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Fandom A Class of Their Own | IC RP Thread [Fantasy School, D&D Setting, NO DICE]


New Member
The Forgotten Realms
Audiobook Version for TL ; DR
Abeir-Toril was once one of two worlds, or so it was believed. Yet one day its twin, Earth, disappeared from the skies.
This was a time long since Forgotten. Identical were they, once; In lands, in flora and fauna, yet unlike it's twin, it had Magic. There eventually came a Time of Troubles. The Gods of Abeir Toril were struck from the skies to walk among their followers as mortal avatars upon the terra firma by Ao the Overgod, who brought them all low in punishment of those that sought the power to defy him. Many Gods died, others circumvented their deaths by various means during this time of war, and Ao picked mortals to ascend in the place of the deceased into Abeir-Toril's Pantheon of Deities while reinstating the surviving Gods.

The center of mortal activity on Abeir-Toril was undoubtedly the land of Faerun.


The continent of Faerun was equally as diverse in landscape as it was in people, with halflings, dwarves, elves, orcs, dragonborns, and humans among the most common of their number, with many other sentient races scattered throughout in the more exotic places of the massive super-continent. The land has many political squabbles and alliances of many forms, yet the wilderness grows more rabid and untamed with the passing of years. Monsters spill from their homes, the smarter ones like goblins, kobolds, giants, and stronger creatures claiming territories from the wild lands for themselves and violently putting to rest all who trespass. All this has caused adventuring to become a lucrative business. The more risk-taking entrepreneurial spirits of the mortal realm often take it upon themselves to deal with the lands' political and monster problems, as mercenaries for the highest bidder, as pest control, or as sworn swords to kings and nations. Many such people found strength in numbers, with various skills and roles divided betwixt them, often giving themselves names to spread the renown of their exploits through word of mouth as their accomplishments grew.

All told though, the business was dangerous. Roughly as many adventurers who fought and lived while seeking their respective goals and glories, had an equal number of friends and allies taken from them far too soon. Churned on by such an experience, a legendary party of Baldurs Gate's Adventurer's Guild, The Swords Of Pax, formally declared a retirement after many exploits that spanned the entire globe, and possibly beyond. They wished to stay on the Adventurer's Guild however, with one request; to keep serving the guild as educators to young up-and-coming adventurers on the Guild's behalf, to help ensure a more lasting survival for future adventuring parties in memorium of the fallen friends and lovers they had lost over the span of roughly twenty years, counted from the oldest surviving member.

The Adventurer's Guild begrudgingly honored the expensive endeavor of building a massive school on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, on the Eastern side, toward Faerun's Western Heartlands, importing all the stone and resources needed to build the structure by pooling a percentage of the profits the Guild received from quest commissions to fund the venture. The grounds were enclosed by formidable 30 foot cobblestone walls, encircling the training grounds, recreationary commons, boarding houses for male and female students during their stay, and the modest, castle-like structure in the north of the compound which housed the many classrooms needed to teach the basics, intermediate, and advanced lessons required to survive as adventurers out in the many odd and wild places throughout Faerun. Viewed from above, the school and its grounds would most come to resemble an eyeball, with the central structure of the schoolhouse forming a sort of iris, staring upwards to the northern lands.

At first, the Adventurer's Guild Academy (AGA, as it came to be known) instructed novice adventurers of 20 to 30 years of age. As the founders died, and generations came to pass, however, this changed. It soon became a practice where alumni of the school would petition the guild to instruct their children as well, either at their own, or their children's behest. This is where you come in. You are young in the world of Abeir-Toril and the land of Faerun. You might not even be old enough to understand the politics of the land, its history, or its Gods, and yet, here you stand, on the cusp of learning to become a legend. Your reasons and whatever may have driven you here are your own, but you, all of you, are in this together.

You will all find a Class of Your Own.


Character Sheets
(Please PM me using the following sheet base. I will work with you if I feel edits are needed. When approved, I will inform you and add your character to the list, and we can discuss the RP OOC in the rest of this thread! :3 IC thread will be up to start the RP once I feel we have enough characters to get things rolling!)
NAME/NICKNAMES: (Any names or nicknames your character might like to be called or have been known by previously.)

