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Fandom A Class of Their Own | Characters/OOC [Fantasy School, D&D Setting, NO DICE]


New Member
The Forgotten Realms
Audiobook Version for TL ; DR
Abeir-Toril was once one of two worlds, or so it was believed. Yet one day its twin, Earth, disappeared from the skies.
This was a time long since Forgotten. Identical were they, once; In lands, in flora and fauna, yet unlike it's twin, it had Magic. There eventually came a Time of Troubles. The Gods of Abeir Toril were struck from the skies to walk among their followers as mortal avatars upon the terra firma by Ao the Overgod, who brought them all low in punishment of those that sought the power to defy him. Many Gods died, others circumvented their deaths by various means during this time of war, and Ao picked mortals to ascend in the place of the deceased into Abeir-Toril's Pantheon of Deities while reinstating the surviving Gods.

The center of mortal activity on Abeir-Toril was undoubtedly the land of Faerun.


The continent of Faerun was equally as diverse in landscape as it was in people, with halflings, dwarves, elves, orcs, dragonborns, and humans among the most common of their number, with many other sentient races scattered throughout in the more exotic places of the massive super-continent. The land has many political squabbles and alliances of many forms, yet the wilderness grows more rabid and untamed with the passing of years. Monsters spill from their homes, the smarter ones like goblins, kobolds, giants, and stronger creatures claiming territories from the wild lands for themselves and violently putting to rest all who trespass. All this has caused adventuring to become a lucrative business. The more risk-taking entrepreneurial spirits of the mortal realm often take it upon themselves to deal with the lands' political and monster problems, as mercenaries for the highest bidder, as pest control, or as sworn swords to kings and nations. Many such people found strength in numbers, with various skills and roles divided betwixt them, often giving themselves names to spread the renown of their exploits through word of mouth as their accomplishments grew.

All told though, the business was dangerous. Roughly as many adventurers who fought and lived while seeking their respective goals and glories, had an equal number of friends and allies taken from them far too soon. Churned on by such an experience, a legendary party of Baldurs Gate's Adventurer's Guild, The Swords Of Pax, formally declared a retirement after many exploits that spanned the entire globe, and possibly beyond. They wished to stay on the Adventurer's Guild however, with one request; to keep serving the guild as educators to young up-and-coming adventurers on the Guild's behalf, to help ensure a more lasting survival for future adventuring parties in memorium of the fallen friends and lovers they had lost over the span of roughly twenty years, counted from the oldest surviving member.

The Adventurer's Guild begrudgingly honored the expensive endeavor of building a massive school on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, on the Eastern side, toward Faerun's Western Heartlands, importing all the stone and resources needed to build the structure by pooling a percentage of the profits the Guild received from quest commissions to fund the venture. The grounds were enclosed by formidable 30 foot cobblestone walls, encircling the training grounds, recreationary commons, boarding houses for male and female students during their stay, and the modest, castle-like structure in the north of the compound which housed the many classrooms needed to teach the basics, intermediate, and advanced lessons required to survive as adventurers out in the many odd and wild places throughout Faerun. Viewed from above, the school and its grounds would most come to resemble an eyeball, with the central structure of the schoolhouse forming a sort of iris, staring upwards to the northern lands.

At first, the Adventurer's Guild Academy (AGA, as it came to be known) instructed novice adventurers of 20 to 30 years of age. As the founders died, and generations came to pass, however, this changed. It soon became a practice where alumni of the school would petition the guild to instruct their children as well, either at their own, or their children's behest. This is where you come in. You are young in the world of Abeir-Toril and the land of Faerun. You might not even be old enough to understand the politics of the land, its history, or its Gods, and yet, here you stand, on the cusp of learning to become a legend. Your reasons and whatever may have driven you here are your own, but you, all of you, are in this together.

You will all find a Class of Your Own.


Character Sheets
(Please PM me using the following sheet base. I will work with you if I feel edits are needed. When approved, I will inform you and add your character to the list, and we can discuss the RP OOC in the rest of this thread! :3 IC thread will be up to start the RP once I feel we have enough characters to get things rolling!)

