• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

A Bunch of Suggestions


You've got mail
A Bunch of Suggestions

Greetings, fellow site users. I've been looking through some past suggestions and found a few that I liked, so I've decided to share. I've put in some of my own as well. Many of these have been shot down, unpopular, or just plain ignored, but none have been implemented, so here we are. Most of these can't be done, whether for technical, ethnical, or just-can't-be-bothered reasons, but something might have changed, or maybe the mods will have a different mindset this time. If not, then this will just acknowledge that that paticular suggestion won't ever be implemented. So. Enjoy.

Remove picture borders [1]

I’ve noticed a lot of users aren’t big fans of the border that shows up around images in posts. It’s not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing thing in the world. A lot of us would like it gone, or invisible, or something, because it’s pretty distracting and looks very clunky on small images.

Is it possible to remove/disable it entirely, or is it part of Xenforo/the image resizing feature and therefore something that cannot be overwritten?

If it IS impossible to remove, is there a way to perhaps decrease the width of the border or reduce its transparency?

If all of this is completely impossible, would you willing to educate us on why it is so and save this thread for the next time someone else asks about the image borders?

More tutorial visibility [1]

Would it be possible and/or advisable to ensure there's some kind of... cross-linked post or something in either Introduction or Interest Checks that brings members to the Tutorial board?

I feel like many users are unaware of the excellent resources found in that section and it might be highly beneficial to make it more visible for new members or anyone creating an RP.

Sharing Private Workshop [1]

I would really love a feature that allows us to show people the private workshop, so they can see what I'm working on, especially BBCode. Maybe it would be kinda like Google Docs, where if you give someone the link to your private workshop thread they can view it, or you can 'add' people who have the ability to view.

Disable post merging in Workshop [1]

Post merging is quite useful when someone does quick responses, but at times when someone is setting up a roleplay, or even wanting to test out coding, it can get annoying when posts merge.

Organizing bookmarks [1]

I'm wondering if there isn't a way we can figure out a system for organizing bookmarks...

Right now, they're just all listed in one section, kinda clumped together -- But I think it'd be nice if we had some categories for bookmarks to go into -- or a way even, to make our own categories.

For instance - threads I have bookmarked that are roleplays separated from threads I have bookmarked that are non-fictiony links (like the Shoppe or my Sandbox/Workshop) separated from RPs that aren't active anymore, but that I don't wanna lose track of...

Number of posts per page option [1]

This is just a suggestion to add a drop-down in Browsing Preferences, or any other appropriate settings menu, to give more options for "Number of posts displayed per page" than just the default 10 25.

Even just 10, 25, 50, would be an acceptable amount of customization.


Group tag [1 | 2 | 3]

You can create your own groups tags and put multiple people in it instead of tagging everyone over and over again.

Stickied avatar to post on scroll [1]

I have seen a nifty thing on some forums (and Tumblr) where, as you scroll down a page, the sidebox with the user's avatar and stuff sticks to the page until the end of the post. It's REALLY cool imo, and I think it might be a fun little cosmetic script to add in.


Keyword notifications [1]

Addressing users with '@theirname' to get their attention is somewhat out of place in-rp, and can become rather irritating when directing a post at multiple players. Instead, I propose 'Character name notifications' Where a user is notified whenever their character's name is mentioned in a thread.

The way I would see this implemented would be adding a 'add notification keyword' or such button somewhere on a thread page. From there, the user can enter a keyword (namely their character's name) and will get an alert each time it is mentioned.

By adding this, the general 'flow-iness' and ease of writing and structure of posting would increase dramatically - and not to mention - would just be pretty cool.

Keyword notifications in general would be neat.

Popup to make notification go away [1 | 2 | 3]

So, whenever I get a notification, a little bar shows up on the bottom of my screen that links to the notification. 

I am not trying to get rid of that little pop-up bar! I love the little pop-up bar! 

What I would like to suggest is that when you click the little notification bar and go to read whatever the notification takes you to, it would make sense for the notification on the top right hand corner of the page to go away as well. Currently it does not. 

Use ‘Advice’ instead of ‘Advise’ in Roleplay Discussion & Advice section [1]

It's unfortunate that I have to explain this, but clearly "advise" when used in the way it is under prefixes is incorrect. You can advise someone, but you don't give someone advise. While help can be used both as a verb and noun without a spelling change, advice / advise cannot.

Just some examples from the dictionary credited above,

"Advice /ədˈvɑɪs/ is a noun and means a suggestion about what someone should do. It is uncountable:

Let me give you some advice: stay away from Margaret.

We use the verb advise /ədˈvɑɪz/ to mean ‘to give someone advice’:

I strongly advise you to lose weight."

Maybe it's me just freaking out at the spelling, since I don't see it often, but I'd really suggest changing this.

Official site time zone [1]

I find that roleplaying can be really tricky if you don't know the other player's timezone. I found from another site I use that has its own set timezone that it's much easier to get in touch with other players for trades...etc. I think it might be useful to have one here, so that roleplayers from similar timezones can get together, organization will be easier (knowing when to expect a reply based on a timezone for example...etc.)

So basically, lets say that RPN had a timezone, and the time was 2:00PM. Perhaps for someone else it was 5:00PM. They can then say "I'm 3 hours ahead of RPN time." and that way the creator and other players will know. I dunno. It's just an idea. I feel like it would be useful since I've sometimes been asked my timezone, and figuring out other people's timezones relative to your own can be tricky, so this at least removes a google search and stuff. 