AGE: (Age in years.)

RACE: (Any race core to the D&D, within reason. Nonstandard races like Drow and other typically villainous races aren't to be encouraged unless they have a strongly built background or that race has been introduced in the RP in some form. List of Player D&D Races)

SEX: (Male or Female)

BIRTHPLACE: (Locals would be from Baldur's Gate. Otherwise, here's an alphabetical list of cities with notable features to help you decide! Cities of the Forgotten Realms)

HEIGHT: (Any height within the typical range for your race, or smaller for a runt, larger within reason.)

WEIGHT: (Same as above. Standard for the race, slightly smaller, or larger.)

HAIR: (Let your locks flow with the color and style of your choosing. :P)

EYES: (Use the race as a guide if necessary, but I also won't begrudge a bit of deviation.)

EYESIGHT: (Normal Vision? Shortsighted? Nearsighted? Astigmatism? Needs glasses? Goggles? Bifocals?)

DOMINANT HAND: (Which hand wins? FIGHT TO THE DEATH- Not really, just which one your character uses more and is better with.)

VOICE: (Describe your character's voice quality, how do they speak? Do they have certain phrases they favor or a limited vocabulary? How eloquent are they? Do they tend to offend people, or are they typically charming?)

PHYSICAL FEATURES/MEDICAL HISTORY: (Describe any defining physical features, injuries, scars, special markings, etc.)

PERSONAL BACKGROUND: (Pretty self explanatory, build a short history of your character to make them a bit relatable.)

ASPIRATIONS: (Hopes & Dreams? What drove your character to become an adventurer or enroll in the Academy? It could be something normal like following in the footsteps of a parent, wanting something more out of life, desiring to become stronger for whatever reason, or it might even be something unexpected, like maybe seeking asylum from some potential threat you feel you can't face alone, or wishing to find a home here at the Academy.)

FEARS: (What really scares you to your core and can cripple you? What is it that you avoid the most?)

PERSONALITY: (How is your character in action? In a social setting? How does their background, aspirations, and fears effect their behaviors? What kinds of people are they attracted to or repulsed by?)

WORK/EDUCATION: (Adventurer, Newly Enrolled in the Adventurer's Guild. Job Classes will come later as the RP progresses, but it doesn't hurt to keep one of the core base classes in mind or commit early if you know what you want. I will allow class changes after a PM to arrange the event in the RP, we'll make class changing a special process. :PD&D Class List)

SKILLS: (Any sort of martial, social, or technical skill that would apply in a medieval fantasy setting with magic and monsters, within reason. You are teenagers or young adventurers. You can't be a master at a lot of things at once by this point. Think of skills that would fit your race, personality, aspirations, and fears.)

HOBBIES/RECREATION: (Go wild! Storytelling, Music, Dancing, Games, Gambling, Athletics, Gymnastics! Also a good idea to base this off of aspirations, fears, character history, and personality to make it believable.)

Character Lists and OOC Discussion Thread



1. No God-moding, allow consent in actions, such as when fighting. (ie. X attempts to grab Y so he can do Z) Leave the actions open to reaction, basically.

2. Each player can have up to 2 characters. This is to allow players to find some way to interact with the RP and other characters even while waiting for a response to one of your characters. In special cases where both characters have been tied up waiting for a response for too long (say a week or more), I'll consider allowing a third character application.

3. Post in such a way that your characters are easily distinguishable. this can be as simple as a tag before the post reading [Character Name interacting with Other Character Names] or making a dedicated color scheme for each character you control or preferably both so it's easy for people you're interacting with that character to gravitate to the posts that pertain to them in the moment.

4. Posts can be semi-paragraph or paragraph format. Paragraph is preferable, but there may be class events where you may simply be asking or answering questions on the subject matter at hand, where it make sense for the posts to be short.