NAME/NICKNAMES: (Any names or nicknames your character might like to be called or have been known by previously.)

AGE: (Age in years.)

RACE: (Any race core to the D&D, within reason. Nonstandard races like Drow and other typically villainous races aren't to be encouraged unless they have a strongly built background or that race has been introduced in the RP in some form. List of Player D&D Races)

SEX: (Male or Female)

BIRTHPLACE: (Locals would be from Baldur's Gate. Otherwise, here's an alphabetical list of cities with notable features to help you decide! Cities of the Forgotten Realms)

HEIGHT: (Any height within the typical range for your race, or smaller for a runt, larger within reason.)

WEIGHT: (Same as above. Standard for the race, slightly smaller, or larger.)

HAIR: (Let your locks flow with the color and style of your choosing. :P)

EYES: (Use the race as a guide if necessary, but I also won't begrudge a bit of deviation.)

EYESIGHT: (Normal Vision? Shortsighted? Nearsighted? Astigmatism? Needs glasses? Goggles? Bifocals?)

DOMINANT HAND: (Which hand wins? FIGHT TO THE DEATH- Not really, just which one your character uses more and is better with.)

VOICE: (Describe your character's voice quality, how do they speak? Do they have certain phrases they favor or a limited vocabulary? How eloquent are they? Do they tend to offend people, or are they typically charming?)

PHYSICAL FEATURES/MEDICAL HISTORY: (Describe any defining physical features, injuries, scars, special markings, etc.)

PERSONAL BACKGROUND: (Pretty self explanatory, build a short history of your character to make them a bit relatable.)

ASPIRATIONS: (Hopes & Dreams? What drove your character to become an adventurer or enroll in the Academy? It could be something normal like following in the footsteps of a parent, wanting something more out of life, desiring to become stronger for whatever reason, or it might even be something unexpected, like maybe seeking asylum from some potential threat you feel you can't face alone, or wishing to find a home here at the Academy.)

FEARS: (What really scares you to your core and can cripple you? What is it that you avoid the most?)

PERSONALITY: (How is your character in action? In a social setting? How does their background, aspirations, and fears effect their behaviors? What kinds of people are they attracted to or repulsed by?)

WORK/EDUCATION: (Adventurer, Newly Enrolled in the Adventurer's Guild. Job Classes will come later as the RP progresses, but it doesn't hurt to keep one of the core base classes in mind or commit early if you know what you want. I will allow class changes after a PM to arrange the event in the RP, we'll make class changing a special process. :PD&D Class List)

SKILLS: (Any sort of martial, social, or technical skill that would apply in a medieval fantasy setting with magic and monsters, within reason. You are teenagers or young adventurers. You can't be a master at a lot of things at once by this point. Think of skills that would fit your race, personality, aspirations, and fears.)

HOBBIES/RECREATION: (Go wild! Storytelling, Music, Dancing, Games, Gambling, Athletics, Gymnastics! Also a good idea to base this off of aspirations, fears, character history, and personality to make it believable.)
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Frequently Asked Questions!

I thought I'd make a section of FAQs and Answers to help clarify things brought to my attention. Feel free to ask me your own questions regarding the RP and the character sheets as well! The only stupid question is one that's never asked so it can't be answered! I may ask you if you'd like me to represent your questions here for the benefit of other applicants, which you can accept or decline at your discretion! Not gonna call anybody out with them, just represent them here to help people. :D

I wanted to know if I could make more then one character or if you wanted us to just have one?

I'd probably allow two characters per person so that people always have a way to interact with the RP in some way. If suddenly a direct RP partner goes AWOL, I know that can be extremely frustrating to not have another character in another situation to fall back on. I will probably have format rules when the IC thread goes up to help support this and keep it from being confusing like maybe a format and color scheme required to designate in the post which character is acting, and who's being directly addressed. This will be so that people the post pertains to will know it applies to them, while people not in that interaction chain can choose to read it, join in, or move along as they see fit.

What do you want for the age range of the characters to be? Like younger children or early teens, late teens? Does it matter?

