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A Ceaseless Desire

“What do you think?! After attempting to get me all riled up by wanting me to confirm my identity as well as my gender, the asshole tried to frame me! Had pictures of the corpse with wounds that were obviously made post mortem.” Running a hand slowly down the center of her face, she gave a hefty sigh. “This day...God damn...it seems it took a turn for the worse as soon as I...pissed you off…” Taking a seat in a nearby chair, Raph leaned her head back upon the wall and closed her eyes. This day was all too much.

@Kazuka Rikiya
Lara rose a brow at Inali who waved his hand dismissively at Raph's comment. "Mom, you'll take care of it right?" He asked and the woman nodded curtly. "Of course, call for a cab back to the dorm for now. Raph you should stay with Inali until you're assigned a new dorm. But don't worry I wont let things progress any worse than they already have." Lara said simply, then turned and walked off. "Don't say anything to the cops while I am not there!"
Raph gave a half hearted nod, though not moving from her current position. She had a sneaking suspicion of why the detective had such a grudge against her, but she wasn't completely sure.

When the cab arrived, she shuffled out of the building and into the back seat, remaining quite silent.

@Kazuka Rikiya
Inali stayed close to Raph, feeling partially responsible for all this happening. Because if he had just told the truth before...maybe she wouldn't have ended up discovering the body at all. They might have stayed safe...

Sitting in the cab, Inali told him to go to the college before leaning back and sighing. "I am sorry ,Raph."
"I just feel bad, I could have done more..." He sighed softly and shook his head before running his fingers through his raven hair.

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