5. Have fun, mingle, create friendships and rivalries! Enjoy Faerun and the Forgotten Realms!!! :D
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[Characters: Tarrace & Tallo]
[Location: Adventurer's Guild Academy, Training Commons]

Tarrace Akuto, a human adult in his mid 20's, was drenched in sweat. Panting from exertion, he raised the back of his left hand to his brow, wiping the salty moisture away before the beads could have a chance to run down into his eyes. He struck out with a combo of three hits toward a humanoid-sized, finely polished wooden dummy, looking a lot like a prizefighter with his shirt off, wearing a pair of dark grey pants, hands and feet covered in compress bandages. He threw a nice, solid roundhouse kick at the dummy, and it suitably recoiled, having been set on a springed base so as to to not harm any trainees by being too immovable of an object.

"Hit it again, Tarry. I think you got it on the ropes!" The tall, lean, green man sitting about 20 feet from Tarrace sat on a bench, reading through local news writs for Baldur's Gate proper, the nearest large city. "No, really Tarrace, I think he might just give up, you nearly clawed his gorram eyes out." Tallo said with a smirk in his typical low, growly voice.

"It's not really the point to damage the dummy as much as it is is to just work the muscle-"

"Shhh. I know, learn to take a joke, sonny." Tallo quipped.

"Pffft." Tarrace scoffed as he continued to reel a rapid succession of jabs into the body of the dummy. "Been a while since we've had new students, Tallo. Think any will arrive soon?" Tarrace took a break to walk a few feet over to a nearby tree, one of a long line planted in the training grounds with archery targets strapped to them. He reached up to one of the sturdier limbs and pulled down a white sweat towel he had left dangling in its crook. He began to dry himself off with it, starting with his head.

"-The hells am I supposed to know, Tarry? I'm not psychic."

"Technically you a-"

"That's telekinetic. Yes, that's a Gith thing, but no, I'm not trained in it. Raised practically from newborn by an Orc, yeah?" Tallo smiled at Tarrace's failed attempt at a joke, even if he dismissed it. All told, he felt comfortable in the cool breezes of the pleasant, sunny day afforded to them today. "You done already? It's only been an hour."

"Yeah, I've got some projects to do." Tarrace said, now holding the sweat towel around the back of his neck and over his shoulders with both hands.

Tallo nodded. "Right. Well, if you ever find the time between these ever-important 'projects' of yours." Tallo visibly rolled his eyes. "Get back to me so I can let you reforge my longsword, yeah? I feel it's getting a bit bent."

"Sure, just drop it by me and I'll fire up the furnace!" Tarrace shouted and waved as he trailed off towards the male boarding house.
Rasper & Volkru
~ Making their way to the school ~
The walk was long, but in the end, Rasper still seemed excited and ready to be getting to the Acadamy, of course, she was sitting up on Volru's shoulders, while he was doing all the walking, but the Dragonborn didn't seem to care much. Rasper was light, only weighing a little less than 70 pounds, so for the brute of a Dragonborn, this was easy.

"We're almost there Ra," Volkru smiled as he spoke to Rasper. His voice soft, almost as if a whisper, but his deep gravely tone still pushing through. "Are you excited?" Volkru continued, he could almost see the school in the distance, just peaking from the hill they stood on. It was still quite a walks awake, but within the next hour, the two would be at their destination.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The voice coming from the kenku's throat sounded that of a young child. A girls voice, soft, filled with innocence and plenty of energy. Rasper tried to control her excitement. She wanted to move around and be at their destination already, it had been such a long walk and to think that they were so close made her thrilled. "How long?" The same child voice echoed out her throat, as she looked at the school in the distance in awe.

"Not very long," Volkru replied, but he knew Rasper wouldn't be content with that answer. She was childish and becoming impatient from the days of travel. She would continue to ask until he gave her a more accurate answer. As Volkru continued to on forward to their destination, Rasper, as expected, spoke up again, the question the same as the last. "How long?" Her soft child-like voice called. "A little while." Volkru shook his head and chuckled, keeping the content smile on his face. He enjoyed Rasper's childish qualities, though it tended to sometimes annoy others, he found them unique. "Be patient." He added. They would be there soon enough, and Rasper would just have to wait and hold in her excitement.