I would shoot for teens to early 30's. The concept is based in the sort of fantastical schools present in Harry Potter or X-men. In terms of Harry Potter, there was a strict age limit because of the audience and mimicking elementary to high school age ranges of their readership. Since in D&D adventurers can be of any age range and many levels of skill based on their jobs beforehand, I feel like 20's-30's for intermediate adventurers working for the Guild who use the Academy to learn more adavanced skills in passing would be an interesting dynamic because their natural interactions with younger students might make for various levels of tutelage and support in case situations get more hairy than planned. :P I would like to keep pre-teens and children out of this because while realistically speaking, in a medieval fantasy setting, bad people and monsters wouldn't necessarily be choosy about their victims, it's just more palatable to understand teenagers learning and preparing for the real world, which in the case of D&D, can be harsh.

I really wanted to bring in one of my favorite characters from a past DnD game that I played. The only issue is that they are non-standard, and you wanted us to stick with core characters. Is there a way they can be allowed into the RP?

I approve of non-standard characters as long as they have a very interesting take to them. It's more a rule to, let's say, not have a million Drizzt Do'Urdans; dark elves who are generally considered villains, BUT ALL OF THESE ONES ARE SPECIAL BECAUSE THEY SAW THE ERROR OF THEIR WAYS, WE SWEAR! That sort of situation kinda irks me because, yeah, everyone loves Drizzt Do'Urdan, I love Drizzt Do'Urdan! But I don't wanna see an entire group of Drizzt Do'Urdans, if you catch my meaning. :D

I personally have a Githyanki Bard character who was raised by a Half-orc Barbarian so he has a bit of alienation issues and an internal struggle about people perceiving him as a villain (because that's typically what Githyanki are, and it doesn't help he was raised by a Half-orc, who also has the stigma). It's all about not making them a repeat of the 'I'm the <this> but with a heart of gold' trope. I want the public perception to be played with a little in such an exotic character.


Thanks very much for the questions, they should be very helpful not only to other players, but to me as well! I may occasionally have problems explaining myself well as it's been a long time since I have RP'd last and I don't tend to take on an organizational or DM style role. I'm very excited to take the task on for this RP and roleplay right alongside you all, and I want to serve you in those faculties to the best of my abilities! :3​
Character Profiles

PLAYER NAME: riodragon

NAME/NICKNAMES: Tarrace Akuto, 'Tarry'

AGE: 23

RACE: Human

SEX: Male

BIRTHPLACE: The outskirts of Amn.

HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEIGHT: 180 pounds

HAIR: Short, spiked , black hair.

EYES: Dark brown, near-black eyes.

EYESIGHT: Normal vision.

DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous.

VOICE: Baritone to Tenor register. Tends to be smooth-spoken and respectful. Comes across as very charming and friendly to allies.

PHYSICAL FEATURES/MEDICAL HISTORY: A very slight limp in his right leg indicates he once took a serious injury there but since recovered. His body is dotted all over with minor scrapes and bruises of varied ages, but most notably, if he took off his leather gloves, one would notice deep scarring from previous necrosis on the thumb side of his right hand, although it seems to function normally. Other than that, the tips of his fingers are callused as though he works with his hands often.

PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Tarrace was born the son of a blacksmith who operated out of their home on the outskirts of Amn. The only son, Tarrace came to apprentice in the craft under his father's tutelage as a preteen and by the time he was a teenager, he was establishing a reputation in the craft, though his father overshadowed him with his far more skilled and veteran eyes and handiwork.

One day, they were commissioned by a man to make him a special order of two black kukri machetes, to be made of fresh volcanic glass. It took much time and expense just to source the materials for the project, it required a sizable advance payment, an expedition to set up the project near an active volcano, and the work to be divided between father and son to hope to hit the deadline for delivery.

It was tough work, but they made it home with the project completed the day before the machetes were meant to be picked up and paid in full, but while Tarrace and his family slept that night, someone set fire to their home! He tried in vain to save his parents and barely escaped on his own, losing the house and blacksmith shop in the process.

While dealing with the dead and the wreckage, he scrounged for the machetes to find them missing, and on finding the store's safe box, found all the money gone as well.

