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Fandom A Certain Scientific Index; Academy City


Elder Member


Days pass by the students of Academy City like they do any other.

As the name suggests, it is a city of several schools and institutions of higher learning from kindergarten to university level; learning side-by-side along with the scientists who research on psychic powers and higher technology.

The latter being one of the primary reasons for its establishment.

It is the most advanced city in the world and its technology is said to be 30 years ahead of the world. 80% of the citys population are students; many of whom are espers.

An Esper is a person who possesses psychic abilites; these abilites vary greatly between people in both ability and level.

A level Zero is incapable of using Esper abilities whereas the the very few who grace the roll of Level 5, Academy Citys highest achievable Level, are the Citys most powerful.

Our story follows the lives of the various students that populate academy city.

Current Level 5's; 0

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