Soon enough the two were only a few minutes away from the academy and Volkru lifted Rasper off his shoulders. Her energy becoming too much for him to walk straight with. Once her feet were placed firmly on the ground they continued forward, ready for whatever was in store.
[Characters: Tallo]
[Location: Adventurer's Guild Academy, Training Commons]

Some time had passed before Tallo's morning reading was rudely interrupted by one of the wall watchmen. "Instructor Tallo! Watchman Paelias says he sees something, sir!" The Watchman shouted. "Then why are you telling me he said he saw something? Why isn't he telling me?!" Tallo shouted back. "Paelias is mute, sir! I thought you knew, sir!" The watchman replied. Tallo faceplamed for making the faux-pas and possibly insulted a powerful Eladrin. " Right... Well, moving on. Is it that damned Kobold who keeps coming to throw stones at us?"

"No sir, he only shows up on Wednesdays! It's Tuesday now!" The Watchman shouted back. "Paelias said don't worry about the forgetting he's mute thing, by the way. He said He'll overlook it... this time. He's also sharpening his sword as we speak now, sir." Tallo audibly gulped. Was Paelias gonna try something next time they met? "I think if anything comes to threaten us today, he'll be more than ready! By the way, he says they're coming in closer now! Seems to be a Dragonborn and a Kenku!"

Tallo immediately hopped up from his place. Nowadays a dragonborn was usual faire as far as adventurers went, but a Kenku was very uncommon. Not that he hadn't encountered a Kenku or two of less than malicious intent, but alway best to err on the side of caution than of friendly negligence. "If they're immediately hostile, return fire! If not, then ask their business! if they're adventurers, let them in! I'd like to speak with them myself!" Tallo yelled in as high a yell as his scratchy rasp could allow.
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Rasper & Volkru
~ Arriving at the Acadamy ~
Rasper couldn't take her eyes off the academy as they walked forward, she was speechless. "Now we're here." Volkru interrupted Rasper's thoughts as he joked. He chuckled lightly and looked at the place. It was larger then he thought and it was much longer of a walk then he planed. They had planned to be here yesterday, but lucky for them a certain Kenku got distracted.

When they got only a few yards away from the place a voice called to the two of them, asking them who they were and what their business was here. Just as Rasper opened her mouth, Volkru took another step forward and started to speak for both of them The last thing he wanted was Rasper going on a childish rant about their whole walk here to only explain that the wanted to come here to learn, it would last forever. "I am Volkru, and this is my companion," He paused motioning to his feathered friend. "Rasper." Volkru quickly brought his gaze back up to the watchman. "We came here to learn?" The way Volkru spoke, it sounded more like he was asking a question rather than saying why they were actually here, but he seemed to get the point across none-the-less as they were motioned inside.

The two slowly walked in, Rasper a few steps behind Volkru, almost as if nervous, though Volkru seemed to pay no mind. Though he found himself also feeling a tinge of unease as they entered the place, it was a lot to take in.
[Characters: Tallo & Tarrace]
[Location: Adventurer's Guild Academy, Front Gate Interior]

"Now they're here!" The Watchman repeated after the Dragonborn had said the same thing to the Kenku, repeating it down over the wall to Tallo on the inside. "The dragonborn says his name is Volkru!!" He paused to listen to Volkru's words, before repeating them with small creative liberties. "And the Kenku is his companion-!!! - Rasper! They came to learn, sir!!!!" The Watchman repeated, emphasizing the last sentence so loudly the whole of the Academy could probably hear it. Meanwhile Obsidian, now wearing a creamy white tunic shirt with black laces and a handyman's apron with a chisel and hammer, came to stand beside Tallo at the gate, carrying various lengths, sizes, and styles of what appear to be small metal pipe plumbing and cones. On his hands, he wore the kind of gloves that extended almost to the elbow, give or take 2 inches. "The hell you got there, Tarry?!?!" The Watchman called down questioningly.