He wandered around Amn, homeless, living off of scraps and the good will he could find of the local residents. All the while, he held a subtle investigation into the arson. After many months, he learned it was the handiwork of the man who ordered the machetes, The leader of an organized crime ring.

Tarrace furiously plotted for months to take the man down, and eventually infiltrated his manor and killed him, taking only the money meant for the machetes and the machetes themselves. All this was while in a disguise of all black to blend into the night, with a blank black mask to hide his face if he were seen.

ASPIRATIONS: To help train young people in the basics of self-sufficient survival, and to hunt down organized crime wherever he can find it.

FEARS: Tarrace often fears the possibility of his actions causing some sort of collateral damage, so he like to pursue personal goals and vendettas alone.

PERSONALITY: Tarrace is a very stoic young man on first meeting, but tends to lighten and open up over time. He values personal responsibility, resourcefulness, and self-reliance whenever possible. With close friends he can be quite jovial and a joker.

WORK/EDUCATION: Adventurer/Rogue, Academy Lock picking, Blacksmithing, Charisma, and Survival skills instructor, Academy Sparring Partner.

SKILLS: Shortswords, Lockpicking, Blacksmithing, Stealth, Survival, Charisma.

HOBBIES/RECREATION: Smithing, Drinking (he is a lightweight), Card games, Darts, Knife throwing, Secret Vigilante.

PLAYER NAME: riodragon

NAME/NICKNAMES: Tallo / 'Tally' / 'Tal' / 'Asshole'

AGE: 31

RACE: Githyanki

SEX: Male

BIRTHPLACE: The Underdark

HEIGHT: 6'3".

WEIGHT: 177 pounds

HAIR: Tallo's hair is long and wiry and a dark, reddish brown in hue, like mahogany bark. It is usually fastened into a ponytail behind his head with a length of black ribbon, tied where the neck and skull meet.

EYES: Tallo's eyes are a sort of milky purple, like amethyst stones.

EYESIGHT: No abnormalities in his eyesight that he could report to you, although he occasionally wears telescopic glasses or monocles. One would assume these are for tactical purposes, if not to cover up possible vision irregularities.

DOMINANT HAND: Tallo was trained to be ambidextrous, but his left hand tends to spontaneously twitch occasionally, so he prefers to go right handed whenever possible.

VOICE: Tallo speaks in a rough, low, and gravelly voice with a bit of an English accent. Some would describe it as menacing. He also tends to openly speak his mind on matters at hand without sugarcoating a situation, and is occasionally a bit crass in his humor or language.

PHYSICAL FEATURES/MEDICAL HISTORY: Tallo's build is more on the lean and athletic side than bulky. He seems more likely to run sprints or slash & dash than to be a stone wall and take hits for the team. He has stray scars here and there; a huge scar on the left side of his abdomen is one of the freshest, a nick on the outer right edge of his upper lip, and also notably a chunk of his right eyebrow singed off in a diagonal direction.

PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Tallo was born in a mindflayer colony where his people were essentially being used as slaves for the infrastructure of the colony and as food sources for their illithid masters when necessary. Tallo was but a newborn when a daring group of adventurers had stumbled upon the mindflayer colony with the intention of eradicating the threat of the illithids within. However, most of the adventuring party parished after eliminating most of the illitihids and slaves whose minds were too far gone. One single survivor, a half-orc barbarian woman named Momira, had found the newborn Tallo and extracted him from the Underdark, going on to raise him as her own son.

Tallo grew, and as he got older he took interest in adventuring like his adopted mother. She taught him about strength and brutality, but he found it hard to keep up with the sheer power of a half-orc woman in her prime. So his mother recruited other friends of hers to teach him and help him find a niche in the profession. Eventually, he found he took a liking to the ways and lifestyles of a bard. He felt more accustomed to the quick-thinking cunning and trickery of a bard as well as the soothing songs to help ease and strengthen the minds of compatriots. Perhaps he felt like the presence of a strong bard would have helped his mother's party survive the Illithid camp more effectively, so he chose such a path to preserve the lives of adventurers that way in the future? Such motives, he would never say, even if he felt them.