More colors / color pick tool [1]

At present, the available posting colors are incredibly basic, and I say that with a negative connotation. Consider that if you are using RpN Dark a good chunk of those is rendered useless, and you are not left with many color choices *woof*

Since the irreplaceable ability to edit raw code has been taken away from us, can we at least get some more colors as compensation? Please? Like a color pick tool. It's not like the colors are entirely gone, since the editor is still accurately showing colors from 1.0 BBCode, there's just no simple way to get such colors back from the menu.

Sticky navbar [1]

would it be possible to have the option of not having to use the scrollbar to take you to the top of the page? it would be useful for mobile and desktop users but more so mobile since you don't really have to keep swiping to get to the top of the page. it's proven itself more useful than i thought it was, so maybe i'm just lazy :smile5:

on the same note, i don't really want to scroll all the way to the top of the page to view all of my alerts in detail. is there a way to have that up there on your screen no matter how far down the page you are? it's also one of those where you don't know what you appreciate until it's gone ^^;;

A sticky navbar that is always at the top even when you scroll down I think is what you mean. And we are definitely bringing that back ASAP.

 ‘To top/bottom’ of page button [1]

There used to be a couple arrows that appeared and hovered by the scroll bar when you started to scroll that would take you immediately to the top or the bottom of the page you were on. It was extremely handy for super long threads (especially when you were on mobile).

More backgrounds for Night Life [1]

Basically, I think that having some more options for backgrounds would be nice. Maybe pictures of the galaxy or something, the whole fantasy steeped thing they've got going on is nice, but...y'know.

They don't really scream 'Night' to me.

And the ability to upload images as a Night Life background would be nice as well.

Mention button [1]

I've noticed for quite a while that @ mentions tend to be slow in catching up a player typing to the point that some times they don't even appear. Today in a post, I've had to even refresh the page for it even to appear, after a number of times trying to do a single @mention something that happen again in the one that came just after.

All I'd like to ask is for a button on the UI that allows us to simply input an user name and mention it, rather than being shown the nice list, when it decides to appear.

Name change history [1]

I do believe it used to be possible before the update to see a person's name change history. I think it would be a good option to bring back. 

If it's possible, then I second this. Especially since now users have three times a year to change it. Sometimes it's embarrassing when you don't remember or recognize someone due to a name change. 

Add/remove/close polls to/from existing threads [1]

Before the update, it was possible to add polls to existing threads. I think this was a very good thing to have the ability to do and I think it should be brought back if at all possible. A poll is more likely to get traffic if put in say an ooc than it would get if it was left sitting in its own thread because not everyone is guaranteed to see it. 

I used to have an OOC that was fueled by polls. Every time a new poll was added, it sparked discussion and you could discuss while looking at the poll and you could refer to the different answers and get a lot of feedback that way. Now that that isn't possible, the OOC feels so much more quiet than it used to be 

In addition to Athena's suggestion, I think ot would be nice to close or remove a poll from an existing thread as well.

Typo [1]

Also the full stop when no other setting has a period.

Hide threads and status updates of ignored user [12]

for me, one the uses of ignoring people is not having their content be clickable so that i dont, for example, click on their thread while browsing one on one requests. sure once i go INTO the thread, it informs me i have them ignored, but is there any chance we could have it so we can even see their threads, or we simply get a notification they're ignored instead of a link to the thread?

eta: it also doesn't hide statuses.

Is there a way to block statuses? I think the block feature doesn't hide those as of right now?

Block users from sending messages and viewing profile [1]

Okie dokie. So basically I think it would be nice if there was an option where a user can block another user from sending them messages/viewing their profile and things like that. We can ignore a user, but then we can still see some posts they make, view their profile and all that. I've encountered some people that I never want to encounter again and I really don't want them looking at my profile either. So yeah... I dunno. :')) 

Toggleable status update area [1]

I'd really love to be able to toggle the status update area (like with the forums) to be able to ignore it better. Seems like the next best thing to the block feature.

Private unviewable RPs [1]

we could have private rps where you can invite your friends and no one else can see it, just the people you invite.

Online indicator in threads [1]

Hey all, I sometimes find it annoying having to look on someone's profile to see if there online. I would be helpful if ther was like a bit on the user that said if they were online or not. This would be really useful because if this was possible I wouldn't have to take ages to find out wether they are online or not.

other forums use like an animated sonar ping like this


Spoiler count as one line in signatures [1

Also, I think anything in a spoiler should count as one line, considering it's in a spoiler

Activity stream on front page [1]

I also wish there was a way to set the activity stream to the default page instead of forums, but I'm getting used to having to click twice to see my preferred stream.

Better organisation of HP memberships [1]

Also, you should be able to organize your HPs into different lists/folders/files/whatever.

Ability to label spoilers [1]

Before the update, we had the ability to label spoilers. That ability no longer exists. This poses a few problems. 

If I recall correctly, it is against the rules to spoil something without putting it in a spoiler (unless the spoiler directly pertains to the topic of the thread: i.e. a Naruto spoiler within a Naruto rp). However, now when people put things in spoilers, we have no idea what is there. Are they spoiling something I don't want to see? Is it possible they're having a secret discussion about something that violates the rules of the rp? I as a GM have no way of knowing and if I don't want to have something spoiled, it's better for me not to click the spoiler. However, it may be something important for me to see. 