"Some piping to install next to the gate. The Guild gave me the go-ahead to install a communication system SO YOU COULD STOP YOUR $%%&ing SHOUTING AND SAVE YOURSELF A BRAIN ANEURYSM!!!" Tarrace exclaimed in frustration.

Tallo snickered. Tarrace was not usually the type to get so animatedly annoyed. The smirk on his face indicated a clear amusement. "Go ahead and open the gate! I'll get the two of them acquainted with the place while Tarrace installs his thingamawoozit. It seems he'd like it better done now than later!"

The Watchman silently opened the gate immediately, and Tarrace used the opportunity to make his way inside the wall to the right. He took a ladder conveniently placed inside for this occasion and started climbing it to wordlessly chisel away a hole into some of the cobblestone's molding, he would go on eyeballing the hole and the width of his pipes as he would chisel away further adjustments.


Tallo cleared his throat to draw attention away from the display Tarrace and the Watchman made as the gate opened and Tarry got in place on his project. Tallo supposed this was what made Tarrace take a break from his workout regimen in the first place. "Greetings, Volkru, and... Rasper, was it?" Tallo said, walking up to the duo and addressing them directly. "Welcome to the-"

-Tap tap tap-

"Welcome to-!"

-Tap tap!-



Tallo took pause. "Are you through yet, Tarry? Got it out your system?"

Tarrace gave a solid thumbs-up. "First hole done." He said while putting his hammer and chisel back away in his apron before climbing down to grab a particular pipe and funnel from the pile.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild Academy. I'm Tallo, the Bard Instructor on duty. That is Tarrace, he would be your Rogue instructor. He can teach you skills like sneaking, lockpicking, and so on. He's also the resident Blacksmith and handyman on staff."

"Hello." Tarrace said simply without a glance down at them from the ladder as he worked the piping and funnel together in the hole he had just made in the wall.

"If you need anything fixed around here or you need new training weapons and armor, he would be the one to talk to. Then you have Watchman Clease up on the wall!!!"

"Hi kids!" Clease called down.

"He's a retired guildmember who volunteered to be security here. He should have Watchman Paelias up there as well, he's not very talkative it turns out." Tallo explained.

"Actually, Sir Tallo, Paelias just poofed away. It's just me here now."

Tallo seemed shocked at this knowledge and quickly turned to look over his shoulder as if expecting to see someone there behind him. He seemed to sigh, perhaps in relief this was not the case. "I'm honestly not quite sure when you'll be able to meet Paelias, he tends to disappear and re-appear quite often. He's the strongest fighter here at the Academy currently. I'm not sure he has taken up an instructor position yet, but he has signed on as an advanced student sparring partner and combat tutor. As it stands, we need more students to form a proper class, but feel free to use the extra time afforded to you before we get more students. Get used to your lodgings, we have a male boarding house and a female boarding house, they are the cabins hugging the northwest and northeast walls respectively, immediately north of the recreational commons and training grounds."

Tallo gestured behind him to his right, indicating the area with a gazebo, picnic tables, wooden fold-up chairs, a small stable with some horses noticeably being fed by caretakers, and a track for racing them in. Then he followed with a gesture to his left, an area with trees forming an archery range with targets, melee training dummies off the the side, and what appeared to be a bunch of random obstacles and gymnastic equipment. "You can also feel free to talk with us instructors at any time if you have any questions or wish for input outside of classes. Now that we have some younger students, we might urge the Guild to provide us with more instructional staff! Maybe a nice, well-built female fighter or barbarian or summat, maybe..." Tallo began to wander off and trail into his own thoughts a bit.

Tarrace climbed down the ladder again to grab more pipe pieces. "Don't mind Tallo. He kinda gets lost in thought when women come to mind. He's been trying to get certain Guild members involved in the Academy lately." He explained to the duo. "But really, Welcome to the Academy, you guys!" Tarrace said, with what may have been an attempt at a smile, but still seemed like a straight face, like he was struggling to mix work and hospitality at the moment.
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