ASPIRATIONS: Become world-renowned in skills and deeds. He would claim for acquisition of money and power, although it is perhaps more to validate his mother's efforts to save him and raise him.

FEARS: Causing the death of a friend. Being painted as a villain.

PERSONALITY: Tallo is a hard one to place. He often speaks his mind bluntly and gets right to the point when it comes to situations outside of himself. He is sometimes crass and vulgar with a streak of dark humor to him, but when it comes down to immediately important matters he strives to plan ahead and take on muliple tasks if possible or necessary. Occasionally he will plan things himself without collaborating with his teammates and go ahead with it, but this seems to be when he wants to play up appearances and bluff his enemies in some way where even fooling his friends might be necessary to make it believable in the short term. In regards to things like love and romance, he finds it quite impossible in an adventurer's life to make settling down a viable option, so he approaches romance from more of a living in the moment perspective. He makes sport of flirting with women at bars, taverns, and inns, for example, during down time, but he sees little point in pursuing anything romantic other than where you lay your hat for the night.

WORK/EDUCATION: Adventurer/Bard, Academy Music, Performance, Bard, and Bluff instructor.

SKILLS: Swordfighting, Alchemy, Bardsongs, Bluffing, and Archery.

HOBBIES/RECREATION: Gambling, Card Games, Board Games, any sort of game with a strategic focus.

Player Name: Angelofwishes7
Name: Rasper
Nickname(s): Rasp, Raspy, Raspberry, Ra-Ra (By people close to her)
Age: 17
Race: KenKu
Sex: Female
Birthplace: Ravens Bluff
weight: 68 lbs
Feathers: Black, but when looked at in the correct lighting, they look navy blue
Eyes: One is brown, the other a bright green.
Eyesight: low-light vision

Dominant Hand: Right
Voice: Kenkus can't speak, but instead mimic sounds and voices they have heard over the course of their lifetime. Because of this, Rasper doesn't have one "sound or type" of voice, but instead has many and can change back and forth to get what she needs to say. Her favorite voice is that of a young human child who, when she was young considered a friend another is that of what sounds to be an older male dwarf. Depending on what Rasper is trying to say she can have an incredibly large or very small vocabulary.
Physical Features/Medical History: Rasper is the smallest of her four siblings, being a bit underweight and shorter than the rest of her family, she is agiler and a lighter build then them, but also tends to get hurt easier. If she didn't have feathers covering her body, people would be able to see the collage of bruises and small scapes the cover her knees, legs, and arms.

Background: Growing up in and around the busy streets of Ravens Bluff wasn't easy. Rasper's family were known theirs and troublemakers in the town and once it got out that the family had had more children, everyone in the area stayed on edge. While Rasper's family went out most nights searching for goods to steal and claim their own, Rasper found herself listening, learning. Not caring to steal or harm other families in the area.

It became very clear to her family that Rasper was different when she wandered off in the middle of the day and came back with no trinkets or goods, and over time Rasper slowly found herself the outcast of the family. While they were out stealing and causing trouble, Rasper found herself interacting with children and anyone else who would listen to her. She found herself learning how to cook and do yard work. How to use manners and play card games, stuff her family would never think of doing.

But one night, her father finally snapped, calling Rasper harsh and cruel names, saying that she was only hurting the family, and out Rasper went onto the cold streets. Somewhere she had always been, but now more alone.

It seemed like a miracle when She had bumped into a tall Dragonborn only a few days later who sat and talked with her. He seemed entertained how she spoke, and he listened to her dreams to travel and help others. It was after their long conversation that the Dragonborn, Volkru, offered for Rasper to travel with him and now to this day they continue to travel and adventure together.
Aspirations: She wants to become strong enough to travel and help people all across the lands.

Fears: Being blamed for crimes she never committed, being locked away in jail for crimes she never committed, she claustrophobic.
Personality: Rasper tries to keep up a very happy, optimistic, and helpful personality. She is very playful, though sometimes childish, and she never tries to hurt anyone. She never enjoyed strange, shady, or unpleasant attitudes and personalities her family had, and even if she couldn't change them, she changed herself to be more friendly and kind.