I understand this is a bit of a reach to think something like this would ever happen, but it also makes it very hard to know which spoilers to click and which not to click. I don't want to have Game of Thrones spoiled for me - for example - but it might not be a Game of Thrones spoiler. I have no way to know unless I click. 

If it is possible to bring back such an ability, I think it would be highly beneficial.

‘Show all replies’ for status updates [1]

Maybe add a button for status updates so we don't have to keep clicking. instead it goes to the first reply on the status update.

When status updates have more than x amount of replies, it won't show all of them and will show a button thing that loads like three more at a time. I think he's suggesting a button that doesn't load just three replies and loads all of them at once, if that makes any sense.... Hehe...

Bookmarking topics [1]

I'd be nice to be able to bookmark the topic as a whole for quick access to things like non-hosted project RPs. You can bookmark individual posts, but not the entire topic. You could bookmark the first post of the topic, but that would be hard to differentiate from the ordinary bookmarks. You could follow the topic, but then it's mixed in with everything else you're following.

‘Next topic’ button [1]

There's the option to go to the "next unread topic" but when I'm gming a roleplay and trying to issue acceptances on characters I've already read (I hate leaving things unread in my roleplays) it's a pain to click back to the whole list and go to the next character. This isn't major, but after seeing a few other people talking about it while working on relationships for characters, I thought I may as well suggest it! Honestly, I'm just lazy and would love an easier method to seeing all of the characters in the roleplay.

a button like the "Next Unread Topic" one, but without the "Unread" bit.

A list of popular tags [1]

You ever seen a word cloud? It's basically a chart that measures how often you use a particular word, and the more often it's used, the bigger and closer to the middle of the chart that word is. If it's possible to implement, I think it'd be pretty dandy to have a word cloud for tags in the roleplay forums, especially in the search forums. I think it would help users find roleplays based on common tags. It can be hard to find roleplays sometimes now that we don't have the simple/casual/detailed prefixes, but I think something like a word cloud, or some sort of visible list of the top fifty tags in the roleplay forums would help create some sort of... sort of a meta, I think, an unofficial but voluntary system of tags.

Ultimately, I'd like to see the site get to a point where tags are fairly standardized, because it would improve the roleplaying experience (imo). For example: if you're running a roleplay in a school setting, what tag is more popular? "School" or "Academy"? Are people using the Japanese or the English name for their anime fandom roleplay?

Maybe more complex searches can be set up as well, such as "+post-apocalyptic -zombies" for post-apocalyptic roleplays that do not involve zombies.

Currently, tags are pretty inefficient. Pretty sure there used to be something like this on the site as well.

Specific notifications for each followed user [1]

Previously, on RpNation, users had the option to select whether they received notifications about a specific individual.  Better yet, they could select which notifications to even receive from that user.  Members could choose who to see status update notifications from, or when someone they followed made a post, or maybe not. Capiche?

I would like to see this feature return if possible. :)

Featured random user [1]

A section in the sidebar that features a randomly selected user of the day on RPN.

Algorithm restrictions:

  • The user must have been active in the past 30 days.
  • The user must have no more than one active warning points.
  • The user is only featured for 24 hours.

And that's pretty much it. A algorithm just grabs a random user and displays them on the sidebar for a day. It should have an opt-out option for people who prefer to not be featured, but I think it would be a good way to drum up social interaction.

Likes in PMs [1 | 2 | 3]

I know we used to be able to like messages in PMs. Is there a reason why that went away because I miss it and I know a few people who also miss it as well?

It was a lot easier to like a message than to reply to a message with a short comment like "Cool" or "Neat". There are some things that sort of require acknowledgement in some way when you're conversing with another person, and acknowledging things by adding more messages really clogs up conversations sometimes.

Now that we have more then one type of like ("Great scene", "Well thought out, etc.) I think you could implement likes that only hint towards OOC chatter and organization. Such as just a Hype cookie and a Like option, like you have in the OOC of actual threads.

Even though it's been a very, very long time since the option was removed, it still feels really strange talking in PMs without a like option, and I miss it dearly. Bring 'em back, please!

I would love this because I wouldn't feel obligated to reply.

I, and quite a lot of people as well, were asking ourselves why the like button has been removed. I think it would be great if one was to restore the Like button because right now, if a user wants to tell he agrees with an idea or statement, he has to write it down. When the Like button was still present, it was only a small click of the mouse or tap on the screen in the case of mobile users away.

Hide PMs [1]

And lastly, why isn't there an option to delete a message like in threads? Since a lot of people roleplay through conversations, I believe that this features would be very helpful. I also think that the time to edit a message should also be non-restrictive, just like in a thread, again for the purpose of roleplaying.

‘Unfollow’ specific status updates [1 | 2]

I think it would be nice to have the option to unfollow a specific status update.  Sometimes the conversations on a profile update can be lengthy, and when the content no longer pertains to you, it can be slightly annoying to receive the 20+ notifications that 'so-and-so replied to a status update'.

This is pretty trivial, but would it be possible to make it to where you could "unfollow" a status after you comment on it, or just not automatically follow them in the first place? Sometimes I'll post on a status, and it'll be fun and stuff, I'll say my piece, but then it keeps going, going, going, and - as I try my hardest to watch YouTube - I get notifications that pique my curiosity (even though I'm already done with it at this point).

