGGLE.

Sans had to agree with him there. He took pride in doing as little as he could possible get away with. A guy's got to have a hobby, after all. "Aw, that's a bit harsh, bro," he replied, pasting on a mock hurt look, "I've got a ton off work done today. A skele-ton." He paused to grin impishly at his brother, chalking another notch onto his mental tally when Papyrus let an aggrieved groan. "I've even been tidying my station a little," Papyrus scoffed at that, only amusing Sans further, "Take a look if you don't believe me. I've added two new features I think you'd love to see."
Eden tensed hearing that small quip. She pulled Frisk closer and eyed the door. If she had to, could she outrun them? Could Frisk while she stayed and tried to fight them off.

Could she even fight them off?

Eden looked around the underside of the sentry station and saw a stick. Great, very useful weapon. With one arm wrapped tightly around Frisk, she grabbed the stock with her other hand and stared at the door of the sentry station while listening to the skele-bro's conversation.
"SANS, THIS IS NO TIME FOR BEING SIDETRACKED," Papyrus grumbled back, brandishing his finger at his brother, "A HUMAN COULD FALL ANY DAY AND WE MUST BE READY!"

"Yeah, about that," Sans replied, "I bet there's something interesting that could help you over in my post. Have a look." Papyrus glanced over at it briefly before sighing, rubbing his forehead in a put upon fashion. "SANS, YOU KNOW I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR SUCH NONSENSE!" he ground out, "I WILL BE THE ONE, I MUST BE THE ONE TO CAPTURE THE HUMAN! THEN I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL GET EVERYTHING I ULTIMATELY DESERVE! RESPECT! RECOGNITION! PEOPLE WILL COME FROM MILES AROUND TO ASK TO BE MY...FRIEND?"

It was a little heartbreaking to see his brother so uncertain at that part. As if he truly had any doubt that most people down here (crazy rabbit with a cinnabun for a pet aside) wouldn't give their left limb to be on his friends list. He nodded along with his brothers spiel as it continued, thoroughly amused and unsurprised that it all, once again, boiled down to joining the Royal Guard.

"Gee, bro," he added once papyrus seemed to pause for breath, "It really seems like you're working yourself... down to the bone!"


Sans chuckled, "Ah, come on bro. You're smiling."


Sans gave him a mock salute, eliciting another sigh as Papyrus swept out of sight, leaving for a grand total of thirty seconds before returning with a somewhat cheeky look on his face. Sans couldn't help but grin back. he knew that look.


"Yeah, bro?"


And... now he was gone. Sans chuckled and sauntered up to the sentry post, rapping his knuckles on the side. "Scruffles, Eddie, it's safe to come out now."
As Sans kept teasing Papyrus about his station, Eden started to relax. It sounded more like he was teasing his brother what he was getting for Christmas rather than giving them up. Eden finally let Frisk go and watched as she climbed over the bar of the station to jump out into the snow, throwing off her sister's red jacket as she did.

"Frisk!" Ed cried out as her jacket landed in the snow. "Going to catch your death out here."

Frisk was more concerned with jumping in front of Sans.

"I don't like Scruffles and she doesn't like Eddie!" The kid pouted up at Sans.

Ed jumped over the bar and grabbed her jacket, shaking the snow from it.

"Frisk, be nice. Its just a nickname." Eden scolded lightly. She pulled her sister closer by her shoulders and made her leaned against her mostly bare legs since she was wearing shorts.

"Thanks for that. He doesn't really scream hunter to me." Ed said, looking at the direction Papyrus went off too. It made her older sister instincts kick in when she heard how young Papyrus actually sounded without actually seeing him.
"Heh... Can't say that I disagree with you there," he replied, also glancing after his brother, "He's pretty much a big overgrown puppy. More likely to drag you to play with him then do any real harm. Oh speaking of which." He clicked his fingers, turning to face her, "You heard my bro back there, he's a loudmouth but he wouldn't hurt a fly. I'd appreciate it if you would humor him a bit. Say hi or let him catch a glimpse of the two of you. It would seriously make his day, or year. Hell, I'd probably hear about it till the end of time."

