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One x One A Clockwork War

Move the story along about a month, put them on the ship headed to Kingsport. I have plans for it from there but the space in between would literally be them getting tickets and such.

As for the results of their Fade To Black Scene, If they engaged in Coitus, I'd strongly suggest that she not become pregnant as a result. The reason being, things are going to get rough, soon, her pregnant would mean her dead in the next "Story arc" annnd I have no way to work a baby in yet.
Alright, sounds good to me. Yeah see I already figured that would be a problem anyway so I did not even want to even go that route so you don't have to work about about a baby intervening. lol
Sort of moving to strand them on an island together. Keep them both conscious. In my next post Ill move them to said island.
I'm sorry my boyfriend just broke up with me. It might take me awhile to reply back
Oh you are fine. Life happens. If you ever wanna talk about it please let me know.

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