More specific tag, quote and status notifs [1 | 2]

Over the past few days I've noticed that notifications have been a little lacking in details. If tagged in a post, the alert only says "(user) mentioned you in a topic." If quoted you get "(user) quoted you in a topic." While not a huge deal by any means, it can get rather confusing when you're in roleplays with many of the same players.


So, I´ve been encountering this weird bug lately where I will be mentioned or quoted in a particular thread or status update and receive a notification saying "X has mentioned you in". Just that. I think for status updates it actually says "X has mentioned you in a status update, " , but it´s not as frequent so I didn´t memorize it. These things used to say the name of the thread in which I was mentioned or quoted, and the same went for status updates.

While not fatal, it´s inconvenient on occasion and like any bug, it has potential to grow, so I thought I might mention it.

1x1 guide [1]

Since I'm a chronic 1x1 LFP lurker (it's like reading Craig's List for me), I've seen a number of potential RPers post, bump several times in frustration, and then leave. I think that having a pinned guide in that subforum would help relieve some of the angst that comes from looking for that certain partner. Please see the example below, which is open for criticism or mod copy/edit to the appropriate subforum.

Welcome to the 1x1 section of the site! There's lots of people on RPNation, all looking to find creative RP partners like you. In order to increase your chances of finding a partner that you will enjoy, please take a look at the tips below.

Before you post, do a search of this forum for the type of RP that you're looking for! How do you do that? Go to the search line at the top right of the site while you are within the 1x1 forum and key in any subjects that you are looking for. Want that creepypasta romance? Type that phrase in. An outer space scifi adventure? Try that one. Elven high school? There's probably someone who has already posted looking for it. Even if the query post is old, try messaging that RPer. Odds are good that they are still on the site and would be open to RPing with you. And of course, be open to creating with them. Just because they want to play in a slightly different version of your universe, doesn't mean that they can't still satisfy the creative ideas that you are looking for.

Have something more specific? Try posting in a format similar to the entry below. This will make your query easy-to-understand and searchable. Maybe your ideal partner will show up a month down the road. How will they find you if you aren't searchable?


Genres desired-Fantasy, scifi, fandom, original, slice of life, etc.

Relationships-Platonic, romance, romance-possible, family, etc.

Pairings (with relationship types)-MxM (platonic, romantic, family), MxF (platonic, romantic, family), FxF (platonic, romantic, family), etc.

Typical Gender-male, female, etc.

Partner age range preferred-18+ (romantic), all ages (platonic, family)

Typical length of posts-sentences to paragraphs or approximate word count

Fandoms desired-


Original plots-


And don't forget to be patient! Some members visit the forums every day. Some visit once a week. Some take a hiatus for work or personal drama. So long as your query is understandable, and you try searching for a similar query, you will find someone eventually.

More info on general site stuff

A lot of the features of this site isn't covered in any guides so new users would have to find out themselves. Hopefully this will be amended in the upcoming FAQ by @Musician. Some things that should be covered:

  • Directing attention to and explaining the main tabs

  • Activity streams
  • Support tickets
  • Donations
  • Gallery
  • Bookmarks
  • News
  • Tutorials

[*]Explaining every element of the text editor

[*]What signing in anonymously means

[*]The warning system [1]

[*]What Hosted Projects are and how they work

[*]HTML and the 500 post requirement

[*]Official statement on the app-in-the-making

[*]Info on inserting media

  • Pasting in links
  • Attatching files
  • Using the gallery

[*]Acknowledgement of inter-site links becoming styled when pasted in

[*]Themes and the paintbrush tool



[*]How to actually create/join an RP on this particular site for those just starting out doing them


Introductory PM [1]

I think something like this used to happen. Basically a PM when you join explaining the site and stuff. Many new users won't look into the Introduction or the Site Questions & Information forums so won't see the information they need. An in-your-face intro to the site would fix that.

Accepting / Need More Members / Closed prefixes [1]

Useful for sorting out interest checks and encouraging new users to join.

Quick links

Having a place where you can put in links for easy access, like a sidebar or something on the forum index.

Cropping images

Having an in-built system for cropping images would save people from the hassle of downloading the image, cropping it using an external tool, then uploading it again.

Long quotes fading away

There are posts that are very long. There are people who like quoting posts. As a result, quotes of long posts can often take up a lot of space in threads. A solution would be to have the quote fade away when passing a certain height, with the option of clicking on it to expand it. E.g:


Content stickied at top of thread [1 | 2]

I think it would be useful for it to be an option to make the first post in a thread sticky so that it always appears as the first post even if you go to the second, third, forth and so on pages of posts in this thread. This would be useful for roleplays as the first thread could contain a summary of the current situation and the person who runs it could update it as needed and the players wouldn't always have to flip back to page one to access it.

Just like in News, is there a way to stick the first post across pages in an RP thread? It could be a good replacement of tabs system.

Extending on the 'sticked first post' thing, being able to have content across pages in a thread would be a major plus. This allows for things like easy-access links to other pages, somewhat simulating the tab system, and instructions or descriptions that apply throughout the thread, for things like forum games or interest checks. It could be like the polls, except with content instead of voting options. E.g:


Embed sound file [1]

For the people who want ambient music in their interest check or something, they could provide a sound file for the reader to optionally click on.