He gave her his most disarming smile, his hands tucked firmly into his jacket, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye-socket out for ya and reign him back if he gets a bit too excited. Snow problem."
Eden quickly obtained an adult demeanor. They didn't have time to play around; they needed to get home. They needed to go tell everyone that they were okay. Eden probably needed to go to the hospital being as banged up as she was and Frisk...Frisk actually looked fine. Not even a cut or scratch on her.

Just as she opened her mouth to refuse, politely, Frisk suddenly turned and grabbed onto her sister's arms tightly, unknowingly digging into some of the cuts.

"They said puzzles! I want to play, Ed! Can we? We can play for awhile, right?" Frisk gave her a big toothy smile while staring up at her.

Ed looked between Sans and Frisk before finally sighing out.

"Looks like I'm beaten. Yeah, we'll play Sans." Ed smiled softly at him while Frisk cheered.

When was the last time she saw Frisk this excited over anything? With their parents fighting, their school counselor believed Frisk was depressed and Eden saw that at home. Unlike other kids, Frisk would go to that playground and just sit, like she was waiting for something to happen. Seeing Frisk up and ready to play for once, it made Ed feel energized and ready for it. Its not like either of them had serious wounds that couldn't wait until later.
Heh, he'd forgotten that all kids seemed to be born manipulators. He couldn't blame their enthusiasm though. Naivety aside, Papyrus really is awesome to hand out with, as the kid probably remembers. Still, given the likelihood that Frisk wasn't as innocent as they appeared and the fact that their was a new complication added to the mix, he had a sneaky feeling he shouldn't let his guard down. Eden, the elder human, was an unknown entity. For all he knew, she could have been the source of the dust. He honestly wouldn't hold it against her, there was after all, little he would not do to protect his brother.

Very. Little.

Looking at the elder, however, he very much doubted it would come to that. She seemed sensible, mature even despite her impeccable taste in jokes. He'd leave it in her capable hands for now.

"Well, Its been rib-tickling to meet you both but I better run or Paps'll start cracking skulls." He gave them a lazy wave and started walking in the opposite direction, snickering a little before taking a shortcut to his brother once out of eyesight.

"Hey, Bro. You winning?"

Predictably, Papyrus jumped, his hands clutching his chest dramatically as he whirled around to face him, his eyes bugged out and blazing with indignation. "SANS!" he shouted, eyeballing his brother as he lazily slouched near the treeline, "I THOUGHT I'D TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT! I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK!"

"Bro, you don't have a heart..." Sans snorted.


"Sorry bro. I just didn't want you to be feeling... bonely."

Ed stared as Sans walked off in the opposite direction. She felt curiosity bubbling up in her chest. Where in the world was that skeleton off to? What kind of short cut could be in that direction? Eden didn't have much time to think on this however, when Frisk started pulling at her arms roughly again.

"Let's go! Let's go already Ed!" Frisk laughed softly and pulled on her sister's wrist.

"Relax, I'm sure they'll be there when we get there." Ed sighed.

As they neared where Papyrus and Sans were, Eden stopped suddenly. She felt her chest tightening up and gripped the front of her skeleton sweater.

A Snowdrake appeared in front of them. Just as Eden felt something about to burst from her chest, Frisk stood in front of her, red heart glowing brightly.

The Snowdrake told a joke.

Frisk laughed at it. Then spared the monster.

As the red heart began to float back into her sister, Eden noticed, the heart seemed almost dirty. There were darker spots around the heart, looking like stains that were running deep.

"Frisk, what-"

Frisk entirely ignored Eden and grabbed her hand to run to the field where the skeleton brothers were fighting.

"Hey, over here!" Frisk called out and waved their hands in the air. Eden stood next to her, crossing her arms with a concerned look on her face.

Sans gave his brother an incredulous look before an impish look crept upon his features, causing Papyrus to glare at him warily. "SANS, DON'T YOU DARE..." he growled warning, to which Sans could only shrug. "What, bro," he replied innocently, "I was only gonna ask if it was paws-ible that Undyne was a catfish." Papyrus's eye twitched. "Aaw, Pap, didn't you think my pun was a-mews-ing? I thought it was purr-fect."