Work/Education: Because Rasper grew up with her family she has been taught the basic skills andy thief would know, pickpocketing, lockpicking, and so on. Even though she knows how to be a thief, doesn't mean she actually cares to use those skills though, so in her free time, she learned hobbies and skills she enjoyed, such as performing basic first aid and cooking. Job wise, she's never really had a steady job because so many people know her family to be thieves. Until she left she had been living off them to survive, afterward, she became an adventurer in hopes to help people in need.
Class: Cleric
Skills: Cooking, basic first aid, lockpicking, pickpocketing, Stealth, She's pretty decent with parkour
Hobbies: Making music with the sounds she makes, Dancing, Practicing her speech, enjoying her companions company.

Player Name: Angelofwishes7
Name: Volkru (Volk-rue)
Nickname(s): Volk, Vol
Age: 14 years (Dragonborns are considered full-grown in their society adults by 15)
Race: Dragonborn
Sex: Male
Birthplace: The far outskirts of Ravens Bluff
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 292lbs
Hair/Scales: Golden scales with a dark, almost black, underbelly. His "Hair" (As showing in picture) almost match his scales in color and are often kept pulled back and out of his face.
Eyes: Red
Eyesight: Normal Vision

Dominant Hand: Left, though his almost as just as good with his right hand.
Voice: Volkru has a very deep and gravelly voice, though he speaks in a very soft tone the majority of the time. He can sometimes come off annoyed or as if he's not interested, but in reality, he's just trying to not sound too menacing when he's speaking to others.
Physical Features/ Medical History: Volkru has a very tough and muscular build. His body is covered by both a tough spiky scales that cover a majority of his body, such as, his shoulders, back, legs, feet, arms, and face, but also some smoother scales that cover places like his chest and the palms of his hands. He has a multitude of different scars that run across his chest and back, some more noticeable than others. One of the most noticeable scars runs along his face (As in Picture)

Background: Volkru was born and raised in his clan, the son of a guard. From the first time, he can walk and wield a weapon he was trained for war. Spending many days and nights learning how he was born to give his life serving and protecting his clan. He became hard and cold to the rest of the world, finding nothing darkness outside the clan walls.

He grew to be strong and mighty, a fierce opponent to the worst man or beast who would enter their territory, but before Volkru could reach the age of fifteen and become an honorary guard of his homeland, he was exiled. The terms, treason against his people. His father had been out the night before, late night hunting, and had been murdered. All findings pointed toward Volkru, but Volkru knew the lies and deceptions that the people excusing him. But being outnumbered and now abandoned by his clan he began to make long journies to different parts of the world.

It wasn't until months later had met up with his now small feathered friend Rasper. They had grown close, finding both were abandoned by their people. Over time Volkru began to enjoy Raspers company, and it brought out a soft side to the large lizard. As days, weeks, months passed between the two Volkru had grown a connection to Rasper, a deeper connection then he had ever had to someone before and with it, he has grown very protective of his small friend.

Aspirations: Volkru, though he has a strong desire to become stronger and more powerful, he didn't come to the academy for such things. Instead, the main reason he is at the Acadamy is to support and protect his dearest friend and some of his now only family, Rasper.

Fears: Not being able to protect someone he cares for, breaking a promise or someone's trust.
Personality: Volkru has what some would call a "warriors' Personality. He's always on edge, quick to think and is ready for battle at a moments notice. He can be seen as very cold and sometimes seclusive or rude, but he never means to come off that way. When people get close enough for him to open up, he shows that he has a sensitive and more gentle side.

Work/Education: Growing up in a battle-ready clan, Volkru grew up being trained with the knowledge that war or battle could be right around any corner. When with his clan, he was a warrior or guard. His duty was to serve and protect his tribe until he was forced to leave. When he was forced to leave his duties turned to survival and adventure.
Class: Barbarian
Skills: Hand-to-hand, Bladed weapons. scavenging
Breath Weapon: Fire
Hobbies: Wood Twidling, Battle training, story reading, stargazing
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