Dice system

Having an inbuilt button for a random dice roll would be helpful in dice RPs.

Reorganising positions of stickied threads between themselves

Sometimes you want a bunch of threads stickied, and then some stuff stickied to the top of that pile of stickies. Makes it more organised.

Automatically enable status updates

Many people ask to to enable status updates, and there as even been a tutorial made about it. Why not have the site just automatically enable them? There's no point in having them disabled.

Automatic donations [1]

Quote from @King Of Imagination:

An Option for Recurring Payments - This can be simple, like a monthly, bi-monthly, 6 month, and yearly recurring payments, as a way for members to always support the site, based on their payment schedule.

More profile customization [1 | 2 | 3 | 4]

- i would really like to see the ability to have background pictures on our profile pages, along with the option to make them tiled, stretched out ect.

there could also be a feature where we could change what colour themes people have on others profiles, and a music player at the bottom so people could look at the music we like :smile1:

users could also have the option to not see other people's profile customisation if they wished not to. 

Not sure if this has already been asked, but what about it? A song that plays on someone's profile? Encourages jumping onto other people's pages and starting a conversation??

Since this is a PG-13 site, maybe this could start off as a test with only instrumentals allowed?

*Sweats* I love music.

I think it would be great if we could customize our profile pages more. Like adding a background to the whole page

Oh, I just remembered about this. Another idea would be to add an automatically-playing youtube video to your profile, like so you can listen to music while visiting someone's profile I guess? But an option to turn the automatic playing off if people don't prefer that? :smile9:

Group system [1]

Like what if you made a little group system so that people that RP together a lot could all be a part of their own group?

It could have tabs and stuff for links to RPs they do and other stuff.

Totally just a basis of an idea, I feel like this could be improved upon drastically and made into something cool.

More fonts [1 | 2 | 3]

Personally, I love fonts. They offer unique styles and visualizations that please the eye. Given, this site does not have much of a selection to choose from, and I was wondering if it was a possibility to add more to the selection gradually; a few fonts at a time would be lovely! Of course, you can keep the selection, but maybe we can insert our own fonts by coding? I think it would be quite fun to tamper with, but if this is not possible, I completely understand. I was just wondering how difficult it would be to incorporate/include with everything else, and if you were already looking into it. Thank you!


We need more fonts, it would be nice if users could implement their own fonts using scripts  :smile1:

I find most of the current fonts kinda jarring to the eyes, so if this can be done, I would appreciate it.

Multimedia uploading [1]

Right now, from what I know and tried, it's only possible to upload pictures from your computer or other media but only with URLs from different websites. But for example if we have a video or music file that we don't particularly want to upload to a website and just directly onto the site it's not possible. Is that correct? If so, I'd like to suggest or ask if it's even possible to include such a feature because I believe it would be helpful for a lot of people.

Remove ability to self-report [1]

Would it be possible to change the user permissions then (to prevent users from reporting their own posts)? If it is, I think that would be beneficial since there would be no other reason for a user to report their own post if it's purely for the reasons Cloudy stated (and it would be kind of silly if someone reported their own post for rule breaking. I'm not sure how that feature on the site works, whether it is something you can alter like shoutbox permissions, or if it's like a whole site wide thing.

It's not top priority, but I figured I would mention it with this current discussion!

Image backgrounds for posts [1 | 2 | 3]

I think it would be really cool to be able to set images as post backgrounds, in addition to the simple flat colors. Would that be possible? Or would it take up too much... space? If that's the term. Not too knowledgeable on techie stuff.

I'm not sure if this has been suggested or if it's even possible. But I would love to be able to have pictures as a background. I think it would really amp up my coding and everyone else's. If it's not possible, I understand :smile1:

I was looking to see if there was a suggestion of being able to place images as backgrounds, which there was, back in 2015. I wanted to bring it up again, because it seems incredibly useful, but unavailable.

‘Are you sure that you want to leave this page?’ [1]

I am not sure whether this would be supported through the site's services but I wanted to suggest integrating a message that warns a user when they are about to leave a page with unsaved text.  There doesn't seem to be a current "draft" feature so I believe that a lot of users may find something like this to be useful.

Below are some examples from Facebook and Gmail.

Ex 1: Facebook warning message.

View attachment 155631

Ex 2: Gmail warning message.

View attachment 155632

Night Life lines are spaced apart more [1]

As it is right now, RpN Dark puts a whole lot of space in between lines of text and paragraphs than RpN Light does. I understand it might just look that way because the font is smaller, so it appears to occupy less space than it actually does - but the end result is still the same. I really like the font, but could the spacing be adjusted so that it's more like the light theme, please? I don't think many have complained but I'm sure people would rather have it slightly more condensed *woof*

View attachment 158491

View attachment 158490

Night Life also seems to change the line height as well.  Drives meh NUTS!

Tagging without needing cursor [1]

Currently when you are trying to tag someone, even if their name is the only name on the little drop-down list that pops up when you start tagging someone, you have to physically click the name in order to get the tag to work. 

I think it would be really nice if you could just hit enter at that point and get the tag to stick... or even type out the whole name and then it just puts in the tag that fits with the whole thing you typed. I don't use a mouse so actually having to click the name is really quite a process. 