"URGH, YOU INCORIGABLE!!" Papyrus yelled, flinging his arms into the air, "WHY DID THE GODS HAVE TO CURSE ME WITH SUCH A SIBLING!"

"Beacuse you're greatness can only be matched by someone as dorky as me?" Sans offered with a raised brow, earning himself a disapproving snort. "NOW, NOW BROTHER, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT....SANS, WHAT IS THAT...,?" He trailed off, squinting into the distance.

Sans followed his gaze, his grin becoming cheshire cat sized as he noted to two figures currently drawing near. "SANS," Papyrus practically squealed, bouncing in place in his excitement, "IS...IS THAT A HUMAN?"

Sans chuckled, unable to resist playing with his little brother some more. "Nah," he said in a deadpan voice, "that's just a rock." Papyrus viably deflated at that, causing Sans to feel just a tinsy bit guilty. But only a tinsy bit. "But, hey bro, what's that behind the rock?"

Papyrus was a bit more suspicious this time taking a moment to scrutinize the object of interest before puffing up excitedly and tugging his brother close. "SANS! Is.. IS THAT THE HUMAN?" he whispered... or at least attempted to.

"Yeah..." Sans faux whispered back, snorted at the excited yelp Papyrus made before thrusting his brother aside, posing dramatically in the center of the road.

Eden looked over and had to stifle a small laugh. Papyrus' outfit reminded her of a kid at Halloween and eased her tension for the moment. She could talk to Frisk about what happened later. Besides, she couldn't help her smile and waved at him. Hearing his concern, Eden waved it off.

"Hey, you'll just look even better capturing two humans won't you?" Eden said, trying to keep Papyrus' excitement over the situation going.

Frisk got this big smile while looking up at Eden, filled to the brim with happiness that her sister was playing along with this.
"I WOULD, WOULDN'T I?" Papyrus mused, perking up instantly, "AFTER ALL, A NORMAL ROYAL GUARD COULD CAPTURE A SINGLE HUMAN BUT IT WOULD TAKE ONE OF TRUE STATURE TO CAPTURE TWO! AND I AM THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL!! OR... WILL BE ONCE UNDYNE FINISHES MY TRAINING!" He cackled in delight, thoughts of finally attaining his dream flying through his head.


He took off out of the clearing, excitement ebbing of of him in waves. Humans! Real humans!
Frisk jumped and practically ran to follow Papyrus. Ed couldn't remember the last time Frisk had been this excited. Ed walked and stopped for a second by Sans, watching the two wander further down the path.

"I've never seen Frisk so excited for puzzles. She never seemed to care for them before." She said and started to walk along. She looked at back at Sans. "Hey, you, uh, chilled to the bones there?"
Sans guffawed at the pun, falling into step beside her. "Nah," he replied with a smirk, "I'm just an ice kind of guy." He winked at her, "Ditto though, it's been ages since I've seen Paps look so revved up for something. I appreciate it."
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Covering up a small laugh with a cough, Ed nodded. She got a concerned look though suddenly and sighed, unhappy with herself for having to break this easy air already.

"Why are monsters hunting humans? What for?" She was asking the difficult questions already, she felt like she had to in order to keep her sister safe.
Sans sighed at the heavy question, fiddling about with the various knickknacks that accumulated in his pockets. The fact that Eden needed to ask at all didn't bode well for the old queen locked in the ruins. Toriel always tried to inform the humans of the dangers outside once her efforts to dissuade them from venturing forward proved fruitless. He hunched forwards slightly, his eye-sockets growing slightly dim.

"I guess you wouldn't believe me if I said tea and cupcakes?" he joked half-heartedly.
"Heh..." Ed smiled softly and looked down at the footprints in the snow. One set small, scattered about a larger set. They both weaved and seemed strangely childlike compared to the straight path Sans and her were making.

"That dangerous huh?" She said and looked up at Frisk. "Can you tell me how likely it is for us to get out of here then? I'm guessing we're up against the monster population down here...well, if they're like you guys we'd be fine actually."

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