Friends [1 | 2 | 3]

So I was thinking, why not have a friends list function? I mean I have followers, but I don't really like to follow others, I'm not one for having my notifs blown up. So would it be possible to have a friends list function as well so I can friend someone without having to follow them or have them follow me?

Maybe yes?

So far as I know, and do correct me if I'm wrong, the follow system is so we can stalk our friends and roleplayers to see when they're online so we know when to message or reply to get the fastest reply. (At least, that's what I'm using it for? Um. It just occurred to me I might have a mild stalking problem.) I was wondering why we have a follow system and not a friends system? Seems like since most roleplayers and followers are friends it would make way more sense.

Birthday month/anniversary badge [1]

it would be cool if we could have an option to show a gemstone badge depending on what month we were born in. another suggestion i have is that on our rpn anniversary we could receive a special badge saying '1' or whatever our anniversary is at the number  :smile2:  


Milestone badges [1]

Basically we could have milestone badges, for passing a certain amount of likes or followers. Aka 100 likes = a bages

10 followers = badge

1000 likes = badge and so on.

Follow support tickets [1]

As far as I am concerned, there is no option to follow the support tickets a user creates.  This is most problematic because I often like to believe that anything posted within the support section of the site is usually pressing for users.  People want to know when their situation is being addressed right away.

Please add some form of notification system to the support area of the site. :smile1:

Followed users who are online [1]

Way back in the day, there was an additional bar that users could enable which showed the users who were online that they followed.  I would love to see this feature, or something with a similar function, return to RpNation. :smile1:

Night Life option with grey instead of blue [1]

Am I the only one who likes the grey look of the buttons in the "Night Life" theme that show when the theme is still loading on the page?

You know, the buttons are grey before they turn to blue. I kind of like that color.


Holiday themes [1]

I believe last year we did falling snow animations on the site, but maybe we could create a theme around that time which gives users the option to have it on/off? I am aware that you were able to turn it off last time too, but with the theme we could have red, green and other Christmas-like colours incorporated into the site. This could also be for halloween (it's kinda to late to do it now though lol) easter and other holidays we decide to celebrate (maybe even for the site's anniversary?)

Birthday indicator [1]

My second suggestion would be to have some cute little balloon icon next to a user's name/on their profile picture area if it was their birthday. They could of course choose to have it shown/hidden, but it would be hidden automatically if the user had their birthday hidden. :smile1:  

I also want to add that I miss the RpNation wide birthday list and I also think it would be cute to have a notification pop up saying like SO-AND-SO WHO YOU ARE FOLLOWING HAS A BIRTHDAY TODAY GO POST ON THEIR PROFILE


Merging conversations [1]

Say you have two PMs and you created both of them. Now say you were in the PMs with the same person and wanted to get rid of one of the PMs, but don't want to completely lose all of the other messages from the pm you choose to get rid of. This is where this feature would come in. You could simply press a button and enter the two PMs you wanted to merge, and voila! One of the PMs is deleted, but the messages are transferred to the other selected pm. 

Edit status update comments [1]

I would like to be able to modify comments, I don't want to have to delete/hide them and re-post, it spams peoples notifications and makes me sad. 

Unsubscribe buttons on emails without them [1]

I noticed that there's no unsubscribe button or way to having the emails stop in the actual email. I know in Canada, you MUST have an unsubscribe mechanism. I'm kinda concerned and I'd hate to see this site get into legal trouble though I doubt the government can/will actually act.

I think the admins need to be made aware that this is not only bad practice but potentially illegal. Having no unsubscribe button can alienate and annoy your user base and it's highly irregular not to have one.

Aol when I get a notification about this thread this shows up at the bottom of the email.

View attachment 210014

Update : so I've looked at a few emails and so far the only ones with this Unfollow/Notification link are the ones related to threads I follow. The mention and quote emails don't seem to have them at the bottom. 

Hiding blogs [1]

You can hide the individual blog entries, but not the blog as a whole. There's an edit option, but not a hide one - the opposite of tutorials (with a hide option, but not an edit one). Kind of annoying. May be a bug.

Notification when followed user makes blog entry [1]

 As with the status updates and forums, the site will automatically create a notification when someone whom I follow creates new content.  This is not applied to the site's blog feature, however.  Maybe I'm not as hip as I think I am, but I believe that the blogs are an underused feature, would benefit from their own notification.

Time until name change reset [1]

So as you know, you can only change your name three times in a 365 day time frame before you can change your name again. I've done all three name changes and I wanna change my name again. I noticed it doesn't tell you how many days until you can change it again and I think it'd be nice to be able to. So yeah.

Post/status update cooldowns [1]

Is it possible we could introduce some sort of post cooldown timer for new members so they cannot spam posts? I'd really like to some form of cooldown timer based on the number of user posts for say their first 30 posts. It wouldn't need to be an incredibly long timer, something as short as a minute I think would suffice. but when a brand new member is able to do this to an entire section who just joined 8 hours and has already done 181 posts based on spamming introduction welcome messages, I think it's time to strongly consider some form of cooldown timer for new user in between posts. I am not trying to start a witch hunt on certain users or their activity, simply trying to come up with a solution to curve this behavior.

I would like to see this applied to status updates as well if it is passed.

Sticky conversations [1]

I think it would be really cool and helpful if users were able to pin certain conversations to the top of their inbox. I personally have two giant GM group conversations that tend to get buried in my inbox and become very difficult to find. If I could make it so that they always are listed first, that would be the most helpful thing on the planet. I'm not sure if it is possible or not, but it would be wondrous if such a thing could be explored and maybe made a reality. 

Darker 'info' prefix color for Night Life [1]

View attachment 233816

As you can see the yellow prefix for the Night Life theme is really harsh on the eyes and you aren't able to read "info" very well. I would like to suggest a slightly darker yellow :)  

Un-exclude badges easier [1]

Currently, after a badge has been excluded, you have to ctrl-click to un-exclude it. That probably doesn't work on mobile. If there was a more direct way to do it, that would be great.

Bookmarking own content notifs you

If you bookmark your own post, it notifies you if you have the 'bookmark' notification turned on. Just a small thing, not really to important.

RPN statistics [1 | 2]

It would be nice to have some stats about the site, like how many users being online at a given moment or how many accounts there are in total.

Disable recent profile views

When you join, you have the option of enabling recent profile views. However, when enabled, you can't disable it. I know it really worried me when I first joined, being not sure if I was supposed to have clicked the button or not. Now I'm fine with it, but newer users might not be.

Gaps before and after bullet points/lists

Normally, there aren't any paragraph spacings here, but when you make a list, there are. So:


  • Blah
  • Blah


  1. Blah
  2. Blah


When it should be:


  • Blah
  • Blah


  1. Blah
  2. Blah


Unread posts in multi-page topics

So I read a thread fully, leave, then come back to see the new replies. I go to the forum it's in and click on the topic. It brings me to the first page. Normal so far. But when I go to the last page, there isn't a blue line indicating where I last read up to. I recommend to make it so that, even after changing pages, the blue line will stay.

Prefix selection either all capitalized or all in lowercase

In the prefix selection list, only Other, Help and Request are capitalized. The rest, even things that are meant to be capitalized, like PC, PS4 and TV, are all in lowercase. It would be nice to have it all either with a capital(s) or with all lowercases.


Reordering profile tabs [1]

Some people want the 'About Me' page to be the first thing people see when they visit their profile. Many people put a lot of work into their About Me, but not many actually see it as they don't click on the About Me tab.

Option to filter out specific words [1]

Similar to the 'I'm uncultured' censor thing the site currently has when the site detects a "bad word", a user could put in their own personalized list of words to be filtered out.

Overview – Other Settings more prominent

Right now, in the 'Overview' section of your Settings, on the right there are the 'Other Settings' with small blue links to Notification Settings, Edit Profile and Ignored Users. They aren't very conspicuous for such important settings. Even making the font size bigger would be suffice.


Random Featured RP [1]

Similar to the random featured user suggestion, there could be a random featured RP on the home page every time it is loaded. The GM would file it into a special Random Featured RP box along with a short description. The RP would stay in the box for a week before being automatically removed and needing the GM to submit it again. This would prevent random dead RPs from getting into the algorithm. This featured RP system would help promote various RPs and would encourage users to join in.

Enabling the ability to multiquote closed threads

I understand why you can't directly quote stuff from closed threads, because they're closed so you can't post your quote on there anyway, but why not the ability to multiquote them? Multiquotes span across threads, so someone who might be potentially wanting to quote something from a closed thread onto another thread would be able to, if multiquotes were enabled on the closed thread.
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ok they might take a few of these on but for most of them they require MAJIOR CODING AND TIME
oh good someone else wants a next topic button

also background images are available through html now, but if you're meaning without using html i support that too!
I appreciate you including my suggestion. I've seen and replied to a couple of your suggestions. I'm not sure if you're familiar with how websites or servers work but generally if it requires any kind of addition or subtraction to the server side source code it needs to go through a chain of command to be approved. Basically whoever coded this website would have to agree to make these particular changes for the user. The problem lies in the fact that it's very impractical. From a business perspective unless the original coder has handed over all rights to use and modify to the hosting website. Basically it goes like this

Chain of command

•Source Coder/HTML Web developer

•Hosting Service (In this case  Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. )


so as you can see it can actually take quite some time for these changes to take affect ontop of that... it would be really hard to justify going through that much work just to add a simple quote button in a specific theme (i remember you posted about that ;) )

So it would be better to have a lot of changes to be made which will ultimately take more time but it will more than likely end up as an entire site revision so... for example... RpNation V.1 changes to V.2, V.3 so on and so forth. And with the way this website in particular is setup I would imagine the administrators would want to confide in the RpNation supporters (people who have supported the website by giving actual money to help keep the site up).

(Any Staff) Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but this is my understanding of how these websites work.

So while individual coding adjustments are easier to do they are not cost efficient for the source coder. So it's actually a good thing you've put together this list @IctoraPost
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I believe that most of this site is an unpaid labor of love. So please be patient while they implement things around their jobs, etc. But I appreciate that you brought attention back to my post.

Also, anything that you can do to help, like posting code or text, may get things done faster. That was my hope with the guide, anyway, to make things as easy as possible for the mods.
I believe that most of this site is an unpaid labor of love. So please be patient while they implement things around their jobs, etc. But I appreciate that you brought attention back to my post.

Also, anything that you can do to help, like posting code or text, may get things done faster. That was my hope with the guide, anyway, to make things as easy as possible for the mods.

We have access to the websites code? I could fix an issue right now.
We have access to the websites code? I could fix an issue right now.

Not that I know of, but you could possibly post the code needed in a quote box so that the admins don't have to write it themselves. It's not a guarantee, but things are more likely to happen when it requires little work on the admin/mods' part, like copy/pasting a guide or code.
Not that I know of, but you could possibly post the code needed in a quote box so that the admins don't have to write it themselves. It's not a guarantee, but things are more likely to happen when it requires little work on the admin/mods' part, like copy/pasting a guide or code.

The source code is important, if it doesn't follow the same functions or hooks it would cause detrimental damage to the website. However what I'm talking about is simply copy pasting a bit of the pre-existent code to provide one of the suggestions, which is the easiest and cleanest way to go about doing that anyway.
I think something like this used to happen. Basically a PM when you join explaining the site and stuff. Many new users won't look into the Introduction or the Site Questions & Information forums so won't see the information they need. An in-your-face intro to the site would fix that.


This should already exist.  @The Dark Wizard?

9 hours ago, IctoraPost said:

So I read a thread fully, leave, then come back to see the new replies. I go to the forum it's in and click on the topic. It brings me to the first page.

Click on the 'bullet' (it's in the shape of a star if you posted on it.  in the shape of a circle if you didn't) next to the thread's title.  It will automatically bring you to the very first post which you have not read.
This is an awesome compilation of suggestions and some of them would be great to have.  I've not read them all, just yet though.
Unfortunately, as far as multimedia uploads go, I doubt those will become a thing. Video and audio files are MAAAAASSIVE relative to images (especially when most images are jpegs or pngs, and are pretty compressed), and would take a lot of space on the server. Since RPN is primarily a text based site, the total site is actually not all that large of a file. Adding server space for videos and music files would almost exponentially increase the amount of server space required, and increase the expenses of keeping the site running. Since this is a free to use, donation-funded site, I suggest we keep our sights on suggestions that don't require as much money to implement.
ok they might take a few of these on but for most of them they require MAJIOR CODING AND TIME

That's why these are suggestions, not recommendations. I don't really expect many, if any, of these to go through.

oh good someone else wants a next topic button

also background images are available through html now, but if you're meaning without using html i support that too!

Yes, without HTML. There are a lot of people who don't have access to HTML or don't know how to do it, so this is more convenient.

yes a next topix button would be pretty useful

I appreciate you including my suggestion. I've seen and replied to a couple of your suggestions. I'm not sure if you're familiar with how websites or servers work but generally if it requires any kind of addition or subtraction to the server side source code it needs to go through a chain of command to be approved. Basically whoever coded this website would have to agree to make these particular changes for the user. The problem lies in the fact that it's very impractical. From a business perspective unless the original coder has handed over all rights to use and modify to the hosting website. Basically it goes like this

Chain of command

•Source Coder/HTML Web developer

•Hosting Service (In this case  Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. )


so as you can see it can actually take quite some time for these changes to take affect ontop of that... it would be really hard to justify going through that much work just to add a simple quote button in a specific theme (i remember you posted about that ;) )

So it would be better to have a lot of changes to be made which will ultimately take more time but it will more than likely end up as an entire site revision so... for example... RpNation V.1 changes to V.2, V.3 so on and so forth. And with the way this website in particular is setup I would imagine the administrators would want to confide in the RpNation supporters (people who have supported the website by giving actual money to help keep the site up).

(Any Staff) Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but this is my understanding of how these websites work.

So while individual coding adjustments are easier to do they are not cost efficient for the source coder. So it's actually a good thing you've put together this list @IctoraPost

Yes. I agree. As for the quote button thing, it's a bug and shouldn't be that hard to do. The button's still there, just hidden for some reason.


This is extremely comprehensive, and I applaud you for making this. Hopefully a couple things are implemented! ;00


I believe that most of this site is an unpaid labor of love. So please be patient while they implement things around their jobs, etc. But I appreciate that you brought attention back to my post.

Also, anything that you can do to help, like posting code or text, may get things done faster. That was my hope with the guide, anyway, to make things as easy as possible for the mods.

These are just ideas for the improvement of the site. The people who work on it can choose to take in or ignore them. I did put in some images of what I imagined some of the suggestions would look like, but I don't really know enough of the in-depth workings of the site to really suggest any code. You're right, though, it would probably help.

We have access to the websites code? I could fix an issue right now.

Inspect Element and View Page Source are your friends.

Click on the 'bullet' (it's in the shape of a star if you posted on it.  in the shape of a circle if you didn't) next to the thread's title.  It will automatically bring you to the very first post which you have not read.

Huh. Never knew that. Thanks!

This is an awesome compilation of suggestions and some of them would be great to have.  I've not read them all, just yet though.

Thank you!

Unfortunately, as far as multimedia uploads go, I doubt those will become a thing. Video and audio files are MAAAAASSIVE relative to images (especially when most images are jpegs or pngs, and are pretty compressed), and would take a lot of space on the server. Since RPN is primarily a text based site, the total site is actually not all that large of a file. Adding server space for videos and music files would almost exponentially increase the amount of server space required, and increase the expenses of keeping the site running. Since this is a free to use, donation-funded site, I suggest we keep our sights on suggestions that don't require as much money to implement.

Fair enough.

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